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It had been a few weeks since the fiasco Cruje had endured trying to capture Agnes, and she still

hadn't found a way to claim the managerial ring from her rival.

She’d spent the first few days after her failed ploy licking her wounds, trying to get over the burn of

her own plan blowing up in her face. But now the bluenette was raring to go to try and claim her

rightful position as manager of the town!

…Except she didn't have any idea as to how she'd approach things this time.

For now the young girl had settled for spying on her target, remaining high in the air on her broom

to keep out of Agnes' sight.

But rather infuriatingly, the pink haired girl blandly kept going about her business, never once doing

anything out of the ordinary or giving Cruje a chance to exploit something.

In fact, if anything the pinkette was acting too relaxed. Even if she wasn't supposed to be, she was

still the manager of this town!

"How can she still be such an airhead?!" Cruje moaned annoyed.

"And who is the one having such a hard time against that airhead?"

"Who's that?" The bluenette asked as she turned her broom around in mid-air.

And then she spotted her: A girl of about her age, wearing a dark purple vest and matching kneelength

skirt which widened towards the bottom. She had dark purple socks so long they reached up

to just below her knees, and cute pink ballerina's on her feet. The young girl dark green hair, with

two pigtails fastened by means of pink star-shaped hairclips.

The young woman was also suspended in mid-air, but unlike Cruje she did so by means of a large

umbrella the same colour as her attire, which revolved to keep her from losing altitude.

"Bulga!" Cruje cried out.

"Long time no see, Cruje-san."

"So you are the one who was flying around since this morning, Bulga."

"Remember, Cruje-san. You are the next manager of Wonderland. You must succeed the ring from

Agnes soon."

"I know!"

"Then why haven't you?"

"It's none of your business!"

"It is, very much so. Everyone in Realm are talking about the delay of the handover of Manager


Cruje flinched. So reports of my failure have already made it to Realm?! Darn you Agnes, why must

you be so stubborn you old hag.

But Bulga wasn't finished lecturing. "It's making me look bad as the one who fought for the position

of Manager against you."

The bluenette looked away from her rival, not sure of how to respond.

"I could help you." The greenette suddenly offered with a belligerent smile.

For that Cruje did have an answer ready: "No need to!" She said annoyed. "I can take care of Agnes

by myself easily!" And I'm not going to take another blow to my pride like that!

"Oh but it's no trouble! Looking at you made me want to pitch in." Bulga replied, her eyes narrowing

a little and the grin on her face turning positively devious.

"As if you could do anything to help me!" The bluenette scoffed. "You were the number two for a

reason, Bulga!" She yelled, sending a bolt of magical power into her rival's direction to try and knock

her out of the sky.

Bulga's umbrella began spinning rapidly to allow her to make a dash to the left. But the swell of

power still pushed her back quite a ways. A startled look on her face, the greenette backed off and

began hovering her away, her umbrella leading the way as it continued to spin rapidly.

"Hmm. Serves her right." The bluenette thought satisfied. Though deep down there was a bit of a nag

due to rival's quick surrender. Cruje knew from experience the two were quite evenly matched,

Bulga should've had no reason to back off so quickly… Unless of course she had an ulterior motive.

"Aaagh! No use thinking about it!" The blue haired girl convinced herself. "I need to focus on getting

back at Agnes, not waste my time on that second rank witch! Besides, no matter what Bulga is

planning I can handle it!"

Bulga giggled as she flew out of sight from Cruje. "Overconfident as ever, I'll show that brat what

happens when you mess with a witch!"

Because that's what Bulga was: Not a magical girl like her two rivals, but a true blue witch.

Realm actually contained a wide variety of magical beings. There were magical girls, wizards,

warlocks, and of course witches.

Whilst having similar abilities to a magical girl, the nature of their power was fundamentally

different. Witches did not possess the ability to transform their attire for magical combat, and they

had no need for incantations like 'magity' to access their magical powers. However after discovering

the potential of vocalizing your magic to give it more of a boost, witches also began experimenting

with using chants and spells to make the most of their magical abilities.

Likewise, magical girls also copied things from witches. For example, witches used to be the first and

only group of people to ride brooms for transportation, but after the magical girl community adopted

it for themselves, the witches began searching for new and unique ways of transporting themselves,

to ensure outsiders could tell them apart.

However, despite both groups having some similarities and starting to, the gap between their mindsets

kept them from ever truly uniting. Because of this, quite a few conflicts arose between the two

parties, with them accusing one another of stealing their secrets rather than sharing them freely.

Luckily the forces leading both civilizations managed to broker a peace before things got out of

hand, with Realm becoming the capital for both parties. However, after settling the disputes and

creating an environment that allowed both magical girls and witches to coexist, the urge to compete

against one another remained deeply ingrained.

