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"Yuukioo!" Shura mused as she waltzed one of the basement rooms of the dorm he and Okumura Rin were living in. The sultry tone of her voice and coy look in her eyes betrayed she'd already enjoyed her first couple of after work beers.

"Yes?" Yukio replied rather testily, looking up from his notes. The bombshell's timing couldn't have been worse. He still had a ton of paperwork to finish, not to mention maintenance on his guns.

I even retreated to the basement of my own dorm so no one would disturb me. How did she even track me down?!

"Heeey, don't snarl at me like that!" Shura frowned. "I came here to visit you!"

"What for?"

"Fun? What else? It's Friday evening. Shove your piles of paper aside for once and hang out with me."

"No thank you."

"Geez, after I came all this way you just turn me down?! Stingy! Baldy!"

"Insulting me isn't going to change my mind." Yukio said dryly.

The busty swordswoman leaned over his shoulder, her large breasts pressing into his neck and upper back. "Even if I told you I came here to play your favourite game?"

"What game is that supposed to be?" The bespectacled exorcist said, not batting an eye at her invitation.

"Don't play dumb with me, you pervert!" She taunted, righting herself and giving her fellow exorcist a good look at her maddening curves. 

Shura was dressed as shamelessly as ever. Then again, with a body like hers, who could blame her for showing it off?

The red haired warrior was wearing a plain black shirt with rolled the sleeves rolled up past her elbows. Not a single button had been done up however, it was left hanging completely open to expose her fine hourglass curves and large rack.

Rather than a bra she wore a purple and white striped piece of cloth that covered the lower half of her breasts and firmly pressed them together, making them look even more impressive and perky. The cloth itself was being kept into place by a single large knot tied off at the front, in between her breasts.

Her dark blue hotpants stopped just below those firm buttocks of hers, showing off a lot of leg. Especially since the fishnet stockings on her legs were see-through and only reached up to the middle of her thigh by means of a black, lacy elastic. 

Shura’s brown high heeled boots only enforced the ‘rebel’ persona she was somewhat proud off, but also brought out the best out of her shapely legs.

"It's our secret game, Yukio. I came here to be tied up again..."

"You waltzed into my room and interrupted my important work because you were bored?" The dragoon exorcist frowned.

"Tsk, typical for you to think paperwork is more appealing than an evening with a hot young woman! Just admit that you're into this! I did, and I only discovered it because you imprisoned me that day."

"And I'm starting to wonder whether or not I made a mistake doing that." He sulked.

"Don't be like that." Shura insisted. "It'll be fun! Or are you going to tell me you don't enjoy every second you're in charge of me?"

The brown haired young man couldn't admit to that. He honestly liked seeing his obnoxious senpai squirming around. This evening was no different, but his disciplined nature was in the way: he had too much work to do.

If I could just keep her out of the way for a few hours...

He mentally facepalmed himself.

Idiot! That's what ropes are for!


"W-wh-what?" Shura stammered.

"You win, I’ll tie you up. I’d never get any work done now that you’re here anyways, you wouldn’t let me.”

The redhead smirked. “Sell it to yourself whichever way you want, what counts is that you’re finally willing to play!”

She threw off her black shirt, leaving just the piece of cloth to cover her upper body. “Where do you want me?”

“Not here. Let’s head for the basement, we won’t be disturbed there for certain. The dorm is abandoned except for Nii-san and myself after all.”

“The basement? Don’t tell me you have a secret dungeon set up in there?” She teased.

“Of course not, it just prevents my brother from accidentally barging in on us.”

“I thought he was out on training?”

“And you think there’s absolutely no chance of him being shipped back early due to bad behaviour?”

“… Let’s go.”

Yukio led his fellow exorcist down the stairs and into one of the empty basement rooms not being used as pantry or storage room.

“This’ll do.”

“I’ll say, but I have to admit I’m surprised there isn’t a single piece of equipment here. Like a bondage table or some kind of cross-shaped frame.” Shura joked.

“Will you lay off it.” Yukio sighed, opening up the backpack he’d taken with him and pulling out a coil of rope. “Turn around.”

The redhead smirked. “How stern! You’re already getting into your role aren’t you?” She giggled; but complied nonetheless.

The brown haired young man proceeded to fold her palms together, pulling them up along her back until they were positioned between her shoulder blades, keeping them there by cinching a short length of rope around her wrists.

