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On our monthly cartoon recap show, we're getting into the Christmas spirit by chatting about the completely abysmal An Elf's Story: The Elf on the Shelf

How creatively bankrupt is this nonsense? What were they thinking airing this cheap crap on CBS? How little story did they have on their hands that they needed to cram four full-length songs into a 26-minute cartoon? And what's with all the incredibly pronounced buttocks on these things? PLUS: How much better is the Mensch on a Bench? 

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Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.




"We love you Menendez" is why you get my $10 a month. Bravo.


Get into the Christmas spirit by watching Violent Night. In all my many years of listening to you guys, I've never heard you be more wrong than your take on this movie during the Kranks episode

Felipe Sobreiro

It's not a Christmas special in the Rudolph tradition but one of the most good looking animated movies I've watched recently is KLAUS (on Netflix), it's done in 3D but manually adjusted with a 2D finish. Great art direction


I've only listened to the Kranks episode once, and I too was dismayed to hear them roundly poo-poo the film when everyone else I follow (some who also like WHM) love the film. I don't recall if the boys said they actually SAW the film, or if they just didn't like how it looked/sounded.


It sounded like none of them have seen it, it's a real judging a book by its cover situation. Nothing new for the show, I just happen to be of the opinion that they're on the wrong side of history this time


I watched this for the first time a couple of days ago and loved it, but was so confused why Wikipedia said it was traditionally animated. I'm a lot less confused now.


The new Mickey claymation special they broadcasted on ABC this year (I believe it is on D+ and Hulu) is pretty good


Is Elf on the Shelf preparing kids for their future lives in a Surveillance state?


Olive the Other Reindeer is cute, I definitely recommend it. It's also a great example of why stylized 3D animation ages better than a realistic style (it was 1999!). That said, my go-to animated Christmas movie is Satoshi Kon's Tokyo Godfathers.