It was perhaps because of this rivalry between the two that Cruje and Bulga were so adamant to

never. It also explained why Bulga was so hell-bent on claiming the seat of Town manager before

Cruje, since her being sidestepped by the bluenette still stung a lot.

And that was why the greenette had allowed Cruje to blow her away so easily, to give her an excuse

to fly around town and set her plan into motion: Capturing Agnes and claiming the managerial ring

for herself!

"From what I'd heard from the reports, beating an airhead like that Agnes should be a cinch!"

After a brief flight across town, Bulga found herself a quiet little park. "This place'll do." The

greenette mused, landing on top of a street light and waving her umbrella around to start making the

merry-go-round and see-saw run amok.

"Hmm, what else?" The young girl thought, spotting a climbing rack and enchanting it have the ropes

start flailing around.

Soon enough, the witch had chased the children and parents out of the park, and caused enough of a

commotion to have Agnes swooping in on her broom.

"You! You're Bulga!"

"Yes I am. And you're the former manager of this town!"

"I AM the manager of this town!"

"Not for long!" Bulga retorted as she summoned a gust of wind to make the pink haired girl lose her

balance on her broom.

What the witch hadn't accounted for however, was the gust whipping up her foe's skirt, causing

Agnes to squeal panicked and press her hands in between her legs to keep her skirt from revealing

even more of her slender body!

However, with Agnes in such a precarious position, Bulga couldn't resist the chance of gaining the

upper hand right away. She dashed forward as fast as her umbrella could propel her, and rushed past

the pinkette floating above her.

"Kyaaaa!" Agnes yelped again, barely managing to remain upright on her broom after Bulga nearly

grazed her.

"Bulga! Calm down! You're going to-" But the pink haired girl was forced to abort her complaint and

dive towards the ground, as several dark purple bolts of magical force were flung in her direction.

However due to Agnes dodging them, those spells impacted the rest of the playground instead,

causing the swings to start running amok as well!

"Bulga, stop this!" Agnes yelled as she pacified the playground infrastructure with several waves of

her wand, sending a bright pink bolt in the greenette's direction to make her back up.

"Or else what?" The witch taunted, flinging two more dark purple stripes of magic toward her

opponent, forcing her on the defensive yet again.

Agnes was more of a caretaker than a combatant. Overturning Cruje's mischief wasn't all that much

of a challenge to her, but against a witch who laid emphasis on attacking the person she couldn't

help but feel a little insecure.

Eventually, that defensive tactic proved to be her downfall, when Bulga sent so many attacks her way

she failed to deflect them all in time and got her wand blown out of her hand by a single dark purple

flash slipping past her defences.

"No!" She cried in despair, turning her broom round and chasing after it. But her flight was

interrupted by a strange pulling sensation coming from behind her, and when she glanced over she

spotted her trusty boom had been leashed by a purple rope tied to a nearby telephone pole!

"Got you!" Bulga cried triumphantly as she casted several more bindings spells, this time directed at

Agnes herself.

Try as she might, without her wand the poor town manager was helpless to fend off the magical

bindings snaking around her body, contorting it to leave her nearly completely immobile:

Her wrists and elbows soon ended up tied behind her, with an extra binding to trap them against her

back. Her ankles too had been lashed together, preventing her from climbing off her broom and

making a run for it.

"Bulga!" Agnes protested startled. "Stop this, you can't jus-mpff?!" She tried to plead, only to have

her voice cut off by another one of Bulga's spells ending up plastered over her glossy pink lips.

"I can and I am." The witch replied triumphantly, moving around behind a now frantic Agnes and

taking the ring from her.

"MMMFFFFNN (NOOOO)!" The pinkette cried in despair as she was forced to sit idly while Bulga

slipped the ring from the pinkette's finger, and Agnes felt her power wane slightly. Try as she might,

without a wand and voice she saw no way of undoing these bindings, and now that Bulga had taken

over the ring the poor pink haired damsel didn't even know how to get it back even if she were free!

"I can't believe how easy this was! Your love for this town messes with your ability to keep calm. This

fight was easier than the one I had against Cruje!" The greenette boasted. She then rose higher into

the air, an ominous smirk on her already mischievous face.

"And now that I have this ring, I can settle the score with her as well." She added, taking up position

and preparing for Cruje's imminent arrival.

Having sensed spells and magic flying through the air, Cruje sped over to the scene and arrived just in

time to see Bulga rising up in the air, and Agnes hovering several feet below her, bound and gagged.

"Bulga! What did you do?!"

