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Oh it feels great to be reacting again! I filmed so much tonight, and I was literally giddy. I think you guys were ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, that taking a break from The Pacific was necessary, and doing all three series at the same time was just too much, and unrealistic to attempt. I’ll be back to it in just a couple weeks, as soon as I wrap up BoB and MotA, but for the meantime, it’s going to be Firefly, The Expanse, and ATLA, as well as movies, and a re-watch of Dune Part 1, since I’m seeing part 2 in a few days, and I haven’t seen the first one since it came out. Definitely need to brush up, and you guys mentioned on Discord that’s something you’d like to see. The goals video will also be going up tomorrow since things have settled enough that I’m not trying to talk about a moving target anymore. I’ve re-filmed it three times now, since things kept changing. Stay tuned!
