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Hi Folks,

It's that time again. Wherein you ask a brief, direct question below and we do our best to answer it in next month's Big Daddy Dispatch! Please be sure to sign your question below with your name and where you're writing from.


Steve from Jersey City



Hi guys--Since September is the official "back to school" month, what are some of the best-and-worst-looking schools in cinematic history? What's the grossest, nastiest high school you've seen on screen? Conversely, is there a cinematic school that you wouldn't have minded attending as a teen? Daniel from Wisconsin


Favorite midnight snack. All around. Brandon from the kitchen


Why is the lighting during night scenes in movies so damn dark nowadays? How do we collectively address this issue? Alan in Pittsburgh

David Chávez

Another question about the passing of Paul Rubens 😢 Any chances of doing Pee Wee’s big Adventure? Hopefully for WLM? Or any thoughts in general about Ruben’s’ filmography? Thanks! -David from L.A..

Timothy Cameron Robbins Miller

Bouncing off the Unisol live episode, if you had to live in a town named after the mineral mined there would you rather live in Chloride Arizona, Quartzburg Idaho, or Asbestos Quebec?

G. T. Blackwell

Can the Cameo be from Viola Davis, please?