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Touka walked up the stairs of her apartment building, already taking out the keys to her apartment as she ascended the last flight of stairs.

The blue haired Ghoul had returned from the hospital on a friendly visit, feeling relieved no none had spotted her.

Because of that it startled her that, when she turned the corner to the corridor housing her front door, someone was standing in front of it.

She jumped back instantly and stealthily tried to discern who it was.

Of average length and slender, it was a young woman with shoulder-length blonde hair.

The moment Touka got a good look at her face, she instantly recognised her.

“Yoriko?!” She yelped, jumping back into view. “Why are you here?” She asked in shock as she rushed over.

“What do you mean, ‘why am I here’?” The baker replied calmly. “We’re friends, aren’t we? Do I need a reason to drop by? Especially after the effort I put in to reunite us the first time around?”

Touka began blushing as her mind wandered back to Yoriko’s intricate ploy several months ago.

The bluenette had woken up under the influence of RC suppressants, tightly bound and at the brunette’s mercy. After Yoriko’s ‘interrogation’, her school friend had finally revealed it was all an act to draw out Touka’s hidden fantasies.

After the panic of her identity as a Ghoul being discovered had subsided, the young waitress had thoroughly enjoyed her dear friend’s handiwork. The two had even promised to meet up regularly to have more of those ‘game nights’.

But because the bluenette had managed to get closer and closer on Ken Kaneki’s trail, and eventually even managed to see him again, Touka had not been able to make good on their promise.

“I’m sorry for not being in touch for so long. Especially after all the trouble you went through last time.” She bowed her head in apology.

Yoriko smiled gently. “It was no trouble, it was fun.”

Touka began blushing. “Yes, it was.”

She invited the brunette into her home, serving her tea and having a glass of water herself.

“So what have you been up to?” Yoriko asked curiously. “I tried to get a hold of you a few times, but you seemed so busy I could never get through.”

“Sorry again.” Touka said uncomfortably. “I was too focused on tracking down Ken.”

“And? Did you find him?”

“Yes!” The slender Ghoul said excitedly. “Although he calls himself Sasaki now."

“That’s great news!” Yoriko chimed.

“I agree.” The bluenette sighed. “It felt like I’ve had to walk through every alley in Tokyo and check under every rock. But eventually I managed to get a solid clue.”

“That explains why I haven’t been able to get a hold of you. I thought you might have sought out Hinami again and gone into hiding with her.”

“I would never do that without warning you first!” Touka said, almost offended her friend would think that of her.

“I guess. Not after our last meeting.” The blonde said slyly.

Touka and Yoriko proceeded to fill each other in about what they had been up to the past few months, sharing a few laughs and giggles as they teased each other like they used to do in high school.

Eventually though, Yoriko brought up the topic she’d visited her friend for.

“Would you be up for another play date?”

“Right now?!”

“Why not? It’s been ages!”

“W-well, that’s true I guess.” The bluenette admitted.

“Don’t tell me you don’t like the idea?”

“O-of course I do!” Touka yelped. “I had a lot of fun with you last time. It’s just...”

I had hoped to prepare myself a little more, mentally, for your next visit.

The blonde grinned at her friend. “Sasaki would have a field day if he saw this: A Ghoul scared of a frail little human!”

The waitress frowned at her friend. “I am not scared of you! Let’s do this!”

She jumped off her couch and dove into her bedroom to retrieve a duffle bag filled with equipment similar to the stuff Yoriko had used last time.

“You can use anything you find in here.”

Yoriko chuckled. “If I’d known you did some shopping of your own, I wouldn’t have dragged my own bag all the way here.” She joked, browsing Touka’s brand new coils of rope and assortment of gags and other toys.

“So, how do we get started?” Touka asked, her heart still fluttering slightly in excitement.

“You should begin by stripping down to your underwear.”


“Your clothes, take them off.”

Touka frowned in surprise. Yoriko usually wasn’t so forward. Was this an act of hers that belonged with the game?

I guess that means I should play along.

“Why should I?” The bluenette protested.

“Because I said so, or would you rather I drug you again and you wake up fully bound?” The cute baker retorted.

The young Ghoul shook her head. “No thanks, one near-heart attack like that is enough. Besides, I’d like to learn just how you managed to tie all that complex ropework to make me as helpless as I was.”

“In that case you’d have to strip down first. It’ll make the feel of the ropes a lot more intense.” Yoriko insisted.

“Fine, it’s just the two of us after all.” The bluenette finally gave in.

She slowly stripped down to her dark blue underwear.

“Happy now?” She asked, twirling around in front of Yoriko to show off her beautifully toned body, gentle curves and fair skin.

“Alright, alright, I get it: You’re much hotter than me!” the blonde giggled.

The bluenette immediately blushed a deep red. “That’s not why I did it.” She muttered embarrassed.

“Sure it isn’t.” Yoriko countered, snapping one of the ropes between her hands.

A shiver ran down her friend’s spine. She’s going to use that on me, this time with my consent. It’s more nerve-wracking than I would’ve thought.

Yoriko spotted that.

“Nervous?” She asked gently. “Should I tone it down a notch?”

Touka’s mouth fell open.

The speed with which her friend could switch characters was more impressive (and intimidating) than some kagunes.

“No, it’s fine. You’re doing a great job. I just hadn’t caught up fully.”

“Hihi, still daydreaming about Ken, or rather Sasaki?” The blonde baker teased.

