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    People tend to try and be on their best behavior. Some even put it as a New Year's resolution to be "the best version of themselves", work hard on their unpleasant traits and just that can qualify them to the Santa's "good list". Not this guy though.
   Each year in the middle of the night, overtaken by his instincts, Krampus walked through the snowy streets causing nightmares to the sleeping wrongdoers. Low, rhythmic thump of his hooves shook the ground around him, echoing in the dreams of the innocent.
   For a whole year, he hibernated. Chained down to the icy floor, starving, planning on what he will do to those weak minded mortals once he's freed. It was the third year when a scent like this one guided his predatory instincts. Like a smell of freshly baked cookies - deliberate brattiness beyond any other.
   With every street he passed, his hunger grew stronger and the promise of a feast electrified his skin in excitement. By the time he got to the front door the fur on his hide risen up, ready for the confrontation. His prey was all alone, in a house the beast did not recognize which added to the thrill of the hunt. Silence got pierced by a strong kick that slammed the door to the floor. A hoof the size of a face stepped on it as the darkened silhouette of the monster filled the gaping emptiness of the damaged door frame. Hunching down, he entered. His huge hand leveraged against the wall as he leaned to get inside. Here he straightened up and cracked his neck, the tip of one of his horns scraped against the ceiling. Whatever he touched was marked by the frost.
   Heaviness of the scent forced his nostrils to flare in a sharp inhale.
   "Upstairs." The instinct, like a restless buzz pushed him up the steps. Wood whitened and dented under his weight.
   "So close." Saliva filled his mouth. Thoughts disappeared making space for the blind urge taking over his senses. The doors left ajar let a flickering glow escape into a short corridor. Floor rumbled and creaked menacingly as he closed the distance and pushed the doors open.
  Here he was. Sitting at the edge of the bed, arms straight and back to keep the full weight of the leaning upper body; chest bare and pushed out, a piercing in his nipple gleamed in the reflected light from the fireplace; his toned abs tensed when he spread his his thighs to get more comfortable. Nothing more than a jockstrap, socks and boots. A third year in a row.
I'm starting to think you're naughty just to see me... - He squeezed through the narrow entry. His rumbling voice vibrating the air.
And it clearly worked. You're easy to train. - Filip snarked with a provoking smile but instantly leaned back on his elbow as the musky smelling head rapidly closed distance between them.
It is endearing... how much you do just to make sure I'll visit you. - Icy blue goat-like eyes intensely drilled Filip's pupils. - You're so aroused that you're shaking... - Velvety nose slowly lifted up his chin. Cold breath stung the surface of the skin.
Or it may be that you're just awfully cold. - Fili's voice trembled in hesitation when the monster's mouth bared sharp teeth now engulfing his shoulder. If he wanted to, Krampus could take off half of his torso in just one bite.
   Human's body was so warm and enticing, usually serving only as a food to the beast which for some reason preferred to keep this one alive. The way he was eager, willing to be broken, willing to submit, all of it made him so much better with his heart still beating.
Mmmm... that makes sense... - A low growl rumbled inside of a thickly coated chest. - I can barely feel my fingers. - Strong claws hovered over his chest and stomach. Greedy and inpatient, Filip pushed his core higher to feel the scratch. His eagerness was the only thing that made the beast hold back as long as he did. No matter how hungry he was, it humored and excited him to see the human beg with his body so openly.
I'm sure you'll find a way to make them warm again. - Small face of the mortal tilted to brush against the monster's, yearning for the primal treatment he was given in the past. It was too late though. The horned head pushed forward and past the human, right arm reached under Filip's arm, around the back and closed in a grab against the side of his chest. Pulling up, he forced his boots off the floor, squeezing tree-trunk size thighs between the man and the bed as he sat down on on it. Springs wailed metallically, thick wood of the bed-frame barely holding it together.
   Once seated, he placed the man on his lap, pulled him by the leg to lay down and gripped his hair, slowly leaning to his face with a predacious smile. Forked tongue slithering out like a snake, giving his body a good long lick all the way up to his chin.
That... I am certain of. - Left arm traced the side of Filip's thigh, leading it up. With the heel of the boot being dug in the coarse fur, they locked eyes.
Fuckh... - Pounding heart drowned out everything around him. He didn't even notice how shaky his voice became. Cold hand lifted his ass up, fingertip of a wide thumb pressing and swaying from  side to side against an exposed, tight circle of muscles that surprisingly quickly relaxed. It wasn't Filip's first time, and as much as everything is his body wanted to tighten up to maximize the pleasure, he mustered some willpower to relax.
I bet your insides are burning right now... - The monster teased his softening hole with repeated firm taps. The myriad of micro expressions on Filip's face making it so rewarding to prolong this. It seemed that with every second his eyes grew more hazy and drunk with a building up tension, a picture that unsheathed a thick, almost a thigh-size pierced cock. - ...burning for me to fuck them up... - Quickly growing shaft bumped against Filip's back. - ...You've been a bad boy Filip. You deserve to be punished. - He bent his thumb and pierced the soft asshole with a steady slow push. Coils of muscles tightened in a shock, twitched in frail attempts to adjust to the girth of finger.
Fuck you... - A moan escaped with the curse. His brain empty, drowning in primal sensations. Trembling hand reached out searching for support. Strong abs of the beast felt velvety. Cold. He has been waiting for it for such a long time.
  - F
or that you would have to know how to not be a submissive human whore... Your lust can be felt from miles away... - Krampus' low chuckle filled the room as he pressed harder. Filip's insides burning, soft and inviting. - You could steal, lie or kill but your lust... oh my sweet little boy... your lust make you into nothing more but a fuck toy. - His finger pressing hard against the wall of the hot hole opened it, the exposed insides pink and red.
Nghh! - Watering eyes widened.
   Dark silhouette of the beast shifted back. With his long tongue stretched down, he let the running saliva slowly drip down the gaping hole, lubricating it so it lasts the long hours of what was about to come. 

It's a tradition by now for Fili to be railed by the Krampus by the end of the year 🤷‍♀️ Here's a non-cropped version of this picture~

And here's a little matching sticker for all of you who simp for that horned bundle of fur~

The goodies will be sent out by the middle of January. Everyone who was subscribed to Plugs at any point of December will be legible for this goodie bag 🙌




The only holiday tradition that matters tbh. 🤷🏻‍♀️❤️


HE’S BAAAAACK- *yes I accidentally opened this at my work- yes on a work computer* I regret my existence 🤣🧎🪦