"Oof! That's a weird way to bend my arms, I didn't even think a human could do that!"

"It requires flexibility, I grant you."

"Then it's a good thing I'm so limber!" She replied proudly.

Yukio didn't respond, instead unravelling a long piece of rope and wrapping it underneath her breasts. He also caught her arms with it, pinning them firmly to her back and further immobilizing them.

After knotting it off several times at the centre of her back, a few inches below her hands, he pulled the rest of the rope along to her front again, up along her arm to run over her right shoulder, past the nape of her neck and back down her left shoulder. 

When he pulled that line tight, it drew in Shura's shoulders and freeze up her torso even more. It also made her thrust out her impressive bosom to the point of making the knot keeping her 'bra' in place bulge and creak under the tension of her massive knockers.

"Hey, watch it Yukio." She warned. "If you push me even more I might pop out of my bra!"

"Then maybe next time you'll learn to actually wear clothes rather than cloth." Was the quick retort.

"Like you don't love my fashion sense!" She countered. "I see you oggling my boobs when you think I'm not paying attention."

"I do not oggle your chest!" Yukio snapped. "YOU just can't help but draw attention to your body with your outlandish clothing style!"

"Sure, blame it on the woman for trying to look attractive. Deep down you're a real old geezer." Shura grinned.

Riling up her junior exorcist member was fun any day of the week. But when he was putting rope on her, acting up and getting on his nerves as a form of resistance was twice as much fun!

Except for the part where Yukio tended to have the last word, literally.

"I was going to hold off on this until I'd finished tying you up. But on second thought I'd prefer to work in silence." He told the swordswoman as he pulled out a gag. But an oddly shaped one.

Rather than a rubber ball suspended between two leather straps, something she'd experienced before, it was a slim rubber bar.

"What is that?"

"Your gag."

"I figured as much. But it looks weird. That thing won't fit in my mouth."

"It doesn't have to go all the way in." Yukio replied mysteriously, bringing the bit gag up to her mouth and waiting for Shura to part her lips.

She looked at the gag and its owner with some suspicion.

"What's wrong? Getting cold feet?" Yukio taunted.

The bodacious redhead frowned and defiantly opened her mouth.

Her captor wasted no time in slipping the bit past her lips, wedging it firmly in between her teeth as he buckled up the straps.

"Eey!" Shura moaned as saliva began pooling in her mouth almost immediately. "Ish ish hah shu-hih agh (this is a stupid gag)!"

"How come?"

"Ish jush ish!"

"I happen to like it. You might want to stop speaking, it'll only make you drool harder."


To Shura's frustration, Yukio just chuckled and moved on with his rigging.

His next rope ended up coiled around her upper body, ensnaring her large breasts from above, below either side and in between for a harness to tight it made her already impressive knockers seem even bigger. The harness had been anchored behind the busty redhead, making sure every time she'd try to flex her arms the ropes would tighten around her breasts.

Shura had realized Yukio's setup almost immediately. Her teeth grinded into the sturdy bit gag.

He's not going to make this easy for me, is he? Not that I'd want him to. Still, would it be too much to ask to let me breathe freely?!

"Getting tight, isn't it?" The bespectacled young man mocked her grunting and fidgeting. 

"Ohh oshe (of course)!" She countered. "Uh aih hoh uhee (but I'm not worried)." She boasted, despite her arms no longer budging in the slightest.

She mentally prepared herself for Yukio’s next string of ropes, which no doubt would work on making her legs equally helpless.

But to her astonishment, he closed up his bag.

“Ash hrhoh (what’s wrong)?”

“Nothing. I’m done.”


“That’s all the rope I’m going to use this time.”

That only made Shura’s confused frown deepen.

"GHhih ih igh? CHueghghy ghechin ih you ahch nhe (This is it? Pretty tepid if you ask me)."

"Well I needed to give you at least a little room for this to work."

"Oh hah hoo uhk (for what to work)?"

"I'll be leaving now, to get started on all the work you dragged me away from. Your challenge today is to let yourself out."

" UUhagh? You'ue ahannoninh nhe?! Heuu no, I uuangh honhe hun (What? You're abandoning me?! Hell no, I want some fun)!" Shura protested.

"Then next time have the sense to be patient when I tell you I'm busy."

"Hrmgn." Shura groaned annoyed. " Ho houu uonh haghe I hogh (So how long have I got)?"

