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A little announcement before I move on:

At the beginning of December I'll be opening 5 more slots in the highest (20$) tier. I can see more and more people asking me about joining this reward tier, plus I think i can manage to create 5 more post-it sketches a month. Keep an eye out!

Ok, now back to the post!

I decided to split October's Post-It posts into three parts, so more of the 1$ tier patrons can enjoy them 👌 These sketches were 5 out of 8 unprompted sketches (3 of which ended up being a prologue to the little nsfw story from the previous post) 

Fun story about the leaf-crown one:
Some of you might have stumbled upon this photo . Fun thing is that the model there is one of my friends from teenage years. His name's Filip and since my OC depicted over and over again is Filip as well, i thought it could be a nice omaĝe to draw my boy in a leaf crown~ An autumn season was also fitting perfectly. 

Filip was one of the people that inspired me to draw in the first place. I was already a scribbler when I met him and some other people in a local anime club, but when i saw his sketches I was totally amazed. I thought I could never reach his level of skill and was quietly adoring every little line he put down on paper. 

Thanks to him and the spark he kindled in me I began to practice to maybe one day become as good as he was then. I was too shy to ask for advice, too scared of critique to show off my sketches. With time I saw my friends starting to enjoy my drawings more and more though, as I decided not to give up even though i didn't believe I could ever surpass my inspiring friends. Fast forward 11 years and I'm here, dedicating my time to keep on growing, loving what I do, having wonderful followers and generous Patrons! 

If my 16 year old self could see what they'll grow to be, I'm pretty sure they would be stunned and would have a hard time believing.