“Heeey! Yoriko!” Touka whined, though she was wearing that gentle smile her friend liked so much. “I haven’t even been tied up yet and you’re already teasing me!”

“Then let’s change that, shall we?” Came back from the blonde as she turned Touka around and pulled her hands behind her back and cinched her first rope around the bluenette’s wrists.

In a matter of seconds, Touka had become unable to pull her hands apart.

“Wow, you work fast.”

“Thank you. I’m quite confident in the speed of my hands, I do manual labour on a daily basis after all. In a bakery, if you don’t work fast you won’t be able to keep the shelves and shop window filled for the customers.

“Makes sense I guess.” The waitress admitted, still testing her wrist bindings even as Yoriko lashed a set of ropes around her thighs and another just above her knees to force her upper legs together.

It wasn’t until Yoriko started tightening up her fourth rope that it started to sink in with Touka just how thorough her friend was being.

“Oooff!” The young Ghoul yelped as she felt her elbows being pressed together until they touched. “That is tight!”

“You think so?”

“Mrrgn. Yes!” Touka replied after failing to budge her arms a single inch. “I can’t move my arms at all!”

“Good!” Yoriko chimed. “I’m really lucky you are so flexible, it makes this a lot easier.” The blonde said, tugging on the elbow ropes again to tighten them up further.

“Ow! Hey!”

“Hihi, you didn’t think I was going to leave you with all that room to move, did you?”

“Mrrggn. What room? I could barely move my arms as it was! Right now, all I can do is swing them around as a whole!”


Touka sighed. “You’re really confusing, you know that?”

“How so?”

“Because you’re sweet most of the time, but when you pick up a single rope you become really sadistic.”

"Hey! At least call it ‘inventive’.” Yoriko giggled, pinching her butt.


Instinctively, the bluenette tried to walk away and push her friend back. But to her shock she could barely make a move!

I didn’t realize I was THIS helpless already! If she adds any more, not even my Ghoul abilities might suffice to tear free. I can’t put any strength in my arms!

“Be careful now, I’m going to lift your left leg.” Yoriko warned as she kneeled down and gently bent her friend’s leg so she could wind a rope around it.

The blonde helped her friend remain balanced as she knotted the frogtie into place, stepping away to see how Touka would fare balancing on one leg.

“What’s the point of doing this?” The bluenette complained as she made a couple small hops to prevent herself from falling. “At least tie both my legs so I can kneel down!”

“Nope, I had something else in mind. And this will make it more challenging. You’re a Ghoul after all, I can push you harder than normal humans. Although, just so you know: this is something professional bondage models can manage easily.”

The bluenette’s eyes widened. “They can?!”

“Sure, even what’s coming next.”

The blonde uncoiled another length of rope and looped it around Touka’s wrist bindings, climbing onto her sofa so she could tether the other end to a metal bracket in the ceiling and reign in the slack.

Yoriko kept going until Touka’s strappado was so strict she was bending forward, looking straight at the floor!

“Ooooffff!” She grunted, pulling with her arms to try and gain some ground. But her dear friend just tugged back in response. 

Although she was blessed with physical strength beyond that of humans, Touka found it impossible to resist her friend with her arms in that awkward position and only one leg to balance on. 

Soon enough, the strappado rope had been knotted off and the slender waitress’ pose had become non-negotiable.

Every time she tried to make a move she would create pressure on either her arms or the single leg keeping her standing. Whenever she tried exerting any real force, for example attempting to tear her way through the ropes, her precarious situation would cause her to lose her balance and shift focus from escape to bouncing around on her right leg so she wouldn’t stumble.

“Ooww!” The blue haired girl mewled as the pull on her arms grew tenfold thanks to one hop too far forward. She hurried back, but in her impatience she forced herself to make several more small steps to correct herself again and finally find a balanced position again.

By the end of her little dance, she’d ended up standing in roughly the same spot where she started. She was still equally tightly bound, the grip and tightness of her ropes had only increased in fact. But she had wasted a considerable amount of stamina.

Even with her enhanced abilities as a Ghoul, the young woman had no answer for this predicament.

But the slender waitress was too stubborn to admit defeat this fast. She kept grunting and squirming for several more minutes, panting heavily in between struggle bursts as she tried to come up with any other plans than blindly fumbling around with fingers that could only grasp the hemp running from her wrists to the ceiling.

In the end, she found nothing.

“Haah, haaaah... I can’t do it.” Touka sighed, straining her neck to look forward and find her friend. “You win, Yoriko. This is impossible to escape from.”

“Yay!” The baker in training cheered, grinning from ear to ear. “I won again.”

Her friend let her head hang in defeat. “Yes, you did. Although this pose somehow feels like cheating. I mean, I can't even do anything like this. None of the knots are in reach!"

"Hihi, that's what I was aiming for." The blonde pointed out.

"Well, you succeeded. Now what?" Touka asked curiously. “Are you going to let me out so we can try another tie?”

"What do you mean, let you out? Now my part of the fun starts!"

“W-what?! Don’t tell me you’re going to-mpfff?!”

The bluenette was prevented from finishing her question by a small red ball gag. Thanks to its comfy size, Yoriko could wedge it deep into her mouth so it would be extremely effective. Not just in transforming her friend’s protests into garble either.

“Eyy!” Touka mewled. “Ai ashu ehee! (I wasn’t ready)!”

She shook her head and pushed the shiny rubber with her tongue to try and get it out. But the blonde had buckled it up far too tightly for that. And thanks to her active tongue action, it took less than a minute for her to start drooling uncontrollably.

