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Alexis didn’t know how much time passed with her lying on that bed, helpless to free herself. But after a few hours, the door finally opened again. However, it wasn’t the woman who walked through. Instead the taller of her two henchmen showed his masked face again.

The redhead gasped in horror, pulling on her ropes in reflex. But she immediately snapped back onto the bed.

“OOH! Aehe ahay! Aih ash shu-howsh ooh gehh aho-hur sha-hh! (NO! Stay away! I was supposed to get another chance!)” She screamed in a frenzy, thinking he had come to take advantage of her.

"Shut up.” He said rudely as he walked over to the bed.

“HHEEEHHHHH (HEEEEELP)!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, thrashing so wildly the leather cuffs started biting into her skin.

“Calm down!” Her kidnapper snapped. “I’m not going to touch you.”

That made the young woman calm down for a moment. “Ahh (what)?”

“I don’t know why, but our boss seems smitten with you. Doesn’t want anyone but her playing with you. A real shame if you ask me...”

Alexis glowered at him, still trying to scoot away but soon pulling the ropes on her right side taut.

“I’m going to untie you so you can get to the bathroom and freshen up again. After that there’ll be food for you. We’ll give you one hour to stretch your body, but after that you’re going back to this bed.”

The man started undoing the ropes tethering her to the bed. “But I’m warning you. If you try anything funny, everything you just freaked out about and more is coming your way!”

His voice betrayed the man was in a foul mood. Apparently, the brunette in charge really had forbidden him to lay a finger on Alexis.

Should I try to exploit this opening? Try to escape, or make him slip up so that woman kicks him out? But what if he loses his temper and assaults me for real?!

The woman's words rung in her mind again:

“Your life is in my hands. So, if you want it to be pleasant, your only option is to start obeying me.”

It’s too risky. The red haired girl thought defeated. I still don’t know enough about where I am, and if my escape fails they might end up shipping me off faster than planned.

She hated it, but Alexis chose to go with her initial plan: Act obedient and win the woman’s trust, to buy time for the police to further their investigation, or wait for a more opportune moment.

In the limited time her captors had granted her, she’d had a filling meal and spent nearly half an hour in a hot shower. 

Exactly 60 minutes after she climbed off the bed, the tall man banged on the bathroom door.

“Time’s up!” He shouted.

A startled Alexis had just barely finished putting on a set of dark red underwear when the brute swung the door open just seconds after knocking.

“Didn’t you hear me?” He growled.

“I was doing up my bra!” She screamed angrily, wrapping her arms around her half naked body to shield it.

“For the good it’ll do you.” He smirked back at her.

The redhead shrunk back. “W-what do you mean?!”

“I mean my boss is almost definitely going to pay you a visit later today, and that bra won’t last long when she does.”

Alexis breathed more easily. So, he wasn’t talking about himself.

Immediately, the young woman felt confused however. Why was I relieved? It’s just as bad for that woman to molest me as it is when this guy would do it?!

She didn’t get any time to further contemplate however, because her burly kidnapper grabbed her right arm and harshly guided her back onto the bed where he refitted her with the leather cuffs and spread-eagled her to the bed in the exact same position she’d woken up in, including that nefarious ring gag.

After that he just left her, snickering about the college student’s nervous squirming.

“You’re just wasting your energy.” He taunted from the doorway. “And I wouldn’t do that, because if I know my boss, you’ll be needing it.”

The man closed the door after him, leaving a frustrated and humiliated Alexis all by herself.

Even if she tried to get comfortable, despite the restraints drawing her arms and legs in all directions, the tall man’s words kept lingering in her mind.

Is that woman really going to come by and finish what she tried to start yesterday? Is that why they tied me like this? To make sure I can’t kick or scratch back?

The young redhead kept tossing and turning on the bed, eyeing desperately at the knots located so far away from her hands.

It’s hopeless. There’s no way I’ll ever get out of this, even if it is this little rope...

She was left to worry about what her kidnapper had in store for the better part of two hours. But eventually the door opened with that familiar, metallic creak.

As her henchman had predicted, the woman had returned. Although Alexis needed a second and even third look to make sure it was really her.

The slender brunette had donned a breath-taking outfit, consisting out of red and black leather that also covered her arms and incorporated a corset to further emphasize her amazing hourglass figure. The single piece suit had a large opening on her upper body to display her pushed up breasts and leave a deep cleavage.

Most of her legs were clad in thigh-high black leather boots with a heel of 6 inches high.

Because of that, the captress came across as even more attractive (and intimidating) than usual!

“Had a nice afternoon?” She asked in a sultry voice. “I hear you spent a long time in the shower?”

“Because I’ve been sweating from all these horrible positions you put me in.” Alexis growled, trying to hide her anxiety.

“Aww, but I do that because it makes you look so cute!”

With that, the woman climbed onto the bed with Alexis and started caressing her waistline.

“Your daddy is a really lucky man, to have a daughter as cute as you.” She whispered, pressing her lips on the redhead’s bellybutton.

Alexis shuddered, and her hair stood on end as the domme’s full red lips tickled her skin.

“Please.” She whimpered.

“Hush now.” The woman interrupted, holding out the ring gag.

“No!” Alexis shook her head as she tried to evade her captor from buckling it down. Her efforts were in vain, soon her cute lips were once again forcefully parted by the sturdy rubber ring.

“Aww, don’t look so sad doll. I know it doesn’t feel nice, but this gag makes you look even more gorgeous than normal!”

As the brunette lowered her gentle features over Alexis, the redhead tried to avert her gaze. But that earned her a harsh pinch in her thigh.


