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I'm so grateful I've gotten to watch such beautiful shows recently 😍


Shogun 1x01 Full Length Reaction


Josh Tebb

just some context you might be missing, the portuguese brought Catholicism to Japan in the 1500s, in fact recently before the events of the series (based in on the rise to power of a real guy) there was a rebellion of catholic samurai in the series, I don't know if there was one in real life.


sorry to be late, No idea why I did not get the notification. I will try to keep my gushing for this show to a minimum, as hard as that will be. For starters, this show was translated multiple times. Written in English, then sent to Japan to be translated. Then given to a specialist in ancient Japanese to be corrected for period correct speech patterns. (think Shakespear) So the actors are speaking in that dialect. Then translated back for English subtitles.