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Hey gang, we're so stoked to share the first ever WHM year-end listener poll! We're big end-of-year list-making folks around the WHM offices and this year we wanted to start branching out and hearing from you all! Hopefully we can turn this into an annual tradition!

We'll be chatting about some of our 2023 picks on the On-Screen Live winter finale that's happening 12/18 at noon/eastern on YouTube and Twitch, but we're gonna keep this survey up from now through DECEMBER 28TH, at which point we'll tabulate the responses and turnaround some fun results for you all right before New Year's Eve!

As always, we're so thrilled and appreciative of you subscribing to the WHM Patreon. Whether you've been with us for years, or 2023 was your first foray into the extensive world of We Hate Movies comedy exclusivity, we're so incredibly thankful for your support. Patreon is THE number one way we keep the lights on around the ole WHM Clubhouse and the main reason we're able to continue doing all these shows, so seriously, thank you, thank you, thank you! 

Now then, let's get to this survey. What are YOOOUUU watching?!!


Thanks again for listening this year and for your much-appreciated support,
Andrew, Chris, Eric & Steve

Backstage at the Hollywood Improv on tour this May.
[L-R] Chris, Andrew, Eric & Steve
📸 : Steve Sajdak



Damn if I had known there was gonna be a test I would’ve actually watched the movies instead of reading the spark notes (aka listening to whm)!

Felipe Sobreiro

Not to push any votes in any direction but voters please remember Dunston Checks In ended up being a more disturbing episode than the Blame It On Rio one


They’re acting like we are all trying to get into SUNY New Paltz!

Christopher Preciado

Hard to pick a favorite this year, boys (an embarrassment of riches)


Can I make a suggestion? I would love to answer the questions about the show, but I mostly watch older movies and didn't see much new this year. Could you set the non-show questions to optional?

Dominic Kovell

This isn't anyone's fault but my own, but I couldn't remember the episodes where some of my favorite quotes/impersonations occurred, like "COLUMBINE". I'll have to take notes for now on!


Man, picking a single favorite episode for the year? May as well ask me to pick a favorite child (to which I have none, but that's beside the point).


yea we need to have the favorite non-show questions to *watched in 2023* most of the best stuff was not from this year ^_^


your patreon is great🇸🇪


I look forward to throwing off the averages by being the only person who brings up the Meg Ryan vehicle What Happens Later


Thirding this. I don't go see new stuff often and I don't watch TV at all so those questions are blocking me from answering the stuff I can answer.

Adam Lewis

Kurt Russell?

Kevin Lynch

Picking a best episode was harder than I was expecting


letterboxd FTW! I didn't watch a lot of movies from 2023 in 2023, but I did track them so I could answer the poll.


He look like Shrek


Same. I went with Uncharted but also wanted to pick Batman Begins and Hunger Games. Uncharted was just so good because of their walberg and baby Tom Holland impressions


Cheers to a great 2023 gentlemen!


Does anyone know if there is a way to rewatch the Thor Love and Thunder Live show? I bought a ticket and watched it live but I didn’t download it afterwards


"Columbine!" is from The Faculty episode. I remember them talking about warning signs in kids when the kid in the movie kills the rat and has a gun, they talk about how the movie would be a much different movie if it were made a year later

Brent Cowan

Matt and the Hospital Computer was absolutely the best MELRO210 relationship of 2023.

Felix Forrester

[L-R] My favorite crab, my favorite Leonardo, my favorite pervert, my favorite weenie.

Dustin Urbanski

I just discovered a movie so bad even the Asylum wouldn't make it, Bigfoot vs The illuminati. It should come as no surprise its main protagonist is Ancient Aliens. Maybe a new show in the spirit of a "A Side Order of Sleaze", how about "A Side Order of Schlock"...? Happy New Year WHM. Thanks for the laughs.


Oh shit I didn't even see this until now