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"Aaarhhh! This is impossible!" Elze groaned in frustration, panting heavily on the large bed.

"I agree." Yae sighed defeated as she leaned her head back against the pole her luscious body had been pinned to. "Touya-dono's magic was too thorough. I can't find any slack in the ropes, nor any knots in reach."

"What about you sis?" The hogtied warrior asked Linze.

"Hmrrn, no sister." Her short haired twin replied. "I can't get my hands free. If I'd brought my wand, then maybe I could have conjured up something to help like a shard of sculpted ice. But I left it in my room."

"So bottom line: none of us have any way out." Elze moaned. "Then what do we do?!"

"Wait for Touya-dono to return I suppose." Yae replied disheartened. "Though it pains me to have to stand here so passively."

"At least you don't have you legs bent double and your elbows pinned together." The slender warrior complained.

"Oh? Do you think my position is a comfortable one, Elze-san?" The dark haired samurai snapped back. "Out of the three of us, I have the least wriggle room!"

"So now it's our fault we can't get out?!" Elze countered heatedly. "I'll have you know that my hogtie and the frogtie Linze is enduring are a lot more punishing on the legs than just standing up!"

"I beg to differ!" Was the curt retort.

"Sister! Yae-san!" Linze cried out nervously. "We shouldn't bicker like this. It won't help us escape any faster."

The two captives cringed as they realized the busty mage was right.

"I'm sorry Yae. I'm just agitated about not knowing when we'll get out of this."

"No, I should apologise, Elze-san, Linze-san." The swordswoman said in return. 

"It must be the fatigue that is getting to us." Linze tried to lighten the mood. "We have been stuck like his for nearly an hour."

"That's all it's been?! It feels like much longer." Her older sister replied.

"Judging by the position of the sun, round about an hour has passed since we activated the ropes."

Elze, Linze and Yae had all met up in the playroom inside Touya's mansion for a joined session with him. However, due to urgent business with Duke Ortlinde, he had left them a note with instructions on how to get started on their own.

The ropes he had lied out on the bed had been infused with magic so they would tie them up simply by using the commands he had prepared.

What he hadn't explained in his note was that he had not had the time to formulate an untying spell, meaning they had to do that by hand… Which required at least one of the girls to be free, a fact they hadn't realized until all three of them had been rendered helpless.

And Touya hadn't exactly made things easy for them.

Yae's predicament consisted out of being tethered to one of the poles holding up the four-poster bed's roof, with ropes coiled around her wrists pinning them behind the pole, three lengths ensnaring her legs and a fourth around her waist. But top on the list of most irritating restraints was definitely the set of ropes running above and below her breasts to pin her upper body to the pole and the crotch rope digging into her most sensitive flesh.

Linze was sitting on a soft mat beside that same bed, her legs bent double and stuck in separate frogties. She too had received a tight chest harness and crotch rope, but with the added anguish of those being worked into her tightly done up box-tie. The poor mage had become so agitated from her struggles that by now she'd become afraid to make any large movement at all!

Then there was her older sister Elze, lying on top of the bed. But by no means was that a choice of her own, because her stack of enchanted ropes had contorted her body into a tight hogtie, her wrists and elbows both touching together and the slack between her hands and feet a mere 5 inches long!

She'd bucked and rolled her way around the bed, but made just as little progress as her fellow captives. 

Touya's premise had been for them to take turns and try out the various positions he'd programmed into the ropes that way. But once all three of them had trapped themselves, they no longer had that luxury.

Naturally, the young women had begun struggling with all their might. Feeling around with their fluttering fingers in the hopes of coming across a loosened-up knot, shifting their arms and legs about trying to create some slack in the ropes. But nothing worked, not even when used their full strength to try and tear their restraints, the ropes proved too much for them. 

No matter what they tried, Yae Linze and Elze had remained utterly helpless. And since they were all confined to their own regions of the bedroom, none of them could reach out to the other. 

The only one with a slim chance was Elze, who could've rolled off the bad and onto the mat next to her sister. But Linze had insisted against it since there was no telling how the svelte warrior would land and she had no means of bracing herself.

Roughly an hour had passed since the ropes had trapped them. By no means the longest stretch any of them had been in bondage. But the slightly panicked approach to their struggles had meant all three of them felt more exhausted than ever before. Both mentally and physically, they were begging to be freed.

The only silver lining to this massive cloud was that their captor's ropework was top notch. Not just with regard to security, but also safety. There was no real cut off to any of their blood flow, and all three girls could move around just enough to prevent severe cramps or muscle fatigue.

Although, by now something more disturbing than muscle fatigue was worrying the poor girls.

They all loved bondage, and had always enjoyed their time whilst tied up. But that had been with someone in the room to oversee proceedings, to make sure nothing went wrong and who could let them out the moment they asked.

Right now, none of that was the case. They had no means of escape, no idea of when Touya would return to free them.

It was at that point when all three girls realized something:

Being tied up when you have no way to free yourself…

Not knowing when it's going to end…

Being completely helpless to defend yourself if someone should discover you…

Is a really scary experience!

Thankfully, the three girls were all in it together. They did their best to keep their spirits up.

"I wonder what's taking Touya so long?" Elze wondered aloud. "He said he had business with the duke, but with his 'gate' magic, travelling back and forth should be a cinch."

"I suppose it depends on what his business was." Her sister replied.

"But if it was something serious, he would have cancelled the game and asked us all to come along, don't you think?" Yae offered.

"I don't know. Maybe because we were so eager he decided to take on the task alone, and not interrupt our fun." Linze said.

"Then he might have thought things through a little more." Elze criticized. "What was he thinking creating ropes which can tie you up, but not undo themselves?!"

The slender warrior groaned softly as she rolled on her side to get more comfortable. "I want to stretch my legs!" She whined.

"I know how you feel sister."

"Funny, I was just now wishing I could bend mine." Yae remarked.

The three girls shared a nervous giggle.

"He won't be long now." The silver haired warrior stated with groundless confidence. "It's Touya we're talking about. He's never let us down. And he knows we're in here."

"I agree, sister. But maybe next time we should prepare some kind of emergency communication."

"A great idea." Yae replied, just as a certain thought popped into her head:

"Or maybe this all is part of this particular game?"

"How do you mean, Yae-san?" Linze asked curiously.

"Maybe Touya expressly abandoned us, to make us experience bondage in a different sense. He's always been near us, making us feel safe. Maybe this time he was aiming for more of a suspense angle."

"I hadn't thought of it like that." Elze replied. "Well, he sure fooled us!"

Linze wasn't entirely convinced yet. But even he busty mage had to admit that scenario made her feel quite a bit more relaxed than the alternative explanation.

Touya's reasons were nowhere near that intricate however. The reason for his delay was simply that the duke refused to let him leave until they'd completed no less than 11 rounds of Shougi!

But the young arch mage saw no issue in granting the duke's request, because in his mind Elze, Linze and Yae were having the time of their life trying out all the different bondage positions he had programmed into the ropes!

This whole string of random occurrences was about to cause another upheaval within the dark haired mage's mansion…

"I'm home!" Yumina Belfast called out as she entered the hallway. The young princess had just returned from visiting her parents, which was quite a journey when you didn't have Touya's gate magic to count on. She was therefore a little bit peeved off when no one was around to greet her.

Apart from some of the staff, who all welcomed her heartily, she couldn't find any of her housemates!

After talking to the butler, she found out that Touya had yet to return from business with the duke. However when she pressed on to find out where he female companions were, the elderly gentleman had to admit he too hadn't seen much of them all day.

The only thing he knew for certain, was that they hadn't left the mansion.

"Guess I'll do some exploring then. After all, we've been living here for over a year and I still don't think I've visited every room!" The blonde young woman chimed. She loved exploring, which was why her time with Touya had been such a joyous one.

If I recall, I might have seen Yae, Linze and Elze make their way to the fourth floor from time to time. Yumina thought to herself.

She'd always found that odd, since most of the rooms on that floor were vacant and the only bathroom located there was significantly less equipped than even their personal ones, let alone the communal bath area.

Time for me to investigate what makes that floor so special...

Door after door, the blonde young woman was met with disappointing emptiness. Not a single one of the rooms she checked had anything remotely interesting inside! The only remarkable thing was how clean they all were, despite not being used at all.

"I must remember to commend the cleaning staff. They do a very thorough job here." The princess mused as she walked down the hallway and reached her hand out to the door handle of her next room.

However, just as she was about to open the door to that room she suddenly noticed sounds, no voices were coming from the other side!

"Is that... Yae?!"

A modest and kind girl at heart, Yumina didn't want to barge in unannounced. God knew what she would be interrupting!

However, now that it had become clear her fellow team members were hiding something, a mixture of jealousy and curiosity drove her to listen in on the conversation.

I need to know what they are talking about so I can figure out how to best approach entering... She defended her actions to herself as she leaned her slender body against het door and placed her ear against the wood in an effort to hear what was being said more clearly.

"How do you think Touya made these ropes work?" A voice which Yumina recognised as Elze's asked. "He used 'program' null magic, that much I can guess. But how did the ropes know where to go?"

"Maybe he made them remember by wrapping them around a test dummy." Yae offered.

"I don't think that's the extent of it." A more timid voice which had to be Linze's countered. "That method would not account for any movements we made during the tying process."

"Then how?" Elze insisted.

"I cannot be certain, but I think he mapped out the whole of the human body when creating his program, then described in detail for each position where the ropes had to move towards, how many loops to make, where to anchor the knots and so on."

On the other side of the door, Yumina's cute visage was wearing a very confused frown.

I can't make heads or tails of this conversation!

And it wasn't over, because Linze was still going.

"When the programs were completed, I think he did several simulations on dummies with several stances to see if all of the ropes translated the instructions all right."

"That sounds exhausting!" Yae exclaimed. "Touya-dono must have spent hours, no days perfecting these programs!"

"I think so too." Linze admitted.

"Well shucks, now I almost feel guilty for being angry with Touya for trapping us like this." Elze remarked in a joking manner. "I know for a fact how difficult it is to construct a decent hogtie, and he did it in advance!"

"True, Touya-dono's talents continue to amaze us. I've been tied to this pole for over an hour already, yet my arms and legs still feel like they could go on."

"Be that as it may, I'm hoping Touya-san returns soon. It's not as much fun being helpless when there's no one left in charge." Linze sighed.

By now Yumina was trembling on the other side of the door. Her head was spinning from everything she'd heard.

I need to know what this is all about!

*knock knock*

The second Elze, Linze and Yae heard that knock on the door, their hearts jumped.


They all thought in reflex.

But then a large pit opened up in their stomachs. Why would Touya knock? There wasn't a single reason, which could only mean...

"Girls? It's Yumina. I'm coming in. I've been looking for you ever since I came back from visiting my parents."

Inside the room, all three of the young women entered a sudden frenzy. They instinctively started squirming and fidgeting around, but all they did was waste precious seconds.

"No don't!" Elze still called out in a desperate measure as she heard the handle to the door moving. But Yumina pushed on and opened the door so she could walk in.

But what she found inside confused her even more than the conversation had!

“What happened to you all?!” She shrieked. “Who did this?! Are there intruders in the house? Robbers?!”

Yumina slowly examined Elze, Linze and Yae. The amount of rope used on all of them didn’t suggest something as quick as a robbery. But why would kidnappers leave their subjects inside the house?!

The more I try to think about all this, the less sense I can make of the situation! The flustered princess thought in despair. 

Even worse when she tried to make eye contact with her fellow adventurers, because the three of them shifted uncomfortably and seemed to try anything to avoid looking her in the eye!

Are they… embarrassed?! Wait... The things I overheard just now. About Touya and magic ropes...

“I-it’s uh-“ Yae stammered.

“We can explain, Yumina!” Elze tried, though she got no further.

Linze too had no idea where to begin, and therefore chose to stay silent. She couldn’t sit still however, and nervously continued plucking at the ropes of her box-tie.

