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Firstly, thank you to everyone who's reached out in the past week or so. I've posted on IG and chatted about this a little bit on Discord, but to address it here...just over a week ago, we got a call that my grandmother was in Intensive Care, and likely only had a few days to live. We were on the first flight we could get to see her, and thankfully, we were able to say our goodbyes. But she passed away early last week, and it's been very strange coming home and trying to process it all. Today would've been her 90th birthday, and at a time when we'd prefer to be celebrating, we're all grieving her loss. I'm grateful that she went peacefully, and that I was able to have a few good moments with her, but it's painful to acknowledge that she's no longer in the world.

I know we've all had grief in our lives, and have to find our own ways to process it. I've gone back and forth between distracting myself and feeling the reality of things this week, and you guys--my incredible internet family--have been so kind and supportive, and I appreciate it so much. I've been editing the past few days, and will be fully back to my normal work schedule this week. I've been eager to get back to all the movies and shows on my list, but had to give myself time to be able to focus and react to them properly. I want to make sure I'm giving you guys worthwhile reactions, and me staring blankly at the screen probably wouldn't be enjoyable for anyone.

Alas, you all know that I'm a very emotional person--which is part of why I can do reactions here, but it does slow me down sometimes in real life. I'm just grateful I have a job and a community that I love, and that I genuinely always want to come back to.

I'll chat with you all soon, and can't wait to spend time with you here again!

All my love,




Stuart Biegala

We're all thinking of you and your family Jacqui. We look forward to seeing you again and hope you take all the time you need! xxxx

Brett Oliver

My condolences for your loss, Jacqui. I know it’s hard losing a grandparent, my Papa passed away in 2011. Take the time you need, don’t rush back into work! If it’s any consolation, she got to see some amazing things in her life.