“Look at me when I’m talking to you.” The woman said strictly before bringing her lips even closer to Alexis’.

The redhead’s entire body quivered, but she daren’t resist anymore as the brunette looming over her stole a wet kiss through the ring gag. Her tongue frolicked around inside Alexis’s mouth, teasing hers.

The college student shivered as her kidnapper groaned in delight.

She’s kissing me. I’m being kissed by this woman!

In a reflex, her arms tried to push the slender brunette away. But the ropes refused her, and thankfully the woman was too focused on enjoying her moment to notice.

After what felt like hours, the kidnapper finally withdrew.

“You taste lovely.” She said, brushing her tongue along her deep red lips to give them a slight shine. “Can’t wait to find out what other flavours your hiding...”

As the helpless damsel tried to process that eerie remark, the woman slipped off the bed and began searching the duffle bag which she’d apparently stored underneath without Alexis’ knowing.

From it she retrieved a pristine white vibrator, shiny enough to make the redhead realize it had never been used.

“Let’s see how sensitive you are.” The brunette smirked at her trembling prey.

“Ooohhh (Noooo)!!” Alexis mewled, squirming frantically on her bed.

But those struggles for escape soon turned into throes for release as her kidnapper began to push her buttons with frightening accuracy.

Worse still, despite the red haired girl’s best efforts she could feel herself becoming aroused and hungry for more attention from that frustrating toy.

Sadly, her kidnapper was too skilled in her use of the vibrator. Every time she felt Alexis getting closer to a climax, she’d withdraw and leave her wanting. She kept that up until her red haired pet finally uttered the words she wanted to hear:

“Eeshh (Please)!” Alexis whimpered. “Shoh eeshihh (stop teasing)!”

“But the sounds you make are so adorable.” The tall and slender woman retorted, nudging the vibe into her lovebox.


Alexis bucked angrily as the vibe retreated again.

This is even worse than just groping me! She should either commit to it or leave me alone!

“Are you starting to understand, my dear Alexis? How hard your life here could be if you don’t fall in line?”

The college student nodded. She hated herself for giving in, but given the hopelessness of her situation she saw no other option.

If she keeps this up, I’ll go insane!

“Aih hee gooh (I’ll be good)!” She gasped. “Aih ooh ash ohh shey (I’ll do as you say) …"


With that, the brunette pulled down her panties and slipped the vibrator inside.

Alexis shrieked and squirmed like mad as her senses were flooded with the intense vibrations. In a matter of seconds, she could feel her climax near. But she couldn’t surrender herself fully, fearful of her captor betraying her trust and pulling the vibrator out at the last moment.

Thanks to that, her climax almost caught her by surprise.

“Aaahhhhhh!” She moaned, her hands squeezing the ropes spread eagling her.

When she went limp from exhaustion, her kidnapper removed the vibe and gave her a peck on the cheek. “Pleasant dreams, Alexis. Tomorrow we’ll have a proper session. I hope that you won’t have forgotten your promise of just now...”

Alexis was so exhausted from her turbulent day she drifted off to sleep mere minutes after her kidnapper left the room. She didn’t even have the time to worry about what the next day would bring.

The next morning arrived far sooner than the helpless redhead liked. She’d fallen asleep barely five hours ago. Her throat felt dry from having her mouth forced open through the ring gag.

I hope they’ll untie me soon, I need a bathroom break and something to drink...

Almost as if they’d been waiting for her to start stirring, the two burly men barged into her room and undid her gag and the leather cuffs pinning her down.

They hoisted her on her feet and half walked half dragged the exhausted girl to the bathroom. “You get two hours this time.” The taller of the two told her. “Be sure to put on the underwear our boss left for you.”

The other guy snickered as he locked the door behind the redhead.

Alexis took a look at the shiny clothing. A set of panties and bra, both jet black. Brushing her finger along the surface told her it was latex that gave it its shine. It felt weird, not at all like underwear should feel like. But since there was no alternative, the redhaired girl resigned herself to wearing it after her body had recuperated somewhat inside the steamy shower.

After drying her slender body off with a towel, she carefully slipped on the skin tight bra and panties. They clung to her skin as though they’d been suctioned on. A single glance in the mirror told Alexis not a single curve of her pretty breasts and bum was lost underneath the smooth fabric. If anything they were brought out more clearly.

When she stepped into the black high heeled pumps, her hips suddenly became more clearly defined as well, more feminine. Combined with the erotic underwear, the young student couldn’t help but admit she looked stunning. She just wished it wasn’t under such horrible circumstances.

When she exited the bathroom, her own room was still abandoned. There was however a tray with a healthy and fulfilling breakfast lying ready on a nearby desk.

Alexis was starving, so she stove right for the desk and dug in, trying not to think about what would happen after she’d taken her meal.

Even after finishing her breakfast, the young redhead still had half an hour of downtime. But locked inside her desolate room, there wasn’t much to do.

She paced up and down the room, taking full advantage of the chance to stretch her limbs. Naturally she also kept an eye out for any opportunities to escape.

I’m close to the window, so the moment I make it out of here I should try to turn right and follow the wall until I come across a door. I hate it, but maybe I should act obedient today to open up a chance at escape...

When her kidnapper finally visited her again, the brunette squealed in delight.

“You. Look. GORGEOUS!” She cheered, causing the college girl to look away embarrassed.

“Aww, don’t turn away my dear. Give me a little parade! Walk up and down the room, give me a few twirls!”