The princess spotted the silver haired mage’s fidgeting and flinched on the spot.

“What am I thinking?! I need to get you guys out!”

She rushed over to the bed, where the note on the nightstand immediately drew her attention.

"T-that's uh..." Elze began, hesitant to finish her explanation.

She didn't need to. Touya's note only contained a few words and had been signed with his name!

"So Touya is responsible for this?!" Yumina shrieked. "And judging from this note this whole ordeal is something you all went through voluntarily?"

The normally cute and gentle princess got a dark look on her face. "I trust you all have a logical and thorough explanation for this?" She said threateningly.

All three of the girls shrank back just a little.

Now what? Yae thought nervously. How do we explain this hobby of ours?

What can we say so we don't offend her? Elze shared her samurai friend's doubts. I never even thought about it, but essential we all hid these games from her, ALL of us. That includes Touya, who conveniently isn't here yet.

Against all odds, it was Linze who began speaking.

"This is something all of us enjoy." She started out with.

"Enjoy?" Yumina repeated confused. "You enjoy being tied up?!"

Her mind had jumped to some kind of basic combat training for an explanation, or even some sort of skill required for espionage... But fun?!

"Yes. It's something we discovered about each other by accident." Linze confessed. "Over time, we decided to join up and experiment together."

"Experiment? About what?"

"You know," Elze now joined in, "about how long we can hold on, try different kind of positions on each other, see if we can escape or not,…"

"And Touya helps you?"

Yae now pitched in. "Yes, Touya-dono restrains us so we can have a more genuine experience, since performing this on yourself requires an escape route."

"Otherwise you end up like we did right now." Elze remarked with a faint smile, trying to lighten the mood a little."

"Are you stuck right now?" The princess asked. "Then where is Touya?"

But then she recalled the dark haired mage was out on business with the duke, and several pieces to this odd puzzle began falling into place.

"That's a long story." Elze replied. "Let's just say that we were expecting him to make a return far sooner than is the case, and we forgot about leaving any safeguards."

"But to answer your question, Yumina-san. Yes, we are completely stuck." Linze said with an embarrassed blush. "So in a way, it is somewhat of a relief you discovered us, since we have no idea how long Touya is going to stay away."

"That's if I release you." The blonde suddenly remarked.

All three girls felt their mouths fall open.

"W-what do you mean?" Yae stammered.

"I have one more question." Yumina stated calmly.

The three women swallowed the lump that had farmed in her throat.

"When Touya is the one to tie you up, and he normally stays with you for the duration of this... pastime... what does he do after you are all restrained?"

They had suspected that was coming, but it still made all three girls feel really uncomfortable. This time, none of the girls felt confident to answer Yumina's query. They didn't know how. At least not without hurting her feelings or instilling a sense of betrayal.

But the blonde girl managed to figure out the answer just by their expression. Or rather, from the lack of one, because Elze Linze and Yae alike were now staring at the floor, their heads heavy with what she deduced to be guilt.

As the truth of what went on in this hidden room settled in, a weird, burning feeling rose up in the pit of her stomach.

Am I feeling… Jealous?!

"Y-Yumina?" Linze whimpered, her eyes wide with fright.

The innocent look in the busty mage's eyes managed to calm the princess down. But only a little. 

She continued to frown at the girls. "I thought we agreed not to approach Touya regarding these matters. That none of us would try to go behind the others' backs?!"

"That's not what this is!" Elze insisted. "Linze and I have been doing this for a long time, and Touya just discovered us."

"And me as well! Back home I regularly endured escape training."

"Oh so you are 'training', are you?"

Yae flinched. "T-that-…"

But Yumina raised her hand, silencing the three helpless girls. Despite her young age, she had a very authoritative air over her.

"I understand what this is. And I won't dwell on how this happened or for what reason. You all are older than me, so it stands to reason the urges you feel are already more powerful than mine."

The three captives let escape a soft sigh in relief.

You can see she was raised as royalty. Elze thought to herself. I don't think I'd be able to keep this calm, remain so diplomatic.

We are lucky she keeps such a good hold on her emotions. Yae realized. In the state we're in, we'd be helpless to defend ourselves!

Despite the situation, that made a shiver run down the sword woman's spine.

Yumina now cleared her throat, drawing attention back to her.

"But… I can no longer permit myself to be side-lined." She proudly declared.

"You want to join?!" Linze yelped in surprise.


"B-but Yumina, is this something you would enjoy?" Elze began tentatively. "There's no point to it if you just force yourself to please Touya."

"All the more reason for me to find out as soon as possible if this is something I could come to like." She replied with a burning determination in her eyes.

If this is something my future husband likes, then it is my duty as his fiancée to at least give it a chance!

Yumina Belfast was still relatively young, but not exactly unfamiliar with the idea of sexuality. Mature for her age, the young princess had already had slightly erotic dreams, most of which featured Touya. It also helped that one of her best friends was an accomplished writer of sensual novels.

Bondage itself was as of yet an unknown concept for her however, and the blonde princess still had a hard time piecing together the image of love and these tight ropes ensnaring her friends.

"When will Touya be back?" Yumina asked the group, moving the conversation and her mind away from what had been transpiring behind her back.

"We wish we knew!" Elze groaned. "He didn't specify a time on that note."

"In fact, he provided us with painfully little information, hence our current situation." Yae sighed.

The blonde princess frowned. "Do you not like this?"

"Of course we do! But after almost two hours in the same position the need to stretch your legs trumps enjoyment." Elze replied dryly.

Yumina's eyes shot open. "TWO HOURS?"

She never imagined anyone could bear being held in the shapes they were in for that long!

Linze blushed embarrassed. "it's a new record for us as well. We normally don't spend this long tied up."

"But if you didn't want to spend this much time tied up, why did you all get tied up together?"

Now all three of them started blushing, and explained what happened.

That made a smile curl on Yumina's soft lips for the first time since entering that room.

"It's not funny!" Elze snapped, bucking on the bed in protest.

"It is a little bit." Yumina giggled.

At least I'm not the only one who still has lots to learn...

"Maybe we should wait for Touya to return, I'm sure he is far more accomplished at removing these ropes than I would be." The blonde suggested.

"Yumina-dono! That isn't funny!" Yae objected. "The only thing worse than being tied up with no way to free yourself is to be tied up with someone present who WON'T untie you!"

Linze and Elze nodded decisively.

"Please release us, Yumina-san." Linze pleaded.

"Hmm, I don't know... I think I would like to study these strange positions you are in for a little while longer...."

She spent a few more minutes taunting the girls, poking and pinching them to make them squirm around. It gave her a special kind of satisfaction, seeing how her friends were powerless to stop her teasing ways.

This is simply payback for you three keeping this a secret. She rationalized her actions.

Eventually, after much pleading from Elze, Linze and Yae, the princess started fiddling around with the ropes. Thanks to some helpful directions from the girls, Yumina soon had her fellow team members sitting beside each other on the bed.

"So? Now what?" Elze asked.

"Now we wait for Touya." Yumina said calmly.

The three former captives shifted uncomfortably. It was clear that their partner in crime was in for a stern talking to from his beloved wife to be...

When Touya finally arrived back home, he made his way straight to the playroom so he could check up on them and if at all possible join in last-minute. But deep down he expected the girls to have left the room already since he was so late in returning home.

He therefore received the shock of his life when he found the girls sitting on the bed with an added guest!

"Yumina?! How did you get here?" He yelped.

"That is a rather long story, Touya-san." She replied calmly. "Though not as long as the one our friends over here just told me."

Elze, Linze and Yae flinched, looking at their knees with bright red faces.

Touya swallowed. I'm in trouble, aren't I?

What followed was a lengthy, but essentially peaceful discussion about Yumina's wishes and Touya's reservations to involve someone as young as her.

But the clever princess managed to leverage her position as 'victim' to this small conspiracy perfectly, and even negotiated a private session with Touya (much to the others' envy).

The young princess felt it would be essential for the two of them to try this out on their own for the first time, so she could learn what it was that drove Touya to do this.

"So when do you want to hold this session?" Touya asked his slender friend.

"Right now."

That caused quite a few eyes to widen.

"A-are you sure, princess?" Linze asked timidly. "Don't you want to take a few days to prepare mentally?"

She shook her head. "No, I am fully determined to see this through. Unless you feel you need time to prepare, Touya-san?"

"Me? N-no, I think I can manage."

"Good." She turned to the three girls sitting on the bed. "Then if you would excuse us, we'll be heading to my room." The blonde princess said as she took hold of the dark haired mage's hand and pulled him along with surprising force.

Touya could just barely 'aports' a rucksack in his hand and some basic equipment into it by the time Yumina had dragged him out of the room.

"Wow, seems like the princess took this surprise harder than she let on." Elze remarked.

"I think she just wants to move fast, before she loses her nerve." Yae surmised.

"Let's hope Touya treats her gently." Linze prayed. "She is hiding it well, but Princess Yumina must be feeling nervous. It'll be her first time being tied up after all..."

Linze had been spot on. Because by the time the slender blonde had isolated herself and Touya in her own bedroom, her heart was pounding so wildly it felt like it wanted to burst out of her chest!

She'd been in such a rush to make this happen she hadn't even considered changing clothes, and was now standing in front of Touya in her cute, snow white dress with matching short boots that sported a low heel.

“Yumina, you’re certain you want this to happen?” Touya tried to confirm once more.

After taking a deep breath, she nodded. “Yes, Touya-san. Please show me what it is you enjoy so much.”

"Alright, if you're this determined it would be insulting to refuse." He steeled himself. "But we're going to take this slow, one rope at a time."

"How do you mean?"

"After each rope I tie, I'll give you a moment to test things out, see how it feels. Only when you're ready to move on will I continue."

Yumina nodded. "That sounds like a safe approach. Thank you, Touya-san."

"I should be thanking you, it's not every day you get to capture a beautiful princess." He joked in an effort to lighten the mood.

But judging by the beet red colour that suddenly flushed the blonde's gentle features he'd only made her feel more embarrassed.

"You really think I'm beautiful, Touya-san?"

"Of course! The only reasons I didn't approach you for this were because I thought you were a little too young, and because I had no way of knowing you would enjoy this."

"I know, Touya-san. And I don't blame any of you for keeping this from me, I just felt a little..."

She didn't even know how to finish that sentence. So many feelings were swirling around right now!

"Let's get started." Touya moved on.

She looked up at her beloved fiancée . "Yes, let's."

"Can you please turn around and place your hands behind your back?"

The slender princess slowly turned her back to the dark haired mage and folded her arms behind her back. For some reason unknown to even herself, she also closed her eyes.

Touya slowly walked up to his friend and took his first length of dark blue rope out of the bag he'd brought.

He gently pulled her arms together so her wrists and the palms of her hands were touching. From there he looped the ropes a few inches above her wrists so he definitely wouldn't cut off any circulation, or cause any chafing on her wrists when Yumina would start struggling.

Once the rope was knotted off, Touya took a step back. "How does that feel?"

Instinctively, the young princess tried pulling her hands back in front of her. But all that happened was a slight increase in the pressure on her arms where the ropes were located. They wouldn't budge. At all.

Wow, I didn't expect these ropes to be so strong!

The blonde princess reached up with her fingers, planning to search for the knot Touya had tied and undo it. But to her shock she couldn't even make contact with the rope, let alone undo it!

"Hmrrg!" She grunted softly as she twisted her arms around as best she could, her fingers fluttering around in search of a pose that would allow her to untie herself.

"Are you okay?" Touya asked. The young mage was having some conflicting feelings about the scene before him.

On the one hand he felt guilty for doing this to his friend, who had only asked for this to please him. But he had to admit: Yumina's looked cuter than ever!

"I can't get out!" She mewled, looking at Touya with her flustered expression.

His heart skipped a beat, and barely prevented his mouth from falling open.

"Hmrn hmr," the archmage cleared his throat, "that is the whole point."