"What you failed to do! Claim the managerial ring!"

"What?! B-But how?!"

The young witch giggled. "Simple, after reports of your defeat arrived at Realm, I snuck into the

elders' chambers to find out how you messed up. I had planned to use it for taunting you, but I got

something much more valuable: the key to defeating a magical girl!"

The bluenette now backed up a little, since Bulga didn't sound like she was bluffing at all.

"I realized that in order to defeat a magical girl, you have to disable their ability to cast magic by

either separating them from their wand or to seal their mouth to prevent them from casting spells,

preferably even both. You magical girls have always relied on vocalizing your spells in order to draw

out the most of it, something we witches adopted. But it also makes it an Achilles’ heel!"

"You- You think you can be just because you found a weakness?" Cruje retorted. "I'm not an airhead

like Agnes, you won't catch me off guard!"

"Let's see about that!" The green haired witch replied, sending a dark purple wave Cruje's way,

meant to knock her off her broom.

But the bluenette made a nimble loop to avoid the attack, and remained hovering above the witch. "I

told you, simple attacks like that won't work. Didn't you learn anything from the first spanking I gave

you?" She mocked.

"Tsk. If your magic was a powerful as your mouth, you could have been an elder at Realm by now!"

The greenette retorted, rising higher as well now.

"Mmmf, mmn mmmmw (Cruje, watch out)!!" Agnes tried to warn the blue haired magical girl, but

either she didn't hear or she simply didn't care what Agnes tried to tell her, because she didn't even

glance down.

Instead, the blue haired girl flung a bright blue bolt in Bulga's direction, aimed for her umbrella

planning to return the favour of knocking her out of the air. But a similar spell from the witch

cancelled it out.

"What's wrong? Can't do anything other than defend?" Cruje taunted, sending two blue flashes to

approach Bulga from above and her right side.

But the greenette spun on the spot, enveloping herself in a see-through layer of dark purple magic

acting as a barrier to deflect both simultaneous attacks.

"I'm just taking my time to enjoy this." The witch replied casually.

"Yeah right, you're looking for an opportunity to put on the ring you stole. But not on my watch!" The

magical girl yelled, bombarding Bulga with waves of magical spells to force the umbrella wielding girl

to make constant evasive manoeuvres. And Bulga might not have realized, but most of those attacks

were aimed at her head, specifically her mouth. Because Cruje’s experiences in this town had

thought her that the quickest way to get the upper hand in a fight was to seal the opponents voice.

"Mmm-mmff (Cruje)!!" Agnes yelled again at the top of her lungs, hoping to warn her fellow magical

girl. "MM-a mm mrmmn mmn mmn mm!! (Bulga is trying to trick you)!!"

"Just what are you mumbling about, Agnes?" Cruje mocked just after sending a few more spells

Bulga's way. "I can barely hear you, let alone make out what you're trying to tell me!"

"MMFFF!!" Came back, as Agnes frowned at the bluenette not even trying to heed her warnings.

"Hihihihi, that look suits you. Maybe I'll wrap you up even more after I take care of Bulga!"

"Don't bet on it!" Suddenly came from behind her.

Darn it! Cruje's eyes widened. I took my eyes off of her for too long! She cursed as she quickly spun


But she was too late. Bulga had just slipped the ring that should have been hers over her finger. And

to everyone's surprise, the young witch started to glow!

"What in the world?!" The green haired witch exclaimed as her shoes, purple dress and stockings

dissipated and became replaced with a similar leotard outfit that both Cruje and Agnes were wearing

now that they'd assumed their magical girl form.

"I didn't know you could transform!" Cruje cried offended whilst Bulga was still bathed in light.

"I don't! It must be the ring!" The greenette replied, sounding a little bit nervous as she felt her

normal wardrobe replaced with this far more revealing one:

Her purple vest unbuttoned itself and revealed that beneath it a skin-tight purple leotard of the same

colour had begun covering the young witch's upper body. It did however fail to cover her up as

adequately as her normal clothes, leaving quite the revealing cleavage and making the green haired

girl blush as she underwent the involuntary transformation.

In addition to her new skimpy skin tight leotard, Her pink ballerina shoes had been transformed into

dark purple high heeled boots, and her large puffy skirt shrivelled up into the frilly white one that

came standard with magical girls, almost completely revealing her bare buttocks now that they only

had that leotard wedged in between them.

In fact, the dark purple piece of high-cut, faintly shining spandex barely covered any part of the you

witch’s shapely legs. Bulga felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized basically all of her hips and

thighs were now for the world to see, and she was fairly certain it wasn’t just the breeze brushing

past her bare legs that had caused the shiver.

