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Note: Very rough. Not proofed. This is not a complete chapter WIP, only up to the part I just finished storyboarding. I won't stop until I see andra and yolka again ಠ~ಠ

Just to let you know I'm making progress sobs sobs sobs 😭😭😭

Gulla-centric. There's mention of suicide, be careful.

No this is not the full chap o)---( it's still on progress ;___;

i have so many dialogue i want to use. You can see my indecisive heart here:

5 alt of page 55b (which somehow become 55b~55d. idk bro)
and yes this is the thing that makes my work so slow. I think and revise shit a lot even though the end result wasn't that much better🤣🤣

the second column is blank because it's full of dialogues i wasn't able to fit.

Ok then this is all for the WIP,

I will continue because I'm sick of drawing gulla he's hard to draw, let me draw andra and yolka I need them meeting in law fasttt ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Look forward for the finished chap. Anyway, gulla is the overbearing type boss "I want to dote on you, you must accept it" but he also is cute with his family.

Literally the day he bumped with rio, he called his sister : "sis, I met a cute guy today." 😭💕 This guy is an own who decided on his prey at first sight and hunt him fast. Too bad.

Yes gulla is the TOP, this is O x A because this author likes beautiful seme🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶


Kumiko Misaki

Now that I know Gulla is self-aware he did wrong for doing no research, I can say I don't hate him anymore 🥺 he didn't deserve that! And did you really make me cry with a WIP!? 😭💔

Nickle's Nickel

I have mixed feelings about not only this developing chapter but Gulla as well. His actions can be seen as selfish and morally/ethically/socially wrong, which I understand and completely agree with. Gulla had his best, or rather personal, interest in the forefront of his mind and actions when acting. Even when was "supposedly" apologizing to Andra, he still tried to make it seem that what he did was a good thing. He didn't think of the harsh consequences of his actions until he witnessed the death of his lover who died from a broken bond. To me, that seemed like the start where Gulla's eyes began to open. What I love most about this chapter is the fact that at the end of the day, he's still human. A human who made bad choices and didn't think or care about the consequences that followed, but still human. Do I think of Gulla in a new light? No. I still believe he is still in the wrong, but I do hope that he can apologize and move on in his life, no longer involving himself and his family into Andra and Yolka's life.