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Hey Friends,

It's that time again...where you ask us a direct, short question and we answer it (humorously) in the next Big Daddy Dispatch.

Please ask in the comments below and sign your comment with where you're writing from and what your name is. 


Steve from Jersey City 



What are your memorable side trips from your past tours? -Paul Sevilla San Francisco, CA

Ryan Nordness

My fiance is a huge fan of Snyder superhero movies and The Joker. She doesn't just watch it once or twice and have a positive review for them, they are her FAVORITE movies. I try not to be too much of a snob and recommended Taxi Driver and King of Comedy if she liked The Joker. She said they were boring and old. We're in our 30s so I was shocked by the fact that a movie made only 10 years before us could be old and boring. Have you ever been with someone who made you question your movie going sanity? Ryan from San Diego

Zach Brothers

Zach from Reno again and I was wondering if you guys were thinking about doing the sandlot if you haven’t already ? If you did do this, is it a WhM or WlM ?


You guys ever have the experience of being introduced to an unusual Christmas tradition from your spouse's family? My partner's family got me to wear pajamas that matched everyone else. Thankfully no poison Kool Aid was later served. But if there was ever a moment while visiting in-laws on holiday that made you go "WTF?" I'd love to hear it. Joe from Berkeley, California


Who is the best holiday and/or Christmas monster? Laurie from Canberra, Australia

Bryn Robinson

Instead of coal, what movie would WHM Santa give the people on his naughty list? Bryn from Saint John, NB, Canada


Is there any movie you have fond nostalgia for because it played incessantly on cable during your youth but you don't necessarily like all that much? Mine is Die Hard 2 thanks to TNT.

profondo robbo

As far as I can tell, you only cover English-language movies (presumably by design). What non-English movies do you think would potentially make for good episodes and why? - Robert from Australia


When are you coming to the Vancouver BC area ???? Also what are your thoughts on Toys? Thx April from Canada


Any recommendations for people to follow on Letterboxd? Thanks Matt from Alberta Canada

Cierra Pettis

Can you guys pleaseeeee do The Craft with Angelica Bastien?! I just got done listening to the episode where you talked about Wild Things with her, and it was fantastic. Plus y’all hinted on doing The Craft, lol. It would make my so happy cause The Craft is a favorite of mine as well. Keep up the great work! Also keep those “Once In A Lifetime” episodes coming cause they are the reason why I upgraded my Patreon sub lol.

Jake Smith

I’m giving in and deciding to invest in a blue ray collection. What are some classic favorites that translate great on blue ray that would be good starters?