"What happened to me?!" Bulga cried out confused. "I'm - I'm a magical girl?!"

"You can't be!" Cruje protested. "It has to be a side-effect of the ring!"

The green haired girl began blushing heavily as she examined her body, of which so much was now

plainly visible.

The main issue for the green haired girl was the lower piece of the leotard. The wide cleavage she

could deal with somewhat, but her buttocks and thighs being so exposed was what truly made her

feel… ‘ecchi’. The frilly white skirt was more there do catch everyone’s eye than to cover anything in

her opinion, and with her hovering so high in the air, she somehow felt as if she was openly

displaying her body to everyone below.

Even so, despite all her reservations and nervosity, deep down the young witch had to admit that she

somehow thought she looked… sexy.

Bulga had always preferred outfits that covered up her entire body, to be forced into this provocative

little number was forcing her to be more conscious of her petite yet distinctly feminine body. Just

starting at the top: the amount of cleavage she now showed. Without her usual dark purple vest

buttoned up all the way to her neck, the young witch now showed to boast a pretty decent rack. In

any case, she definitely proved to be slightly bustier than Cruje, who had also instantly noticed this

but didn't want to point it out. After all, despite her 17 years of age the poor bluenette was still

cursed with a relatively flat top, regardless of her trying every trick in the book to mature more


"You- you're a cheater and a thief!" Cruje shouted, her cheeks a little red. "You're not worthy of that


The greenette now smirked, noticing that she wasn't the only one who had become a little

uncomfortable as a result of proceedings. "Really? Now that I take a good look, I'm thinking it suits

me. At the very least I'm managing to 'fill it out' better than you are."

"Aaargh! You witch! Give me that ring!!" The magical girl cried outraged, flinging several bright blue

stunning flashes towards Bulga.

But the green haired girl waved them all away, almost effortlessly.

"What? How did she-?" The blue haired girl said flustered.

"Did your magic become weaker?" Bulga taunted. "Or maybe mine got stronger?" The scantily

dressed witch then summoned over a dozen spells, all of which dove straight for Cruje, forcing her to

start zooming around on her broom at full speed just to avoid them all.

She really did get stronger! Cruje realized. But I still won't lose! I can still beat her, I just need to catch

her off guard!

"As much fun as this is, I really should wrap this up and start doing my job as manager of this town."

Bulga suddenly declared. "So how about I take you out of this fight?"

Bulga then summoned a pair of glowing orbs. "Remember these?" She asked as she held one of the

faintly pulsating balls of light in her left hand.

Cruje’s eyes widened. Of course she recognised them! Those were the bindings orbs she’d taught

herself to use from that book!

"Those are mine!" She yelled offended.

"No they're not. They're common binding spells that can be found in magical textbooks. It is true you

tried to use on Agnes, and equally true that in your overconfidence, they led to your defeat. So let

me show you how to properly use this spell!!" The witch yelled before sending both orbs off to her

bluenette target.

But Cruje was ready for it, and managed to counter both orbs with a few of her own.

"Two can play at that game!" The magical girl mocked. "You think I'll get done in by the same spell


"You will, it’s only a matter of time." Bulga retorted confidently.

And she didn't want to admit it, but Cruje felt a slight nag after the confrontation of both their spells

just now: By using more orbs than Bulga, she had intended to both stop her rival's attack and mount

one of her own, but in the end all of her spells had been destroyed by just two of Bulga's.

Was I imagining things, or were Bulga's orbs faster and larger than mine? Has her basic magical

energy grown that much from just donning the managerial ring?!

Cruje gritted her teeth. "Don't think you've won already! I'm only getting started!"

But despite her boast, and her valiant effort trying to drive back Bulga's continues stream of attacks

whilst trying to land a few of her own, the blue haired magical girl continued to lose ground against

her newly empowered foe.

And it wasn't just that Bulga could create more and stronger bolts of magical energy now, her entire

repertoire of spells had seemingly evolved, much like her outfit.

As the fight continued more and more spells started flying Cruje's way, too many for her to deflect.

However some of those that slipped past her defences never made an impact on her. Puzzled by this

turn of events, the bluenette forced herself on the defensive and began hiding behind corners of

buildings and in the leafage of nearby trees. It was then that she spotted some of the magic spells

not crashing onto anything, not causing any damage but rather just 'fazing through'.

She's using illusions! That's how she can make that many attacks all at once! Some of them aren't


"You're using dirty Tricks, Bulga!" The blue haired magical girl snarled. "But it won't work, I've seen

through them!"

"Took you long enough!" Was the witch's taunting response.