"Excuse me?"

"You chnouu, uuhagh'h nhy ghinhe uinhigh? You hain I han gho ehcache, ho I ghache igh ghheue'h a neanuine? (You know, what's my time limit? You said I had to escape, so I take it there's a deadline?)"

"No, you can take as long as you want."

Shura frowned. You'ue nhachinh no henhe agh auu. GHhen ghheue'h no uuay you can uuin. I'uu ehcache eghenghuauuy (You're making no sense at all. Then there's no way you can win. I'll escape eventually)."

"Who ever said about their being a winner or loser? You told me you wanted to be tied up. You're tied up now, so my job is done. That's why I'll be leaving now."

Shura's blood froze as it dawned on her what Yukio was saying. " You'ue nogh hoinh gho uegh nhe ough? Agh auu?! (You're not going to let me out? At all?!)"

"Didn't I tell you that already, several minutes ago?" Yukio said annoyed. "Your challenge is to let yourself out."

"Ann uuhagh ih I can'gh (And what if I can't)?"

"Then you're stuck." He replied dryly.

"Hoo ahh (You ass)!" Shura shrieked, thrashing around angrily. " GHhagh’h nogh hunny! UUhagh ih honheone uunh ingho nhe? (That’s not funny! What if someone runs into me?)"

"No one comes down here, it's why I brought you."

"Ih you uuon'gh hoghheu gho ghache caue oh nhe, I'nh nogh hghayinh in ghhih hahenhengh, ghhagh'h hou huue! (if you won't bother to take care of me, I'm not staying in this basement, that's for sure!)” The busty young woman replied heatedly, her knockers already jiggling.

"Then it would be your own fault for your lewd habits to be exposed."

" Ah uuiuu youuh! (As will yours!)" Shura growled through her gag. " Non'gh ghhinch I'uu cheech chuiegh uuhen honheone hghaughh ahchinh uuho chugh nhe heue! (Don't think I'll keep quiet when someone starts asking who put me here!)"

"And you think that person will believe you?" The bespectacled exorcist countered.

" I'nh in youu nounh! (I'm in your dorm!)"

"Which is abandoned by default, making it the perfect place for you to experiment on yourself."

Crap! He's right! No-one will ever suspect this timid four-eyes to be up to this kind of thing! If I try to blame him it'll only make me look more perverted! All he needs to do is deny seeing me here!

"Eh hee oohh (Let me go)!"

"No. You wanted a challenge, now you have a challenge. One with high-stakes too. Aren't you always complaining I'm timid and spineless?"

He must be bluffing! Yukio's putting up a front. He might be annoyed with me from time to time, but he'd never abandon me as helpless as I am right now! There MUST be another angle here!

Yet the cold, distant gaze behind his eyeglasses told a different story.

Tsk, of all the times, now he picks the time to develop a poker face!

Shura glared at Yukio. Her hands hadn't sat still ever since he told her what the setup of this game was. But to her frustration, other than uselessly fluttering her fingers around in thin air behind her head, she hadn't been able to do anything.

The bodacious warrior broke out into a cold sweat.

I can't get out of this! My hands are completely stuck in this awkward position... There's nowhere for me to even begin!

" Uegh nhe ough oh ghhehe uocheh (Let me out of these ropes)!"

"Giving up already?"

" You'ue nogh chuayinh haiu (You're not playing fair)!"

"What are you talking about?"

" GHhehe uocheh, ghhey'ue inhchohhihue! (These ropes, they're impossible!)!"

"Funny, and here I thought your arrogant nature wouldn't allow you to see that."

" You ghacchahh! Highe nhe anoghheu chohighion! Ou aue you ghhagh uuouuien I'uu hueach huee ann uuhooch youu ahh ah chayhacch (You jackass! Give me another position! Or are you that worried I'll break free and whoop your ass as payback)?" She taunted. 

" Nin you ho ogheuhoaun hecauhe you'ue hcauen oh nhe (Did you go overboard because you're scared of me)?"

"I hardly think of two ropes as 'overboard'," Yukio countered, "but if you're that scared of failing I suppose I could loosen a knot for you."

Shura grinned around her bit gag. 

Yes! One knot is all I need. If he loosens up my arms even a little, I'm sure I can fiddle my way out of these ropes. You just watch four-eyes, your overconfidence is going to help me wriggle my way out of this stupid predicament!

