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I LOVED IT. Now I want a cheeseburger.


The Menu Full Length Reaction


mojo shivers

This movie is fantastic. I think horror is more of a guideline rather than an actual category. It makes you uncomfortable more than terrifies.

Michael G. Munz

I spent the whole movie wondering why Nicholas Hoult looked so familiar and belatedly realized he was in Mad Max: Fury Road. (Have you seen that? I'd love to see your reaction to that with your film school background.)

Movie Night

I've seen it once. I saw it in theaters when it came out, but I haven't seen it since, so I'd LOVE to watch it at some point, even if it's a "re-watch" exclusive for Patreon or something. We'll see. But yeah--a spectacular film!

Ciarra Jade

Thank you for watching this .. I’ve never seen this movie and I wasn’t planning on watching it for awhile but i was happy to watch this along with you because it was like an experience I can’t describe — except, maybe i would describe it as a diabolically fascinating movie for lack of better words 😂😂

Movie Night

Diabolically fascinating! I love that description 😄 I'm glad you enjoyed the movie and the watch along! Hopefully we'll be able to have more fun shared first experiences 😊