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So just a heads up. If you messaged me or posted a question to me in the last week+ I may not be able to answer it without a lot of digging.

Patreon's messaging is hideous and I usually have to go through every single email I receive and open 40 tabs in Firefox to go and sift through what is and isn't a question for me and then answer the ones I can in sent order. I take my time and that means some questions sit for days.

WELL.... A windows update boot-looped my shiz and all those tabs are donezo because of a full windows re-install.

So if you repeat the question I will try to get to it. If you don't hear from me in the next week assume I moved to Paraguay and abandoned all of you.

: p



Does this mean you need my address again so you can send me those Swan 3.1s at absolutely no cost to me, as you promised?


is the hentai safe?


Yeah he promised to accidentally send that SVS PC-4000 to me instead of back to SVS. OOPS did I say that in public?


I am with Mario. Please save the girls.


Honestly, if you're smart enough, you should just abandon us all and move to Paraguay.


Not Paraguay. Mendoza Argentina. Trust me.


I asked: if installing this new Microsoft update could produce any adverse effects?


Devialet or Andante


Windows Update or so much hentai your computer burst?


How's paraguay?