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On this month's look into Star Wars lore, the gang learns all about General Grievous, the half-robot guy who breathes like a late-in-life John Wayne! Is there a better nickname in the Star Wars universe than Grievous's "Head Clanker"? Shouldn't he have trained Count Dooku to, ya know, block getting decapitated? And who better to murder you, than Obi-Wan Kenobi? PLUS: Did Dooku pick up the tab on all those Grievous implants or what? 

Gleep Glossary: A Star Wars Story is a show where the guys try to honor the history and legacy of SW characters, most of whom we've been told don't matter anymore!

Thank you for continuing to support this weird, wild adventure we're on! You make this all possible!

Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.




The animated 2d grevious was much more impressive, introduced as this unstoppable killing machine that tore jedi apart. I'd read that at the end of the 2d one grevious chest was crushed by mace windu so he was coughing to match up with the grevious in RotS as lucus hadn't bothered to share the character trate that grevious was always coughing as his organic parts didn't gel with his cybernetic well.

Christian Waters

*cough* cough" it's about damn time

Frank Grimes

i was trained by dooku in your jedi arts, you jedi scum

Christian Gavey

Grievous could have been cool if he had a back story and introduced in a different way. But of course the prequels screwed it up.

Owen Brann

Who’s dumbass idea was it to make a asthmatic robot lmao

Happy Birthtime!

Supposedly Oldman pulled out when he realised Lucas was using non-union actors and crew. Don’t know if that’s true but it makes sense


All the discussion of Yoda's dumps and shits made me realize that Yoda probably has a cloaca, right? Hopefully, Eric can let us know for sure on the next episode.


Long Way Round. Ewan McGregor with noted tag- along, Charley Boorman.

Jessie Drew

Such a fun episode!