"You!" Cruje growled, leaving her latest hiding spot and flinging one of the binding orbs she'd used

on Agnes so long ago, only this time she'd perfected her spell so it wouldn't turn against her


But her efforts seemed to have been in vain, as the small glowing orb seemed to fly right through it's

intended target!

"I thought you'd already seen through my tricks?" Suddenly came from behind Cruje, causing her to

nearly jump out of her leotard as she spun around.

"It's not just magic that I can duplicate." Bulga said with a wide smirk.

Cruje gritted her teeth. "I'll show you!" She summoned a massive bright blue shockwave straight into

Bulga's direction to knock the umbrella out of her hand. But Bulga swiftly rose into the air and

dodged the surge.

"You're falling behind Cruje!" She chuckled as she darted through the air, obviously playing around

which only angered the bluenette more.

"Guess again!" The bluenette replied as she swiftly moved behind the witch and stuck her from


…except the spell went straight through her!

An afterimage?!

"Like I said, you are no longer a match for me." The green haired girl taunted, apparently hanging

below Cruje, sending a gust of wind her way to make the blue haired girl's skirt flutter wildly.

"Kyaa! This is low even for you!"

"What?! I only just discovered this wardrobe!" The witch countered. "Doesn't it make sense I want to

find out its shortcomings?"

"Then do it ON YOURSELF!"

"That's not as much fun!" Bulga giggled as she rose back to eye-height with the bluenette, though

still keeping a fair distance to prevent any fast attacks from the bluenette catching her off guard.

"But I’ve heard about enough of your complaining. I think I’m going to shut you up right here and

now!” She yelled as she sent another lightning fast orb Cruje’s way, headed straight for the

bluenette’s lips.

But thanks to the distance, the young magical girl was able to send it off course enough for her to

dodge easily. “Just try it!” The bluenette retorted. She knew full well the disadvantage of not being

able to vocalize any spells, which is why Cruje herself had trying the exact same thing all along.

“YOU’RE going to be the one rendered silent in a few moments!”

“Don’t hold your breath!” Bulga mocked. “I’ve known all along you were gunning for my mouth in

order to handicap me.”

The blue haired magical girl flinched. She was on to me?!

“But it looks like you didn’t quite realize what my plans were!” The greenette added mysteriously.

"Mmk mmd (Look out)!!" Agnes suddenly cried out as loudly as she could to warn Cruje of a sneak

attack from behind Bulga had set up before climbing back up in the air.

And the pinkette's cry had worked. Cruje dodged by a hair, leaving Bulga to "tsk" and set up another


Meanwhile, the bluenette turned around and glared over at Agnes. She full well realized it was due

to her warning she escaped by a hair, and that bothered her.

"Butt out of this Agnes! You already failed to stop Bulga, now let a real magical girl take- Aaahh!!"

Another, strange looking spell suddenly sped in her direction, and Cruje had to hang upside down

from her broom to dodge it in time.

"Close!” She mocked. “But no si-hmmpff?!" She had tried to add, but to her astonishment the weird

magic had instantly switched directions and landed on her face after all!

"Hmmmnn!" Cruje cried outraged as she immediately reached for the blob of dark purple matter to

peel it off. But no matter how hard she tried to pry it loose, the sticky mucus kept creeping further,

until finally it covered the entire lower half of her face and even her neck. But even worse: some of

the material actually started forcing its way past her lips, the malleable magic slowly filling up her

mouth to create a stuffed gag far more effective than Agnes' simple covering of her lips. Once her

mouth had been filled up, the latex-like spell around her lower face began to tighten, drawing in her

face and forcing Cruje to keep her mouth shut and the stuffing inside.

The end result of Bulga's elaborate spell was a solid rubbery mask, fitted so tightly over Cruje's face it

looked more like a second skin.

How did she- Cruje thought flustered, but as she looked over her shoulder she spotted something

that explained the spell's strange behaviour. What the bluenette saw, was her own reflection several

times over, and from different angles!

"Cool huh?" Bulga suddenly interjected. "I've always been able to use a bit of mirror magic, but with

this ring I figured it might be worth a shot taking it to the next level."

And that was exactly what the greenette had done. After the gag-spell barely missed Cruje, Bulga had

instantly summoned several mirrors behind her foe to make the spell bounce off of, which allowed it

to instantly lock on to its target again with barely any loss in momentum or speed.

"Mmrrrr!!" The bluenette grunted in dismay as she felt her jaws locked shut by the unforgiving mask,

hindering her from making any other noise than 'mmfff!'

Needless to say, this caused Bulga to have the time of her life:

"That's a good look for you!" She mused as a mocking grin played along her lips.

