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The Last of Us 1x08 Full Length Reaction

Burn in hell, a$$hole.


Floor B

You said smth like "Ellie is entering the phase Joel is leaving", about how Joel is softening and forming connections again, slowly; how she is more hardened after every bit of trauma, learning both to survive AND endure. That is definitely a beautiful and accurate way to look at it I feel, sad of course but very true. Great reaction once again. This was the one episode where I was REALLY curious how first-timers would react, not knowing beforehand just makes for a whole different journey, grasping a bit more of what's going on every 10 minutes, bit by bit, darker and darker. We didn't get to see the whole group David was leading in the game, just him and James and lots of guys with guns that you had to kill or sneak past, mostly playing as Ellie but switching to Joel and back later on. Besides some small adjustments, it's mostly accurate to the game I'd say. P.s. the most NERVE-RACKING sequence in the whole game for me was the diner scene at the end. You had to sneak around as Ellie, making sure to move slowly and not to step on things that would alert him. I was so relieved that I didn't have to push the buttons this time lol cause honestly when playing the game I just 'endured and survived' that part xD

Chris LaLonde

"Goes down swinging...." Oh, you have (or had) no idea! :)