Alexis gritted her teeth and squeezed her hands into fists as she slowly walked toward the other end of the room. The sounds of her high heels hitting the concrete bounced around the otherwise silent room.

This is degrading, walking around for this woman’s pleasure.

Despite her skimpy attire, the redhead didn’t feel cold in the slightest. Because the sheer humiliation and the feeling of her kidnapper’s eyes drinking in every one of her sensual curves was making her burn up.

“Very good! You’re an all-star model, Alexis.” The slender woman complimented as she beckoned her, a set of ropes ready in her right hand.

“Do I have to?” The college girl whimpered.

She had hoped doing as she was told would’ve earned her a day of freedom.

“It’s only light bondage... if you behave.” The woman assured her. 

Alexis sighed.

Bear with it, Alexis. Your moment will come...

She calmly let the brunette cross her wrists behind her back, and didn’t flinch when she pulled a tight crotch rope into place to anchor them in place.

“Lift you head dear.” Were the slender woman’s next words as she held out a thin leather collar with a name tag: ‘Little Pumpkin’.

Alexis gave her a foul stare at the tag holding her father’s pet name for her. but she silently obeyed in the hopes of not ending up tethered to anything.

“Cute! Maybe I’ll make this a permanent accessory.” The woman teased before taking a longer rope and knotting it to the collar so it could act as a leash.

“There we go! This isn’t so bad, is it?”

Alexis had to admit the woman was right. Compared to normal, this could almost be called comfortable.

“I guess you’re right.” She admitted in a sulking tone.

“One more thing: You will address me as mistress for the duration of these sessions.”


The woman yanked the crotch rope harshly. “Because I said so.”

“Aaahh! Let go!”

“Don’t tell me what to do!”


A single blow to Alexis’ unprotected left buttock set her poor behind on fire. Her kidnapper hadn’t held back at all!



“OWW! Stop it!”

“Pets who can’t behave need to be disciplined.”


“AAHH! Stop it please... mistress.”

“Good girl. You learn fast.”

Alexis glowered at the woman, reaching to stroke her butt in an effort to soothe the stinging. But rather than relieve herself, she yanked the crotch rope deeper into her groin.

This is so unfair! I can’t even stroke the sore spots like this! Stupid rope!

“Let’s go for a walk.” The woman ignored the redhead’s mewling, opening the door to Alexis’ room and leading the way into the rest of the abandoned factory, leash in hand.

As she was forced to parade around the building in her slutty outfit, the young woman’s cheeks turned as red as her hair. But she bore the shame by focusing on the layout of the factory and searching for the shortest route out of there.

“You’re awfully quiet, Alexis.” The woman interrupted. “I would’ve thought you’d enjoy your first decent walk in days. Could it be that you’re so used to being gagged that it’s now your prefered state? Because if so, I’d be happy to decorate your mouth with a nice and pretty one.” She teased.

“No thank you. The walk is fine, but it would’ve been better if I weren’t being led around like some dog.” Was the sour reply.

“My dear Alexis.” The woman chuckled. “You’re not a dog, more like a kitten.”

The red haired girl gritted her teeth, fearful that a rude retort would make yesterday’s threat of becoming the men’s plaything a reality.

Instead, she settled on: “Is there any purpose to me wearing this latex underwear? I would have been just as exposed in normal underwear, but more comfortable.”

“The only reason is because I like latex.” The brunette admitted. “But since I’m in charge, that’s a good enough reason.”

After returning to Alexis’ room and removing the college girl’s crotch rope, the brunette instructed Alexis to remain standing perfectly still with her legs spread about a foot apart whilst she uncoiled a very long rope.

As the slender redhead stood there, her heart beating so fast it nearly hurt, the college student caught herself being curious about what this woman’s plan was with that humongous rope!

A single long rope was hung around her neck, one end hanging down either side along the front of her scantily clad body. The rope was so long, both ends touched the floor with several feet to spare.

The woman then proceeded to knot the rope together in front of her in three places: just above her breast, just below and around her navel. That had the effect of combining the two loosely hanging ends into a neater, single length. It also left two small openings between the three knots, which she’d use later on.

Her kidnapper then fed the remainder of the rope between Alexis’s legs and pulled it up along her back to feet it through the loop around her neck, pulling it tight enough so the rope dug into her latex panties.

She then brought the two lengths of rope back in front of Alexis’ body by pulling them underneath her arms. By feeding the ropes through the higher of the two small holes she’d left earlier and then bringing it back around to the redhead’s back, she pulled the rope taut in a diamond shape. After reigning in any slack, the woman pulled the rope back behind Alexis and looped it around the back of the rope again, repeating the whole procedure for the second hole and creating a second diamond shape right below the first. After finally pulling the whole contraption tight, she tied off the last ends in front of Alexis’s slender body, just below her belly button.

The end result was a snugly fitting shibari harness that covered the whole of her upper body and feature rope running between her legs and along her shapely breasts for constant pressure in all the places it counted.

“Perfect!” The woman chimed after she took a step back. “How’s it feel?”

Every move she made caused the ropes hugging her figure to tighten. It was worst when she tried to walk, since the crotchrope only served to nudge the latex panties deeper into her lovebox.

“Mrrnn. It’s tight and uncomfortable.”

“For now. You’ll get settle soon enough.” The woman replied confidently.

She next freed Alexis’s wrists, but only to guide her on a chair and bind each one to an armrest so she couldn’t get up.

The chair itself was positioned in front of a mirror. 

“What are you going to do?” The slender student asked as she pulled at the ropes nervously.

