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Some more falling action before the 1 interlude chapter set in MLV, and then back to PoH for book 2. I had some fun with this chapter, teasing about stuff and spending more time with the characters.

Because my PC is broken and I'm forced to use my backup laptop until I get the parts to fix it, I don't have the epub file included this upload. The software to format that correctly is on my PC. I'll upload it once the PC is fixed.

EDIT1: PC fixed! Replaced my mobo and that seemed to do the trick. I think I dun broke the other one when I was switching out some components and did a little cleaning with isopropyl 70, when I should have been using 99. New one works perfectly... so far.

EPUB file uploaded.

T1+ Bestiary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/poh-simplified-90310253
T2+ Bestiary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/in-depth-89961163


Ian Moran

Do you have an ETA on the PC fix? Prefer the epub format but if it's likely going to be more than a day or two I'll make do with one of the other formats.

Ian Moran

docx it is then!