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Hey everybody! I've been in full editing mode recently, trying to get the last of BoB and MotA up on YouTube, so I can move forward with everything else, and be ready by the time THE BOYS Season 4, and HOUSE OF THE DRAGON Season 2 start up. I'm not going to post a monthly schedule for the moment, but here's my plan for the next few weeks.

1. The next TWO weeks will be wrapping up FALLOUT, FIREFLY, SERENITY, and THE EXPANSE season 1 (planned to post 1x10 on Sunday 6/2, but will be this week). 

2. Starting the week of Sunday 6/9...

***Please note these are tentative. For "non-live" series like THE EXPANSE, THE PACIFIC, SHOGUN, SEVERANCE, and BUFFY, I may take occasional breaks, due to timing, or in the case of The Pacific, emotional overload). Considering that both HotD and The Boys are going to be dark, heavy shows as well, I may move things around, just for the sake of my sanity. Probably will plan some fun, light-hearted summer blockbuster movies to balance things out.

Sundays - The Expanse (I may take a few weeks break between seasons 1 and 2, since apparently THE BOYS is dropping the first three episodes at once, then going week-to-week after that. I may need the time for that).

Mondays - House of the Dragon (when it starts)

Tuesdays - The Pacific (afterward, will either replace with a new series, MOVIES, or leave open.)

Wednesdays - Shogun (will either post MOVIES here afterward, or leave it open. We'll see.)

Thursdays - Severance (followed by Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Fridays - The Boys (when it starts)

Saturdays - MOVIE (or leave open, we'll see how things play out)


Kevin C

whatever you do, don’t burn yourself out! I appreciate all you do for us, and I don’t want it to be too much for you! Something to ask about with Buffy and the (somewhat distant)
after the fourth season, one of the characters will spin off into their own show, and while generally the shows are independent of each other, they do have a few pretty big crossover moments. (I’m trying to stay spoiler free about whom gets spun off, in case you don’t know.). When the time comes, will you do both those shows together so you can time the crossovers right? Thanks for everything, and I know I”m a broken record, but damn, can’t wait to see your reactions to Severance!

Dan Bisbocci

If/when you’re looking for a new series, I gotta recommend Peaky Blinders! Such a beautifully shot show and it’s a crazy story


You’re doing Buffy? That’s awesome! That and the X Files are probably my top to favorite shows from the 90’s. I can’t wait!

Stephen Knueppel

I'm so excited about Buffy. I was thinking of dropping this account until I saw that


Coulda left it at that first sentence but to each their own

Movie Night

Yes! I don't think I've ever had anything requested that much, so I figured I'll start it on Patreon and go from there 😊

Rupert Purcat

A short series you would enjoy is Upright 2019 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8765446/ Cheers

Stephen Knueppel

When you start Buffy you should know that the first 2 episodes actually aired the same night as one long pilot. It may effect your choice to watch them together as intended or split them up into two watches a week apart.