“Mrnn! Ooohh (noooo)!” She mewled with flushed cheeks as she felt a small trail of drivel make its way past her lips, along the ball and drop on the floor.

It’s a good thing I’m forced to bend over. If I was sitting up, all of that would run down my face. Still, this isn’t exactly dignified!

“Aek ihhuh ohww (take it out)!” The bluenette pleaded.

If she could just have a few seconds without that thing, she could make the drooling stop.

But Yoriko was adamant. “Nope, it’s your own fault for being so over active that all that slobber is dripping down.”

A single spank to her right butt cheek made the bluenette yelp, sending another spray of drool down the carpet.

“Mrrgnnn! Ohi-ghoo (Yoriko)!”

But the blonde ignored it, rummaging through the duffle bag until she found a blindfold. “This should make things interesting.” She smirked.

Touka tried shaking her head and rocking her athletic body to hinder Yoriko, but in the end she lost this fight too. The blindfold ended up snugly tied down and the bluenette was left in the dark.

Now unable to anticipate her moves, Touka started listening intently to try and pick up Yoriko’s presence.

She could hear the blonde kneeling down again and searching for something.

“Ahah, there it is!” Her gentle voice suddenly exclaimed.

Where is what?! Touka thought nervously. What are you going to use next?!



That unmistakable vibrating sound, it was one of her friend’s toys!

The young Ghoul began wriggling nervously, squeezing her thighs together in a vain attempt to defend herself.

But given her increasingly draining balancing act, Yoriko could easily force the bluenette’s legs to open up just enough to stroke the thin, heavily vibrating piece of plastic against her panty-clad lovebox.

The thin fabric might as well not have been there.


Touka jumped at the sudden sensation between her legs, but her captor suddenly wrapped her hand around the bluenette’s pivot leg and kept her from running.



The tip of the vibe started penetrating her labia, pushing her panties along for the ride. A few seconds later, it was gone again. So was the hand on Touka’s leg.

What? Where did she go?

Instinctively the bluenette began looking around. But thanks to her blindfold that was a pointless effort.



“Mrrggnn! Err ahh hoo (where are you)?”” She mewled, wriggling around to try and pick up her friend’s presence.

Out of nowhere, the vibrator suddenly stroked along the top of her breasts.

Touka gasped as she leaned back out of reflex, but thanks to her strappado she couldn’t hold that position. Slowly but surely, she dropped back in reach of the vibrator.

“Mnnrrrnnn!” The blue haired damsel moaned.

Not there! It’s turning me on but that’s not enough. Move it back down! Please!

But Yoriko kept teasing her friend. She slipped the vibe down the cups of her bra, pressed it against her hardening nipples, then withdrew again for a few seconds before gently caressing the inside of Touka’s thigh with the vibe now on a lower setting.

The skilful blonde inched towards the frantic Ghoul’s lovebox, but would withdraw before making contact.

Being unable to fight back was bad enough, but not having a clue of what would come next or where Yoriko was the true reason Touka slowly lost her composure.

Eventually, she couldn’t handle it anymore.

“Eesh hohh eehih hee (please stop teasing me)!” She mewled desperately. Her entire body was trembling with horny frustration.

"Hihi, maybe if you call me ‘mistress’ or something." Yoriko giggled.

“Ish-hresh (mistress)?!” Touka shrieked.

“Why not? You’re completely at my mercy. I decide whatever happens to you, so you might as well be my slave.”

Touka’s face ran even redder.

S-s-slave?! Me?! B-but we were just playing, weren’t we? Is Yoriko still acting, or will she really keep me imprisoned forever?

Under normal circumstances, such a question wouldn’t even occur to the cute waitress. But Yoriko had been so convincing and imposing from the second they started, poor Touka didn’t know what to think anymore!



Without any warning, Yoriko had pulled her panties aside and shoved the vibrator down her pussy.

“AAH! AAAAHHH!” Touka began moaning louder and louder.

But when her climax started to swell, the vibe disappeared again.


“You know what I want to hear.” The blonde almost sang.

Too stubborn to just buckle down to her childhood friend, the bluenette started squirming even more energetically at the faintest contact to try and evade Yoriko's hands and toy.

"You have a lot of energy left it seems. I suppose that means I can still take things up a notch."

The mischievous baker left Touka to squirm in the dark as she uncoiled another, long rope. She then snuck up on her friend, waiting for her to hold still and catch her breath before swiftly wrapping up her breasts from all sides in a chest harness so tight her modest mammaries bulged inside her bra.

A crotch rope was up next, once she used to trap the vibrator wand against her panty-clad pussy. 

The slender Ghoul wailed in despair. No matter how she struggled, she could no longer run away from the vibrations. But a turn of the dial had made those so slow they did nothing but frustrate her.

She had become utterly trapped, and not just by ropes. It felt like she had become a prisoner of her own body. The vibrator wouldn’t get her off as it was now, but any move she made to get a better feel for it caused the ropes on her arms and breasts to dig in and ruin what little enjoyment she had.

She’s too good. I can’t fight her anymore. I’m too exhausted, too aroused, too desperate!

“Awhaih! Hooh whihh (Alright! You win!)” The blue haired girl screamed with what little breath she could.

“Say it.” Yoriko insisted.

“P-pmmnphm... mnphphrmphph Mnrnhn. Pmmnphm mmph mm nnph (P-please... mistress Yoriko. Please let me out).”