“I’m going to freshen you up a little.”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re so cute, Alexis. But these days in this filthy room have had an adverse effect on your beauty. Let’s fix that. My way...”

She opened up a thin yet wide leather case, holding a wide array of make-up and other beauty products.

“Hold still dear.” The brunette instructed as she began combing her hair, blow drying it to give it a slight curl. After that she moved on to dust blusher on her cheeks, giving her a healthy glow. Next came mascara for her eyelashes and a smooth layer of lipstick on her lips. Particularly that last part the kidnapper applied with an almost erotic sense for detail.

“Hmmm.” She moaned softly as the dark red brought out the most of Alexis’ soft lips. “I can hardly contain myself. But I’ll hold it in for now. At least until I’m done.”

With ‘done’, the woman meant plaster a thin strip of micro foam tape over her pet’s mouth, smoothing it down carefully so it outlined her pretty lips to the tiniest detail. She then gave her gagged lips another layer of lipstick and hid the tape using skin coloured make up.

She then took a step back, giving the college girl a chance to check herself out in the mirror.

Alexis gasped faintly when she saw the woman in the reflection. For all her flaws, this woman knew how to handle make-up! She had never looked more mature, more sensual. What was most impressive was that you could barely make out the contours of the tape anymore. If you didn’t know it was there, you’d never spot it unless you got right in her face.

“You look amazing.” The woman sighed contently, bending down to find Alexis’ gagged lips for a long, groan-underlined kiss.

“Let’s get you dressed. I have something incredibly cute prepared for you.” She said excitedly.

The brunette briefly disappeared, returning with a white buttoned shirt, a plaid skirt and black stockings. Whichever way you looked at it, what she’d brought was your stereotypical schoolgirl outfit.

“Mnf mhnf mhn mrrn mhnf?! (I have to wear that)?!”

“Yes you do. Don’t worry, even if the shirt is white, the shibari harness probably won’t be visible.”

I have to keep these ropes on underneath?!

The redhead glowered at her kidnapper.

If I wasn’t gagged right now, I’d tell her where to stick that uniform!

Part of her was almost thankful for not being able to scream, since it would’ve ruined all her hard work up till now of acting like ‘a good girl’.

Alexis settled for a foul stare before snatching the clothes from her kidnapper’s hand and locking herself in the bathroom.

After fitting herself with the outfit, the young college student spent a few minutes turning around in front of the mirror.

The skirt was so short a stiff breeze would easily expose her panties (and the crotch rope) underneath. Her shirt was the correct size, but due to the shibari puffing up her breasts it did feel a little tight around her chest. One button in particular looked like it came under a lot of stress when she breathed too deeply.

So this is my fate? Being forced to walk around like some doll for this maniac woman... I have to get out of here the first chance I get!

She tried moving her lips a little underneath the tape gag, but it just wouldn’t settle the way she wanted. At least it wasn’t very noticeable thanks to her kidnapper’s make-up skills.

After taking a deep breath through her nose, Alexis opened the bathroom door again and appeared before her ‘mistress’.

The way the tall woman’s face lit up made a shiver run down her spine. The brunette’s deep brown eyes drank in every inch of the college girl’s gorgeous figure, enhanced by the high heels and hidden shibari ropes.

“You look as incredible as I expected. No, even better! That skirt really suits your gorgeous legs!”

Alexis settled for frowning defiantly, since her voice had been taken from her already.

“Aww, you’re upset. But I’m afraid it’s still adorable!” The woman sneered.


“Don’t bother my pet, those helpless ‘mpffs’ of yours only make you more attractive to me.”

The redhead shivered as her captor walked towards her with a large roll of duct tape, which she skilfully applied to trap Alexis’ hands into fists.

Damn it, I didn’t expect this. Without my hands it could become very difficult to break out of here.

The slender student started mentally retracing her steps to check if the gates leading outside were the type you could force open just by pushing them with your shoulder. But she’d been too focused on looking past the doorways and check for an escape route to recall that detail.

Should I wait for another opportunity? Keep playing nice today so I’m treated even better?

As Alexis weighed her options, the woman put the finishing touches on a rope framework hidden beneath her skirt which wrapped around her thighs and buttocks, all of it to give her already firm booty a lift and make her look even more alluring. On top of that, the new ropes also served as a sturdy framework for her kidnapper to wedge a small hitachi wand, currently pressing up against her crotch rope.

The red haired girl looked at her with nervous eyes.

If she turns that thing on now, with all these ropes digging into me and my standing on these high heels I’m not used too, I might crash to the floor right here!

“Don’t worry my dear. If you behave, that little thing will be your best friend all day.”

Her brunette kidnapper started walking off again, this time without pulling the leash along. It seemed like she expected Alexis to obediently follow.

Part of her wanted nothing more than to defiantly keep standing in her spot. But the hitachi nudging between her thighs quickly changed her mind.

Alexis started marching behind her ‘mistress’. Her first dozen steps or so felt awkward and unnerving. The breeziness of her skirt, the ropes pressuring her most intimate areas, and the constant threat of that hitachi acting up.

The gagged redhead was brought to a different bedroom, roomier and more luxurious.

“This has been my room for the past few days, in case you were wondering.” The brunette remarked casually. “We’ve all been camping in this dump to make you wouldn’t feel lonely.”

Alexis rolled her eyes.

I could’ve done with some less attention from you, to be perfectly honest. She thought to herself, thankful the gag stopped her from saying it out loud.

“Have a seat.” The woman told her, tapping the mattress of her queen size bad as she sat her lovely tush down.