"I know that of course, I just didn't expect it to happen after just one rope!" Yumina said disappointed.

"If you're thinking you are somehow underperforming, then I can assure you: the others would have just as much trouble at this point."

That seemed to lighten Yumina's mood. "Really?"

"Of course. The ropes tied around your hands are obviously the most difficult ones to reach. Well, apart from the elbows maybe."

"Elbows? You would tie those together as well?"

"It's an option. And depending on the flexibility of your subject they can be brought closer together. But we're not doing that today, I promised to take things slow."

"Alright. I trust you, Touya-san. And I think I'm ready to move on now, I've gotten used to the feeling."

"Very well, go ahead and sit down on the side of the bed."

Yumina complied with surprising grace considering her hands weren't there to support her, after which Touya kneeled beside her and took out another rope.

The curious princess leaned forward so she could see how her future husband went about making the ropes feel so tight and secure, but to her surprise she could barely follow his hands!

Before she realized, he'd stoop up again. "There, now our ankles are tied together as well. Give it a try."

Again, Yumina started out by testing the strength of her new restraints. But even kicking her legs proved futile, her ankles wouldn't come apart anymore.

She reached down with her hands, but couldn't get remotely near enough in her seated position. So, she scooted back on the bed and rolled onto her front, bending her legs and stretching her back and arms to try and slip her ankle bonds into grasp.

An odd sense of accomplishment washed over her when her slender fingers made contact with the rope.

That's a good start! Now if I could just discover where the knot is...

"The knot's not behind your ankles, but in front." Touya remarked helpfully.

"In front?"

"Yes, you should be able to see it if you roll over and sit up."

Yumina took his advice, and soon laid eyes on the knot keeping her ankles captive.

But how do I reach it?

The blonde tried twisting her upper body to give her arms just a little more reach and bring in her ankles as close as she could. But before she got near enough to start fiddling with the knot the young woman lost her balance ."

Kyaa!" She yelped as she toppled over onto the mattress.

Touya couldn't help but chuckle. "Not as simple as it looks, right?"

"Y-yes." She replied with an embarrassed blush. "But I think I can make it work if I invest some more time and effort."

"Would you like to try?"

But Yumina shook her head. "Please move on, Touya-san."

The dark haired young man smiled kindly. "You are very brave, Yumina."

Both youngsters made casual conversation, with Touya adding ropes and Yumina testing them one at a time.

A little over 10 minutes later, the blonde princess found herself nearly completely immobile. Additional ropes had been wrapped around her knees, thighs, and a last one around her waist to anchor her hands firmly into place.

"Let's stop here. This should be enough for a first session." Touya suggested.

"I agree. Does this mean I should genuinely try and escape?"

"Sure, go ahead. The whole point of these games is that both of us have a good time."

"Meaning, I should do whatever feels right?"


Yumina pondered that notion for a moment. "To be honest, I can't think of anything other than trying to escape. I'm feeling quite helpless with my arms and legs the way they are."

"That is also one of the main points." Touya nodded. "Are you uncomfortable?"

"No, it's not that bad. But thank you for asking."

The blonde now began rolling around on the bed, testing the full extent of her ropes.

But since she'd already discovered that with each new rope her movement range had slimmed considerably it didn't take long for her to run out of ideas.

Touya silently sat at the edge of the bed, clearly visible for Yumina at all times and highly attentive to any signs of her being in pain or even pushing herself too hard.

The brave princess hung in there for a surprising amount of time, bucking and squirming so frantically her whole dress got rumpled without her noticing. But nothing she tried worked. There wasn't a single knot she could undo, barely any she could reach even. And much to her surprise, the ropes didn't seem to slack at all under her constant fidgeting. If anything they became tighter!

Eventually, she ran out of steam.

"Haah, haah, haaah... I can't do it." She conceded. "Touya-san, your ropes are impossible to escape." Yumina mewled, looking up as she was lying on her front several feet removed from her dark haired friend.

Hearing those words stirred something within Touya. His bride-to-be had never looked more beautiful, or mature. He had always thought she was rather adult for her age. But today, wrapped so tightly in those ropes, he barely saw a difference with his other house guests!

"So, now what?" Yumina asked in between pants, drawing her captor out of his racing thoughts. "I can't do very much like this."

"That's the idea. In theory, I could do whatever I wanted to you now." He replied in a reflex.

"T-that's true I suppose..." The princess admitted, her hands instinctively grasping around again. But it only confirmed Touya's words, and that made a shiver run down her spine.

I really am completely defenceless, forced to surrender to Touya-san's every whim...

The nervous look in Yumina's eyes instantly made Touya regret saying that.

"O-of course, these games are all consensual, I would never force you into anything or do something you don't want!" He hastily added.

To his relief, the princess giggled softly.

Seeing him become flustered apologetic, Yumina instantly felt at ease again.

"I trust you Touya-san. I already know you would never hurt me or take advantage of me. After all, you are my future husband!"

The dark haired young man couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, Yumina."

The two continued their session at a leisurely pace, chatting about various topics while Yumina got more familiar with the feeling of being bound. Naturally they also discussed possible future games and Touya eventually tried running a few scenarios by her to see if she would be open to anything.

To his delight, the blonde princess seemed enthusiastic for most of his ideas. It was clear her first experience hadn't scared her off... Not even when Touya began tickling her for a few minutes, not stopping until she'd pleaded with him three times over!

Touya had barely left the princess' room when Elze, Linze and Yae snuck in to grill Yumina on virtually every detail. The blonde young woman cheerfully replied she had enjoyed herself greatly and already looked forward to the next get together. To which Yae replied they might as well hold a four-way bondage session, just girls.

Naturally, all the others agreed readily, and only a few days later they all met up in the playroom.

"So the plan is for us to take turns, with one girl tying up one or two of the others?" Yumina confirmed the plans they'd laid out beforehand.

"Exactly." Elze replied. "A maximum of two girls should remain bound at all times. That way there are always at least two who are free to help the others."

"We're hoping to prevent our mistake from last time, where everyone ended up bound with no way to escape." Linze clarified.

"Sounds like a safe approach." Yumina admitted. "Then who is first? I wouldn't mind volunteering."

The slender warrior grinned. "We were hoping you would say that. To be honest, all of us were excited to get to know you better... If you know what I mean."

Yumina smiled back. "Then by all means, let's get started!"

What followed were hours of greatly varied bondage fun.

Linze and Elze started out by teaming up and using ropes to tie Yumina to the bed, her wrists crossed above her head and her legs pulled either corner of the foot-end.

Their plan had then been to tickle and tease her, except Yae made a sneak attack and trapped Linze in handcuffs and leg irons.

Both Yae and Elze giggled, while poor Linze squirmed and hopped around the room in search of the keys. Even Yumina couldn't suppress a smirk despite being even less mobile than the busty mage.

And that had only been the start. When Linze finally found the keys she discovered that she was still stuck thanks to the keyholes of her cuffs pointing the other way!

Yae helpfully released her and at the same time Elze removed the ropes from Yumina so she could get off the bed.

Linze then proceeded to coach the blonde princess into tying up her older sister, pinning Elze into a very strict hogtie as punishment for not coming to her rescue when Yae had trapped her.

The kind-hearted princess felt a little bit reserved at pulling poor Elze's ankles up so far they rested in the palms of her hand. But under the younger twin's carefuly guidance she managed to pull it off without hurting Elze (too much).

Yumina felt quite proud as she saw the svelte warrior buck around on the bed, powerless to free herself. But when Linze brought out a large red ball gag and buckled it in place, her eyes grew wide.

She had never seen someone be gagged before and naturally inquired about it, which surprised the others. They had assumed Touya would've covered such an essential part during her 'initiation'. On the other hand, they could perfectly picture him being too kind to subject young Yumina to everything at once.

Yae and Linze happily talked at length about the concept of gags, showing Yumina a few models and naturally fitting her with her very first one –a cute white ball gag-.

The only one who didn't enjoy the exploration as much was Elze, securely confined in her ropes and prevented from joining in the conversation with the far larger and more effective red ball stuffing her mouth.

But eventually the silver haired warrior managed to draw the others' attention and, after a lot of pleading, was freed from her hogtie.

The foursome proceeded to take turns tying one another up, experimenting with new and innovative positions and testing one another's limits when it came to teasing.

Next, the young women spent some time holding escape races where two girls were bound and the others acted as arbiter to determine which one managed to completely free themselves first. 

They spent a great deal of time pushing each other's limits, gradually increasing the difficulty level. In the end Linze was crowned the number one escape artist, baffling Yae who had felt confident due to her years of training back in Eashen.

Hoping to change things up and contribute something to the festivities, Yumina was the next one to suggest a game: Playing hide and seek using a bound and blindfolded captive.

Her friends were pleasantly surprised at the suggestion, and things got underway with Linze volunteering to be the first captive. With her arms bound behind her back in a box tie, her legs securely cinched together and a thick leather blindfold to rob her sight, the bodacious mage began hopping the room, guided by her friends' hints and giggles.

The short haired girl looked absolutely adorable, bouncing around in her search for Elze, Yae and Yumina. Although the alluring jiggle of her breasts did summon envious feelings with the... more slender members of the group.

When Linze finally succeeded in locating all three targets, she was finally released from her predicament. After which Yae immediately took her place, with the added twist of losing her hearing as well!

That didn't work out overly great however, much to Yae's embarrassment. Try as she might, the subtle vibrations of the floor simply weren't enough for her to pick up the others' location. It didn't help that her lovely breasts had been tightly packaged in an intricate chest harness, rubbing her up and ruining her focus every time she made a move!

For her turn Yumina opted to use just the blindfold, and Linze switched the earplugs for more challenging ropes. Specifically, a crotch rope attached to the wrist bindings which made her think twice about making unnecessary steps....

The fun and excitement just wouldn't stop. By the time the girls had had their fill, night had fallen.

"That was amazing!" Yae sighed as she nearly sank out of her chair. "But I'm exhausted."

"Me too." Linze replied. "I could barely keep track of everything we've tried today."

"But all of it was incredibly fun." Yumina chimed. "I understand now more than ever why everyone is so enthusiastic about this."

"Just you wait! Next time, when Touya is in charge, you'll have even more fun?"

"Is he truly that accomplished?" The princess asked in awe.

All three girls nodded fervently, a faint blush on their cheeks proving they weren't exaggerating one bit...

Sadly, it took a very long time for that to happen. Because the adventurer's group led by Mochizuki Touya spent the next few years rolling from one mission of national importance into the other. Be it journeys to foreign lands as dignitaries, leading troops in defence of the borders, or simply performing investigations throughout the land for the king himself, Touya and his gang rarely were home for long enough to relax. Because of this their get bondage togethers became painfully scarce, although the amount of sparks set off with each meet up more than made up for it.

Naturally the dark haired mage also continued to privately brush up on his skills as a dom, and the girls most definitely kept experimenting on their own. Linze and Elze had been doing so from a young age anyways.

But now that Yae had found a safe place to reside, she too would indulge in some self-bondage during rare free evenings.

And even Yumina steadily got more familiar with the concept of bondage, determined not to fall behind her love rivals when it came to pleasing Touya.

By the time things calmed down enough for the entire group to plan some stay at home leisure time together Yumina was nearly 17, and all the others over 18.

They were no longer living in the mansion gifted by the royal family but in a large Castle constructed by Touya himself, complete with a town surrounding the estate!

They couldn’t even remember the last time they’d practiced their shared hobby together, so another meeting was long overdue. 

"Hello everyone, are you ready for tomorrow's get together?" Yumina chimed as she joined the others at the picnic table for a relaxed summer brunch. 

The princess had grown a foot over the past years, and she’d let her hair grow out just a little longer. But other than that, her gentle features and proportions had been pretty much remained preserved, apart from maybe her bust growing half a cup.

“Of course we are!” Elze mused.

“It’s just a shame that Touya-san won’t be there.” Linze added.