"Mmfn mmn mmm!" Cruje tried to chant, hoping she could dispel the gag by using her own

knowledge of restraint magic. But nothing happened, she simply couldn't pronounce the words well

enough for her spell to take effect.

That sneaky little- Cruje cursed, though she was forced to break of her mental rant to dodge another

assault from the green haired witch.

So many of Bulga's new and improved attacks began flying the blue haired girl's way she was forced

to zoom around in the air at full speed non-stop, making sharp turns and corkscrews just to avoid

them all. It kept her so busy she didn't even have time to think of a way to get that gag off, and it felt

like it was only fusing tighter to her skin with each second, until finally she couldn't move her lower

face at all anymore, it having been perfectly drawn in by the purple mask.

"That's it! Dance for me, my little mute mage!" Bulga taunted at the acrobatics Cruje was displaying.

"Mmmfff!" The bluenette growled, but to her frustration barely any sound made it through, let alone

a real word.

"But as amusing as this is, I need to get back to teaching you a lesson." The greenette then said, once

again summoning a barrage of magical attacks and binding spells to drive her opponent into a corner.

Cruje continued putting up a valiant fight, shooting down as many of the attacks as she could and

dodging the others, even managing a counter every once in a while.

But with only her wand left and vocal commands disabled, the poor magical girl kept on losing

terrain. In fact the only reason she was still in this fight was because Bulga was enjoying toying

around with her so much, and kept dragging out the battle.

Sadly the blue haired girl was to proud and too enraged to come to terms with that, and kept on

trying to turn the situation around. Her main objective: returning the favour and gagging Bulga!

But Bulga wasn’t having any of it. She casually shot down every approach from the bluenette,

accompanying each counter with a mocking jibe to either her magical prowess or her silly ‘mfff’


“I could do this all day! But of course I now have a busy schedule, ruling this town and all.”

“Mnn mmna, eese oww oo mmfs (No Bulga, please don’t do this)!” Agnes pleaded through her gag,

wriggling helplessly as she remained stuck to her telephone pole helpless to intervene in any way.

“MMMMN! (YOU)!” Cruje cried out enraged, though a lot less coherently than her fellow damsel.

But Bulga ingored both of them as she summoned several dark purple ribbons to assault the


Cruje immediately started shooting them down, but soon discovered there were once again illusions

amongst them. The true problem however was that she couldn’t tell them apart, and there were far

too many approaching for her to shoot down without any powerful spells –for which she needed her


Slowly starting to lose her calm, the bluenette descended from an accurate counterstrike into just

wildly flailing spells around in a bid to keep all the bindings off her. But eventually a few of the dark

purple ribbons snuck through her thrashing, and began snaking around her hands and arms.

“Mmmnn!” The bluenette cried out, trying but failing to peel them as they slowly wound around her

body to trap her arms horizontally on top of one another, her left palm pressed against her left

elbow and vice versa. Her arms now connected, the ribbons slowly moved towards her own body ad

slithered up against her midriff to pin both her arms just below the bluenette’s modest chest (puffing

it up just a tad), and circling around her back to keep the whole construction in place.

But just wrapping her up was only the start. As soon as the ribbons had pinned down Cruje’s arms,

they started to mould together, until the stuff covering her consisted out of a single skin tight piece

of latex-like fabric, perfectly trapping the blue haired girl’s arms in their horizontal position. No

seams, no weaknesses, just a sturdy flexible but inescapable armbinder.

With the shape of her prison now complete, a whole different reaction was set in motion. Cruje had

barely started thrashing her way out of her binding, trying to or tear the purple material, when it

suddenly began to respond. At first the bluenette didn’t quite grasp what was going on, it was as

though the latex was starting to suck itself to her skin. But after a few seconds, the penny dropped

and the blue haired magical girl mewled in despair as she realized the material was actually starting

to become adhesive, much like the mask gag she was forced to wear!

Not only was her armbinder already fitted extremely tight, it was now effectively starting to strip her

from any movement left!

“mmmm!” Cruje wailed as she tried to keep hold of her ever slimming ability to move, but all she

managed was to make the adhesive pull that more strongly, clinging harder and harder to the

bluenette’s bare skin. Eventually the bluenette gave up her fight for freedom, or rather was forced to

because she could no longer move any part of her arms for even a single inch!

With the purple latex armbinder finally settling down, Cruje looked up at Bulga with the foulest look

she’d ever worn.

But all she received in return was a scoff. “You’re looking like a sore loser there! How about I take

your mind off those nasty restraints?”


“I’ll take that as a yes. Guess I’ll show you what else I can do. Both of you will love it I’m sure, since

you’re so obsessed with colours…”

“Wht mmr mmoo mmn-in (What are you planning)?” Agnes asked worried.

