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Hi, just to let you know I'm still alive.

This is half chapter, Chapter 57 is around 67~panel. Not proofed.

Andra on his way taking down His boyfriend's dad's heart.

You must know you can use this "let's talk about your child and praise them" can get you a lot of +plus+ point to all parents.

Anyway. My lateness already exceeds 1 month. I will send the chapter when it's done to the respective month's patrons. If you ask me why, I don't know, I don't even go anywhere this month but am still unable to make this chapter, if you ask am I burnout? Hardly. I think I just have bad writer's block.

It's hard to believe but I'm already working on this chapter since the first day of this month and yet only finished the [fix] storyboard today. If you want to try counting, logically, I will finish the part 2 sketching tomorrow, then lineart take another 2 days, and coloring take 3 days. Perhaps I can finish in 3rd august. Fast, right? The only thing that's making it late is the storyboard. I can't seem to find my rhythm. I get so angry with my useless head that I think if I should hire a scriptwriter and storyboard artist so they can do the job for me, but this comic is my serious project that had no other hand involved except the basecolorist. I want it full of my touch instead of assistant's. I can only wrong you and make you wait more. Hahaha sorry for the rant.

Please look forward to the finished chapter. I will fulfill my obligation without fail even if I'm late. If you are disappointed in me and my late ass and won't support me any longer it's okay, I'll give your support money until now to buy andra more wheelchairs (no I won't give them back, this small-hearted and greedy author already spent them all)-- If you still want to pour money on me then that's very nice too. I will make NSFW next chapter for no reason but you must still wait until this chapter is done ;w;

Thank you for your support and please wait for andra conquering yolka's family and replace yolka's golden child status in the in laws family!


Kitt Witty

Ah, I’m so late in seeing this! 😩 Finally, the long awaited “meet the parents” moment! As expected, a lot of craziness right away! Ohmaigahd, his dad was right outside while they &$!%ked! 🫣 Haha, but kidnapping Andra to take home fits for someone like Yolka’s dad! I wonder if the mom will be like ‘ah, such a perfect son-in-law, come live here with me’ 😘 and Yolka’s like “Mooom!!!”😫 Hahaha! 😂 Can’t wait to see the finished version! 👍 Don’t worry if things take long, creative process is different for every artist. Take your time and rest assured all your patrons/fans will be ~🎶right here waiting for you🎶! 💖


I don't know why I didn't see the notification 🥺 I know Yolka's parents will love Andra even if he's not their son's "type"