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"Haaaah, I'm bored!" Alice Nakiri moaned as she dropped onto her bed.

Ryo had secluded himself in the kitchen again to do some recipe testing. He'd lost their last cooking showdown and had retreated to polish the recipe that lost out to Alice's.

When he got like that, not even the obstinate Nakiri prodigy could drag her aide from behind his stoves.

As a result, the white haired bombshell had spent the afternoon by herself inside her room. Her plan had been to take Ryo shopping after their match. Maybe even to a somewhat… kinky establishment so they could stock up on equipment.

It had been several days since Ryo had roughly bound and gagged her. Granted, she had forced him to join her little experiment, but somewhere along the line the hot-headed cook had taken the reigns from his pretty albino ‘ojou’ and pushed her buttons and limits further than she’d ever dreamed!

And Alice had loved every second of it.

Sadly, the day after their kinky lovemaking Ryo hadn’t changed a bit. He had returned to his stoic self, never making any mention of what had transpired inside his lady’s room.

That’s why Alice had taken it upon herself to drag her lover into a second bondage date, only to be rejected by something as silly as him wanting to work on his cooking skills!

"I should've attached a wager to our last shokugeki." She sulked. "Then I could've dragged his sorry ass along, regardless of his need for recipe fine tuning."

And now I'm lying here, wanting to do more of that 'bondage' stuff with no one to play along!

She felt so desperate that her mind actually started running through the very short list of people she'd ever consider opening up to.

How would Erina respond if she found out I'm into this? No doubt she'd call it a disgrace to the Nakiri name, whatever that means… No way she would be game for this.

She rolled onto her back, her large yet firm breasts stretching the pale blue tank top as her body straightened. Her black cotton panties were hugging her juicy bum and thighs just as tightly down below. 

That Souma character would probably not be daunted by this idea.

She sat bolt upright.

"What am I thinking?! I can't just walk up to him and ask him to come to my room! Erina would blow a fuse! Not to mention what Ryo would say if he were to walk in on us… Not even he would remain calm over something like that!” 

The gorgeous chef in training dropped down on the fluffy mattress again, her breasts bouncing cheerfully inside her tank top.

"What do I doooooo?!" She whined, kicking her slender legs into the mattress. "I can't just tie myself up. That'd be-"

Hang on… Why not?

She jumped off her bed and sprinted to her wardrobe. From it the cute chef retrieved the locked suitcase inside which she’d stashed her acquisitions away.

After opening it up, she dug around to find several high-grade handcuffs and leg irons.

"These should make it easy to tie myself up." She chimed. "I've never used them before, but it can't be that different from when Ryo used ropes on me."

She tapped her index finger on her chin pensively. "Trouble is, how do I let myself out? If I put the keys within arm’s reach there won't be any thrill…"

Her sharp and creative mind immediately conjured up an elaborate setup of timers and lockboxes, making it possible to confine herself for a set period of time.

"I should've done more shopping when I got all this stuff last time." She sighed. "Or maybe prepared in advance by freezing some keys in ice, like those stories I read online."

Sadly, none of those preparations were currently there for her.

"Should I just cuff myself and undo them whenever I want? It won't be very exciting, but at least it'll be something new."

She frowned at herself in the mirror. "Stupid Ryo, why did you have to pick today to go off sulking about a loss. It's been ages since we had a free night together!"

The gorgeous Nakiri was partial to donning a dressing gown, storming down the hallways in her jaw-dropping outfit and demand her aide drop his utensils to come play with her. But she knew better than to make a scene in front of Ryo. He'd either be too passive to react, or too fired up to listen to her.

"Maybe I should call him and ask how long he'll be before-"

A lightbulb moment occurred within the young woman's brain.

"I don't have to wait for him to be done! I can just tie myself up right now and have him come free me! HE will be my escape plan!" She cheered at her own genius. "That way I won't have to bother with complicated set-ups to make my escape more challenging. I’ll be truly helpless, but at the same time I’m certain to get out! It's the best of both worlds!"

She immediately dashed for her phone and sent Ryo a text message to come at her room later tonight. Since it was 7 o' clock right now, she estimated Ryo would be done with his cooking and cleaning his tools and workplace by 10.

"That should be plenty of time for me to entertain myself." She mused as she waited for the small icon to appear on her phone indicating that the recipient had read her message.