“Let you out? Oh, my dear I think you misunderstand. This was never about untying you.”


The blonde nudged the vibrator by tugging on Touka’s crotch rope.


“The thing you had to beg for, was for this toy to stop messing around with you!”

The baker in training turned the dial all the way up, unleashing the vibrator’s full force.

Touka immediately started screaming and moaning, her frogtied leg and strung up arms swaying erratically as her body convulsed. A long stream of drool dribble from her soaking wet ball gag as all her bodily functions seemed to enter overdrive and she lost any and all grip on them.

I can’t hold it anymore! I’m- I’m going to!


Touka’s climax seemed to go on for hours. At least so it felt to the blue haired captive.

In truth the eruption inside her loins lasted only a half a minute, after which her body had become so drained of energy every muscle was trembling and her body was held up solely by the strappado dragging it upward.

The moment she saw her dearest friend sinking, Yoriko moved fast. She cut the strappado cord and helped Touka lie down on her mat, taking out her gag so she could breathe more easily.

“That was... amazing.” She panted.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Yoriko whispered, removing the blindfold and giving her a peck on the cheek. “You can rest now, I’ll keep watch.”

“T-thanks.” Touka replied, dozing off with a content smile on her face.

Not long after their game concluded, a visitor started making its way up the stairs to Touka’s apartment. Her name was Hinami Fueguchi. She had made the trip because she had discovered something that might be helpful for her fellow Ghoul.

During a paid assignment for her to analyse some sound fragments, she had produced an unexpected result. It hadn’t been relevant to the client, but a very faint background noise that sounded like 'eyepatch' and 'Shinjuku' made the brunette think it would be important to Touka. 

It was a very vague lead, but still better than nothing. Because of that she had taken the first moment of spare time to travel to the blue haired waitress.

When she arrived at Touka's place however, some odd sounds stopped her from knocking on the door.

After focusing her ears and mind, she realized they were moans!

What the?! The young woman thought, instantly alarmed as she leaned her ear up against the wood.


"Nope, that gag is staying in. You’ve had plenty of rest so there’s no more need for you to breathe comfortably or speak.”

“Mrnn mhh!”

“No, I’m not untying you yet either. We’ve only just finished our session, I’d like to savour the image a little longer.”

“Mrnnf nnggn rrnh!”

“Hey! Be polite!” Yoriko teased, slapping Touka’s butt.


On the other side of the door, that made Hinami gasp in shock.

She's being tortured!

Without a second thought, she forced the lock on the door using her superhuman strength and burst inside.

The scene she found inside made her gasp in horror. Touka was lying on the floor, heavily bound and even gagged, with her supposed friend Yoriko looming over her!

Judging by the state of the bluenette, this torture had been going on for quite a long time. The poor young woman seemed ready to pass out!

Yoriko must have been working undercover for the CCG all this time! It’s the only explanation.

“Hinami!” Yoriko yelped in shock. “What are you-”

She never managed to finish that question. The brunette had charged at her and landed a blow straight to her gut, hard enough to make her fall to the floor clasping her stomach.

Can’t breathe!

With her foe still dazed, the furious Ghoul dragged the blonde to the nearest chair and forced her on it.

Yoriko tried to resist, but Hinami overpowered her with ease. Using the handcuffs she had seen lying on one of the sofa seats, the brunette confined the baker in training to the chair by cuffing her wrists behind the backrest and locking a pair of cuffs around each ankle and a chair leg.

"Please Hinami! I can explain!" Yoriko still tried to pacify the Ghoul, squirming on the chair with eyes wide of fright.

But to her despair the brunette just glared at her before rushing over to Touka's side. The slender waitress had burst out in a frenzied squirming.

She must have been through hell to act up like this!

Using the scissors Yoriko had used on the strappado rope earlier, Hinami took care of the crotch rope and the ropes on Touka’s legs.

But the bluenette continued her frantic behaviour, which Hinami misinterpreted for panic.

"Don't worry Touka, you're safe now. I won't let her turn you in to the CCG." Her fellow Ghoul tried to comfort her.


“Hang on, I’ll get that horrible thing out of your mouth.”

"That's not what this is about! Yoriko did nothing wrong!” Touka immediately cried out, stunning both Yoriko and Hinami. 

“W-what?” The young Ghoul stammered. “How do you mean?”

Touka began blushing, looking past Hinami at her handcuffed childhood friend.

Hinami followed her friend’s gaze. Yoriko had turned white as a sheet!

You're just going to confess your secret, Touka? To protect me? The baker thought nervously. You shouldn’t!

"Touka! Wait! You don-mpfn!"

But Hinami had stridden up and hand gagged the blonde, thinking Touka was afraid to speak her mind because of her. "Silence! You've made her suffer enough!"

“Mnnnnnn!” Came back from a wailing Yoriko.

You’re squeezing too hard!

"I'm telling you Hinami, that's not what's going on here!" The dark haired girl yelled again, squirming to get her hands free. But even with those ropes being the last ones present, she still couldn't undo them.

Tsk, darn it! I still can’t get out! How does she do it so tightly?!

"What do you mean Touka?" Hinami asked again, more confused than ever. "You're restrained in your own house, in what seems like some kind of extreme interrogation session! How could she be anything but CCG?"

“And yet, it couldn’t be further from the truth.” The waitress replied.

“Then what?!” Hinami insisted. “What is going on here?”