Her heart began beating faster already, though she didn't know if this was from anticipating her erotic struggle, or from the fact she might just beat Yukio for the first time they'd started playing these eccentric games.

But to her surprise, Yukio didn't turn her around to work on her reverse prayer. In fact he didn't work on any ropes. The knot he chose to loosen up was the one on the white and purple ribbon currently keeping Shura's enormous knockers supported.

" UUHAGH GHHE HEUU NO YOU GHHINCH YOU'UE NOINH (WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING)?!" She growled, swinging her leg around for a roundhouse kick before he could undo it fully.

Sadly, with her top now even less secure than usual, that wild movement almost risked her falling out of her bra!

That sneaky little- I won't even be able to struggle properly like this!

"Now I can fit these better." The calm exorcist said, holding up a pair of tiny pincers.

Shura's eyes narrowed. " Non'gh you naue! (Don't you dare!)"

But Yukio easily pulled her in close by the hem of her hotpants and slipped the nipple clamps into place underneath her already loosened bra.

"Aahhh!" The redhead moaned as a sharp, intense pain shot through her body initally, levelling out to a more bearable level after a few seconds.

" GHhih ih a neuu uouu! Houu anh I huchchohen gho concenghuaghe uuighh ghhehe nihghuacghinh nhe?! (This is a new low! How am I supposed to concentrate with these distracting me?!)"

At that moment, another distraction made itself apparent.

By now so much saliva had pooled inside her mouth because of the bit gag, she could no longer keep it contained. Slowly but surely, small streams of drool were making their way down her cheek.

"Eewww!" She mewled annoyed, shaking her head and trying to rub her cheek on her shoulder to clean herself up.

Yukio sighed. "That's what you get for running your mouth so much." He scolded, fishing a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiping the drool off her face.

Though grateful, Shura still tried to move away from her captor out of spite. She felt embarrassed and treated like a child.

"There you go, all set." Yukio said smoothly as he put away his handkerchief and began moving away from Shura.

" Hey! You'ue nogh heuiouhuy ueaghinh nhe uiche ghhih?! (Hey! You're not seriously leaving me like this?!)"

"Of course I am. I have a ton of work to do and thanks to you barging in I'm behind." Yukio replied testily. "You can keep the ropes and equipment when you've untied yourself, no need to bring them to my room."

And with that, the Dragoon exorcist calmly headed up the stairs to return to his room.

Shura was too perplexed to chase after him.

Well damn, he actually went and did it! He abandoned me!



This wasn't at all how I planned tonight would go. There's no point in being tied up if there's no one to play with you! Especially not when your arms feel as tight as this!

Shura tried twisting her wrists to create some slack and slip them free, but the harsh hempen ropes only dug deeper into her fair skin.

“Hmrnnn!” She moaned, kicking the ground with her boot in anger.

Great, as I suspected: I’m completely stuck! Now what…

The busty redhead was faced with a real dilemma this time:

Go all out in her struggles and risk fully expose her tits, with the risk of her still failing and giving anyone to spot her a full-on view of her rack. As proud as she was of her magnificent rack, flashing it around to that extent wasn't exactly her idea of fun. Especially whilst she was still completely defenceless.

But the other option she had was to remain docile in her wriggling and writhing. Not at all like her, and it would probably lower her already slim chances of success. But at least it would preserve some of her modesty.

If I can keep my top on, exploring the other floors becomes less risky as well... 

The redhead rolled her eyes. What am I saying?! If my hands are tied like this, anyone with ill intentions can just finish Yukio's work. 

Shura was so torn between the two choices she'd been leaning against a worn out desk for well over 10 minutes without making a move.

Until finally, the busty warrior decided on another option entirely.

Whether I struggle timidly or fiercely, I don't think these ropes are ever going to loosen up. I can't escape this by myself... And since my legs are free, even if someone spots me I should be able to get away or defend myself efficiently enough. This is a school after all, demon attacks are out of the equation entirely and there isn't a single student or teacher her who'd worry me.

"Tshh, foh-haihs (four-eyes)." She grumbled.

Did he plan this? Drive me into a corner and force me to start exploring his dorm like some damsel in distress?

Shura tried reaching for the ropes pinning her wrists into place one last time.

"Hhrrrggg!" The lovely redhead grunted, but she couldn't reach anything.

Even WITH a knife, this could be a pain to escape from. My hands are positioned in a really annoying way.

