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On this month's trip into The Nexus, the guys are first chatting about TOS: "By Any Other Name." Originally airing February 23 ,1968, this episode features Shatner being terrible at pretending to freeze, McCoy intentionally getting some Gleep Glop hooked on crank, and Scotty getting absolutely, hilariously, fall-down drunk! 

Then on TNG, it's "Who Watches the Watchers." First hitting the airwaves back on October 14, 1989, this ep has Picard explaining to some farmer why he isn't a god being, Riker and Troi awkwardly transformed into Vulcan-esque people, and a surprisingly hysterical series of workplace fuck-ups on the part of our beloved Enterprise crew!

The Nexus is a WHM podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time. Thank you so much for continuing to support this weird thing we do—we couldn't do it without you!

Cover art by Felipe Sobreiro. 




Don't get you guys hatred for free guy. Was a fun movie.


I'm only here for the New York talk

Derek Baxter

Just came here to second the New York talk comment. Never stop talking about life in New York. I would love to live there, so I love to hear stories of life in the city.

Felipe Sobreiro

Please go to Margaritaville and if you can’t record a remote episode there, at least take a picture

Alexander Farr

The original series has a few classic episodes that I think you just end up absorbing somehow through years of casual TV viewing. The classics are good but it's little gems like this episode that accentuate the true staying power of this fifty year old show. Looking forward to getting into the deeper run of TNG too.


Discovery has its own share of really pretentious episode titles, mostly in season one. Highlights: "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry" and "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad."

Michael Daniels

That TNG episode really does have a "WELL ACKSHUALLY RELIGION IS EEEEVIL" vibe to it. Not that I have a problem with the viewpoint, it just comes across more like some militant Twitter atheist wrote it



Cray Z

Farscape isn't bad, guys: they had a rough first season, like TNG. They recovered way faster. In S1's first 14 episodes, only 4 are definitely good and 2 are definitely bad, that's pretty rough for a new viewer. The stories, production choices, and/or guest acting in many of the others are so-so or not that good, tho they do build the characters and world. From ep 15 to the end of the season (ep 22), they're all good to amazing and you'll be hooked. S2 is great (4 bad eps) and S3 gets even more praise (2 bad eps). S4 has some incredible highs (and, ugh, 5 bad eps). It really didn't help that up to early S2, the music composers were told to try to avoid recognizable instruments. This gives many scenes an odd tone, which can be either kinda cool or not engaging to some... Much like with early TNG, you can imagine that that first season would've been best to watch live, when you might sometimes miss last week's episode. If you can stick through a bad TNG S1 and S2, you can ask someone to suggest essential early eps. It sounds like some of you watched BSG, and they had a lot of rough patches and bad episodes in those last 2 or 3 seasons...

Harry Squier

Gentlemen, great episode. For some reason I have this desire to listen to Björk and watch The Juniper Tree again. Weird.

PL Boucher

Eric mentions a "sugar ray" and not one word from Bones??