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On this month's OIAL, the Halloween Spooktacular bleeds into the show as the guys discuss the ridiculous and embarrassing Devil's Diary! Can this book be used for any kind of wishes, or is it just for murder beefs? How many times did they re-use the same shot of Dominique walking up to that church? And would it really have been a Lifetime movie without this cliched "disgusting stepdad" character? PLUS: The guys learn that MySpace is still around! 

Devil's Diary stars Alexz Johnson, Magda Apanowicz, Miriam McDonald, Deanna Casaluce, Andrea Brooks, Tyler Boissonnault, Brian Krause, and Pablo Coffey; directed by Farhad Mann.

Once In A Lifetime is a bi-monthly (every-other month) We Hate Movies podcast where the gang watches some outrageous Lifetime movies and attempts to sift through the madness within.

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Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.




OMG, I thought you guys said OIAL would be every OTHER month!?!? This is fucking delightful!!!

Jessie Drew

Yesss! OIAL 4eva y’all 🪦


Not on streaming in the UK for free but the production company has made it available on YouTube. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DLycwGKdVR1M&ved=2ahUKEwjepbCx3rrzAhUzQkEAHZFBC6IQwqsBegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw2R0YuhcdoCubsA60JXZVmW


I’m not a fan of lifetime movies but I Love this series. Deadly Mile High was a God Tier episode


As a Canadian, I had fun with this one. I don't drink coffee so I never frequented a Tim Horton's. But those I know who do all say it was ruined when it was purchased by Burger King. BK forced them to change their coffee producers which was immediately picked-up by McDonald's. So apparently now the good coffee is at McD's. It's always funny to see how traumatized Americans are by milk bags 😆

Brent Cowan

I have so many fond memories of dressing up like a Mountie and getting bagged milk and ginger root for Canadian Halloween.



Tony King

Yeah I think all of the OIAL movies so far have been available on YouTube, which is very handy for us Brits. These Lifetime movies really do need to be seen to be believed!

Bryn Robinson

As a Canadian, will co-sign that Tim’s is absolute 💩. Road trip bathroom situation only. And Eric should get 20 points easily for knowing Harper!

Ray Allen

So funny- love y’all 😈📖🔥

Kelly Burns

Just jumping in to back up Steve that I also did not take Chem in high school. I did Biology, Ecology, Human Anatomy / Physiology (we went to an autopsy as a field trip) and Zoology / Botany. I also went to Catholic school lol. We did offer Chem and almost everyone took it but I did not.


height supremacists!