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On this very special edition of our Star Wars side show, the Gleep Glossary, we're going back and taking another stab at the much-maligned, and rightfully so, Star Wars Holiday Special!

Originally airing back on November 17, 1978, this complete and total variety show-formatted misfire absolutely tortures you with a story set around Chewbacca's family, including his horrific son, Lumpy, his put-upon wife, Malla, and gross, horny father, Itchy; a janky, cheap-as-shit Millennium Falcon set featuring Han and Chewie getting home for the holidays; an eerie, twisted sequence with Chewie's father watching VR pornography; several ill-written, un-funny Harvey Korman sketches; and one half-way decent, but still creepily-drawn cartoon! PLUS: Kris Kristofferson shot first, chicken-shit!

Thank you for being so incredible by continuing to support this weird, wild adventure we're on! You make this all possible! We know you have lots of options when choosing which pods you listen to and we very much appreciate you carving out some time for us!

Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.



Patrick Hayden

I can’t believe they had never seen heard of Food of the Gods before. Amazing b-movie! The effects are hilariously bad. Worth a look!

Michael Patrick

I assume Kashyyyk was pronounced “Kasheek” pre-war and “Kazook” post-war. Like Siam and Thailand.