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On episode two of Making It So, the gang is chatting about the swing-and-a-miss second episode of Star Trek: Picard! Shouldn't this slow and meandering episode, titled "Maps and Legends," have just been rolled into a 90-ish minute pilot episode so we could get on with it already? What is with all that awkward profanity? And hey, how about that cold open? 

Making It So is a Star Trek: Picard recap show available exclusively to you, the totally awesome WHM Patreon subscriber! Thanks for your support and enjoy!

Cover art by the legendary Felipe Sobreiro.



Brian Wishart

I would love a post-Korn concert ep

Frank Grimes

Not all too surprised where this ep took us regarding the Romulans and Star Fleet...but I was more intrigued about the Cube they were working in.

Nomad Paintworks

Couldn't agree more, this episode was an absolute slog to get through, killed my high from the 1st episode completely. And yeah, the swearing just doesn't fit.

Frank Grimes

yeah, had to laugh at the swearing. Same thing w/ Discovery...and it's use of nudity.

G Goldhar

So Picard's had a lot of weird shit happen specifically to his Parietal Lobe. In Inner Light he experiences a lifetime in 25 minutes and Crusher remarks the only part of his brain that experienced that time was his parietal lobe, the disconnected borg in Voyager were able to reconnect via their parietal lobes and Picard has shown in First Contact that he still has a vague connection to the Borg, in All Good Things he's dying of Irumodic syndrome, and the symptoms match what's described in Picard.

Mychal Ceruti

Folks were pretty vague on set and I'm not sure what I'm actually allowed to talk about, but I played the "Borg dude" Jupin was referring to and at the very least I can say the role as typed on my voucher was indeed "Ex-Borg".


Remember, he got tortured half to death in “Chain of Command”—and I believe they were messing with his Parietal Lobe in that one! No wonder he’s bald!

Blake Jordan

I don't think the Kurtzmanverse team are doing that much research. They're skimming Wikipedia and then writing.

Dan sulin

I know this is weeks old, been behind on the show so just catching up. From what I understand episodes 1 thru 3 were designed as the initial sorta pilot/first episode of the show. It what they showed at the premier on the big screen last month. So this is sorta the sloggy middle of a extra long first episode. I hope the next one improves

Dan sulin

Also totally agree about the profanity and modern slang in the show. Just seems off for Star Trek. Not making me angry or not watching but just odd. Also while I love her performance, I’m still trying to figure out how a Romulan gets a Scottish accent. But then again this show is about a beloved French Captain with an English accent so Star Trek is weird