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Warning: Short chapter. Yolka is a child in front of mummy--

Thank you for waiting!

Sorry the chapter ender abruptly, I was trying a new way to storyboard and while making this my brain circuit suddenly stopped "what should i put as cliffhanger?" and then I was like, "just put anything hanging, it can be a cliffhanger"//no
Anyway, this is short chapter because I plan to challenge myself to finish the chapter faster (my old record is 30 panels- 3-4 days) but failed beautifully as always. But this is quite a fun and stressless chapter to make, so it's a good sign hehe. Thank you so much for your support and kind words on last chapter!

Andra met yolka's mom and instantly hit it off with her😂 Yolka is both jealousy to his mom and also to andra too😂😂 Did you find small yolka eyeing you dangerously for staring at yolkamama too long?

Yolka's father and mother dynamic is so funny. Yolka's mom likes to act like a drama-queen dramatic woman, while yolka's dad is tasked to keep her in line and pour cold water to her hot-ness😂
at first i thought it was golden retriever-like mom and black cat dad, but yolka's mom is more like a fox. Cunning and look happy and cute.

As the poll said, Yolka's full name will be... YOLKA IVABIGDIC //NO

Yolka I-ve-a-big-dick ////////IM JOKINGGG, kudos to my dear patron Ashley Silva who suggest this perfect name for yolka😭👍👍👍

His name is Yolka Ivanderson. I've been making Mr beta for 3+ years and now just made yolka's full name. I haven't make andra's full name yet🤣
Ivanderson as in Son of Ivander, which is Uncle Iva's first name.

You know you are going to get into a big trouble when your mom call you with your full name.

What trouble it is...?????

YOLKA'S LONG-GOING SEXUAL HARRASSMENT LOLOLOL Now you check when was the first time he held andra's neck, Yes that time he's already do his shit and get addicted to secretly take advantage of him. Andra's neck is slim and easy to grab, he likes it a lot ///so perverted

Betas are oblivious about this because it's one of the unspoken thing even in alpha/omega community. The student didn't dare to ask andra nor yolka because at school they always stick together and yolka's hella scary (and hold their academic score too)

he deserved to be hit by the chancla 🩴🩴🩴

But will he do it again? Absolutely o)-----(

Yolka's mom likes andra's well behaved and generous attitude. I guess andra won't be getting his take-this-10-million-and-leave-my-son cheque anytime soon.

Yolka is a bit worried andra will get smitten by his mom, as they own 80% similar face and bigger boobs than yolka. But don't worry, he's pretty devoted even though he almost call your mom "mommy, yes mommy?" in very sub way🤣🤣

I find it funny that yolka's dad is still defending yolka and doesn't let andra hit his son despite his son being a big almost 2-meter tall hoodlum, father's love is limitless and biased 😂 Even though he also scolding him in last chapter but he don't let other people scold his son. What a brainless doting father, i like.

Anyway, thank you for waiting for me and the chapter! I feel a lot better now.
as for my creative process, I tried new way of storyboarding. Usually it was script done-->storyboard done, but now I tried making both at once, something like this:

it was a lot faster and easier indeed. But if i failed to find a fun scene during this time the chapter will be quite boring and eventless like this chapter. This author like a fun and thrilling chapter where everyone get second hand embarrassment//no

I will try again next time!

While making this I stumble upon 2 stories, one is 'Hen an Ie'/Strange house by uketsu(a youtube) the story is very fun and mind-tickling, it remind me how this is the way I want Mr beta is. Full of surprise and twist. I want to make more cliffhangers after reading this story hahaha (there's manga, article, and youtube video by uketsu the author, please check it out!)

the second is a novel, a BL sport novel, which i enjoyed reading and has promising start, yet at chapter 23 WHICH the MC met the ML directly for the first time, the story went on hiatus. SInce 2021 so there's no hope already o)------(

My heart is suffering, I'm also an author so I won't let you guys suffer the same heartache as me. Unfinished story left a bad aftertaste, I will definitely finish Mr Beta.

I'm still sad the novel is hiatus (the title is 'an athlete held up by an entertainment career', CN BL sport novel) aaaaa😂

That is all from me this chapter, Thank you for your generosity and patience to wait for me!
I will try not making next chapter's ending as bad as this one hehehe.

I will send the pdf to both july and august's patrons, and reply the messages i haven't been replied soon. It's raining currently in my place, but I hope it was a pleasant weather in your place, I hope you to always be healthy and safe, high speed wifi and stable electricity, cool bed and warm blanket when you sleep, I hope your wallet is thick with money and may you get pleasant surprises from time-to-time. I hope you'll always be surrounded by good people and may annoying people in your workplace/school move away somehow. Eat food, drink enough water, rest at least 6 hours a day, and I wish September will be a good and generous month for you!!

Lastly thank you for Ayanna who helped editing this chapter in midst of her new chapter of life🥰

Have a nice day and look forward to the next chapter!

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Christie Schauer

I don't know what was better this chapter: Andra's sudden bisexual panic upon meeting Auntie, or Andra and Auntie with the chancla. 🤣