After taking a deep breath, Touka clambered to her feet and pushed the door shut with her butt so they had some privacy again.

“Get rid of these last ropes on my arms and I’ll explain everything...”

When she was free again, Touka explained was truly going on. Their kinky hobby, their shared secret even darker than the bluenette’s life as a Ghoul.

But rather than enlighten her, it only made the brunette feel more flustered. 

“You LIKE this? When I barged in here, you seemed ready to collapse!”

"Because I was. But that’s what made it feel so amazing.”

“That is contradictory.”

“I guess. It’s not something I can really put into words. It just... excites me.”

“If you can’t put it into words, then show me.” Hinami suddenly offered.

“What?!” Both Touka and Yoriko yelped in surprise.

The blonde had kept quiet for the whole of her friend’s story, since Hinami clearly didn’t care for her input.

“Show me what it is that excites you so much.” Hinami replied.

“You want me to tie you up?!” Touka yelped.

“Why not? You like it, don’t you?”

“W-well, yes. But are you sure you want to do this?”

“Of course. To be honest I’m even excited about it. Now that I’ve gotten a good look at you, that dark batch between your legs and the blush on your cheeks is telling me I am missing out on something very special.”

Touka crossed her legs and wrapped her arms around her half naked body. “Sorry you have to see me like this.” She stammered, too flustered to keep her composure.

"Don’t worry, you look cute actually.”

“She really does, doesn’t she?” Yoriko joined in.

Hinami nodded. “I think I am starting to see what you’re getting out of this arrangement.” The brunette replied.

“Haha, just wait until you’re in her shoes.” The blonde promised.

“I’m looking forward to it!” Hinami cheered. 

Touka sighed. “You really want to do this?”

“I’ve told you: Yes. No time like the present, especially since right now the human is securely tied down.”

“HEY!” Yoriko growled, rattling her cuffs.

“She really isn’t dangerous you know.” Touka pointed out. “I trust her implicitly.”

“YOU might, but I don’t.” Hinami said stubbornly.

The bluenette sighed. “Fine, I give up. Let’s get started then.”

“Hang on, what about me?” Yoriko yelped, her cuffs jingling as she tried to get off her chair. But the cold steel was unforgiving. She remained securely attached to her seat.

“What about you?” Touka asked with a cheeky grin. She knew what was coming, and for some reason it pleased her immensely.

"Take off these cuffs so I can assist you." The cute baker suggested.

The bluenette smirked. "Nope, this is a great opportunity for me to be in charge... And to pay you back for earlier."

Yoriko frowned. "No fair!" She moaned, rattling the cuffs.

"You didn’t play fair either when I was at your mercy. Heck, if Hinami hadn’t come in to save me I still might have been tied up.”

“You didn’t need saving though.” The brunette pointed out, sitting on the sofa.

“Hmm, but maybe I did, to a certain degree.” She retorted. “Yoriko was an incredibly stern ‘mistress’ after all.” The slender waitress giggled at her cuffed friend.

“By that reasoning, I am the one in need of saving now!” The blonde moaned, once again rattling her cuffs. “Especially since I’m the only one here who didn’t volunteer to be restrained!”

Hinami chuckled as she looked at Touka’s back. "Does she not enjoy being tied up like you do then?"

"I don't know. I've never made her try." Touka joked.

"You guuuyyys!" The cute blonde mewled.

“Give it up, Yoriko. You’re staying cuffed to that chair. And if you keep distracting me you’ll be gagged as well.” Touka warned.

That immediately silenced the blonde, giving the pair of Ghouls their time to focus on their own session.

“So, where do you want me?” Hinami asked.

“First things first, you should take off your clothes.”


“I’m only wearing underwear, you should have no reason to feel uncomfortable joining me.”

“I-I guess…”

The slender brunette proceeded to reveal her cute pink bra and panties. The colour of her cheeks soon matched her lingerie as well.

“Is this okay?”

“More than okay, you look really pretty.”

“Thanks.” Hinami giggled, returning to her more relaxed state of mind, and finally allowing Touka to get underway.

“Can you hold your arms behind your back please?”

Hinami complied readily, allowing Touka to fold her lower arms horizontally together and wrap them up with the first part of her long rope. The rest of it she pulled around the brunette’s upper body, above and below her breasts. The final length of her rope Touka pulled over her friend’s left shoulder, along the nape of her neck and back down her right shoulder, tying it off where her arms were to complete the box tie and pull the ropes around her chest snug as well.

As the bluenette picked out her next pair of ropes, Hinami already tried shifting her arms around to test for slack. To her surprise, Touka’s construction made it impossible to move her arms in any direction. Left, right, up or down. Whichever way she pulled, there was always some from one or more ropes.

This is surprisingly tight. I thought she’d been acting, but with my arms like this I might not even be able to break free!

Her heartbeat quickened as her fellow Ghoul guided her to kneel on the floor, where she lashed her legs into separate frogties with surprising speed.

Just like with the box tie, the tight hemp coiled around her slender legs proved incredibly resilient to her efforts.

“Wow, this is really strict. I can’t even stand up like this!”

“That’s the idea.” Touka chimed, picking up another rope. 

“There’s more?”

“Oh, yes. The most fun rope comes now.”

“Most fun?”

“For both of us.”

Hinami frowned. “Both of us?”

“You’ll see...” The bluenette smirked as she wrapped the rope around her friend’s waist for a start.