Alexis hesitated for a few seconds, until...


“MRNNNHH!” The red haired girl yelped through her gag as her knees went weak. The hitachi had just activated! And it did more than just tickle her lovebox. Thanks to the rope harness underneath her clothes, the entire set of ropes began vibrating.

She stumbled over to the bed, sitting down beside her mistress.

“Good girl.” She commended before turning down the hitachi to a soft, pleasant hum. “Go ahead and lie down.” The slender woman added, gently guiding Alexis onto her back.

The red haired damsel suppressed her urge to resist, instead calmly playing along so she wouldn’t end up tied to anything.

Sadly, her docile behaviour only spurred the temptress on to fondle her luscious body more invasively.

“You’re acting very well-behaved today.” The woman mused. “I’m pleasantly surprised.”

She unbuttoned part of Alexis shirt, slipping her slender fingers underneath the fabric to caress her smooth, soft skin along the ropes of the shibari harness.


A muted moan escaped Alexis, followed by a deep breath through her nose.

This brunette’s expert touch was making her mad with desire!

She couldn’t stop herself from squirming needily. When she felt the hitachi being removed and no fingering replacing its sensual attention, her hands even started wandering down to her own hips!

Sadly, the tape balling her hands into fists meant she couldn’t do anything with her own fingers.

“Mnff.” She moaned disappointed.

Why’d she take that thing away from me? I was just getting into it...

When she caught herself at getting swept up in her captor’s sexual games, she veered bolt upright.

“Hmnn (NO)!” She yelped.

“Shhh, it’s okay my pet. Don’t be scared.” The brunette whispered, stroking Alexis’ gentle features as she guided her back down.

And to her horror, Alexis let her!

How does she do this? How can she get this much control over my body?!

When the redhead was lying down on the bed again, her mistress gave her a peck on the cheek. “I’ll be right back.” She breathed into her ear. “Just getting another accessory I promise you’ll enjoy.”

The woman left Alexis alone in her bedroom to retrieve her mysterious accessory. It took a few seconds for the college girl to process that fact:

She was alone, inside an unlocked room, with limited restraints that even allowed her to walk freely!

This is my chance! She realized.

The red haired captive got up from the bed and cautiously crept towards the door. She was so nervous about bumping into anyone, she didn’t even draw breath until after peeking out the door.

There was not a soul in sight.

Alexis looked left: a dark and narrow hall which ended in a T. Taking a left there would bring her back to her own room. Going right would bring her in one of the assembly halls of this disused factory, the one her kidnapper had taken her on a stroll through earlier. She’d gotten a pretty good view on that room, but no clear route on an exit.

She then looked to the right. There was a push door there which lead to a different hall.

Should I risk it? I don’t know what I’ll find...

Her heart was pounding in her chest as she weighed her options.

I’m wasting time!

Her feet started running right, soon reaching the push door which gave way with surprising ease. It brought her inside a large room which used to be a packing hall. She immediately started looking all around her, but there was no one inside to notice her. 

Good, now just keep going!

‘Mpff!” She moaned as the crotch rope suddenly shifted unfavourably. But she soldiered on.

Thanks to the ropes hidden underneath her skimpy outfit, running was a lot more tiring than usual, spurred on by the idea of being free again.

The sound of her high heels hitting the concrete bounced around the vast hall, but she didn’t have time to move quietly. All her energy was focused on getting as far away from her kidnappers, as quickly as possible. 

After making her way halfway through the packing hall, the college girl reached a wide open space to her right, at the end of which a massive slidable hangar door was bolted to the wall and roof. Her hear jumped she noticed a thin strip of light. The door was about half a foot open already!

YES! I can get out through there!

The cold draft coming from outside gave her new hope as she rushed for it as fast as her legs could carry her.

Please, don’t let anybody know I’m gone yet until I make it outside. She prayed as the hangar door got closer.

The redhead was in such a hurry she barely slowed down in her approach and instead bumped her slender body into the metal door with a hollow *bang*.

She gripped the side of the door as best she could with her taped up hands and began pulling as hard as she could to make the heavy door slide open.

“Mrnnnnggg!” Alexis grunted as she firmly planted her high heels onto the dust covered floor to keep herself from sliding away. With a liberating creak, the gate opened up far enough for her to slip out.

As the cold air hit her soft skin, she took a deep breath in relief.

I made it!

She had finally made it outside that horrible, dirty building! 

As she stepped further into the open air, a cold breeze made her shiver. Her short skirt began blowing up slightly, exposing her panties and part of the shibari ropework. But she didn’t have time to worry about that.

Where do I go?

The red haired damsel looked left and right. Not a soul to be seen.

Which way to the closest road? Or should I start by getting as much distance between myself and those kidnappers.

She could hear footsteps echoing from inside. They were still hot on her tail!

I have to keep running.

Her high heels made it hard to run fast on the uneven road, but she didn’t dare lose them and risk cutting her feet on any of the thrash littering the asphalt.

“THERE SHE IS!” One of the men screamed as he exited the building. His companion soon followed and they started sprinting after her. Alexis glanced behind her back and noticed they were gaining on her. Fast.

Meanwhile she was approaching a right hand turn.

Please, let there be someone around the corner! She prayed as she gasped for air to keep her speed up. The shibari ropes underneath her outfit were starting to cling ever tighter, constricting her breathing and agitating her body.

Keep it together Alexis! This might be your one and only chance!

Her heart jumped as she finally made the turn around the corner, but it immediately sank again when all she found on the other side was another empty road.

But the brave redhead didn’t let the dent in her spirit defeat her.