As usual, he didn't bother replying.

"Must still be busy with his recipe." She muttered, pouting cutely. "If only he knew what was lying in wait for him here, he'd know better than to waste his time tinkering with his lobsters…"

The bodacious cook grinned at herself in the mirror. “Now, I can finally get this evening on track!” 

A shiver ran down Alice’s spine. It had taken some doing, but she had finally created a setting for herself to enjoy another bondage session. 

Correction. This would be a self bondage session. Her first ever!

Since her suitcase was chock full of brand new gear she hadn’t used yet, Alice spent nearly 20 minutes picking her equipment before she sat down on the bed with it.

The first thing she picked up there was a set of plain handcuffs. The chrome finish was so polished she could see her own reflection in the stainless steel.

It feels so rigid and hard, not at all like Ryo’s ropes. I wonder how they’ll feel on my skin…

As a matter of safety, Alice started by locking and unlocking all of her cuffs to ensure everything worked as intended. After that she locked the cuffs around her wrists in front of her to give them a spin.

With each soft *click*, the cuff around her right wrist got narrower, until its remaining diameter was a perfect fit.

The other cuff slipped on even smoother, after which Alice began tugging on her restraints and fidgeting with the mechanism to see how secure it was. She’d chosen to cuff her hands in front of her as a try-out, and because she was curious to see her toys in action.

Not surprisingly, the thing wouldn’t budge at all. It didn’t feel as cold as she’d expected, but the harshness to her wrists after lots of struggling was a slight let down.

“I didn’t expect the ropes to feel more pleasant over extended periods, since they seemed so much tighter. But these will really hurt if you struggle hard for a long time…”

She picked up her keys and undid the cuffs again, looking over the rest of her materials.

“Good thing I did this quick test run, now I know not to lock all of those too tightly. But even then they’ll start chafing over time…”

But Alice was nothing if not inventive. She covered her wrists and ankles using four thick sweatbands for protection.

“Okay, now I’m ready to do this thing!”

The white haired girl picked up the bright red ball gag she’d bought and caressed the shiny surface with eyes filled with anticipation. It would be her first time trying it on. 

She opened her jaw wide enough to slip the gag in and carefully threaded the leather strap behind her head, buckling it tight enough so she wouldn’t be able to spit her gag out again.

After working the gag a little with her lips, the bombshell let out a cute giggle.

“Ish aihuk a mashif kahdee bahh.” She mused.

The next thing she picked up were a set of larger cuffs designed to fit around ankles. The chain was a few inches longer than your standard handcuff set too, making it a little easier to keep your balance. After locking them down Alice moved on to cuff her hands, this time behind her back. 

Those last two *crrrk* sounds sent a shiver down her spine.

That’s it, I’m stuck now. She thought to herself as she looked at the small bowl holding all the keys. Let’s see what I can still do like this…

Just like during her test, she started fiddling with the mechanism and rattling the cuffs. To her delight, she felt absolutely secure.

Wow, this feels so much more secure than when I had my hands in front of me.

She tried reaching around to look at her wrists, twisting her lovely hourglass figure as far as felt comfortable. If she strained herself, she could get a decent look at her cuffs.

Now that I think about it, even with the keys in reach I might have trouble slotting them into the keyhole and opening my cuffs. I wonder how mobile I still am?

Alice gently scooted to the edge of the bed and lowered her slender legs down the side. But since her king size bed was so high, she couldn’t quite reach the floor. Even after stretching her legs fully, she still had several inches to go.

Her full pink lips curled into a smile.

Even something as mundane as getting out of bed becomes a thrilling experience when you can’t use your hands the way you want to.

The clever white-haired girl took her time aligning her legs and mentally preparing, finally pushing herself off gently at the same time her hips made a thrust. Both feet landed on the ground simultaneously and a few corrective hops later, she was stood upright on her carpet feeling completely balanced.

Okay, time for some exploring!

Alice’s first goal was reaching the low chest of drawers on top of which she’d left the bowl of handcuff keys. Her intention had been to make them impossible to reach. She was dying to find out if that was the case, so much so her heart begun beating faster despite not even having taken a single step!

She bent her knees and made a first careful jump. Then another, further one. By the third jump she felt comfortable enough to get a rhythm going and six hops after that she reached the chest of drawers.