Once it was pulled tight enough to outline her slender figure, Touka pulled the rest of the rope down and in between her legs, then back up again to loop around the back of the waist rope.

The moment the rope was pulled tight enough to start digging into her panties, the bluenette gave it one last yank and attached it to Hinami’s box tie.

“AAhhh!” The brunette yelped. “What was that for?”

“To make sure that rope did its job.”

“Hmrnn! And that is?” Hinami asked, annoyed by the sudden pressure between her legs and her inability to lighten it.

"Keeping you on your toes.”

“Mrnn, that’s one way of putting it.”

“Could you open your mouth please?”

"What for?"

"So I can fit this in there." Touka replied, holding a white ball gag one size larger than the one Yoriko had used on her.”

Hinami's eyes widened. "No no, that's not necessary. Just the tying up will do."

"No it won’t." The bluenette grinned, pinching her friend's butt.

"Ouch! Hey-mrpfnn!"

The hard rubber ball had propped her jaw open before Hinami could finish her complaint. When Touka finished buckling it down, Hinami tried spitting it out again. To no avail.

“Mnrrnnn!” She moaned as saliva began pooling in her mouth.

“Aeh igh oww (take it out)!” She pleaded.

“Hihi, nope! It looks too adorable.”


“Don’t make such a fuss, or you’ll start drooling. Trust me, I know.”

To the brunette’s annoyance, she had to agree. Already she was learning one of bondage’s most basic lessons:

One of the most frustrating parts of a gag is that you tend to be powerless to remove it when you most want to!

With the ghoul now squirming and mewling like a true bondagette, Touka got up from the floor and turned her attention to Yoriko.

“So, how did I do?”

The blonde had been closely observing her friend’s work. She only had one word:


The slender waitress smiled brightly. “Thanks. That’s all I needed to hear from you.”

“What do you- mpnnrn!”

The exact same red ball gag that had been frustrating Touka so much was now adorning Yoriko’s gentle features.

But that was just the start. She pinched an angrily struggling Yoriko to get her attention.

“I’m going to remove the cuffs now, but only so I can tie you up properly. You’d better cooperate, or I’ll just make everything tighter.”


No point in fighting you anyways. You’re still a Ghoul, there’s no comparing our strength. And it’s unwise to struggle when the rope is being applied. I’ll play along and escape when she’s done.

Except that last part of her plan soon proved overly ambitious.

When Touka finished tying her childhood friend up, the young baker didn’t have a single idea on how to mount her escape.

Her body had been forced to stretch along the mat lying on Touka’s living room floor.

Her wrists were crossed and pulled above her head, anchored to one of the legs of a faraway cupboard, with the principal knot located right at the end.

Her ankles were tied together as well, but pulled in the other direction, attached to a sofa leg.

If it had been only that, Yoriko could have tried rolling sideways, maybe even get near to Hinami so they could combine forces (however unlikely that scenario was). But the inventive blue haired Ghoul had added a very naughty twist, for both her captives.

The baker in training had also received a tightly wound crotch rope. That rope was connected to a long rope tethered on one end to a sofa leg behind her body. In the other direction ran another rope, this one was connected to the crotch rope Touka had tied around Hinami’s waist!

Thanks to that setup, both captives had their most sensitive ropes connected. One person's actions, however slight, would directly affect the other and pressure the ropes digging into their most sensitive flesh.

Yoriko was pinned from four directions thanks to her friend’s construction, unable to move anywhere without increasing pressure on her love box or Hinami’s.

The brunette Ghoul had a little more room to move around, but if she ever lost track of her surroundings she would risk suddenly yanking her ‘leash’ and causing both herself and Yoriko a very intense snap to the groin!

“There we go!” Touka smirked triumphantly. “If this doesn’t keep you two contained, I don’t know what will.”

She’s not wrong. Yoriko thought daunted. I’m afraid to even move right now, let alone struggle for freedom.

Hinami wasn’t as convinced yet. Being new to the game, she had yet to discover just how frustrating a crotch rope can be.

She found out soon enough though. 

When she tried to wriggle her arms out of the boxtie her friend had constructed, the brunette yelped and mewled because the ropes around her breasts and hips started digging in.

Even worse was when Yoriko rocked her hips in an attempt to squirm closer to one of the three directions her rope web had been tethered. Hinami hadn’t at all been prepared for that sudden nudge of her labia.

“EY!” She growled. “Ash ihh (watch it)!”

“Ai cah hehuh ihh (I can’t help it)!” The blonde retorted. “Mfmrm phnmm nnm nf nph mnfmph, mmm hnphh gmph pnnnphhmn (Every time one of us moves, we both get punished)!”

Hinami responded by leaning back a little, pulling on her fellow captive’s crotch rope.

“MMNRRRRR!” Yoriko and Hinami both moaned, since neither escaped scot free.

“Mnn nrm hmnng rnnncnmnnph (You are being ridiculous)!” The blonde scolded Hinami.

The bound and gagged Ghoul had to admit she was right, she just hadn’t been able to resist paying the blonde back for tugging on her crotch rope in the first place.

“PHhmn mmhnph nn mmm nn? Nf mmm nnn’ph phphrnggmm, mmm cnn’ph gmph nnph (Then what do we do? If we don’t struggle, we can’t get out)!”

“N hmmnmfm phhnph nph phhm pnnnph (I believe that is the point).” Yoriko said dryly. “PHnmpmm pnph: PHnnhn’ph mmnn (Simply put: Touka’s won).”

