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*Please note this is the full length version, and due to copyright restrictions, requires you to sync your own copy of the episode.


Fallout 1x07 Full Length Reaction



Jacqui: i knew not to trust the vaults! Vault 4, post revolution: D:


Also Cooper’s reaction to being told that the soviet soldiers are *just* like him and his family is accurate to how marines always react to turning off the brainwashing of seeing your enemies as non-human. As someone whos been around marines their whole life, they will always be defensive at first because realising you have been killing innocents for nothing? Thats a HARD truth to confront Editing to add one last thing: you not noticing the prisoners bc of u admiring the camerawork was the funniest thing LMAOOO

Marty McGee

The best part of this show is that it's always subverting expectations. After last episode we think that the people of Vault 4 are evil and doing horrible experiments when actually they're the descendants of the experiments and are trying to minimize the damage. We think they're going to kill Lucy, and Maximus will have to come save the day. But instead they banish her to the surface (I know they think it's a death sentence, but it's a far cry from immediately chopping her head off). Most shows would have Maximus and Lucy kiss during the scene where she invites him to live with her in Vault 33. Instead, they delay the kiss. Then of course the cut to black only to stretch the scene just a few seconds longer to tease us. Just a few examples in this episode alone. Such a great show!