The busty cook was panting from the exertion. She hadn’t expected jumping about would be that tiring, but with her hands and feet cuffed every landing required some delicate rebalancing before making the next jump. She’d found getting speed up made it easier to balance herself, but it also felt riskier and more difficult to stop again.

But perhaps the biggest discovery was how her jumping about made those large breasts of hers bounce up and down. A lot more than when she could use her arms and legs properly.

Her mammaries jiggled about so heavily so her tank top even began feeling slightly askew. To her annoyance, the cuffs stopped her from reaching up and fixing her outfit back in place.

Sports bra, I definitely need to buy a sports bra for the next time I plan on jumping around the place. It’s a good thing Ryo isn’t here yet, he’d have a field day with the state I’m in.

Alice’s cheeks ran bright red as he rubbed her waist and tits into the hard wooden chest of drawers to try and adjust her top that way.

“Mrnnnhh!” She moaned hornily, her nipples poking into her top from the stimulation.

Focus Alice! Get back on track and get those keys! The white haired girl scolded herself. 

She leaned forward so her arms could reach up higher, testing to see if she could pick one or more keys from the bowl. But no matter which angle she adopted, the limited span of her cuffed arms made it impossible to fish anything from the deep glass bowl.

Okay, so that settles that question: I really am stuck like this until Ryo comes.

She grinned at her reflection in the mirror.

Sometimes, I even surprise myself with my inventiveness!

Alice went on to hop around the room some more, imagining she had been kidnapped and was looking for a way out. That did the trick. Slowly but surely, her body got that thrilling feeling back she’d experienced when she was at Ryo’s mercy.

“Heeehh!” She cried for help, though not so loud it would actually make it out of the room.

The young chef soon became so confident in her hopping that she even started fiddling with the handcuffs as she went along. It didn’t take long for that to bite her in the ass.

“Aaahhh!” Alice yelped as she suffered a bad landing. Instinctively she tried to put her feet wide for more balance, but that just ended in a high pitched *clink* when the chain connecting her ankles pulled short.

Her imbalance got worse and seemingly in slow motion she stumbled to the floor with a painful *thud*

“Owww!” She moaned.

Stupid cuffs! If I could’ve moved my feet properly, I wouldn’t have fallen.

She looked to her side where her bed was standing. Lying on the ground, it had more of an air of a mountain she had to scale.

When the throbbing in her thigh had subsided, the busty girl started climbing back to her feet. That went a lot less gracefully than she had expected. 

Since her hands were cuffed behind her, pushing herself off didn’t have any effect. Neither had rocking her luscious body back and forth to create momentum and push herself up using just her legs. Every time she tried that, the bombshell would just fall back and land on her butt again. With her legs so awkwardly positioned, she couldn’t get enough lift to overcome gravity and push herself up on her own two feet.

After several failed attempts, Alice felt truly stumped.

You’re kidding me?! I can’t get up?!

“HMRRNGG!” She growled annoyed. Now what?!

She looked at her bed. That mattress looked so comfy right now, compared to the rough and itchy rug she was sitting on.

…Maybe I can use the bed for support.

The white haired girl scooted towards the bed and leaned her body into it, pushing herself up with her feet again. She slowly slid up along her bed and mattress, using them as a wall to keep her from falling. Eventually she rose over the top, allowing part of her upper body to fall flat on the mattress. One mighty hop then pushed even more of her body onto the bed, allowing her to crawl and roll into the middle of it.

“Pfewww.” She sighed.

This was more exhausting than a shokugeki! I never expected life would be so difficult just from these two restraints!

And yet the gorgeous chef in training still felt hungry for more.

I’d like to be a little more helpless...

The bodacious white haired girl looked at the last set of cuffs still lying on her bed.

I wonder if I can connect the two I’m wearing right now.

Alice started crawling towards her cuffs, rubbing her luscious body into the mattress.

“Mnnnn!” She mewled as her breasts were squished and kneaded underneath her body.

That’s a less fun part about not being able to use your hands: you can’t support yourself at all!

After what felt like a mile, she finally closed her fingers around the remaining set of cuffs.

Okay, now to get these where I need them to be.