After taking a few deep breaths, Shura had steeled herself.

She slowly ascended the stairs out of the basement, listening intently for any movement coming from the ground floor.

As Yukio predicted, the place was abandoned. But she still remained on guard as she made her way to the dorm's kitchen. Cautiously listening for any suspicious sounds, leaning into each corner to spot movement around it before moving on, Shura's training in covert ops had never come in handier. 

And still. Despite the dorm almost certainly being empty, every creak of the wood, every whistle of the wind outside still made her jump.

This is worse than a mission to hunt high level demons... Pull yourself together Shura, you're acting like a damn rookie!

She turned the final corner to find finally her way inside the lunch room. She could already see the kitchen.

"Esh!" She cried out in relief.

Freedom, here I come!

However the moment she tried entering the kitchen, the clamps on her nipples suddenly tightened up!

"AAahhrrr!" Shura shrieked, completely taken off guard. The current pinch on her cute little buds was nothing compared to the dull pain they'd been subjected to the past half hour!

Even someone as battle-hardened as Shura sank through her knees from the massive spike in both pain and pleasure.

What the hell was THAT?!

Her nipple clamps had been enchanted with a similar spell to the one on Rin's tail ring when he was still under probation.

Except this one wasn't activated on command, but by proximity. Specifically, to the dorm's kitchen.

Having practical experience with this form of magic (albeit as a user not a receiver), Shura understood the trick quickly enough.

But that didn't make her feel any better. On the contrary.

So now the damn kitchen is off limits too?! Damn you Yukio! That's sneaky even for you! You won't even let me search this place for a tool to free myself?

"Shoh hoff hah ish (son of a bitch)!" She cured aloud, twisting her erotic upper body around, making her knockers jiggle inside her skimpy top.

"Haah, haaaah."

No progress. The ropes were still tight as ever.

No way did he set all of this up on the fly! That devious four-eyes must've had these clamps lying around for ages, waiting for the perfect opportunity to use them on me.

And as much as it pained her to admit it, Shura had to acknowledge he really got her this time.

After catching her breath and coming to terms with her escape plans being ruined, she struggled back to her feet. Too angry to give up, she immediately started thinking again:

Okay, so where CAN I go? There's several floors worth of student rooms, one or two of them should have a pair of scissors lying around for me to use.

But the poor redhead felt nervous about checking out those rooms. One pinch to her nipples was more than enough!

Shura was so flustered right now it didn't even occur to her that setting the spell up that way would be next to impossible. Creating that many trigger zones would cause too much interference.

But since her entire upper body was tingling from the ropes digging into her skin, the only thing on the busty swordswoman mind was to not create any more stimulation.

Thank God he didn't tie anything between my legs to agitate me the same way, or I might have had an accident already!

Shura left the dorm's dining hall and gingerly started climbing the stairs.

Her heart was beating like crazy. Because aside from every flickering shadow or each little sound keeping her on her toes, she now had the added stress of each new step causing those nefarious nipple clamps to close around her poor buds!

But after the first two rooms proved safe to enter, her heart quietened down a little.

That didn't bring her any closer to freedom however. Because none of the abandoned dorm rooms seemed to harbour anything useful.

And the curvaceous redhead was starting to feel the strain of her little adventure.

All her combat experience meant she had plenty of stamina to handle the flights of stairs, even if her bound arms made balancing a bit more challenging. But what really got to her over time was constantly having to contort and strain her upper body just to close her fluttering fingers around door handles, closet knobs, latches of drawers,… only to find them empty. Each and every time!

After her fourth dorm room had turned up completely empty, Shura gently parked her juicy tush on the bed and lifted her legs on for a brief pause. She was panting a little, making her impressive bosom rise and fall.

This is hopeless. This place really is abandoned, there's nothing but dust lying around here... Except for that one room.

The feisty redhead groaned and bucked around on the creaky bed. She wondered if this was all going according to that deviant little man's plans.

I have no choice... If I want out of here, I have to head for Yukio's room and beg him to let me out...

"HMGGNRNNHGN UHI-HOOOOH!" She shrieked angrily as she thrashed around on the bed, wildly enough to send dust flying around the room.

But as always, Shura failed categorically. The only thing she accomplished was to tighten the ropes around her chest and dirty her fair skin with dust.

"Hmmf, hmmnf, hmmnnnn!" She panted heavily.

Fine. I give in.

