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Heya! It's been a little bit since I did one of these.

Also been a little bit since I made a post at all, whoops. I'm happy to say I'm not sick anymore; still a little sniffly with allergies and generally messing with my schedule too much, but otherwise I'm feeling way better.

That said, I've also been pretty busy lately ^^; The short version is that I've gotten a new job! I had mentioned a while ago that I was looking at both a Lego shop and a bike shop, and well, I have part-time jobs at both now; the bike shop opened up a spot as a mechanic, which was my goal to begin with.
It's a little rough going from being basically 100% working at home to suddenly having dedicated work days for half the week, though I know it's just me not being used to it. I enjoy the work, though! Challenging but not frustrating, at least so far, and I like my co-workers.


Still time for art, it's just been slow over the past two weeks while I'm getting used to so many changes and I'm easing back in now. But on that note... Doodles! (and WIPs.)

From first to last:
1, 2, 3 - A random character concept inspired by a hairstyle (and accessories) model I stumbled across, who is now named Shee. Most likely settling her into my Castle setting (which I haven't done much establishing of in a while), no real plans beyond that yet aside from "long tongue good" and going overboard with the design :D
4, 5 - Tentative design for a new Paeran catgirl (or potentially wolfgirl/foxgirl, based on the ears). The least figured out so far, but my aim is a more lazy cat vibe, she likes to relax and indulge and doesn't care much for considering details or whether or not she's supposed to eat someone.
6, 7 - A connected pair intended for the Thera setting, temporarily named "Blue" and "Moon" (not an intentional wordplay). I'll have to flesh them both out in their own post at some point, but short summary is, they're girlfriends, Moon enjoys vore but just as a spectator, Blue is very much neutral but loves obliging her girlfriend's fantasies by gobbling up tinies for her~
8 - Also in Thera, this is Ursola, just chilling in her office and giving you a bit of a tease as her lunch break approaches~ A bit of a potential antagonist for stories there, of sorts, but another one that'll need her own post once she's more established!
9 - And finally, one last character for Thera, currently nameless as I work on her. Playing around with a few odd inspirations and more unique appearances, there's something fun about a girl who's hair is constantly covering her eyes and making it difficult to tell what she's thinking (spoiler: she's not thinking much at all right now besides eating her hotdogs). Summary for this one is a bit further out so the teaser is that she's likely going to be friends with that previously-nameless character from last year's 4th of July picture I made, and inclined to very casually eating tinies on a whim. 80-90% of the time she's not a pred, but there's always that 10-20% chance you're wandering by and she's absently decided today's a good day for a snack~


I'll hopefully have more to show soon! Nancy and Momoe's picnic is the primary project, just a little stalled at the moment while I sort through things and figure out my schedules (plus it's my most complex project right now, the doodles are much easier to finish). Also hoping to re-open commissions in a little while too, just so much stuff to clear out ahead of that...

And finally, I am also making progress on opening my SubStar as an alternative platform ^^ So far Patreon hasn't been giving me major issues, but it's still not looking great, so I'd like to have that option up and running sooner rather than later. No changes for now, but I'll keep you all updated!



Anna Kathryn

I love them all!! Glad you're feeling better too.