She started off locking one half around the chain connecting her wrists, since it was closest. The white haired girl then rolled onto her stomach and craned her neck to look at her slender legs, which she bent down as deep as she could. It took her a few tries, but eventually the other half of those cuffs closed around her ankle cuffs with a satisfying *crrrk*

Immediately she tried kicking her legs and fiddling with her cuffs, but to her delight the hogtie was completely secure. She silently praised herself for putting on those sweatbands before putting the cuffs on, because they were working like a charm right now in keeping her fair skin safe from the harsh steel.

After tiring herself out, she rolled onto her side since it felt most comfortable. Alice was panting softly, sending puffs of hot air past the soaking wet ball gag.

This is more like it! Right now, I’m at least as defenceless as that time with Ryo.

The white haired cook began blushing as her mind wandered back to that night where her aide had tied her so roughly she could barely lift a finger, ending up completely at his mercy.

I’m curious to hear what Ryo will say when he finds me like this... Who knows how he’ll take advantage of that! Ooohh, I wish he’d hurry up already!

Alice started squirming around on her bed, moaning softly as her body grew hotter and hotter.

Maybe I should've used one of those vibrating toys as well. I keep getting more aroused, but I don't think I can do anything like this.

The bodacious chef tried reaching around her body, but the hogtie cuffs she locked on herself were far too short. Her arms couldn’t get anywhere close to either her either her tingling breasts or her quivering pussy.

Figures. Darn it. Note to self: order one of those long chain cuffs you saw on the internet…

She glanced over at the keys which were neatly lying in a bowl on her chest of drawers. Even when she could freely hop around, those had proven to be out or reach. Now that she was lying hogcuffed on her bed, those keys might as well have been dangling from the chandelier.

Alice rolled around to look at her alarm clock: 20:30.

Still an hour and a half until Ryo comes. That’s still so long!

The cute captive started bucking around to pass the time, relishing in her helplessness. She had to pause from time to time to catch her breath, or rub her cheek on the mattress to clean the drool away.

But eventually, fumbling around on the bed with handcuffs that wouldn’t budge no matter what she tried grew dull as well.

Her alarm clock now showed 20:50.

That’s all it’s been?!

“MRNFNGFF!” She shouted impatiently. It took her several seconds to realize she was being so loud someone passing by her room would be able to pick it up!

She knocked her head into the mattress to stifle herself.

Stupid! Are you trying to get discovered?! 

After collecting herself, the young bombshell started considering her options.

Should I try squirming to my cellphone?

It was lying on the nightstand right beside her bed. It’d be risky but she was confident she could drag it onto the bed using her toes and from there find Ryo in her contacts.

But even as she began calculating how long that painstaking effort would take, a bigger hurdle rose to mind:

I’m gagged! I won’t be able to say a thing!

“Mrrnngg!” She groaned frustrated.

Why the hell did I do such a good job? There’s no way out at all!

Since she still had over an hour to go, Alice decided going for her phone was as good a pass time as anything. If nothing else, she could try typing a message and texting it to Ryo.

As she expected, wriggling her way to such a position that she could make contact with her phone proved to be extremely frustrating. After 15 minutes and over a dozen failed attempts, she screeched in fury as she rolled around the bed to buck her frustration away.

A few deep breaths later, she tried again. With success, her feet landed on the phone!

Good, now gently pull it towards yourself...

The phone slowly slid along the polished wood, over the edge and onto the mattress. Problem was, once it was halfway onto the bed, Alice’s down filled sheets created so much friction it refused to slide any further.

In a reflex, she lifted her feet to try and get a better hold on it. But the second she did that, the pressure on her phone lifted, allowing it to slip down the side of the bed and in between the narrow gap between her bed and the nightstand!

That soft *thud* made Alice’s blood freeze.

Please tell me that didn’t just happen.

But the fact that her feet were now touching nothing but bed confirmed it. No more phone.

“SUH OHH HAH HISH (SON OF A BITCH)!!” She cursed, rolling towards the centre of the bed so her angry throes wouldn’t throw her off it.

After tiring herself out, she looked at her alarm clock once more.


At least it’s almost 10 o’ clock...

The next half hour crawled by, but Ryo didn’t show.

Come on you blockhead! She thought heatedly. I feel like I’m about to burst in flames! I need someone to pamper me!

When the clock showed 22:20, Alice grew nervous rather than angry.

Despite knowing it was futile, she now genuinely started struggling for freedom. But the harsh steel cuffs were as unforgiving as ever. There was no way out. She'd done too good a job, the bodacious cook was completely stuck.

