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“Let ‘er rip!” // “Let’s go Knicks!”*

On the first in a while—and final—episode of Making It So, Andrew and Steve are breaking down what turned out to be the completely fantastic final season of Star Trek: Picard. How great was it seeing the old gang back together, all having grown and changed in various and interesting ways? Has the Enterprise D every looked better? How many accolades can we shower Amanda Plummer with for her amazing performance as Vadic, the next legendary Trek villain? How much drinkin’ are we doing on this season? And when can we give Terry Matalas the green light for Star Trek: Legacy already?

Thanks so much for continuing to be a kick-ass Patreon subscriber. As we explain in the episode, our schedule prevented us from coming back for season 2 and 3 episode-by-episode, but so many of you all were curious to hear our thoughts on this great season, so here we are!

This one, just like all of our episodes across our family of shows, is for you!

Cover art by the legendary Felipe Sobreiro.

[* You’ll understand this when you get to the end of the episode]



Frank Grimes

I've replayed the final part of picard's final ep so many times. It was absolutely beautiful, and letting the full TNG theme play was lovely. supposedly there's more footage of that scene (at least an hour's worth, cause the director just let them actually play cards/quip with each other). If that's true, I'll definitely buy the physical to see that, if it's included. We need Shaw to come back somehow.

Gary Dennis

Borg left field? They telegraphed it every episode. Literally screamed it in our faces

Gabryel Steinmetz

I definitely got choked up when I saw the big D in all of its glory again. Thank you Andrew and Steven for taking time out of your schedule to do this.🖖



Frank Grimes

I was hoping it was more of a changeling thing thing. The borg thing was kinda left field. What instances were they "screaming it in purposes faces" beyond the last couple eps? My friend did point out I think it was ep 8, after vadic boarded she had told 7 to stay to watch and that was a hint of the born involvement, and my friend turned out to be right. But other instances, it was vague enough...and they were pushing the changeling stuff hard

Gabryel Steinmetz

I didn't see Borg coming because they just did the borg in season 2. Also I didn't think they would do changelings AND borg, though I am still kinda right since they completely dropped the changelings after revealing the borg.


(Andrew on data.) We are out of toilet paper. Data: "lock and load"


Honestly just some great sci-fi tv and agree with you guys. Also glad that’s it, I’m sure after the success there might be an urge to do another but I hope they don’t, it was just perfect

Felipe Sobreiro

The actor from Lower Decks is Eugene Cordero

Daniel Hood

It was a thing where thematically it was telegraphed where the season was about all the good and bad you leave behind for your kids, and Picard's borg thing wasn't touched on until mid season. Then Shaw's Wolf 359 bit along with Picard's PTSD about it in Ep 4 felt more than just a random thing to include in the scene (otherwise why bring up 359 at all if you're not doing something Borg related?). Jack's voices thing also was reminiscent of what Picard experienced in First Contact, to the point that one of the subtitles had to be fixed because they noted the Borg Queen in the subs accidentally.

James C Harris

With how much they name drop Janeway throughout the season. I was positive Kate Mulgrew was showing up

Blake Jordan

I'm so affected by Greatest Gen that when Andrew brought up Ro Laren, the John Cena drop played in my head.


The death of Shaw was the hardest pill for me to swallow because I thought Todd Stashwick did such a great job really making that character pop throughout the season. Perhaps if we get Star Trek: Legacy, they could do a "Yesterday's Titan" kind of thing? - Andrew


I think I read it was a money situation, which is unfortunate. I feel like if I watched that Prodigy, I'll be put on a list somewhere. - Andrew


They bring up 359 because it explains why Shaw is so hesitant to help Picard at all, why he treats Picard and Riker like he does right from the jump in episode one, why he refuses to acknowledge Seven by her preferred name, and it adds real characterization to Shaw, gives a reason for him being the way he is, using pieces of Trek history to make it feel more grounded. It's a fantastic storytelling move, however I don't think that it at all signals to the audience that you'll be knee-deep in Borg by the end of the season. The voices thing I didn't remember from ST:FC, it's been a minute since I've gone back to that one and I don't watch with subtitles on normally, so I missed that crediting flub. But regardless, I think "literally screamed it in our faces" is a bit much. - Andrew


Yeah - after the previous two seasons introduced a bunch of "Sure, they're fine" characters, Shaw and Vadic are the two I want way more of, and neither of them are coming back.


I love that y’all brought up the Lin Manuel Miranda tweet. I always say that Lin being called out by Counselor Troi was the reason he stopped tweeting. Can’t blame him though… 🤣 It was a helluva burn.


Glad you guys did this. I stuck out first two seasons in hope and this season paid off big time. Loved it, Shaw was the best! Even convinced my non trek loving brother to watch it and he really got into it. Thanks for taking the time to record this episode.


Aw so no season 2 at all. There was Q in that one. Never finished the mandalorian either.


Was it ever explained why between the end of season 2 and season 3 the borg were the bad guys again? I mean their pal was the borg queen at the end of season 2 and this was the new borg so why were there still bad borg in season 3? Feel like that was never explained did I miss something?