“I’m going to show you my signature magic.” The greenette replied. “You see I have always been able

to conjur objects into movement, make them come to life like I did with this little playground here.

But I can take things one step further even. Not only can I make objects move around, I can even

manipulate them into changing their shape. And the only thing required, is that those objects hold

only one colour.” The bluenette then pulled a dark red mailbox from the ground and contorted it into

a perfectly round ball by means of demonstration.

“Mrrrn?” Cruje grunted surprised. She’d never seen Bulga use that magic, not even during their

square-off for the position to succeed Agnes!

“Of course, there’s more to it than that. I can’t manipulate things bigger than myself, and I need to

limit myself to one colour at a time. For example, right now I’m focusing on blue.” The greenette

continued, raising a hand and gesturing it towards the bound and gagged Cruje.

What is she- “MMMMFFF!” The bluenette suddenly cried out in shock.

Her leotard… was tightening?!

“Mmmmnnn mmn nmmm mm!” Cruje tried to protest and demand from Bulga to cut it out, but even

to herself the noises she made sounded like gibberish.

“Mmje, mms mmng (Cruje, what’s wrong)?” Agnes asked, worried at the panicked look on her fellow

magical girl’s face.

But Bulga was the one to provide the answer.

“Now I’m thinking… pink!”

“Mmmn! (Nooo!)” Agnes cried out even before anything had happened, terrified at having seen how

frantic Cruje became after mere seconds!

But then she felt it too: Her leotard squeezing her body from all directions, riding up where it really

shouldn’t and outlining her mature body even more than usual.

“Mmnp mmd ese (Stop it please)!” The pinkette moaned in despair.

But Bulga ignored it. “Of course I can do purple as well!”

Suddenly a few more ribbons sprouted from her umbrella, and with Cruje so tightly restrained and

muted she was helpless to fight them off as they coiled around her boots and lower legs and hoisted

her off her broom, over to where Agnes was tethered (a nearby telephone pole).

“mmnmm mmn mmmr mmnnn!!” The bluenette cried outraged, her face bright red at her already

ineffective skirt now dangling upside down showing off her bare buttocks as she was left dangling

upside down right in front of the pinkette.

“Hihihi, you’ve never looked funnier.” The young witch laughed it up.

“mmnmmm.” Cruje tried to retort, but she still failed to get a single coherent word out.

“Gosh I really wish I could present the two of you to Realm like this, show them once and for all the

superiority of witches… Even if I don’t look the part right now.” The greenette went on, encircling

both captives as she carried a highly amused smirk across her face. “But I really need to start doing

my job. First up: Redecorating!”

And with those words Bulga finally left both helpless young women to themselves and flew off

towards the centre of town.

“Oow ad? (Now what)?” Agnes asked cautiously, not wanting to wind up Cruje even more. The pink

haired captive had realized what would need to be done to make their escape ever since she saw her

fellow magical girl get overpowered. Convincing Cruje of that however, would be a lot more difficult.

“Mmn mmnmmmnn? M-mm! (what do you think? We escape)!” The bluenette growled back,

already twisting and turning as wildly as she could, making her blue locks dance around her head and

her whole petite body swing around like a pendulum. “mmrrrr!!!”

“mmje, mai mmn umrmman mmnee-mmn orr aemnn. An oo mee mrr rr-ee? (Cruje, I can’t

understand anything you’re saying. Can’t you speak more clearly?)”

“MM MMM MMM (NO I CAN’T!)” The bluenette mumbled annoyed, and a lot less loudly than she’d


“(Okay, sorry.)” Agnes apologised. “Ez ar e-in ou-efvus ou o iz ezz. (Let’s start getting ourselves out of

this mess).”

“mm mmn mmmn mmm mmn (I don’t need your help)!” Cruje protested, though even she had to

admit deep down that was solely her pride speaking. Ever since the armbinder had pulled itself tight,

she had lost all hope of wriggling herself free. But she still wasn’t willing to admit that to her number

one rival.

“En ad oo oo o-ose ee o? Id err mn ai-h a-ou? (Then what do you propose we do? Sit here and writhe


“Mf mmn mm MM mmn mmm, mmn mm, mmn mm mmr mmm! (If that’s what YOU want to do, go

ahead, I’m getting out of here)!” The bluenette said stubbornly, already twisting and turning again,

trying to make the purple latex budge and stretch, but merely succeeding in exhausting herself.

Agnes sighed, and simply chose to sit and wait until her fellow magical girl would finally listen to


That incidentally, took over 45 minutes.

“Mmn mmn mmmhhh.” The bluenette panted. “m-mnn, mm mmm mmnmm (okay, we’ll work

together).” She finally surrendered.

