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*Please note this is the full length version, and due to copyright restrictions, requires you to sync your own copy of the episode.


Fallout 1x08 Full Length Reaction


Michael Reitmeyer

The code to unlock cold fusion, 101097 is Oct 10, 1997, the launch date of Fallout 1 video game. I heard someone else mention that the song near the end "We Three" the line "My Echo, My Shadow and Me" refer to Lucy (an Echo of Cooper), Dogmeat/CX404 (Cooper's Shadow), and Cooper (Me). Thought that was a cool possibility. I don't believe Vault Tec actually dropped the first bombs. They may have planned to, but I think it happened before they were ready. Which explains why Cooper had his daughter when it happened. If Vault Tec was going to drop them, then Barb would have known and made sure they were safe in the vault that day. Was wondering if you caught the fact that in an earlier episode Lucy mentioned thinking the sun was the telesonic projector, when in fact, she actually did feel the real sun on her face when she was young. I absolutely loved this series (huge fan of the games). The writing was incredible and the reveals were so perfect. Lastly, had a blast watching along with your reactions.

Dominick Sermeno

So a few things: 1. The words "War, War Never Changes" are pretty much the motto of the games for over 20 years. Since the very first game, they have usually spoken by the same actor every time, Ron Perlman. Who oddly is not in this show... at least not yet. I have theories, but that's for another discussion. 2. This show has not even remotely touched the full menagerie of monsters and enemies that the game has to offer only showing 4 of them so far; although they did tease the most popular one at the very end. Additionally of the number of popular characters who would still be alive and in the area they have only shown one. So it seems the showrunners are really holding their cards close to the chest for future seasons. 3. The games try not to tip their hands on what events are canon, and what are not, usually picking a different part of the country to focus on as to not bleed lore from one game to the next. The show is canon with the games, existing in the same universe (continuity) and taking great pains to be consistent with it while still telling an original story. So having the show reveal that Vault-Tec was willing to drop the bombs themselves, is HUGE. I won't say where they are going next season since you don't want to know, but we the fans DEFINITELY know. And because of that, we will be getting a lot of answers as to the official events and endings. 4. Lastly, every game's protagonist has had a title as to distinguish them apart: "The Vault Dweller", "The Chosen One", "The Lone Wanderer", "The Courier" , and "The Sole Survivor". Incidentally they are also usually from Vaults, 13, _, 101, _, 111, respectively. As of right now I don't think Lucy has an official title yet, but the name you picked "Battle Angel" I think rather fits as she is from LA. The first two games protagonists would be dead by now, unfortunate because they are from the area, but the last 3 should still be alive. And at least one of them is nearby. Im curious if the show will bring them in. GIven an element the show has introduced, but not yet addressed, it is possible all 3 could appear. So glad you enjoyed the show. Welcome to the Fandom and keep up the great work!!!