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Hey Folks,

It's that time of the month, wherein dozens of you ask us really good questions and we arbitrarily choose one to answer in the Big Daddy Dispatch. So, please ask us a brief, direct question and sign it with how you'd like your name to appear in the Dispatch. Write below!

-Steve, from Jersey City, NJ



Favourite Scottish characters in film? Stephen from Glasgow


Hi gang, If you hosted an Air BnB, what would be the 5 movies on the shelf for your guests? Luke Beer from North Vancouver, BC.

mark mastrogiovanni

Has a previous WHM episode ever caused an argument within your family? Mark from Michigan.


Hi. I have finally taken the plunge on patreon. First podcast to earn it. Am I not entertained...


Are you guys going to do peewees big adventure for a we love movies episode. Ricky from Florida

Dan Hillen

Are there cities/states that movie-makers talk shit about? Dan from Nashville


In the classic Simpsons ‘Lisa’s Wedding’ Lisa observes that British humour is basically subtle self pity. In National Lampoon’s European Vacation Rusty watching the television in his hotel room cries out “Call the front desk. Something's wrong with this thing. We've only got four channels, and no MTV.“ Very accurately summing up 80s British tv. I’d like to ask are there moments like this in non-American films or tv that you think really rang true about America? Or to take it somewhere more local, is there anything made by a non-New Yorker that really nailed your delightful home town? Anthony, from Enfield


Not counting the Mailbag and live-stream horseplay that's kept you sane, does anyone in the gang have fond or interesting memories of the telecommuting experience? Or contrariwise, any final rants to share? Sheba, still in Saigon


If you have to choose one: New Line or Cannon? -Paul in SF

Noah Hutchison

If you could take credit for writing one movie what movie would it be -noah from bc