The stubborn swordswoman climbed off the bed and started climbing the rest of the stairs to Yukio's floor.

She was done fighting. Her body felt too horny from the ropes digging into her skin and the clamps nibbling at her erect buds. 

After trying everything she could think of and then some and feeling no closer to freedom, Shura was finally ready to submit herself to Yukio. He'd earned it fair and square. As much as it pained her to admit, Yukio had definitely broken her spirit this time.

She wasn't even angry anymore, just desperate to get out.

To her surprise, the curvy redhead noticed she started feeling nervous, excited, curious even as she got closer to the light shining from her captor's room.

I wonder what he's going to do to me, now that I'm done fighting him. I kind of hate to admit it, but I could really go for some thorough pampering right now...

However, when she finally made it into his room, things again didn't go as expected.

"Uhghi-hoh (Yukio)?" She mewled softly after peeking her head through the open door.



Out of nowhere, the clamps on her thoroughly tender nipples contracted again!

"(What gives? I'm here just like you planned, aren't I?)" She complained as her flaming spirit was briefly reignited, blinking away the tears in her eyes.

"You're too early." He said bluntly. "I have only just finished my paperwork, I still have about an hour maintenance to do on my guns."

The only thing keeping her mouth from falling open was the strap running underneath her jaw keeping the bit gag in place.


"(Screw that! Let me out!)"

"I told you: in an hour."

She glowered at him. "(You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Lazy four-eyes, working slower so I have to sit here like some pet or slave!)" 

"I'll have you know I've been working very efficiently until you walked in here. I just didn't expect you to give up as quickly as you did. Maybe you're not as stubborn and feisty as you give yourself credit for." He taunted

"(Let me out and I'll show you how feisty I can still be!)" She snapped, dancing around his room in anger and kicking one of the pillars holding up the top bunk.

"Calm down Shura, if you break school property I'll have to report you." He taunted.

"HMRRGNGGNNN!" She groaned in frustration. "(Why can't I get out?! I've been struggling for hours!)"

"Wasn't that the whole point?" Her captor remarked dryly. "You wanted to be restrained."

"(Not if you're just going to toss me aside! Being helpless on your own grows boring quite fast!)"

"Then how about I change things up a bit for the last hour?" Yukio replied.


The gunslinger pulled out a hidden drawer from his desk and got out a few more coils of rope.

Shura's eyes widened. "(No! You're not tying me up anymore!)"

She began moving away from him, but he was already standing between her and the door.

For that matter, the bodacious swordswoman was already so exhausted she probably wouldn't get away from him. She found out just how tired she was when Yukio pushed down with incredible ease, making her land on his bed where he wrestled her legs together so he could tie them up as well.

"(Yukio! You jerk! This isn't fair!)" She mewled into her bit gag, soaking wet from all the drooling she'd been doing.

"Then maybe next time you'll listen when I say 'not now'." He replied sternly.

"(That's what this is? One long punishment?! You bastard!)"

"Don't pretend you're not enjoying the attention." Came back from the bespectacled exorcist as he crossed her ankles, wrapped up her calves and cinched together her knees and thighs with length after length of rope.

Shura grunted angrily, but had no way of resisting him. In a matter of minutes her legs were just as incapacitated as her arms.

But Yukio still wasn't finished with her.

"Uurrhh!" The red haired woman groaned as he rolled her onto her front, squishing her large knockers beneath her body.

He brought her ankles up towards her butt, anchoring them there with a hogtie rope running from her feet to her chest harness.

Her eyes bulged as the pressure on her legs and chest began building, Shura started cursing into her gag so exuberantly she was sending a small spray of drool in the direction of Yukio's pillow.

"I'm going to have to get rid of that bit gag." Yukio suddenly stated.

Finally! That's the best news I've heard all day!

"You are still far too loud with just that thing between your lips."


Yukio showed her a pair of clean white socks. "These should be enough fill up even that big mouth of yours."

"(Don't you dare!)"

He ignored her, calmly unbuckling the bit gag and pulling it out.

Shura took advantage of the moment to stretch her jaw a little. But when he held up the balled up pair of socks she glared at him.

"If you go through with this I swear I'll cut you to pieces the second I get-mprfnnnnrnf!"

Yukio didn't even let her finish the threat, he just shoved the socks into her protesting mouth.

"Spit those out and I'll add a third one." He warned her.