Just keep running. You’ll find someone eventually.

“Haah, haah, haah.”

Her breathing was growing heavier, the ropes rubbing between her thighs and around her breasts began to feel hotter, as did her own body.

And then it happened: a set of large, thick arms wrapped around her slender waist and scooped her off her feet!

“NOOO!” She shrieked in despair. “Let go of me!”

Alexis kicked and screamed like her life depended on it, both her shoes flew in different directions from her wild throes.

“Shut up!” She man holding her growled.

“HEEEELP!” Alexis cried out in a last-ditch attempt, just before the other kidnapper shoved a taser underneath her top and knocked her out with a painful shock.

When Alexis came to again, her body still felt sore from her sprint and the taser shock.

After the grogginess had disappeared, she was surprised to find she was lying back on her bed, yet completely unbound!

As she looked around, her eyes soon found the slender brunette sitting on a chair on the other end of the room. Her legs and arms were crossed, and the look in her eyes sent a chill down the redhead’s spine.

“What’s going on?” She asked timidly.

“I wanted to have a little chat with you, Alexis.” She replied coldly.

The college girl cringed.

That tone doesn’t sound good…

“You broke my trust, Alexis. To be honest I feel somewhat hurt. I’ve been trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you just keep throwing it back in my face.”

She now got up from the chair. “So no more chances. I’m done with you.”

“D-done?” Alexis stammered. “You mean-“

“I’m going to leave now and let my men prepare your rebellious little as for a long trip overseas. There will be no more escape opportunities for you, young lady. Today is your last day on US soil.”

“NO!” Alexis shrieked. “You can’t!”

“I can and I will. Since you clearly don’t appreciate my intentions, there is no point in keeping you around. After all, the police is still looking for you. So if you don’t play along, you’re nothing more than a massive liability.”

Alexis felt the ground disappear beneath her feet.

I’m going to be smuggled out of the country? But then I’ll never be free!

Images of herself in various humiliating harem or slave outfits arose in front of her mind’s eye. Being forced to dance or even share beds with large, sweaty men. Being hit and abused without an end in sight. Her body nothing but a toy for powerful men to share amongst themselves…

“Please don’t.” She whimpered.

“Pleading is not going to work anymore Alexis.” The woman sighed. “I’ve given you enough chances.”

“All I need is one more.” She replied.

Her mind was made up: Right now the only thing that mattered was for this woman to take her in again. No matter the conditions.

The redhead’s tone softened, became almost sensual.

“I know I’ve let you down a lot of times… mistress. But please understand it was difficult for me to accept this dramatic change in my life.”

The woman frowned confused at her captive.

Is this another act? She sounds convincing at least. And sexy… Extremely sexy.

Alexis got off the bed and crawled towards the slender woman on her hands and knees.

“I give you my word that I’ll no longer try to escape. I’ll be yours mistress. To do with whatever you please. If you could find it in your heart to give me another chance, I will gladly prove to you I can be the person you want me to be.”

To her surprise, the experience kidnapper found herself warming to this brand new Alexis in front of her.

She uncrossed her legs and leaned forward. “Even if I told you I have something extremely intense in store for you tonight?”

“A slave should be prepared to accept anything from her mistress, is that not right? I want to prove myself, mistress. So you can do your absolute worst to me.”

The brunette chuckled. “Dear child, my worst would probably break you. And that would ruin things for both of us. But I have something special in mind already.”

Alexis Castle bowed her head. “Then let us get started mistress, the night is still young.”

The grin on her kidnapper’s delicate features widened. “Very well my pet. Then you may start by undressing. Completely.”

Alexis got back on her feet and slowly took off everything she was wearing. She tried not to think too much about it, but obviously couldn’t zone out completely.

I hope her plans aren’t as painful as those clamps were the other time. Since she wants me naked, she could probably apply dozens of those things on my body…

The red haired girl gradually felt chillier as more over her clothes dropped on the floor.

Maybe she’ll do something that makes me squirm constantly, to keep me from feeling too cold…

Soon enough, the naked college girl was guided to sit on the edge of her bed, and her kidnapper slowly slipped in a pair of lubed up dildo’s into her pussy and ass.

After that she applied small patches to her clitoris and nipples. They didn’t feel painful or cold or anything, but Alexis daren’t ask what they were for.

With the toys in place, the brunette started wrapping up Alexis’ luscious body from head to toe in duct tape.

That’s all of my legs already. Is she going to mummify me?

The redhead wondered when her entire lower half had been encased in tape.

When she was covered in tape all the way from the neck down, that assumption proved correct.

Is she going to do my head to? Looks like there is plenty of tape… but how will I breathe? She thought nervously. And what about my hair?! That’ll feel horrible!

“Open wide dear.” The brunette interrupted her thoughts.

Alexis complied silently and didn’t even protest when the penis gag filled up so much of her mouth she feared she would start gagging.

Once the gag was snugly stuck into place, her kidnapper started wrapping her head in tape. And she’d thought of everything. A swimming cap protected her hair and the duct tape hood that covered her entire head made sure to leave her nostrils free.

“There we go, all snug.” She chimed after every inch of Alexis’s gorgeous body was covered in tape. “Now for the explanation.”


“Yes. Because your gag is something special. It’s connected via bluetooth to those patches I applied. So long as you lick and tease the penis in your mouth like a good little sub, you’ll get nice vibrations every couple of minutes. If you don’t do a good job, they’ll delivery painful jolts instead.”