The silver haired twins had both grown a little under a foot, meaning the blonde princess had caught up some of the height difference. Neither of them had altered their hair styles, purely because they’d once heard Touya remark how fitting he found Linze’s ‘cute short coupe’ and Elze’s ‘elegant flowing locks’.

Elze’s bust had grown just a smidge, something she tended to feel self-conscious about from time to time. Especially since she now sported the smallest cup size of the household. But her incredible legs, tight buttocks and perfectly toned waistline more than made up for her modest chest.

Having already been big for her age, Linze’s breasts had barely grown over the past two-or-so years. But even with that she still comfortably outweighed both her older sister and the princess. Her hips had widened a little as well, improving her hourglass figure and providing her with a firm but juicy rear.

“To be honest, I think it might be better for the four of us to hold a session without Touya. It would do us good to see how far we’ve all come.” Yae replied.

The raven haired samurai had grown about as much as Yumina had, meaning she was still the tallest of the young women. Unlike Linze, her chest had developed a little bit more. As a result, she now sported the largest pair of breasts, though she never even dreamed of holding that fact over anyone. A warrior at heart, her rigorous training meant her mammaries had been the only part of her body to plump up. Everything else had remained firm and in shape, and thanks to her surviving habit of wearing her hair up with a ribbon she still possessed quite a lot of girlish charm.

“I agree.” Yumina said. “And if I may make another suggestion: I’d like to be in charge of all of you.”

That made the three women look up from their meals in surprise.

“You?!” Elze cried out in surprise. “By yourself?”

“How come, Yumina-san?” Linze asked curiously.

“Because I had the furthest to come, so to speak. I’m dying to find out if everything I read about and tried out on myself would actually work!”

Yae chuckled. “Then how could we refuse, I’m sure we are all eager to see what you have prepared.”

Elze and Linze nodded, and with that the plan for next day’s afternoon play session had been set.

Since they were now living in a castle, there was even more room to spare than before. Touya had prepared an entire floor with rooms of varying sizes and themes, ready for all kinds of fun.

For this occasion, Yumina had asked the girls to meet up in one of the rooms designed as a simple but large bedroom. It sported two beds, a wardrobe large enough to hold at least two people’s belongings and one corner furnished as a study.

“Where did Touya find the time to create all these rooms?” Elze wondered. “It’s not just this one, the whole castle seems fully equipped already!”

“By now I have learned not to be surprised by anything that man accomplishes. Only to grateful for any boons he grants us.” Yae sighed.

“I agree.” Linze replied. “But this room will do fine for spending our afternoon I believe.”

"I am glad you see it that way." Yumina replied as she just came through the door. She walked straight over to the wardrobe and opened one of the larger drawers installed beneath the high doors. Inside it were gags, ropes, blindfolds, earplugs, leather belts and a small black box.

The blonde princess took out the black box for starters, instantly drawing everyone's glance toward her.

"What's in there?" Elze posed the question everyone had on their minds.

But Yumina just returned a knowing grin. "Something Touya-san brought to me one day."

"You had a session with Touya recently?" Linze asked, a tad accusingly.

"Heavens, no. He has been far too busy." The young woman sighed. "But on a free evening he delivered this to me, asking me to test them out and see if they could be of use for future games."

"But what is it?" Yae insisted, ogling the box.

"Hihi, it's not the box but the contents which are exciting. But all in good time, how about you three get ready for being tied up?"

"Sure, Elze replied confidently. You want us to strip?"

"That decision I will leave up to you individually." Yumina replied kindly.

Her friends nodded and started undressing.

Linze was the first to finish preparing. She had unbuttoned her top and removed it, leaving only her pale blue bra to cup her large breasts and enhance their shape. 

She had chosen to keep her skirt on, but had removed her boots and socks.

"I'm ready, Yumina-san."

"Great, then please sit on the bed and hold your arms out behind your back."

The silver haired mage obeyed quietly and the slender princess crawled onto the bed behind her, looping her first length of rope around Linze's wrists and tightly cinching it off.

"How's that?" She asked.

"Hmrrn. It feels very secure. You are very talented, Yumina-san."

"Thank you. Mind you, I did practice quite a lot on myself already, tying my legs and even ropes around my chest and such. But for obvious reasons I never had the chance to see if I would be any good with hands... Or a chest as large as yours for that matter."

The timid mage began blushing. "M-my breasts aren't that big..."

"I think they are..." The blonde whispered so only Linze could hear, taking her cue from romantic novels she’d read. "You should be happy and proud, Linze-san."

Linze went even redder and tried to focus on the feel of the rope her blonde captor had begun to wrap around her elbows.

"Let me know when it becomes too much." Yumina instructed as she slowly brought the mage's elbows closer. "I read that this can be very straining, so a lot depends on how flexible your partner is."

To the princess' surprise, Linze didn't give a peep! She calmly allowed her elbows to be brought fully together, which in turn had the effect of thrusting out her chest even more prominently than usual.

"My Lord, you are so limber!" Yumina gasped. "I've tried from time to time to push my elbows together, but it's really difficult!"

"Well, the ropes drawing in my arms are a great help in getting them this close." The bodacious mage admitted embarrassedly.

"But they're not painful, are they?"

"Not unbearably so, no. I can keep this up for a good while."

The blonde young woman turned to Elze and Yae, who had taken a seat to enjoy the show. "Can you both do this as well?"

The two nodded confidently. "All these years of constant missions and training didn't allow for us to get out of shape." Yae explained.

"I am certain you would do a lot better than you're giving yourself credit for." Elze added.

"Hmm, maybe. Perhaps if there is time left we could try it later today." Yumina mused as she knotted off the elbow tie and scooted off the bed with a third and fourth rope in hand.

Those were very quickly and expertly looped around Linze's knees and ankles. It was clear Yumina had more experience when it came to tying legs.

"Can you climb up onto the bed now or would you like my assistance?"

Linze pushed herself higher up on the bed with a powerful kick from her bound legs, rolling around until she was lying roughly in the middle of the bed, resting on her front and her ankles already brought up towards her hands.

"How did you know?!" Yumina remarked amazed.

"It just seemed like the logical next step." Her subject answered.

Once again, the princess warned Linze to call out whenever it felt too tight. But this time too, she easily accommodated the heels of her bare feet being nestled in the palms of her hands.

Yumina looped the ropes around her wrists bindings first, but knotted the rope off at the elbow bonds so Linze had no way of untangling her hogtie.

"Now for the last step." Yumina declared as she pulled out not another rope, but a piece of thin string.

"What is that for?" Yae asked curiously.

What is 'what' for? Linze wondered, lying on her stomach made it impossible to look behind her and see what Yumina was holding. Although she did try and crane her neck, discovering for the first time just how expertly she had been tied.

Yumina-san clearly has been practicing hard. I suppose that means she has come to enjoy bondage the way we do. Touya-san will be so proud!

"Linze, could you keep your feet steady for just a moment please?" Yumina requested.

"O-oh, of course. Sorry." The bodacious mage replied, a cute blush appearing on her cheeks. She'd been playfully wriggling her body because she'd assumed the princess had finished.

The moment her feet stopped moving, she felt something slim tickle her big toes. It felt similar to rope, but a lot thinner.

What Yumina was doing, was tie her big toes together!

"That tickles!" The short haired girl yelped. She never realized that part of her feet was so sensitive! Maybe it was because she had no visual cue, so every stroke was a surprise to her.

It took some fiddling, but the toe tie eventually held in place.

"There we go, now I'm done with the tie. May I gag you as well?"

"Sure you can," Linze replied, "besides there isn't much I can do to stop you in this state."

"Good point." Yumina giggled, tying a dark blue cleave gag in between her silver haired captive's teeth.

"So, what do you think?"

"Esh sheeh (let's see)…"

It didn't take long for the girls – most of all Linze – to learn that Yumina had indeed become an accomplished rigger.

None of the ropes had any slack in them, and since the princess had left Linze in a hogtie her every move caused everything to tense up together. That made the entire predicament very resilient, driving the busty mage out of options and stamina very fast.

"Hmnn, ish ehee she-huuhr (it's very secure)." Linze admitted after squirming around for a few minutes. With some difficulty she had managed to roll onto her side so she could breathe more easily and look her friends in the eye.

Most surprising to her had been how frustrating a simple piece of string connecting your toes could be! It didn't do much in terms of security, but it did make the impulsive fluttering of the feet a lot more frustrating!

"I am glad to hear that. Why don't you take a few more minutes to get comfortable while I work on the others?"

"I'm up next!" Elze immediately said, already jumping off her chair and walking over to the other bed. "Do I get a hogtie as well?"

"Of course not, I have separate ideas for all of you." The princess replied proudly.

"That makes me even more curious!" The warrior chimed, kneeling on the bed and swaying back and forth excitedly.

Elze had taken off her boots but kept her long socks on. She had also stepped out of her skirt to reveal a pair of cute lacy panties. The slender warrior had then taken off her blouse, but the thin white tank top she wore underneath meant her pink bra was still partially obscured.

Yumina chuckled. "Then I won't keep you waiting."

In a matter of minutes, Elze had been rendered just as helpless as her sister.

A very strict frogtie kept her lower legs fully aligned with the upper ones, forcing her to rest her cute butt on her ankles.

A clean handkerchief stuffed her mouth and a rather than cloth or a ball gag, a length of rope to kept the gag snugly in place.

When it came to her upper body, Yumina had been tying the whole thing with a rapidly beating heart. Her goal had been clear, and something she'd practiced painstakingly on a training dummy which sported a similar bust to Elze's.

In the end, she was quite pleased with the result:

Ropes were running above and below the long haired warrior's chest to puff up her modest bosom, but also to anchor the box tie Yumina had constructed for pinning her arms flat against her back at waist-height. For that, the ropes of her box tie ran upwards over both her shoulders, cinched the upper and lower chest ropes together in the middle of her breasts and came back down along her shoulders to find the crux of the box tie.

The main knots had been located just a few inches above her hands. But since she had plenty of rope left at that point, Yumina had carefully looped the remainder around the central point of the box tie and the lengths running up her back. That act helped cover up the initial knots. The last bit of rope was then knotted off in between her shoulder blades, far out of reach of Elze’s hands.

"Whh, hmm mrnhh mhn hhm thhn hmn mhh (Wow, you really went to town on me)." The svelte young woman remarked after Yumina took a step back. "Hah hmnh mhhf hmn mms mhr lhmn mh hhm (I can't move my arms or legs at all)!"

Yumina giggled. "I didn't really understand you, but can I assume you like my work?"

Elze nodded and proceeded to give her bindings a proper test.

She didn't last long. Her legs weren't budging at all, and every time she tried to exert any real strength with her arms, the ropes coiled around her breasts tightened up so much she felt faint of breath!

"Mff mff mhrnr thmh (this is really tight)!"

"Are you in any pain?" Yumina asked, worried by the sudden grimace on Elze's face.

To her relief, the silver haired warrior shook her head. "Ihh hmnn mrhn mhh mnff (It's just hard to move)."

"I'm sorry Elze, but I can't understand you." The blonde royal giggled.


"But it's true!"

"She is right, Elze." Yae remarked. "That handkerchief is filling up your mouth quite effectively.

"mffn mhn hmhn mhh ghh hmrr ghg (Just wait until you get your gag)!" The warrior retorted, though most of it was lost in translation.

"I think we should move on. Elze seems perfectly capable of entertaining herself now." Yumina suggested. "Yae, would you please take a seat on this chair?"

"Gladly!" The samurai mused.

Yae hadn't kept any of her normal wear on for this play date, she had stripped down to her traditional white cloth underwear. That only made her impressive chest stand out all the more, since the white cloth ribbons were already under pressure without the addition of any ropes!

She took a seat on the chair Yumina had placed near Linze’s bed and calmly let the princess guide he arms behind the backrest and cinch her arms together using no less than four lengths of rope!

