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Hey, hey, all our wonderful Patreon subscribers out there! We hope you and a great weekend and we're looking forward to seeing some of you fine folk later today for this week's On-Screen Live broadcast, happening at noon/est on our YouTube and Twitch channels! It's gonna be a fun one, for sure. 

Here's your update as to what's going where this week in the WHMU

First up tomorrow, Tuesday, it's the final entry for January's month of We Hate Movies episodes covering 2023 flubs, failures, and odd-balls, and we're talking about the (kinda good?) Saw X! You can listen to this wild episode here on Patreon AD-FREE if you're subscribed at the $8 level and up! 

Then on Friday, we're starting February off with a bang as we release the long-awaited We ❤️ Movies episode all about David Lynch's misunderstood 1984 adaptation of Dune! We've got at least one Dune nerd on the podcast (Andrew) and we had a total ball talking all things Arrakis! Subscribers at the $5 level and up will be able to fold space and time with us and listen to this episode!

That'll do it for pre-recorded shows this week, folks. But hey, we don't want you to forget about the kick-ass digital show on The Flash that we'll be doing LIVE this Thursday night, February 1, at 9:00pm/est. 

Our digital shows are always a ton of fun and we hope you can join us. And hey, if you can't make it the night-of, the full replay of the show and the Q&A will be available for ONE WEEK after broadcast! Get them tix! 

That's all they wrote, gang! We hope you have a great week and as always, thanks so much for being the kick-ass subscriber that you are!

Take it easy,
Andrew, Chris, Eric & Steve
We Hate Movies


Christopher Bruce

I quite liked The Flash. Actually, I liked the bits with Michael Keaton in The Flash. I'll be watching the live show from Scotland ❤️

Lono's Oboe

I've been a bit caught up in things and behind on the episodes, so I actually thought I missed the gate for the Flash episode. I am so happy I will be able to catch that one. And Dune will be incredible. Some episodes you can practically predict the jokes and Captain Picard fucking with Kyle McLaughlin is something to anticipate