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On this week's re-cap of The Bobalorian, the guys are pretty stunned by the IP Machine's gross cynicism in Chapter 6, "From the Desert Comes a Stranger." Written by the Favs and Dave Filoni, and directed by Filoni, this episode of Boba Fett's TV show has Din Djarin doing a welfare check on Grogu, Cobb Vanth busting up a drug deal, Rosario Dawson reminding everyone she has a show coming out, a dead-faced deep fake and a puppet hanging out, and Boba Fett himself doing... a lot of standing around not talking.  Yikes, folks. Yikes. 

The Podcast of Boba Fett is the latest WHM TV recap show where the guys chat about each and every episode of The Book of Boba Fett. Thanks so much for your continued, TOP. TIER. Patreon support. This one's for you!

Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.



Chris Tobias

I must say how therapeutic it is to hear you guys rag on this episode like you did. I have been saying for years how terrible the Clone Wars/Rebels is 2 interesting episodes a season not make one great. (See helicopter lightsabers and I leave it at that) This episode is also further proof that Disney does not understand the character of Luke. Beyond all the evidence put to film. His whole EU journey was about making the jedi order better and that included allowing attachments. The man gets married for crying out loud!


This is why I'm a Walsh tier member. The guys get so much right on this one and a lot wrong. I'll say this in defense and critique: Nostalgia is a dragon. It's a brutal hideous thing that makes you think you can feel a particular way about something the same forever and ever. When the thing you love and have been chasing falls short of what you envision inside, it hurts and sucks so much. But, that's what chasing that dragon does to you, it tricks and hurts you, over and over. You will never feel as high as you did the first time you fell in love with a thing, never feel the same wonderment, you can't. Time, experience, wisdom, growth all dull that initial response and you're just left with nuance. So, I feel for Eric in particular that he's loved the character of Boba Fett for so long, and Disney just fucked up everything he had built up for himself for how the character should be (outside of the terrible, incomprehensible "storytelling" the show runners are doing). Is anyone surprised by this? The writing was on the wall with anything Star Wars related when Disney bought the IP. Disney has been a blackhole for consumerism and corporate goonery for as long as they've been around. They actively pursue changing fair use/copyright law to benefit them so they can own any IP of theirs forever. There is a documentary out there that talks about it, but I can't remember the name :( They proved with the sequel trilogy that the algorithm was their new lord and would follow it. They're not interested in good storytelling or character development, they're interested in butts in seats and eyes on screens, in perpetuity, forever. They'll do just enough with whatever they own to get the audience to do that. This should not be shocking with anything they produce. If you keep your expectations as low as possible with entities like Disney, it's hard to be disappointed with what they offer.


I watched The Clones Wars during quarantine. The first quarantine. Sigh. Anyway, I would recommend watching the story arc in season 4 (I think) where I kid you not, they rip off the plot of Face-Off. Obi Wan fakes his death to take an assassin’s face to infiltrate some plot to assassinate Palpatine. It was bonkers. It popped into my head because Obi Wan crosses paths with Cad Bane. Favorite part, the Jedi fake Obi Wan’s death right in front of Anakin and don’t loop him in at all and just let him become even more unhinged than usual.

Vicky I

man if Peter Cushing's ghost really did give Obi-Wan a reacharound in his show, that's already a plus for me


Agreed. I will say though, for someone like me, who has never paid attention to anything outside the Movies and the Cartoons (done by filoni). Fett was never a badass. So that doesn't bother me. However, a show called the book of boba fett. Probably should focus on that character. :)

Christian Gavey

Geez, who pissed in your C-3PO'S?...


Last week's episode was neat on its own as a once-off bit of Mando, but jesus this just pulled a handbrake on the whole thing. I didn't even hate the Luke stuff that much (as much as I DID hate the CGI Luke), but goddamn it's so weird that so much of this show has been dedicated to either flashbacks or NOT Boba Fett. It's like 30 minutes of content in the actual "present" for Boba Fett!


He leans over and whispers into Obi-Wan's ear ... "you may fire when ready."


Maybe don’t pay for Patreon if you don’t enjoy the content


Having watched the finale, I honestly think they had the idea for a 2 hour Boba Fett Movie and tried to stretch it over 7 30-40 minute episodes. As someone who enjoyed the Clone Wars and is probably older then the guys here I will say that it is not great storytelling as it is really good at developing characters. Frankly I found Rebels better storytelling overall. I think the bringing in these other characters wouldn’t be so bad if there was more connection to Boba when they bring them on. For all the flashbacks in other episodes and deaging done in this episode, you couldn’t do a flashback of Cad with young Boba or even show him with Jango. I had some other thoughts but since I have watched the finale I fear they may get shaded by that and may be spoilerish. And as much as I love Star Wars, I do enjoy a good rant as long as it isn’t just nitpicking and you guys brought up valid points plus can’t really complain about Eric’s rant about Boba being ruined here when I have had several of my own with Luke in the sequels.

Gary Dennis

Yup. Why, why, why, would they not make Cad Bane fuck whatever, the murderer of the sand people.


I listened to the first 7 minutes then I had to stop.


Eric going full boomer on the clone wars cartoons is gd hilarious

Robert Carson

Will say that Encanto isn't Pixar, its the 60th of Disneys original animated movies... but all the points you are making are true in regards to Luca and Turning Red and Soul going straight to streaming


Like Carrie Fisher said in her standup act..”Every time I look in the mirror I owe George Lucas $10 bucks...”