Her wrists, forearms, elbows and even upper arms were subjected to strict loops of rope and pulled together behind the backrest of a sturdy wooden chair. Since Yae didn’t call out for her to stop, the princess tied everything so tight the samurai’s arms touched together from wrist to elbow.

As the raven haired woman gave her first ropes a test, Yumina uncoiled a very long one to move forward with.

That ropes started out at the elbow ropes and from there ran around her front, looping it around twice above and twice below her large breasts.

The slender princess took care to carefully guide the ropes so they ran smoothly along Yae’s cloth bra before being tied off at the elbow bonds once more. With still a lot remaining, she brought it up over Yae’s right shoulder and in between her breasts so she could tighten up the chest harness. 

When finished, the harness fitted even more snugly than Elze’s did. But there was a good reason for that: The size of Yae’s knockers demanded the additional support.

For her next rope, Yumina tied a crotch rope into place, running the end of the rope through the opening in the chair’s backrest and secured to Yae’s wrist ropes.

The second that rope was in place, the samurai sighed. “It seems like you intend to discourage any form of struggling.”

“Not so much discourage, just make it more challenging.” The princess giggled as she tied Yae’s knees together.

For her final rope, Yumina crossed her friend’s ankles and pulled the rope underneath the chair to connect with her lower arm bindings. It prevented from too much pressure forming on her wrists, but still kept her legs from having any real movement.

“You really have become quite knowledgeable regarding proper shibari techniques.” The swordswoman complimented. “This is at least as secure as the ropes my instructors back at Eashen tied. 

“I thank you for the compliment.” The blonde royal chimed. “But I am afraid I will still silence you.”

The samurai grinned. “I would expect nothing less.” She replied, opening wide to accept the small, brand new sponge past her full pink lips.

A bandana was then wrapped over her lips, the cloth was so large it obscured the lower half of her face. In itself it didn’t do much for the gag, but since it kept the extremely effective filling in place, Yae had become the quietest of all three captives.

“Pfeww! This was more tiring than I expected. I honestly need to sit down for a minute.” Yumina panted. “I trust you three will be able to entertain yourselves for a while?”

But before the princess had even started, all three of her captives had begun squirming happily. The playful nature of their struggles and the shine in their eyes told Yumina she hadn’t disappointed their expectations, which in turn made a warm glow well up from inside her.

I’m barely needed here. She joked to herself. Good since I can now run through the next part of this session in my mind another time…

As Yumina relaxed, Linze Elze and Yae were wriggling themselves towards a pure state of ecstasy. It had been so long since all of them had another session like this!

Sure, had they kept themselves entertained from time to time. But this new play date had proven to them just how badly they’d missed days like these!

The bite of the ropes, the utter helplessness inflicted on you by another, surrendering yourself completely to someone you trust,… Pure heaven!

After spending just a few minutes worming around in their respective restraints, the three young women were already highly aroused. Or rather, all four. Because Yumina hadn’t exactly grown bored from watching their moaning and squirming.

“Alright, I think it is time for me to show you the special treat Touya handed me.” The princess announced, rattling the black box she had shown them earlier.

Her captives got a curious shine in their eyes as they momentarily ceased their struggles and focused all their attention on what the blonde was about to pull out of that box.

Yumina slowly opened the lid, carefully slipped a pair of fingers inside and started rummaging around.

“Hmnnn!” A soft moan escaped Linze’s lips. The suspense was becoming too much.

I want to see!

Finally, the princess dug out one of a dozen polished black pebbles. Not that that was in any way an epiphany for the girls. On the contrary. Seeing nothing but a small rock felt positively anticlimactic.

“Mpfns (pebbles)?!” Yae mouthed into her gag.

“Mnfn mrn rmnh (what are those)?” Elze asked.

“Patience. They will reveal their purpose soon enough.” Yumina assured them. “For now I suppose I can devolve that these aren’t ordinary pebbles, if that hadn’t already been obvious. They’ve been infused with magic.”

Being a mage, Linze realized quickest of all that hint was useless. A pebble that small could have any number of spells cast on it!

You could make it grow hot, cold, larger, heavier,… Anything!

The blonde chuckled at seeing her captives’ puzzled expressions. “Still no idea?” She teased.

“Hmrnnn!” The girls growled back. Stop making us wait!

Yumina didn’t know why, but the scene before her felt incredibly empowering! She’d planned out this next part of the game quite carefully and knew exactly how to move on. Then why was it she found herself wanting nothing more than to keep her friends in suspsense for a few minutes longer?!

Is this that intoxicating feeling I read about? The thrill of being in complete control?

“HMRNN!” Yae and Elze suddenly snapped the silent princess out of her thoughts.

“O-oh, sorry!” She stammered. “I was lost in thought, forgive me. I will put these to use right now.”

The blonde young woman then went around all the girls, carefully slipping two beads into their bras one in their panties.

With that done, she returned to the box and examined the inside of the lid. In there, twelve small magic circles had been drawn, one for each of the pebbles.

“I suppose it is time for me to divulge what magic has been cast on these pebbles.”

All three captives pulled taut in their bindings, as if craning to peer into the box.

“By activating the magic circles on the inside of this case here, I can make the stones vibrate at different speeds.”


None of them saw that coming.

“I must admit I have not had the chance to test these out. So I will start at the lowest level. We can all move on from there.” The blonde continued. “Shall we begin?”

Three heads started nodding fervently, their breasts already starting to feel warmer and their nipples harder purely from the anticipation of what was to come!

“Very well, here we go!”

In a series of swift moves, Yumina activated the six pebbles snugly hidden away in all of the girls’ bras.

What followed was a soundwave so tremendous the blonde young woman feared the entire castle town might have heard it!

From the second those beads activated until the princess shut them off again 30 seconds later, all three girls had entered a frenzy. Moaning, howling even, and thrashing around like their lives depended on it, none of them had ever experienced a rush comparable!

The only frustrating element was that they had no way to act on it. Yumina’s ropes were so tight none of them could touch themselves anywhere they wanted to!

“Ohhrr (Mooorre)!” Elze and Yae whined, while the mewl from Linze wasn’t understandable at all!

It surprised the blonde that all three girls were so eager to continue. She’d assumed that their wild responses to the beads had been from shock, not pleasure.

“Did it really feel that good?” She asked timidly.

A unanimous nodding of the heads followed, as well as soft moans for more.

“A-allright, then I will turn them on again.” She said, activating the beads again. This time she turned them all on, including the ones nudging their loveboxes.

“Hmrnnn!” The three captives groaned in delight, squirming happily in their ropes as they started to settle in with the feeling. It was hard to describe. It felt similar to having their breasts and pussies fondled, but with incredible speed and focus.

All they knew for certain was that it felt intoxicating!

Seeing he captives enjoy themselves to such an extent made the slender princess curious. And a tiny bit jealous.

Why should they be the only ones having fun. We’re experimenting together, so it’s fine for me to try it too…

This hadn’t been part of her plan, but Yumina couldn’t resist slipping in a small bead down her panties and activating it.

It was a good thing she was sitting down on the bed, because the moment that tiny bead sprung to life her legs turned to jelly.

“Oooaaahh!” She yelped, pressing her hands over her mouth as fast as she could. She looked at the others with wide eyes, but thankfully they had been too busy to notice her outburst.

I never imagined it would be this powerful! And this is only setting one! I wonder what the next level would do?

Her entire hand was trembling as she directed the finger over the various magic circles to light them up, then instruct all working beads to switch to a higher setting.

“HHMMNNRNRNNNN!” All four of the girls spasmed.

Yumina immediately let herself fall backwards on her bed and started squirming in delight, fondling her own breasts whilst puffing for air. Sexually less experienced than the others, the blonde young woman immediately felt herself rushing for a climax.

Not that the others were having more luck holding out. Especially since poor Elze, Linze and Yae had the added impediment of having no access to the dials, or any ways of reaching for the beads themselves.

Linze was rolling around the bed, bucking her hips around like mad. Her breasts and snatch felt like they were on fire!

Her fingers were fluttering around in a mad frenzy, searching for the knots keeping her prisoner. But the busty mage could barely concentrate enough to keep track of the situation around her, let alone make any progress in her escape. Her arms were completely immobile, her legs nearly the same. Even her feet couldn’t twitch the way she wanted them to, courtesy of that infuriating string connecting her big toes.

The only real movement her body was still capable off was rolling around or kicking her legs as a whole. But every time she did that, be it deliberate or in another spasm to her vibrators, her back arched and her upper body was dragged off the bed by the hogtie rope. Not only did that tighten everything up, it also seemed to intensify the vibrations inside her bra, which in turn evoked other spasms of her helpless body. Thanks to that vicious cycle, the silver haired damsel felt like she was starting to lose control over her own body.

I’m so close… I can feel it!

Her sister Elze was just as near her climax. She felt that warm glow in the centre of her pelvis which tended to build up whenever she was bound. Only this time it was growing more rapidly than ever before!

Since her position wasn't as immobilizing as the others', the slender warrior had explored virtually every inch of her bed, thrashing like a madwoman to somehow dislodge the pebbles. 

The ones in her bra were doing a pretty good job. Her nipples were so hard thanks to the constant vibrations she thought it a miracle they hadn't poked holes through her bra.

But the one Yumina had slipped down her panties wasn't positioned as ideally. The dull hum against her labia was arousing, for sure. But if it would only slip an inch or so towards the centre, the silver haired girl was certain it would feel hundreds of times better!

Since trying to shift the knots so they'd come into reach of her hands had quickly turned out to be hopeless, Elze had been desperately straining her arms for minutes on end. She'd hoped that by applying enough force, she could create gaps in the ropework to slip her hands –or even just one hand- free. But they wouldn't budge, and whenever she made too wild a move her tightly bound legs couldn't compensate for the momentum leaving her to topple over and rub her chest into the mattress, only enforcing the vibrations. Since climbing back upright cost her valuable energy, the svelte warrior was soon reduced to meek, pointless wriggles.

Try as she might, both force nor tactics had any effect on her ropes.

All she needed was a few seconds of free hands to fix the vibe stone, after that she wouldn't mind being bound again.

Of course, that wasn't the way bondage worked. The sub didn't get to decide when she was free and when not. Elze knew that, but it had never been more frustrating.

Damn you, Yumina! Couldn't you have looked a little more carefully? She cursed.

A corner of her mind had been telling her that it wasn't really the blonde's fault. This was her first time as a domme, the pebbles were a new thing for all of them, and for all she knew this wasn't a mistake but an elaborate plot.

But that tiny voice of reason was completely drowned out by the more animalistic part of her brain screaming for release.

Then there was Yae, who had not just her ropes but a hard wooden chair to contend with. Every time she tried to burst free by using strength, the ropes would harshly snap her back into place and knock her into the backrest or seat. Not that she had all that much leeway, the huge amount of ropes meant the bodacious samurai was nearly completely immobile.

Her hands were twisting around like mad, reaching up, down and any other direction they could, but she could barely grasp any ropes let alone undo them.

And the experienced swordswoman knew from the tightness covering her whole body that if her hands were useless, untying anything else was hopeless.

She was utterly trapped on that chair, powerless to influence the constant buzzing teasing her breasts and pussy.

But unlike Elze and Linze, the samurai had room for more.

Please Yumina-dono, turn these things up higher! I want them to tremble harder, more fiercely!

"HMRNNNRNNN!" She howled into her gag. She'd just kicked her legs in a nervous twitch, but that had pulled on her arms, which in turn tightened up the chest harness.

Yumina-dono's ropes are becoming increasingly vexing! I can't even thrash around to vent!

Yae gritted her teeth and started grinding her hips into the seat of the chair, praying it would help her climax build faster. She was so close she could taste it, but after years of pure self bondage the raven haired woman had forgotten how it felt like not to have control of the pace...

All of this had been going on unbeknownst to Yumina, because the young royal had been writhing around on the bed thanks to her own little vibrator bead.