To the brown haired man's surprise, Shura did keep her lips sealed for him so he could neatly line up his grey tape. He wrapped so much of it he obscured the lower half of her face!

"Thank you for behaving for once. Now, let's see if this gag works."


Shura's eyes shot wide open as her nipple clamps briefly tighten up.

"Mnnnnn!" She wailed into her stuffing.

To her shock, her cry had been almost completely silent. Even though Shura hadn't held back in opening her lungs at all, nearly all of the noise had been smothered by the slowly moistening cotton stroking her tonsils.

"Perfect, now I can wrap up my work in silence." The gunslinger said in an almost cheerful tone.

Shura turned her head to look up at him. The murderous look in her eyes gave even an experienced exorcist the shivers. But the ropes proved she was going nowhere. He had her right where he wanted her.

"I'm just going to add two more small things." 

The helpless woman's eyes narrowed.

Even more?! What in the hell can you still do to me?!!!

Yukio then brought out a black leather blindfold and a pair of earplugs.

As tired as she was, Shura still didn't want to just roll over and let her captor toy with her like this. But despite bucking around and shaking her head, Yukio didn't take long in fitting her with his last tools, rendering her world dark and silent.

The furious redhead called Yukio every foul word she could think off, but none of it made it through the thick gag. Thanks to his recently added measures, she couldn't even hear herself doing so!

Completely trapped in her own mind, forced to do nothing but lie on Yukio's bed helplessly bound and gagged without a clue of what was going on around her, Shura felt a small pit develop in her stomach as her situation began to set in:

He got me. I can barely move anymore right now. And every time I do, something tightens up and makes me feel even more uncomfortable!

Lying still and being patient was about as far from her nature as humanly possible. But this time, it seemed like her captor didn't leave her any other choice.

Damn you Yukio! You'd better have one hell of a reward session prepared after this! If you just dismiss me after putting me through this gruesome night, I'll genuinely cut off your head!


Shura had no idea how much time passed as she lied there.

It felt like several hours. But not even Yukio would be that cruel. Would he?

Either way, the bodacious exorcist couldn't stop herself from calling out to him every few minutes.

Sadly, thanks to the earplugs and blindfold she had no way of knowing if he even bothered to respond. Or if he was even there to hear her.

She squirmed around a little to make the time pass by quicker, rolling onto either side over time to feel more comfortable.

But nothing really worked for her. There was too much pent up frustration stored inside her.

I want out! Or at least to have someone take care of me. I've had it with squirming around uselessly and not knowing what's going on!

"Mfnhmnhh!" She called out to her captor again.

By now, poor Shura didn't even expect anything to happen anymore. She'd been mewling in vain for so long the redhead had all but resigned herself to being treated like an ornament.

So when the sudden fiddling with her white and purple striped top began, she wasn't ready at all.

"Mnrn!" She growled in protest, shaking her head. But as immobile as she was, there was no stopping it. 

Despite her whole body being desperate for the attention, Shura didn't want Yukio to notice. He'd been toying with her all day, the last thing she wished for was for him to realize how effective it had all been!

But when a cold brush of air blew over the bare skin of her liberated breasts, the shiver down her spine was too great to hide.

When next the pincers finally were removed from her cute pink nipples, Shura's really couldn't contain herself anymore.

She arched her back and a long, grateful moan escaped her body as an intense feeling of relief washed over her.

And that was just the start. A pair of warm hands began kneading her large breasts, squeezing their flesh and massaging the soreness out of them.

The red haired captive started writhing around in pleasure, kicking her legs reflexively. But thanks to the hogtie that only increased pressure on her chest and made the massage more intense.

Come on! Harder, rub them more firmly!


Yuki, you dumbass! Take off these things! I can't communicate with you at all!

She was of course thinking off the gag, earplugs and blindfold.

How the hell do I tell him what I want without speaking or looking him in the eye? Heck, I could still nod, but thanks to the earplugs he can't ask me anything either!

The helpless swordswoman was forced to lie there and submit herself to Yukio's pace, without any way to give him feedback.

Thankfully, he was doing a marvellous job without it.

He gradually picked up the pace, reading her body language as he pushed the various buttons of his lovely red haired captive.

Especially when he'd flick or rub her nipples Shura would fervently buck and squeal into her gag, a very satisfying sight.

But within minutes the busty damsel became desperate for more. She started nudging her hips towards Yukio, mewling into her gag as loud as she could.

