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On the season finale of The Podcast of Boba Fett, the guys are chatting about the concluding chapter of the more-miss-than-hit first season of the Disney+ show, The Book of Boba Fett! Listen to the gang breathe a sigh of relief as this season comes to a close, that cartoon Luke is nowhere to be found, a fairly cool battle happens, and we even get more Amy Sedaris! But still, we're left puzzled about the two-episode detour in this season after four fairly boring eps to start. Why the Mando shoehorning instead of a Mando finale surprise cameo? Why couldn't they bother to have at least one more scene between Boba and the Rancor before his Kong-esque rampage? Why does Fett keep letting others soak in his bacta tank? And why, oh why, did they waste Jennifer Beals' time like that? PLUS: Our predictions/hopes/fears/nightmares about all the possibilities in store on Obi-Wan Kenobi later this year! 

The Podcast of Boba Fett is the latest WHM TV recap show where the guys chat about each and every episode of The Book of Boba Fett. Thanks so much for your continued, TOP. TIER. Patreon support. This one's for you!

Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.




I would have loved to see Boba execute all those that betrayed him so we know he isn’t playing


Book of Boba Friend Book of Bubby Fett Book of Bacta Tank Man those pikes are not intimidating. Six pikes vs. six Rick Moranis’, who wins? Not strong, not competent, not scary. Just a bunch of goldfish faces. Like the gang said we need one goldfish face that is tough or with an eyepatch or robot legs. I think Disney did CG Luke to help write off cost of CG Luke who will greet you at hotel when you go to bed or buy a bagel

Alexander Farr

I'm glad that more people liked this episode so the show didn't seem like a total loss for them. But from what I can tell this seems like more Rise of Geez, Really?! storytelling with the creative team trying to appeal to everyone. Boba is a GOOD crime Lord who protects the people of Mos Espa juxtaposed with Boba is a badass killer who stabs Cad Bane in the chest without remorse. It seems to me that lucasfilm is more interested in being vaguely disappointing than angering the vocal minority.


I better get pig guard force ghosts next season

Andrew Dean

Just reiterating the request to not do the Kenobi show, or any further BF seasons should they happen. I respect you guys’ time and mental health too much for that

Andrew Burt

I really enjoyed the part where Boba Fett utters the totally badass phrase, "I'm not a little boy anymore!"

Tweet Joe Self

@Jupin I have been calling him Cad Bury for years. Welcome to the party, pal!


It's funny, I thought this episode was terribly directed. I found it boring. But, to each their own. It's okay to like a director. :) On another note. I mean this seriously, not being an ass here. For those who do not like the direction star wars have headed in, less so the movies, but more the cartoons and the live-action shows. Do you think maybe Star Wars just isn't for you anymore? Again, not being an ass, just curious. The reality is, these things continue when we are dead and they need to adjust for new audiences. So maybe, for people who like certain franchises, there is an inherent reality that it will never stay where you want.


I really don't like the shoe horning of Cad Bane into this story but I enjoyed his character. I think it was just nice for Boba to have an actual antagonist with a face. It would of been great if they introduced him about 5 episodes prior.

Felipe Sobreiro

When the Gamorrean guards died I was like "MORE LIKE PUSHED PORK, RIGHT"


I got lured into watching one of those ridiculous Star Wars conspiracy videos where they have the inside scoop about all the politics happening behind the scenes, and man, they made some good points. BoBF, from the outside and without anything to back up what they presented, seems like a swamp of ego and bad decisions.

Otelia Finnen

"Payoff for setup that we never saw" is such a great description. This episode reminded me so much of Game of Thrones, what with Boba Fett displaying Stark-level stupidity.