I can't believe how good this feels! This feeling inside of me, this surge,… Is this what the others seek in all this?

Before Yumina lost herself completely in her own pleasure, her eyes shot open and she turned off her bead for a moment. She eyed the room to see how her friends were doing. All of them were getting close to an orgasm themselves.

Thank God, I’m still in time! These beads are a dangerous thing...

She felt a small, guilty knot in her stomach. Not only did she forget to pay attention to the others, ensuring they wouldn't get into trouble, she also nearly ruined her whole plan!

Because the whole goal of this elaborate game of hers had been to make a huge impression on her rivals in love.

This is where I show them that none of them have the edge over me when it comes to this world!

Now that she could clearly see all three girls were at the verge of their climax, Yumina shut down all the vibe stones. Worse still, she turned hers back on!

"MHNNHH!" Linze mewled in anguish at her orgasm slowly ebbing away from her.

"MRNNRNNGNHHFFNGRSSH!" Yae spouted an unintelligible stream of insults as she too was denied.

"WHA MHUH HMMN?!" Elze cried out, craning her neck to look at Yumina.

The others did so to, and to their indignation they witnessed their captor squirming about happily, receiving exactly what all three of them had been gagging for so desperately!

"YHMNIHHN!!" All of them screamed at their captor. But the princess was too busy gasping and moaning to process their calls for help.

This isn't fair! Elze lamented.

I want to feel that way too! Her sister pleaded.

Yumina-dono, this is very cruel! Yae thought, equally wild with jealousy as the others.

When she finally caught her breath again and shut off her vibe, Yumina sat upright to look at the others.

But the looks she received back made her tremble on the spot. She instinctively examined all the ropes to ensure they couldn't assault her.

"W-w-as that too mean?" She asked shyly. She had expected some anger, but the daggers currently thrown at her were positively frightening!

Not surprisingly, all three of her captives nodded furiously.

"I'm sorry, I-I wanted to make an impression." The blonde confessed.

Well, you have now! Elze thought angrily. But enough is enough, I can't stand feeling like this! 

Yae groaned into her gag, indicating she clearly felt the same.

But what truly pulled Yumina over the line were those big, sad eyes Linze was aiming at her.

"Linze-san, you're making me feel like a monster with that pitiable gaze." The blonde smiled embarrassed. "Don't worry, I think you all did an amazing job so of course you deserve to be rewarded!"

So the princess lit up all of the tiny magic circles and activated set them all to the third level, higher than ever before.

For a split second, the blonde girl thought she'd made a terrible mistake. The explosive reactions of her captives almost made it seem like they were in pain.

But looking closer, the obvious relief in their screams made it clear Yumina had given them exactly what they wanted.

None of the girls lasted longer than thirty seconds before going limp in their ropes. For Yumina that was the cue to start shut off the vibrations and get them out. Luckily, she had Touya's support for that.

The ever foreseeing arch mage had enchanted most of the ropes stored in the various playrooms with null magic.

Before use, one could activate a certain codeword, along with a self-chosen password, which Yumina had done the day before. When those combination of words was later repeated, the ropes would disintegrate instantly.

"Activate Ruin code: Evanescence!" Yumina called out loud and clear.

In a matter of seconds, her three captives were completely free once more. The princess rushed over to support Yae from sliding off her chair, thanking the twins for having had the foresight of choosing a bed each so they couldn't knock into each other.

"Are you okay?" Yumina asked the samurai as she removed the gag.

"I am now." The swordswoman gasped. "Your trick with the vibrators was unbelievably frustrating, but the feeling right now makes it all worth wile."

"Agreed!" Elze heaved. "My whole body feels tingly right now!"

"Mine as well. I can't remember the last time I felt this pleasant." Linze sighed, sprawled out on her bed.

Yumina blushed. "Me as well, and I wasn't even bound."

"You are lucky we are all too tired to move, or we would fix that as payback for your stunt." Yae joked.

The girls shared a giggle, delighted their first session in so long had been such a resounding succes. They could only imagine how much better it would feel if Touya came into play…

Luckily they didn't have to wait long. Because Touya himself was eager to pick up their shared hobby as well.

Since he was not the sub type, self bondage held little appeal to the dark haired mage. So the lack of playdates had pained him more than anyone. Naturally he kept his skills and imagination sharp by doing research on his smartphone and experimenting during free moments.

But nothing compared to the rush of actually being in charge of a beautiful girl. So when you have four of those running around your house, there is nothing more frustrating than hearing they are meeting up for a sessions which you can't attend.

Therefore, when his friends approached him, he immediately cleared next weekend.

When the girls asked him if he would be able to get ready in time, he cheerfully replied that his only challenge would be to decide which of his idea to use first.

The very next weekend, the five of them met up in one of the largest playrooms Touya had constructed. 

Elze, Linze, Yae and Yumina had all gathered in the span of 15 minutes. They were now eagerly awaiting for Touya to show up and already growing impatient, despite them being the ones who arrived half an hour early.

The second he walked in, the girls surrounded him with a shine in their eyes.

"Looks like you all have been looking forward to this as much as I have." He chuckled as he looked down and met all of their eyes.

Much like his female friends, Touya had also grown over the past few years. A foot and a half in fact, making him tallest by far. He had also gained a bit more muscle, thanks to repeated battles and training to use his gunsword. Other than that, he had remained pretty much the same kind-hearted gentlemen they all admired.

"Of course we are excited, Touya-san!" Yumina replied. "When you said you had so many ideas to try out, how could we not get curious?!"

"In that case, how about we get you girls changed?" He smiled, gesturing towards a large wardrobe. "Inside there are all manner of clothes, underwear and costumes, all for you to try out."

"You want us to dress up?" Elze asked.

"If you feel like it. Otherwise you can just keep what you're wearing, or strip down to your underwear. I am fine either way, the only point is for you guys to be wearing something you can enjoy yourselves in."

The four young women rushed for the wardrobe, each of them opening up a door and revealing a vast collection of outfits. Cute dresses, comfortable clothes, erotic lingerie, ordinary clothes, shiny materials,… There was too much to take in!

"I can't decide!" Linze gasped.

The other girls faced similar problems, but eventually they all found something that suited their tastes.

Linze & Elze were first to finish. They had chosen similar outfits, but with different colour schemes.

The younger twin had picked out a pale blue set of lacy underwear, complete with cute bowties adorning her panties at either hip and one in the middle of her impressive bust.

Elze's set was dark red, a perfect contrast to her sister's colour.

While Linze had been the one to suggest matching their outfits, Elze had been the one to actually pick the underwear. The reason was simple: the bras were designed to greatly support and enhance the wearer's breast. The smaller the bosom, the bigger the 'inflation' seemed.

So both girls had something to gain: For Linze's large chest there was plenty of comfort, and Elze's more modest bust was promoted nearly a full cup!

"We're ready Touya-san." Elze said, her cheeks reddish from embarrassment. Even with her sister by her side, having the tall young man visibly enjoy her curves made a shiver run down her spine.

"Would I be right in guessing you two prefer to stick together?"

"We don't have to, but the visual aspect of our matching outfits might be something you can work with."

The archmage smiled. "Looks like I'm not the only one who has been thinking about this day." He remarked as he picked up one coil of rope from a large stack.

“Are you going to use all of that on us?” Linze wondered.

“Probably. It’ll depend on how much support I need to add. A testing body doesn’t exactly provide accurate feedback.”

“Well if you need to use all of that, you’d best get started. Otherwise there won’t be any time left for the others.”

Touya chuckled. “Did you forget? I can move fast when it counts. Accel!”

“No way!” Elze yelped.

“T-Touya-san?” Linze tried to follow her friend with her eyes.

But the dark haired mage had turned into a blur. Only his afterimage and the feeling of ropes snaking around their bodies was left to give them a hint of what was going on.

Touya started out by swiftly binding their legs with a great deal of rope, mimicking each rope for both girls:

He cinched a length around their ankles, below and above their knees, the middle of their thighs and at the very top, near their butts.

The tall young men then briefly left his enhanced state to gently help the girls kneel directly in front of each other. To ensure they would stay like that he connected a rope from their ankle bonds to the ropes tied around the middle of their thighs. 


“Hmnnr, I suppose.” Elze replied as she found her legs solid, but not in pain.

“We should be able to maintain this.” Linze confirmed.

“Good.” Touya replied before vanishing again and ropes flying off his stack.

The next pairs of rope Touya used to construct an elaborate framework lining around the twins’ cute butts, which he also fashioned into a pair of very tight crotch ropes, connecting them to one another so their bellies were forced to touch. It also had the effect that if one of them tried to move, both their pussies would feel the recoil.

“Aahh!” Linze suddenly yelped as the rope in between her legs tightened up.

“What’s wrong Linz- kyaah!”

“That was what was wrong, sister.” The silver haired mage said.

“I get it. Touya doesn’t waste time today. I don’t think I’ve ever had a rope dig in this deep before.”

“There’s more to it I believe, sister.”

“Hmm, yes now that you mention. Something bulky is nudging me.”

“That’s a vibration stone which I tied into the rope.” Touya helpfully explained.

“What?!” The two went in tandem.

“Y-you tied one of those things r-right… there?!” Elze stammered.

That is going to be… unbelievably powerful! Linze immediately realized.

“I didn’t get to witness their first use in person, how could I resist using them here?” The dark haired young man defended. “Now to make sure neither of you fiddle with it.”

Once again Touya disappeared in a blur of rapid, flowing movements. He first forced Elze’s and later Linze’s arms to fold together horizontally and soon had them trapped in a very secure boxtie which wrapped almost the whole of her lower arms in ropes.

Several loops of rope running below and above their breasts further anchored their arms into place, but once again that wasn’t the main point of his work. Touya had also succeeded in drawing the sisters even closer to each other by attaching the harnesses together, forcing Elze’s modest breasts to rub into Linze’s larger knockers.

He also tied a very long rope around both their waists, looping it around several times before cinching it off in between their bodies, making the silver haired girls’ fronts touch one even more.

Even their bit gags eventually ended up connected with a thin, short chain.

The twins tried to distance themselves from one another out of reflex, but with so many ropes connecting their luscious bodies, they had no way to avoid rubbing one another with their every move!

“Ooyhaa (Touyaaa)!” They mewled in pair, their faces bright red with embarrassment.

But the dark haired mage had already turned his back on the girls in favour of working on Yae.

The warrior and mage peered into one anothers’ eyes. Even without wrestling their thoughts past the bit gags, they could tell what the other was thinking.

He really did a number on us. Even though we’re together, there is nothing we can do to help each other escape.

Worse still, when he comes back to play with us we’ll be absolutely defenceless!

Yae and Yumina had both finished dressing long before Touya could complete the intricate position of the twins. That meant they both had been enjoying him dash around with his many ropes.

So when the dark haired mage finally approached Yae, the busty samurai jumped up from her chair in delight and twirled in front of him.

“Do you like the costume I chose, Touya-dono?”

“I do. Very much so.”

Yae’s ‘costume’ was none other than a school swimsuit.

With its traditional dark blue fabric, and skin tight design it was every Japanese boy's dream. Touya had to squeeze his hands into fists not to let his mouth drop open at the samurai's extraordinary body filling out the suit as well as it did.

"You look amazing, Yae. And I must admit it is very brave of you, to choose a swimsuit."

"I assumed it would be comfortable. And not get in the way of struggling."

"Very clever. And convenient for what I had in mind."

“Which is?”

"Are you up for testing a new creation of mine?"

"Of course Touya-dono! Always!"

“Great, then how about you try on this!” He suggested, showing her a large black leather bag.

“What is that?”

“It’s called an armbinder. Can you hold fold your arms together behind your back? I’ll show you how it’s fitted.”

Yae happily complied, and a few minutes later she found out exactly why Touya had seemed so confident about his new contraption.

With straps running over her shoulders and along the nape of her neck the sturdy leather bag became impossible to slip off on your own. And inside it her arms and hands had nowhere near enough room to wriggle back out.

