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First of all, big Thank you to everyone for supporting me. Im almost done with another video and will let you guys decide in which direction i should go with the next one.

Here are 2 simple polls to decide theme and nature of models for next video.


Alright, thanks everyone who voted, you can see the results if you click on the links now.

Theme - https://linkto.run/r/8413W05F
Models -  https://linkto.run/r/VMHNP735 

So next video is going to be sexy Scifi Futa/Female action :p
I will share my ideas by tomorrow together with another little poll to decide on models.


have a good one.



Hello oh, I voted for both poles, I hope that helps I hope it got recorded LOL, if not let me know I'm always glad to help and get my opinion still love your stuff keep going