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I dun broke my PC. I think I damaged the mobo, either that or the CPU.

This won't affect the writing schedule! But, it may mean I'm less active for a week or two while i get this fixed. And hopefully I don't smash this laptop I'm currently using into toxic kindling.

EDIT1: FALSE ALARM! Maybe... I'd originally reset my bios to default settings, rebooted into safe mode, did some driver cleaning, shut her off, and installed a new GPU. I think the RAM training didn't work and screwed up my RAM, and after hundreds power cycles, after dozens of CMOS clears, my PC shutting off after 0.5 seconds hundreds of times, I managed to tinker with the ram slots and positions enough to get my PC to realize it needs to notice there's new hardware and new RAM timings.

So far so good, pray to the Omnissiah, the Machine God.

EDIT2: Okay, I think the problem is gone. Definitely seems to be an issue with the mobo not recognizing the RAM timing changes, but now it does. I turned on slow boot for checking memory (between one of the random power cycles) and that seemed to work.

Woo! I was freaking out for a good 6 hours there.

EDIT3: AAAAAAND it broke again. Randomly. Woke up, turned on PC, didn't turn on. 100% same PC as the day before that'd been working and shutting off/on just fine. BLEH.

EDIT4: Fixed, with new mobo! Hopefully. Fixed for now.



You should have done the extensive activation rites. It seems in your haste You angered the machine spirit.

Dawson Landis

Hey man hopefully you stuff gets fixed pc issues suck