“I told you this would be a rigorous night.” The slender brunette lectured. “The system will shut down after about two hours so you can have a decent night’s rest. But I’ll be able to get a readout of your performance. Don’t disappoint me, Alexis.” The woman warned before abandoning her sub.

What did she mean by shock and vibrations? I won’t really be shocked like with those tasers, will I?

Her answer came after about a dozen seconds, when a jolt rushed through her body, starting at her clit and nipples. The pain was extremely brief, but just as sharp and effective.

Immediately, the wailing redhead began licking and moaning. She was desperate to avoid another jolt like that.

To her relief, the rewarding vibrations did wonders to soothe the pain coursing through her body.

Problem was that she would sometimes get so swallowed up by her own arousal she’d forget to tease the gag and receive another shock.

I have to endure two hours of this? Dear God, help me!

When her two hours were finally up, Alexis dropped off to sleep instantly. She couldn’t even remember how many times she had come.

Was it really a good idea to surrender to this woman?

Those words were the last to enter her mind before it went dark.

When the next morning came, the brunette in charge of the entire operation waltzed into her captive’s room with a surprisingly good mood.

“Good morning Alexis!” The woman chimed as she walked into the room.

Her captive didn’t respond. She felt dead tired. Despite the henchman returning in the dead of night to remove all her tape, she hadn’t been able to get to sleep.

For a start, every inch of her skin felt sensitive from having the strong adhesive stuck to it for several hours, not to mention all the violating those dildo’s and shock pads had done. But worse still was the fact those two men had seen her fully naked body!

She’d been too tired and scared to raise a fuss at the men removing the tape from her body, not to mention relieved her mummification had finally come to an end. But once they abandoned her again, the conflicting feelings swirling inside her had kept her awake for most of the night.

“Let me first congratulate you on a wonderful performance. You really gave that fake cock an amazing pampering. As expected of an honours student I guess, you excel at anything you put your mind to.”

“T-thank you.” She stammered, her cheeks bright red.

“So let’s see if you can put what you learned yesterday into practice.” Her kidnapper said in a sultry voice as she climbs onto the bed and sensually unzipped her tight jeans. As the dark blue hemp slid down her gorgeous thighs, the brunette revealed she’d been going commando. A neatly shaven pussy was displayed before Alexis, ready for her attention.

“You want me to…” Alexis stammered.

I’m still tired. She whined. But I can’t resist her. I promised her yesterday I would do as she said, to keep myself safe…

As the red haired girl crawled towards her mistress, they were suddenly interrupted by one of her goons.”

“WHAT?!” The woman bellowed.

“I need to talk to you.” The man said, visibly nervous.

“Tsk, always the same with men. Never any decent timing… Wait here my pet.”

The woman was only gone for a minute and a half, but she had turned into a different person.”

“So sorry Alexis. Change of plans.” 

“What do you mean?”

“We’re moving house.”

“What?!” She yelped as the two henchmen walked into the room and grabbed an arm each to push the struggling redhead back down on the bed. “No! Let go of me!”

“Believe it or not, your daddy has come very close to figuring out where we are.” The slender woman continued her story, ignoring Alexis’s protests.

The young woman tried her best to fight off her captors. But after several days in straining bondage predicaments, her body abused in so many ways and her spirit at its lowest point in history, she didn’t stand a chance.

The burly men easily contorted her slender body into a ball tie with tight ropes binding her arms and legs, which their boss enforced with tape to cover the knots and other parts of her body.

“No! Please don’t do this!” She whimpered. “I promise I’ll- mpfnn!”

She was cut off by a pair of panties being shoved past her cute lips. From the smell of them and the taste they were this woman’s, which instantly made her feel disgusted and humiliated.

These are wet?! Don't tell me she wore these things before stuffing them in my mouth?! That’s gross! Why did she have to do something so disgusting to me!?

“In case you were wondering: These are for you to remember my taste in my absence, my dear Alexis.” the brunette replied to her thoughts.

Several layers of tape kept the stuffing neatly in place, rendering her almost completely mute.

Their final act was to lower her into a wooden crate foreseen of several air holes in each panel to ensure she could breathe (and had some light coming in). After sealing the redhead inside, the two men grunted and heaved as they carried the heavy wooden crate to a corner.

Alexis peered through one of the holes to keep up with what was happening. 

"She’s not going anywhere.” The shorter of the two men snickered after they backed off and left Alexis to wriggle inside the wooden crate. It immediately became clear the slender redhead could do little more than rock back and forth, completely helpless to free herself.

“Perfect, then we can prepare in peace. You have half an hour. Don’t be late.” She warned her men.

As bleak as her situation looked, Alexis still tried to hang on to her last sliver of hope.

They’re still looking for me! And they’re getting closer. Kidnappers are most vulnerable during transport. I’ll have to bide my time and act at the best opportunity.

Because of that, the young redhead forced herself to lie still and save her strength.

I don’t think they locked down this box. If I act docile, they might not drug me. My best chance will be when I’m inside their van. I might not be able to move much or make any noise, if I struggle hard enough I might create some slack. After that I can push the crate open and crawl out.

She briefly tried flexing her muscles.

Although these ropes feel REALLY tight... Calm down Alexis! Don’t give up! You’re finally going to get a real chance at escape, just keep calm.

Her entire body was trembling, her heart beating like crazy. For better or worse, the young college girl truly felt today would be a do-or-die moment...

Nearly an hour passed by with no one so much as checking in on the redhead. The entire time, Alexis was so on edge her lungs were starting to hurt from the shallow breathing.