And since the threads doing up the armbinder were locate outside and tied off at the very top, Yae’s hand which were trapped at the bottom were helpless to remove Touya’s new and inescapable trap.

“What do you think?”

“Hmrnng! It’s a feeling very unlike ropes, but I will admit it is just as effective.”

“Happy to hear it. Then let’s stick with the leather theme and explore some other new items, shall we?”

The swordswoman nodded. “Very well, Touya-dono. What else did you bring?”

He proceeded by buckling a leather belt around her thighs and a second one just below her knees. After that he took out a set of leather cuffs and locked her ankles together.

“How’s that?”

“It feels just as secure as your ropes, Touya-dono. But the speed with which you applied these is incredible.”

“That’s because they are easier to use than rope.” The arch mage replied, gently guiding the samurai to kneel on a thick, soft mat. “Do you think you can take more of this?”

“Of course! Given what you put Linze-san and Elze-san through, I can hardly back down now!”

“That’s the spirit! Because I was just getting started to be honest.”

Touya then locked a leather belt around the bottom of Yae’s armbinder and connected a chain to it, anchoring the other side several feet away at about 6 foot high. The effect was for Yae’s arms to be pulled upwards, making her lean forwards and expose her impressive cleavage.

“Ooff! This indeed makes for a rather draining position.” She grunted.

“That’s why I am using it on you.” Touya complimented. “You have the physical endurance to take this.”

Yae began blushing. “T-thank you, Touya-dono.”

She was too delighted to pay any real attention to the gag her captor was trying to fit her.

For this occasion Touya had brought a harness gag with a very large red rubber ball to not only silence the samurai, but push her jaw to its limits. 

"Ooohhh!" The dark haired girl groaned as Touya tightened up the straps running over the top of her head, along both her cheeks and below her chin, caging her whole face just to keep that ball from slipping back out.

Try as she might, her locked open jaw couldn’t compress the ball. Worse still, the more she tried, the more she started drooling onto the floor in front of her.

"Ish ahu ish ehrree ihh (this gag is very big)." Yae mewled.

"I know." Touya replied. "If it ever becomes too much to bear, just call out and I'll swap it for a smaller one."

"Ahh ohw? Oww? (Call out? How?)"

"Hmmm, good point... How about you let out a single long moan, from low to high back to low?"

Yae frowned for a second. That might work.

She took as deep a breath as she could through her nose:


"Perfect, I should be able to distuingish that no problem."

The swordswoman nodded as well. And I should be able to make this sound without much trouble.

"Now then, shall we wrap up?"

"Eeh ahruh ohn hehh (We aren't done yet)?!"

Touya grinned. "No, compared to Linze and Elze you still have far too much room to struggle."

I'd like to disagree. Yae thought to herself.

But she wasn't exactly in a position to refuse, her arms pulled out behind her and trapped in something even more constricting than ropes.

Touya brought out another thin, rather short belt.

"Ahohuh hehh (Another belt)?"

"Not exactly. Technically it's the same, but it is called something else. A collar."


The collar around her neck came as quite a surprise, but even worse was the leash Touya tied from it to pull her head towards the floor. Not that any real pressure resulted from the leash, since that would become too much of a burden for Yae's neck. It was more there to constrict her movement.

And it worked exactly as Touya envisioned. Combined with the armbinder’s pull upward, the dark haired samurai couldn’t move an inch!

"Go ahead and see if this is challenging enough." Touya teased his friend.

After a brief test, she found herself so immobile it was insulting. Within seconds she began growling angrily, feeling somewhat annoyed at how stubborn her leather restraints were.

There is even less give with these than when you use rope. Especially my arms, there is absolutely no leeway for them!

She stamped her legs in frustration, but began wobbling a little as a result. If not for her armbinder pulling her up, she probably would've toppled over!

I wouldn't mind having a partner to keep me balanced right about now, like Linze and Elze...

Touya used Yae's test to confirm there was no heavy tension on any one place of her body, but that she could use some sideways support. So he buckled a wide belt around her waist and ran two leather straps from either side to two concrete blocks which he conjured up. 

Despite it immobilizing her further, Yae silently felt grateful for it.

The arch mage then brought out the final implement: A vibrating bead which he slipped into her swimsuit.

The swordswoman shivered just from the feeling of Touya touching so near her most intimate flesh. When she felt the bead settle into place, a shiver of anticipation ran from the back of her neck all the way down to the tip of her toes.

"I'm going to let you get comfortable while I work with Yumina."

"Haha." Came back through the gag, which had already begun shining from the thin coat of saliva Yae had produced.

Touya smiled happily. "Have fun."

"Aih hihu (I will)."

"Okay Yumina, are you ready for-" But the dark haired mage stopped when he realized the outfit his fiancée had picked.

Yumina had chosen to wear something rather special, maybe because she wanted to impress Touya.

"A cat girl?" He murmured, trembling with excitement.

The slender blonde was wearing a cute black bikini, a cat ears diadem, black high heels, cufflinks lined with black fur, a cute collar with a little bell and even a thin leather belt to hold a cat's tail in place just above her butt!

Seeing her future husband examine her body up and down made Yumina blush slightly. She timidly folded her arms in front of her chest to cover up a little, thinking she overdid it.

"Don't do that please." Touya immediately requested. "You look so beautiful like that!"

"Y-you think so?" The princess smiled brightly.

"Yes. It's a very daring outfit, but you're carrying it off perfectly."

"Thank you, Touya-san. So, shall we move on?"

"Huh? O-oh, yes. Of course!"

He took things easy on the princess at first, only spread eagling her to the bed with white soft nylon ropes. In his memory Yumina was still inexperienced, not to mention the princess was younger than the others. He therefore didn't want to go too far.

"Are you comfortable like this?"

"Of course I am, Touya-san. This is hardly challenging. What is next?" 

"Next? U-uhh..."

Yumina sighed, feeling somewhat jealous at the obvious 'lightweight' treatment. "Are you holding back on me because you think I cannot handle any more?"


"Touya-san," Yumina interrupted with a serious tone of voice, "I demand to be given the same treatment as the others. No favouritism and definitely no looking down on me!"

The tall young man flinched. "You're right, I'm sorry Yumina."

He proceeded to fit the princess with a crotch rope similar to Elze and Linze's, including the vibrating bead. She also received a knotted cleave gag to stifle her cries. He didn't see the point of adding more rope since all the knots had been tied off at the corners of the bed, there was no way Yumina would escape even from this relatively small amount of rope."

"Better? Or do you still feel this would be too easy to get out of?"

Obviously the princess knew escape was impossible from the start. But the crotch rope was a nice addition.

"Esh. Ahk hooh." She replied, gyrating her hips to get a feel for the rope running in between her thighs.

The low groan which escaped her gagged lips stirred something within Touya.

Yumina was right, in this nation she is basically an adult already. And she is most definitely mature enough to know what she is getting into. There is no need to treat her differently...

Touya took a step back and looked around the room. By now all four of his captives had begun moaning and shuddering with excitement. He almost felt sorry for breaking their concentration.

“Alright everyone! I’m going to get started now. With these!”

He held up four jet black blindfolds, large enough to easily block out any light for the wearer.

“Aihfoh?!” Yae garbled.

“Exactly. I’m going to blindfold all of you for this session. As to why… I’ll let you guys work that out for yourself.”

“Hmrnnn!” The foursome groaned.

“Ooh ahhuh eehih a eesh, oohaa-shah (You are being a tease, Touya-san).” Linze mewled.

The arch mage chuckled. “I know… Accel!”

In a matter of seconds, all of the girls had their sight robbed. In fact it happened so fast they all started turning their heads in bewilderment, which was pointless for everyone except Linze and Elze, who succeeded in pulling at one another's bit gags and ropes through their asynchronous movement.

The dark haired young man smiled brightly at his subjects wriggling around trying to find him again.

Now for the real surprise!

While the girls were busy getting to terms with no longer having a clue about what's going on, Touya silently activated a newly developed magic. He summoned a body double which could act independently from him.

It had taken him months of practice to master the summoning and sustaining of his clone. By now he could keep it around for three hours straight.

There were drawbacks of course. His physical and magical power were split over both bodies, and prolonged use of the magic resulted in headaches when they joined up again. He couldn’t maintain the clone over long distance either. Because of it, the spell wasn’t as suited for combat or covert operations as he’d hoped. But for a game like this, it was perfect.

“Now then, who to approach first?” He mused.

Both versions of him looked around the room. The clone decided that Yae was squirming a bit too calmly and could use some ‘motivation’.

“How is the armbinder treating you?” He teased.

“Hmmrgnn! Ish aigh (it’s tight)!” She moaned.

“Good, then I’m free to do this…” Touya replied, squeezing the samurai’s butt.

“Aahhh!” She yelped, jiggling her luscious body in reflex. 

Her captor slid his fingers down to her thigh, stroking the samurai’s soft flesh.

“Hiiii!” Yae mewled, squirming meekly at his touch. But she couldn’t evade him, and her arms weren’t budging inside the leather armbinder so resistance wasn’t an option either.

“Ooh fhhair (No fair)!”

“It might not be fair, but it’s a lot of fun.” Touya chuckled, briefly tickling her under her armpits.

“Aahahahaah ha-ha aaahahahahaaa! Sh- Shoh hiiihh!”

“Only if you say please.”

“Ahahaah! EEEESHH!”

The arch mage pulled back, and instead pinched Yae’s butt again.

“Hrrmnnn!” The swordswoman growled, desperately trying to think of a way to defend herself.

Her legs were flopping up and down, kicking the ground in protest. But the belts and leather cuffs kept them completely secure.

Yae began flinching and writhing around frantically, her large breasts dancing inside the tight swimsuit. The sight of her curvaceous body was making the tall young man feel somewhat hot under the collar.

We need a change of pace. If I keep teasing her like this she might become genuinely angry.

“Maybe I should do something more enjoyable for you…”



He had turned on the vibrating stone inside her swimsuit.

If anything, that made Yae’s movements even more frenetic. Before, she only responded to Touya’s touch. But right now she was constantly in motion, most of all her hips bucking around needily in search of something to complement that far too dull hum inside her pussy.

“Do you want more?”


“That’s good to know. I’ll make work of that after visiting the others.”

Yae’s eyes widened behind the blindfold.

“OOOHHHH (NOOOO)!” She whined.

I have to wait that long?! Touya-dono, you are even more crafty than Yumina-dono!

The warrior from Eashen started worming around as best she could, searching for her dear friend’s presence. But Touya really had disappeared. On the other hand, now that he was no longer playing with her Yae had finally worked out what all that noise in the background was: Elze and Linze. Weirdly enough, they sounded like someone had been messing around with them as well.

But that can’t be possible. Even with his ‘Accel’ magic, Touya wouldn’t be able to handle all three of us at once!

Now the poor blindfolded samurai had that added puzzle to occupy herself with, aside from the question as to when her captor would return to finish what he started…

While Yae was being wound up by the clone, Touya’s original body had kneeled beside Linze and Elze. The twins had been carefully testing out their bonds. But because of the blindfolds neither of them knew what the other was doing. That resulted in quite a bit of bickering since they kept pulling on each other’s chest harnesses or crotch ropes whenever the other didn’t expect it.

"Having fun?"

Both girl gasped in surprise.

Touya-san's here! 

He came to us first? I thought for sure he'd stay with Yumina...

"Looks like the ropes are plenty secure." The dark haired mage remarked.

"Uhuh!" The two nodded, trying to wriggle cutely and put on a show for their captor.

But Linze turned her body toward the right and Elze turned hers to the left, meaning they very quickly pulled on their breast harnesses, crotch ropes and everything else that had been connected!

"Oooaaahh!" They yelped flustered.

"Haha, maybe I went a little overboard in tying you two together."

"Uhuuuhh!" The two moaned softly.