“Nnphph mnhm phhnph?! MMm’fm hnrmmm gnphphmn phphnrphmn! (Just like that?! We’ve barely gotten started!)” Hinami protested, writing around on the mat.

But after several minutes filled with loud, drool-infused groans from both young women, she too accepted defeat.

“Nph’ph nn nphm. PHhmphm rnpmph nrm nmpnphphnhmm (It’s no use. These ropes are impossible).” She wailed.

“N nmrmnnm phnmn mnn (I already told you).” Yoriko growled, somewhat annoyed she had to sit through countless tugs on her snatch due to Hinami’s stubborn attitude.

The two looked up at Touka, who had been lying on the sofa with her legs stretched along the seats. The cute bluenette was wearing a content smile.

“Do you two concede defeat?”

Both girls nodded.


“Eeh hoo (we do).”

“Great! Then I can get started without you two making too much of a fuss.”

“Gmph phphnrphmn (Get started)?” Hinami yelped. “Mnn’rm nnph nnphmnng nph (You’re not untying us)?”

“Of course not!”

The bluenette kneeled down next to a still squirming Yoriko, tugging on the rope connecting the two girls’ crotchropes.

“Hiiii!” Yoriko gasped.

“Heh ooh! (Let go)!” Hinami yelped.

But Touka had already done so.

“Hah ash hahh ffohh (what was that for)?” She glowered at her friend.

“Warm up. Whenever Yoriko determines I can’t resist her is when the real fun begins! “Let me show you.” The bluenette elaborated, blindfolding Yoriko.

Her friend moaned in protest, but that was about all the resistance she could put up.

“Now, Yoriko,” the bluenette whispered into her friend’s ear, “let’s see if you can last as long as I could...”

She pulled up her friend’s shirt to expose her bra, brushing a vibrating pebble along her skin until she made her way to the cups and snuggled it underneath.

“Mnnnn!!” The blonde bucked and whimpered cutely.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Touka smiled as she squeezed her friend’s breasts.

Yoriko nodded. “Hmn hmn!” 

“Want more?”


Touka removed her friend’s bra entirely and started skimming the pebble along the bound and gagged baker’s nipples for a little while, eventually moving along down along her slender waist and hips until she could stroke the inside of her friend’s thighs.

And the entire time the blonde’s mewling was underscored by yelps and moans coming a fraction later from Hinami, whose crotch rope was still connected to Yoriko’s.

She inched the vibrating toy closer to her panties, but pulled away on three occasions before actually making contact.

“MMNNNRRRR!” Yoriko growled annoyed. “PHphnp phphnmmnng (Stop stalling)!”

“Not as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?” Touka giggled.

“OOH (NO)!”

Her captive had begun arching her back to raise her pelvis and chase after Touka’s hand, but she couldn’t find it.

“Goh ohhn (come on)!” She whimpered.

“Fine, but only because I still have someone else to take care of.” Touka replied, glancing over her shoulder.

Hinami flinched. “M-me?” She stammered.

Up to now, the brunette had been helplessly sitting on her side of the mat, frustrated by her inability to control the crotch rope that kept dancing from Yoriko’s throes.

But the brunette had also found herself being mesmerised by the lewd noises her fellow captive had been making.

Touka had barely been touching her, only using that tiny pink bead. And yet the blonde had grown desperate enough to start squirming around in search for her friend’s toy!

“Of course you, who else?” The waitress smirked at Hinami.

“Eeh urrsh (me first)!” Yoriko spoke up, nudging her right hip into Touka’s knee to get her attention back.

“Haha, calm down. I haven’t forgotten about you.”

Touka slipped the pebble down her friend’s panties before moving away from her, something Hinami assumed would be a nice thing to do.

But judging from her frantic wrestling, Yoriko disagreed.

“Nph’ph phnn phnfph! PHnrn nph np! (It’s too soft! Turn it up!)” She wailed, bucking her hips up and down like possessed in the hopes of lodging the bead deeper into her labia and get a better kick out of it.

Sadly, the svelte baker never succeeded, meaning Hinami’s time with Touka was underscored by the constant needy mewls of her fellow damsel.

After Touka finally removed the rope connecting the crotch ropes, she turned her attention to Hinami.

But the bluenette waitress scooted closer, Hinami intuitively shuffled back. It’s not that she was scared, but being completely powerless was a rather unknown experience for the brunette. So she couldn’t help herself.

The blue haired Ghoul didn’t take offense. In fact it amused her.

“Oh? Don’t want to play anymore?” She giggled. “You were so confident earlier. Looks like the ropes did a good job.”

“Ey hihh (they did).” Hinami replied, twisting her upper body around and trying to look over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of her boxtie. Despite trying everything she could think off, the ropes still felt as tight as ever. And since the important part of the ropework was all located behind her back, she had no way of knowing if she ever got close to untying herself.

I’ll have to face it. Touka can do whatever she wants with me...

“You ready?” The slender Ghoul asked.

“Aik aih af a tsojsh (like I have a choice).” The brunette replied.

“Hey, you have this coming!” The bluenette countered. “Consider this payback for Anteiku!” 

Touka leaned against the sofa and pulled her captive in between her legs, her back resting against the bluenette’s modest chest.

A soft gasp escaped the bluenette as Hinami’s warm back pressed against her knockers, but she regained her composure quickly enough.

The young waitress reached around to massage Hinami’s breasts.

“Hmnn!” The cute Ghoul mewled, squirming in response.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?”