How much longer will I have to wait? She thought impatiently, pulling with her arms. But doing so only tightened up the rope running from her wrist underneath her torso to her waist.

“Mrnnn.” She groaned as the knot pushing against her lovebox pressured her harder.

I want to start struggling, kicking screaming, ANYTHING! I can’t take all this sitting still anymore!


Alexis jumped (or wobbled) inside her cramped crate. The loud smash coming from outside her room had startled her greatly. What followed was a jumbled up mess of vague but somehow familiar sounds. It sounded like some kind of stampede.

What’s going on? The red haired girl thought nervously.

Instinctively, she tried wriggling her arms and grasping at the ropes pinning her wrists together. But with her arms trapped to her back and her slender legs drawn up to her waist, the compact prisoner had nowhere to go.

Her heart began beating faster as she tried to discern what was going on outside her room.

Something big is happening? But somehow I feel it’s not part of that woman’s plan.

The clever student was right on the money. The noise coming from the large hall outside her room was caused by the SWAT team invading the abandoned warehouse. Their sound of their trudging boots bounced around the walls and their quick successions of ‘clear’ proved the place truly was empty.

The brunette had made it out just in time. Her henchmen had brought an unmarked van around, his face white as a sheet. By coincidence, the huge carpark he’d stashed the van away had overlooked the highway on which he’d spotted the train of law enforcement vehicles coming their way.

He’d rushed back to his boss and given his explanation, after which the slender mastermind had made the correct assessment:

“We get out of here right now! Leave the girl.”

Kate and Rick were already combing the place along with the SWAT team. Beckett had insisted Castle remained outside until the team had cleared the building, but the loving father had been adamant: He was going to look for Alexis and refused to wait even a second.

The two, along with half a dozen SWAT members had started combing the warehouse when it was confirmed empty.

Less than ten minutes after they entered the building, detective Kate Beckett found the room which had been housing Alexis for the past few days.

The gorgeous detective looked around the empty room... Naturally the crate drew her attention almost immediately. She then noticed some subtle drag marks on the floor coming from it. When she then spotted the airholes, it all fit.

Don’t tell me... She thought mortified as she rushed towards the wooden box and wrenched it open.

She gasped audibly when she found the slender redhead bound and gagged inside, so tightly she could hardly move a muscle!

Alexis looked exhaused. She had been screaming for help for the past two minutes, having eventually figured out a rescue operation was going on, but the brunette hadn’t heard a word through the door!

“Alexis! Are you all right?” Kate had asked out of reflex as kicked a side panel to break it and remove it so she could get the college girl out of. 


The muffled noise drew attention to the thick gag. “Hang on! I’ll get this tape off you.”

The college student held still, despite trembling from relief and the adrenaline coursing through her.

“K-kate? It’s really you?” She stammered.

When Alexis had only been able to peek through the tiny air holes, so when a long legged brunette came rushing her way, the young redhead had feared the worst: her kidnapper had returned after all!

When the crate opened and she found she was actually looking at Kate, her heart jumped.

Unlike the case of mistaken identity, where the spyhole at her loft had caused her to make the biggest mistake of her life and brought her nothing but despair… this mistake had brought quite the opposite effect... The brunette she’d spotted through the peephole this time had brought joy and peace.

“Yes, it’s me. You’re safe now.” The detective comforted her.

Kate dealt with her friend’ restraints in a surprisingly efficient manner, leaving Alexis completely free in a matter of minutes!

After checking there was no real damage to her body from the ropes and tape, she asked her question again.

“Are you all right? Did they harm you?” The police office asked out of habit.

Alexis shook her head, too overcome with emotion to get a word out.

It’s over. It’s finally over... I can go home.

As that thought finally hit her, the red haired girl buried her head in her hands and started crying.

Kate had seen this a number of times already. It never became easier, but by now she’d gained enough professionalism to know how to deal with it.

So not even she knew why she ignored procedure and instead hugged the young woman tightly.

“Shhh. It’s okay.” She whispered. “You’re safe Alexis.”

Before the two had a chance to talk further, Rick Castle’s deep voice called out from the doorway.

“ALEXIS!” He screamed.

Kate immediately let go, and Alexis tried her tears. For now.

“Dad?” She whimpered.

Her father sprinted across the room as fast as his legs could carry him, diving onto his knees mid-run so he was at the right height to wrap his arms around his daughter in a warm embrace.

“Please tell me you’re alright.” He begged, tears streaming down his face.”

“I’m fine, dad.” She sobbed back. “They did some horrible things to me, but I’ll live.”

Rick’s eyes were wide with fright. “What kind of things?”

Alexis opened her mouth, but no words came out. Her throat had completely closed up. Flashes of that smirking woman and her triumphant, malicious grin dominated her mind’s eye. But even more disturbing was the faint arousal that stirred within her as she thought back at her antics.

“I- I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

“Of course honey.” The tall man replied, hugging his precious girl even tighter than before. “Let’s go home first.”

“Castle.” Kate intervened.

“I have to stop at the precinct first, dad.” Alexis interrupted. “They need my descriptions of the people who kidnapped me.”

Rick looked from his partner to his daughter. “Can’t that wait?” He said, somewhat angry. “She’s been through enough already.”

“You know how this works Castle.” Kate replied, though she clearly felt uneasy as well. “We’ll make a stop at the hospital first to examine her. After that, we’ll send in our profilers.”

“But-!” Rick tried to protest.

“It’s fine dad. I want to do this. The quicker I do this, the more accurate the picture.”

Although deep down, Alexis felt certain she would never forget that woman’s face...


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