"Let me make it up to you both." He replied, placing a hand on each of the girls' buttcheek closest to him and slowly caressing them.


That feels lovely! Elze mused.

Please, a little firmer Touya-san!

Within seconds his silver haired captives were shuddering with anticipation. So much so that it surprised Touya.

Wow, they really are eager for this!

"Oooaaahhrr (Moooorrre)!" Linze mewled needily.

"I know, Linze." Touya whispered in her ear. "Today, I'm going to give you everything you've had to wait so long for."

Those words made the already tender mage completely mellow!


"HIIIII!" The warrior and mage shrieked in tandem.

Their crotchropes suddenly started vibrating rapidly, and it was making their hips convulse uncontrollably, only tightening up all of their ropes and empowering the feeling.

Within moments they felt that all too familiar warmth building up in their pelvises.

But they wanted more. They wanted Touya's touch. They wanted him near.

“Aahahahaah ha-ha aaahahahahaaa! Sh- Shoh hiiihh!”

"Hmrns?!" Linze and Elze turned their heads in reflex, yanking the bit gags and causing them to groan annoyed. They kept forgetting everything was connected.

Was that Yae?! Elze realized.

Has Touya-san left us to spend time with her?! Linze thought panicked. 

But at the same time their samurai friend was now laughing and pleading, the busty mage felt a hand gently kneading her breast. Which completely took her by surprise.


"Ash hoh (what's wrong)?" Elze asked. But then Touya's other hand pinched her rock hard nipple.

"Hiii!" The svelte warrior cried out.

Their confusion was complete: Touya clearly was here with them. But it Yae was also definitely being teased by someone!

And neither of the helpless girls had the focus to start working out how it was possible! But they soon enough realized they didn't really care about it. So long as Touya kept pampering them, all was fine.

Since Elze and Linze were bound together, the real Touya needed to divide his attention and thus spent more time with them.

The clone spotted that, so when he stepped back to leave poor Yae to her own devices the copy made his way over to a frantically squirming Yumina.

He's playing with Elze, Linze AND Yae all at the same time? How is that possible?! And why is he neglecting me??!

The helpless blonde had so many thoughts racing through her mind that her head was spinning. She'd been pointlessly grasping at the ropes running from her hands for minutes now. But all she felt was smooth, unknotted nylon. She had nothing to untie within reach, and her incessant squirming had pulled the loops around her wrists and ankles even tighter than when Touya left her!

"Oohaa-shaah (Touya-saan)!" She mewled. "Ish ishu air (this isn't fair)!"

"What isn't?"


The blonde jolted off her bed, instantly snapping back due to the ropes. "Owww!"

"Haha, you need to be careful my cute little kitten."

Yumina's cheeks lit up. "Ooh eeheeh fihk aih uute (you really think I'm cute)?"

"Of course." Came back, followed by a pair of fingers slowly strolling along the princess' slender thighs, up towards her hips, along her bellybutton and finally kneading her perky breasts.

"Hmnnn!" She moaned. "Ooaahhrrr!"

"You want more?"

"Hmrn hmnrr!"

"Like this?" He teased, tugging on the crotch rope.




Much like she'd hear the other girls do minutes before, a loud moan escaped Yumina's gagged lips the second her vibrating bead got to work.

Touya helped the slender royal along further by caressing her body and peppering her neck and chest in kisses.

She arched her back needily. Go on! Please Touya-san, don't stop!

The arch mage didn't dream of stopping. Neither of his bodies. Seeing his dear friends enjoy themselves so deeply, to have them squirming at his every touch, he'd never felt so fulfilled!

For the next half hour, the two Touya's kept switching places, pleasing two to three girls simultaneously at all times.

None of the captives ever worked out how he was keeping it up. All that was on their mind when Touya was with them was how they wanted him to touch them more. Whenever they were left alone, they would wriggle and moan, praying he would visit them again soon.

Funnily enough, Linze at one occasion lamented the fact Touya couldn't split himself into four. But before she could get any closer to the answer for her captor's impossible feats, her vibrating stone turned up a notch and erased any trace of her thought process.

After every version of Touya had visited each girl at least once, he finally decided it was time to bring his game home.

The original visited Yae, while the clone made his way to Yumina.

"I'm guessing you're about ready to finish?" Touya asked the wildly thrashing samurai.


By now the swordswoman was so hungry for her orgasm Touya feared she might hurt herself with her throes. So for good measure he removed the collar and with it any choking hazard.

That immediately got him a long, thankful groan.

"I'm going to shut off that vibrator and take over." He quietly breathed into her air, pressing his lips into the nape of her neck as he fished out the soaking wet bead and slipped his fingers past the swimsuit fabric instead.


His other hand reached around to tightly grip her large breasts, kneading their supple flesh and flicking her erect nipples poking into the swimsuit. He could feel she was close, and started working her clit and labia vigorously.

"Aah! Aaaahh! AAAHHH!!" The bodacious samurai screamed, droplets of saliva spraying from her gag as she squirmed in Touya's arms.

This is amazing! More! Touya-dono, touch me more!

Even though her climax was surging, she didn't want her captor to stop touching her.

Touya slowly kept caressing her outer labia to prolong the pleasure, planting his lips into Yae's neck. "You did great today, Yae. I'm proud of you. It takes a lot to be able to withstand an arduous pose like this one.

The samurai welled up with pride and contentment. She couldn't remember ever feeling this happy...

"I need to go now."

"Hmnnnn!" She mewled pitiably, making her dark haired captor chuckle.

"You're not going to deny the others their fun, are you?"

"Mnhhkay." Yae whimpered.

"Good girl." He commended, taking down the strap forcing Yae's strappado and gently guiding her to lie on the floor.

At the same time, Toua's clone had been guiding Yumina's horny body to reach her very first orgasm not delivered by her own hand.

"Are you ready?" He had asked the blonde whilst gently removing her black bikini so he could close his lips around her hard nipples.

"Hmnnn! Hesh!" She replied with a pounding heart.

With a quick dash of air magic, the crotch rope was snipped off and Touya received full access to his betrothed warm and snug lovebox.

Yumina gasped and shuddered as his fingers found her clit, throbbing with need.

It's really happening! I'm going to... Touya-san is going to...

"Does this feel good?" He asked softly as his finger started rubbing up and down her labia.

"Hmnhmnn!" Came back, with Yumina's hands pulling at the ropes pinning her down.

Stupid ropes! It's so frustrating! She lamented. I want to touch Touya-san toooo!

The blonde young woman started squirming more vigorously, making her captor chuckle.

"This outfit is really fitting, you're truly a playful kitten."

That made the already reddish princess blush even harder. "Ai ihu heeh ih hai ahh (I didn't mean it like that)." She whimpered.

"No matter, just let it all out. You're safe here." Touya whispered, just before digging his teeth into her right nipple. Not so hard it left a mark, but definitely enough to make an impact.

"Hiiii!" Yumina jerked in response, but the ropes kept it all contained.

The archmage began working faster now, rubbing her labia harder, slipping his fingers deeper, never stopping, never slowing down.

In a matter of seconds, the helpless blonde was teetering near the edge. Until finally...

"Aaahhhh!" She howled breathlessly, lolling her head back into the mattress.

Her raven haired captor slowly pulled back from her lovebox, but kept cuddling and fondling his friend so she could bask in the afterglow longer.

He gently took out the gag to help her breathe more easily.

"Thank you." She sighed.

"No problem, you seemed out of breath."

"Not for the gag..." The princess whispered embarrassed.

"Did you like it?"

She nodded. "Every second, Touya-san. You were incredible."

"I am happy to hear that. But I have to go now, Linze and Elze haven't yet had their turn."

"Already?" She mewled, trying to right herself but snapping back once again from the ropes. "Could you at least remove the blindfold?"

Touya chuckled. "Not yet, in a few minutes."

"Why not?" She insisted. "I want to see you!"

"Haha, you're very sweet. But it would ruin part of the magic of this game."

"You mean how you seem to be in two places at once?"

"That's impossible." He said playfully.

"Jeeezz! You are teasing me!"

"Yes I am." Touya chuckled again before giving her a peck on her cheek. "See you in a few minutes Yumina."

"Okay, Touya-san." She sighed, settling into her bed and squirming happily.

With both girls having reached their climax, the two versions of the dark haired mage converged on the still struggling and squirming twins.

They'd clearly heard both Yae and Yumina crying out in bliss. Which could only mean it was about to be their turn! 

“Are you two ready?” Touya asked as he kneeled down behind Linze and his clone behind Else so they could remove the vibrating crotch ropes.

“Uhuhh! Uhuhh!” They both moaned eagerly.

“Then I won’t keep you two waiting any longer. And thank you for not raising a fuss while I was with Yae and Yumina first.”

Both Touyas moved in tandem in pulling down their panties and exposing the silver haired girls’ pussies.

“Hmnnn.” Linze mewled needily already reaching forward to try and find Touya’s fingers.

“Patience.” The arch mage teased, making the busty girl mewl even louder.

Does this mean he’ll treat Linze first?” Elze thought with a tinge of jealousy. Or is he going to use both hands? That can’t be very eff-aaah!

The slender warrior gasped as she felt a sudden pressure on her labia and chest alike. Touya had begun fondling her!

But to her shock, the noise her sister was making indicated he was doing the same to her.

Linze had come to the same conclusion: they were both being pampered at the same time.

There’s no denying it, sister and I are both being touched by Touya-san. But how?!

“Aaaahhh!” Elze suddenly gasped as Touya found her clit and gave it a long pinch. “Oooaaahhrrrr!”

“Haha, don’t worry Elze. You’ll get plenty more.” He whispered so only the long haired twin could hear, giving her breasts a playful squeeze. “You’ve really blossomed.”

She blushed and leaned her head back against her captor’s chest. “Ahk hoo.”

Meanwhile the mage sitting opposite her had begun squirming in the other Touya’s arms. He had begun massaging her large knockers and outer labia at the same time. But it still wasn’t enough, she wanted him to slip inside her, to touch her womanhood and finally draw out that climax bubbling beneath the surface.

“Eashe, Oohya!” She pleaded.

“Don’t worry Linze,” he whispered, “I’ll take good care of you. Trust me.”

The busty mage sighed happily as the throbbing in her breasts began to subside. Touya’s chest harness had really done a number on her, but now that he’d begun massaging them she was rapidly feeling better.

And then it happened, roughly at the same time, the two Touyas started fingering the twin in their care, gradually speeding up until they could hear their joyous roars in pleasure.

Just like with the others, they didn’t retreat immediately but slowly reduced their ministrations, until finally Linze and Elze began squirming to be released.

With all of his friends having reached the end of the line, Touya dispelled his magic and the clone evaporated. He then used his ‘Accel’ magic to free all four girls as quickly as possible.

They all let out a long, satisfied groan as their limbs became their own again. But not one of them had the strength to get up right away. So the arch mage took a step back and sat himself down on one of the desk chairs, waiting for the girls to recuperate.

"Haah, haah, haaah... This was... amazing!" Elze panted, her sister nodding but too out of breath to confirm it aloud.

"I... agree." Yae gasped.

"Touya-san, you are truly masterful." Yumina sighed, tears welling up from sheer happiness.

"I am glad you all feel that way. It means I haven't lost my touch."

"If anything, your touch has improved!" The samurai commended.

"I already can't wait for next time we meet up!" Princess Yumian chimed.

"Oh? If you still have the energy, would you like me to try something else?" He joked.

But to his astonishment, all four girls perked up.

"You have more ideas, Touya-san?" Linze asked with a playful glimmer in her eyes.

"Huh? W-well yes, but-"

"Then what are we waiting for!" Elze cheered. "Let's do this!"

"Yes, let's." Yumina got up from the bed and joined the line-up Elze, Linze and Yae were forming.

The arch mage sighed and scratched the back of his head. "I meant it as a joke." 

He then got a wide grin on his face. "But if all of you still feel up to it... Let's go!"


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