But she stubbornly shook her head, not wanting to lay all her cards on the table right off the bat.

“Really now? Then I’ll just have to try harder!” Touka smirked, erotically nibbling on her exposed shoulder and simultaneously taking a firm grasp of her knockers.

“AH!” Hinami yelped, her arms jerking to attempt fighting back.

“It’s useless.” Touka whispered. “You’re mine, Hinami.”

To prove her point, the blue haired Ghoul slowly slid her fingers across her bare skin. 

At first directionless, randomly stroking her flesh to discover any sensitive spots and make her squeak or jump. But after a while she made her way down, delving beneath her panties to start nudging her labia. 

Naturally, the brunette felt confused at first. The closer Touka got to her most intimate area, the more she tried to defy her ministrations. But the ropes never allowed her, and slowly but surely she lost more and more ground to her body’s urges.

“I see you’ve stopped fighting me. Does that mean you’re finally ready to admit how good this feels?”

“Hmn hmnn!” Hinami nodded. “Uh ohr oovih hoo ss-oww (but you’re moving to slow)!” She complained.

Her captor chuckled. “That’s the point.” She said dryly. 

The blue haired Ghoul leaned closer, so close her breath tickled Hinami’s earlobe.

“When you can’t take it anymore, when you’re so close it feels like you’ll explode, THAT’s when I’ll finally make my move. How long that takes is up to you...”

The brunette moaned loudly, squirming around in Touka’s lap.

I have to wait THAT long?! That’s insane!

She began pulling against her ropes again, her hands stroking at Touka’s skin. Not to fight back at her, just because it was something to grab. But the bluenette solved that by pulling her helpless friend even tighter to her body and pinning down her arms between them.

An exceptionally loud howl from Yoriko suddenly startled the two of them.


The blonde damsel was kicking her legs angrily, her pussy felt like it was on fire and yet that stupid bead wouldn’t speed up!

To both girls’ shock, the slender waitress began giggling. 

“I’m sorry you guys! Handling two girls at the same time turned out to be more challenging than I thought. I was being too focused about enjoying myself and lost track of your needs. I’ll stop playing around now.”

Since both girls were clearly about to lose their minds with desire, Touka finally decided to move on to her final stage.

She undid Hinami’s frogtie ropes and instead dragged her to lie face to face with Yoriko, where she lashed enough ropes around her legs, hips, waist and chest to completely secure the two girls together. She even used a liplocker gag and re-tied both girls’ arms to hug each other.

But the greatest surprise to both girls came when the bluenette slid a hitachi wand in between them, wedged it into the ropes to hunker it down and turned it on to full force.

“AAAHHHHHH!” The pair of captives began screaming at the top of their lungs.

Both of them began squirming and moaning, rubbing their lewd bodies together as they strained against the ropes to try and distance themselves from both the buzzing toy and each other.

This is embarrassing! Hinami thought with bright red cheeks, forced to look straight at Yoriko’s blindfold. Thank God she can’t look back at me. But still! 

“Hmnnnn!” Yoriko started howling, her hands grasping blindly at the rope running from them to far above her head.

I’m close! I can feel it!

Hinami was the same, although she wasn’t as desperate to reach her climax given the circumstances.

I can feel myself becoming aroused, but I can't do a thing to stop it! If this keeps up, I'll- I’ll cum right into Yoriko’s lap!

But the blonde couldn’t care less about that. In fact she was even further along.

I can't hold it in!

"MMRRNNNN!" She howled as her climax soared. It made her buck so violently the hitachi wand shoved into Hinami's pussy, which was the final straw for her as well. She lost what little grip on her own body she had left and came with an equally long and loud moan. Her Ghoul eyes went black, her irises blood red, much like how Touka’s coloured when she had her orgasm at the hands of Yoriko all those weeks back.

Touka sat on her sofa, her face almost shining from delight.

Looks like I did a good job. Should I take out that hitachi or leave it in for a few more minutes?

The bluenette got her answer when both women began slobbering into their gags to ask for rest.

“You two had enough?”


"Okay, Just a second.”

After the hitachi was removed, the two girls expected the ropes to follow.

However, once the connecting ropes were gone Touka suddenly stepped back. 

A brief test told the blonde and brunette their personal bindings were still completely intact.

“Agh gish (what gives)?” Yoriko mewled confused.

“Uhai ush (untie us)!” Hinami demanded, bucking up and down.

"Not yet. I was thinking we could hold a small race: Whoever escapes first gets to have me as their prisoner again." Touka declared. “I’ll follow willingly to your place where you can exact your payback.”

The two girls’ eyes widened.

“Deeh (Deal)!” They cried out, immediately rolling along the floor in search of some slack.

The two really gave it their all. Patiently scanning the ropes, or at least the parts their fingers could reach, straining their bodies to try and stretch some of the hemp so they could create slack.

But their bodies were too worn out to keep going for very long, and the ropes were too secure. 

Getting out under their own power was impossible. But working together wasn’t an option either, since it could mean losing the advantage if you helped the other person along too much.

Add to that the fact that Hinami still wasn’t willing to fully trust Yoriko, and it came as no surprise to Touka that both girls ended up slumped on the mat, panting heavily after half an hour of valiant but fruitless struggling.

After a final, long groan from both girls, the slender waitress broke the silence.

"Guess that means I’m the one who wins, and you two will have to remain my prisoners." Touka smirked. "Good thing I bought so many different toys in preparation for Yoriko's next visit…"


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