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Note: Gulla centric. Andra, where are you? Author wants to draw your ass ༼ಢ_ಢ༽

Finally this chapter is finished😭😭😭😭

God I'm so sick of this chapter, I think i have this emotional deadline that once I work on one chapter too long (this one has been in my hand for one month. Exactly, or more idk) I lost interest in it o)---(

Sorry for the delay. In short, me and my family got covid 🥲🥲🥲 Idk if i say finally caught one, I've been lucky enough for past few years. Stuff happened and I have to cover for my mother as well who got worst condition in my family and neglected the progress of this comic o)----(

Anyway, this chapter is done!!! You've seen it in WIP about gulla's past. He's both reasonable and also still a prick because he did something irreversibly damaging and oblivious about it, thinking everything is fine.

Gulla also get the setback of the bond-breaking, but his condition is nowhere as serious as yolka as his treatment is successful, while yolka is not. You can read back in chapter 1, the world building, Omega who used to be the bottom of the society do a revolution and get rid of their weakness: Biology and social standing, by being a leader in medical field and legal/politic as well, and right now they have the upper hand in many things. Gulla take these current best moment of omegas for granted "as they should be" and is young, oblivious to many thing.

In yolka rut chapter you can see gulla refer yolka as a beast, he disdain losing oneself over instinct and is proud of his decision to cut his gland, and think those who lose to instinct is indeed a beast.
He treat yolka biting him like he was bitten by rabid dog, and is more afraid of losing himself to madness/manipulation/fate's hypnosis than to be attacked. Gulla is the type who think he's above of others, though his heart is not necessarily that bad :")))

Anyway. I made rio, this little boy, and when I color him, I think I like his design more than I expected😭😭😭😭 oh noooooo. He's total opposite of gulla and is a total good boi. I'll bring andra back in next chapter, look forward to it!

Because of working on this chapter for so long, I feel my brain is dull and i even forgot how to draw/making story, god, I don't want to work on one chapter for so long but it did o)--(

I'll send the pdf soon. Thank you for Ayanna who helped edit the chapter as always (((you are the besttt)))
and Thank YOU too for being patient with authorrrr wowooowowww😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 Hshhshhshsajhdajhajakhhsdja I can only say you're the best best best.. You see, my readers on public chapter sometimes criticize me for updating short chap, or updating late.. You guys are so kindly patiently waiting for me jhjajhadjhjajdahkj I'm so grateful for your kindness and support!!!!!

I hope you are always healthy and safe, your bank account is fat with money, may your school and business be smooth and you get great result, and I hope everything you wanted you will get them soon!! I wish you to always be surrounded by good people and happiness💕

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Don't care bitch...

La Jo

I hate to be sympathetic but this arc hit me personally. I don’t want kids and value my independence and if I felt what Gulla did, I’d do the exact same thing. I resent my body sometimes for its biology, if I felt that out of control by alien instincts suddenly to mate and have kids I’d go insane. ABO is cute and romantic when it’s reciprocated but also can go so so bad. A lot was mishandled but I’d probably freak too. I feel for both of them.