Thankfully he got the message.

He unzipped her hotpants and slowly pulled them down her thighs as far as they would go before getting caught on the ropes on her legs. After that he did the same for her thong, exposing her quivering lovebox, already moist from his initial pampering.

That made it easy to slide the dildo down her pussy, gently rocking it back and forth to give his captive a slow rise to her climax.


More, Yukio! Faster, harder, deeper! Get going, don't you dare stop!

So many wishes were flying around Shura's mind she was having trouble keeping track of them all.

With each new gentle trust, the gunslinger reached deeper inside her womanly folds, making her squirm in delight.

Yes! That's it! Go on! Aaarghh, I wanna talk!

Right now all she could do was desperately hope Yukio's lucky streak would continue. He'd gotten everything right so far, but how in the world he'd managed was beyond her.

You need to go further now! I can feel it, I'm getting close!

But when the hard rubber toy started to back out again, rather than come back harder she found it disappeared completely!


"MMHHNRRRNN!" She screamed, exceptionally loudly given the thickly stuffed gag.

"Calm down." Yukio chuckled, momentarily forgetting she had no way of understanding him. "I'm not backing out."

He kneeled down in front of her and put one hand on her thigh to keep her steady.

Shura calmed down and stopped thrashing around, eager to find out what her detainer would do now.

The brown haired young man leaned into the helpless girl and slid his tongue down her snatch.

"Mnnff!" She gasped as her eyes widened behind the blindfold.

No way?! Yukio is-

"Hmnrnnn!" Her thoughts were interrupted as his tongue stared flicking her clit.

She lolled her head back in delight.

That's it! Right there! Aahhh!!

With each new brush of her labia, each nipple of her most senstive flesh, Shura could feel herself inching closer to her climax.

Her hands were fluttering around behind her back, desperate to grab something, squeeze something, do something. But to no avail, the ropes continued to bar her way.

Yukio was in complete control, she just had to go with the flow, ride out this incredible wave of gratification that was swelling within her.

He'd only been going down on her for a minute when Shura came to a shuddering climax. One so intense she just couldn't sit still.

Her whole body suddenly felt light as a feather. There wasn't a trace left of the pain or fatigue caused by the ropes.

But Yukio knew that would only be temporary, so whilst his captive was still basking in the afterglow, he skilfully removed everything except for the reverse prayer ropes and sat up against the headboard, pulling Shura into his lap.

The red haired warrior didn't even have the breath to either thank or question him. She just nestled into his arms, not caring about how it looked.

His gentle kneading and stroking of her breasts and labia were making the redhead so mellow she almost dozed off.

"Aren't you gonna untie my hands?"

"When I'm certain you won't punch me." He joked.

Shura sighed. "Believe me, I've had that intent for most of the night. But right now, not a trace of it remains. I'm too damn happy."

"So what you're saying is: I know what I'm doing and it was all worth the wait?" The bespectacled exorcist teased.

"I wouldn't go that far." The swordswoman countered. "At best, you made up for all the stunts you pulled today."

"Really? I don't even get a single bonus point?"

"Bonus point my ass! I should kick you for making me run around the building and letting me squirm here for God knows how long, cut off from the world!"

"Then it's a good thing I didn't remove these ropes yet." He taunted his captive, tugging on the reverse prayer.

"Hmrggn!" She growled, her wrists twisting around behind her back. "haaah, haaaah... no fair! Yukio, let me out please!"

The young exorcist's mouth fell open. "Did you just say... please?!"

"You don't have to look THAT surprised." She muttered, her cheeks reddening. "I can be polite when I have to be."

"I never imagined." He chuckled.

"Hey! You're being disrespectful to a senior officer!"

"Then go ahead and punish me." He replied, pinching and tickling his captive all over her upper body.

"Aahhaaha! S-stop it! Right nooow- ahahahaa!"

"Maybe in a few minutes." He smirked, groping his helpless senior for a few more minutes.

And as much as Shura tried to hide it, she clearly loved every second of his attention. At least more than the cold shoulder he'd given her the rest of the day.

So she played along, squirming around on the bed with laughter, pleading with her captor to show her some mercy.

She was even more surprised about her behaviour than Yukio was. But it just felt right, so neither of them questioned it.

I have to hand it to four-eyes. As obnoxious as he is, he has a real knack of making me feel needy and girly...


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