By 11 o’ clock, Alice was at her wits’ end.

What do I do?! I can’t get out, my phone is out of reach and no one but Ryo knows what I’m doing here!! Should I take a chance and roll of the bed?

She cringed just at the thought of that painful landing.

I’ll wait for one more hour. If he hasn’t arrived here by midnight, I’ll start screaming for help...

The young bombshell didn’t look forward to that at all. Regardless of who found her, even if it was a trustee of the Nakiri family, she’d have a horrible time explaining what had transpired.

Come on Ryo, you haven’t let me down before, what’s up with you being late?!

At 23:30, the sound of her door handle creaking startled Alice. She’d been lying with the door in her line of sight for the past hour, but had laid down her head to rest her neck.

Right now however, she was staring straight at her door with eyes wide in anticipation.

Ryo?!  She prayed.

The door slowly opened, coinciding with the rapid rise in Alice’s heartbeat.

After what seemed like an eternity, the figure to hold the handle finally walked in. It was her aide: Ryo Kurokiba.

The raven haired man closed the door behind him and stared at his friend with glazed eyes. Not even her extraordinary position seemed to rattle his passive side.

“Ojou? What happened to you?”

That question was the final straw. As relieved as Alice had been to see her aide, right now all she had for him was a very intense glare and the tantrum of a lifetime!

“HEH OFUH HEER (GET OVER HERE)!” She bellowed, beside herself with rage.

When Ryo didn’t move quickly enough she enforced that scream by thrashing around like a woman possessed.


“Calm down, Ojou. I can’t undo the strap if you struggle like this.” Ryo replied as he tried to remove her ball gag.

Alice forced herself to lie still, though every fibre of her magnificent body was trembling with anger.

Not a single word of apology or explanation as to why he’s late. He is lucky I can’t lift a finger or I’d smack him silly!

"What took you so long?" Alice snapped when her gag finally came out. Whilst she waited for his response, the white haired girl moaned softly as she stretched the soreness out of her jaw.

"You never specified an hour."

"I said night. Of course that means 10!" 

"Why would it? The sun went down at 9 already." Was her aide’s stoic retort. 

"I would've said sundown if I meant that, wouldn't I you dummy?” Alice countered with a cross frown.

How DARE he suggest this is my fault!

“Besides, going by your logic: why weren't you here at 9?!" She added, diverting Ryo from the fact she still hadn’t explained how he should’ve known what the right meeting time was.

"Because Yukihira and Tadokoro visited me whilst I was cleaning up and Yukihira and I ended up in a shokugeki."

"Even though you knew you had to come and free me?"

"I didn't know that, miss. You just told me to stop by at night. Without any specific instructions."

Alice's cheeks flushed. "W-well obviously I couldn't write anything specific in my message! You know this is our secret, don't you?!"

"Of course. But then how was I supposed to know why I had to visit, and at which time?" The dark haired young man returned passively.

Not even Alice had a response for that one. As usual, Ryo’s lack of fire in his non-bandana state was too disarming to hold a long argument with.

"J-just shut up and untie me." She replied instead, rattling her cuffs urgently.

"Untie you?"

"YES! I'm sick of these cuffs! They're really hard and they won't budge an inch."

"Well they're steel."

"I know that! I'm just saying that your ropes were more fun because there was more wriggle room."

"Was that the reason you wanted me to come over? To replace these cuffs with rope?"

"It might have been." The bodacious cook sulked. "But you've missed your chance. I'm not in the mood anymore."

Ryo stood up from the bed, Alice assumed to walk towards the bowl of keys.

But her heart skipped a beat when she saw him fish his red bandana out of his pocket.

Don’t tell me...

The second his bandana was knotted, Ryo’s eyes lit up with fire.

"But I am!” He replied with his rough voice, rolling Alice onto her back and grabbing her boob with such force his fingers dug into the flesh.

“Owww!” Alice mewled. “What are you doing?!” She glared up at him.

But her aide didn’t back down. On the contrary. 

“Seeing as you went through all the trouble to present this slutty body of yours like a hog roast, I think I’ll take advantage of that!"

The smirk that suddenly played along his lips sent a shiver down Alice’s spine. She could’ve sworn her cuffs had just tightened a notch. Just two words rung inside her head:

… Oh crap.


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