“mman mmoo (thank you).” The pinkette mumbled, rising her broom a little and tilting her head so

Cruje could inspect her gag.

“mmr mms od mmz r rai mmg mmo mmn ff. mff aim n eek mm-an, ai mmn an mll ee mmr m-y-mms

mn-ae. Mm oo ee mmn mmpr mmr mmn-n? (Our best shot is for my gag to come off. If I can speak

again, I can chant all the other bindings way. Do you see a zipper or something?)”

Cruje inspected the gag closely, but spotted no such thing. “Mmmn, mmn mm mmd. (No, it looks


“Ai aek mmn ad mms mm mmn(I take it that was a no)?” Agnes asked, still not managing to decipher

Cruje’s mumbling.

“MMMMRR.” The bluenette grunted annoyed, after which she nodded.

“En ad oo ee oo (Then what do we do?)”

“mmd (wait).” The blue haired mage suddenly said.

On closer inspection, she did spot something that might be of use: A small ring at the nape of Agnes’

neck. No doubt that was left there intentionally by Bulga, as a means to actually take off the gag

when she wanted to. Given the material, the gag should easily be able to stretch wide enough for

Agnes to slip her head through the enlarged gap (as opposed to Cruje’s which was basically glued

on), so all you needed to do was pull on that ring and stretch the gag from the back. Sadly for both

magical girls, pulling on anything was out of the question with their hands so tangled up!

I need to get Agnes to thread something through that ring. But how in the world am I going to explain

this all to that silly old bat? Let alone find something to hook that ring to…

The latter part of the problem was easily solved, thanks to Cruje spotting a sturdy piece of antenna

sticking out from the telephone pole several feet above the two of them.

Great, now all I need to do is direct Agnes up there, have her thread the ring and watch as she loosens

up the gag and frees herself… This could take hours!

But since hanging around by her ankles was already starting to make her feel uncomfortable (and

embarrassed), the bluenette just sighed and started screaming word after word in the hopes of

Agnes finally making out what she wanted her to do.

Initially, the poor pink haired girl backed away because she feared Cruje was throwing another

tantrum, and she didn’t want her fellow mage to swing into her.

But when she spotted the confused look in Cruje’s eyes at her widening the distance, the pink haired

mage figured out she was actually trying to pronounce words clearly and loudly enough for her to

understand them.

“Oo ommn (go on).” The pinkette mouthed encouragingly into her own gag.

“Mmmm mp (Gooo up)!” The bluenette finally managed to mouth whilst knocking her head up and

down to signal Agnes to move higher in the air. “Mmrr mmk mmmn mmm mml (your back against

the pole.” The young damsel then mumbled on, swaying and knocking her back against the

telephone pole in an effort to mime her instructions.

Agnes complied, and when the back of her head rested against it, she felt both the small

protuberance of the telephone pole and the little hard plastic ring attached to the back of her neck.

Then it clicked!

“Mmoo ob u-ee (Good job Cruje)!” She yelled downwards, relieved at finally having found an

opportunity to make progress.

Actually threading the ring though, that would be the devil’s own job since everything literally went

on behind the pink haired woman’s back. And Cruje’s “mmmff’s” were less than helpful most of the


Honestly, I know she’s an impatient one, but she could at least TRY to make UP and DOWN sound

different! The pinkette thought, slowly losing her mind at always scraping past the metal rod, barely

missing her target more times than she could count.

But Agnes’ frustration was nothing compared to Cruje’s who was slowly feeling like she would soon

boil from the inside if that dumb pink haired ditzy airhead above her messed up even one more time!

Eventually though, the ring connected!

“MMMNN (PULL)!!” Cruje cried out with all her might, but the pinkette had already begun of her

own accord, lunging forward as far as she could to create slack in the latex-like gag mask.

“Mmmnffff!!” The pink haired girl grunted as she reached forward with all her might, spurred on by

every inch she could feel the mask stretch even though the material was pulling back so hard now

she feared being knocked of her broom.

Just a little bit further… Agnes thought determined, until finally she felt enough room to slip out of

the mask. Three. Two. One…. Now! She counted off before making a dive downwards at full speed,

making the mask slip right over her head and remain hanging from the telephone pole.

“Success!!” The pinkette cried out relieved, feeling so giddy she wanted to make a few loop-deeloops.

But this wasn’t the time, something Cruje made abundantly clear by her own muffled grunting

at the pinkette to get a move on and free her!

With her voice returned, the pink haired magical girl soon found a chant capable of deconstructing

the intricate restraints Bulga had forced her in, and after stretching a minute or two –under loud

protest from her blue haired rival for ‘taking her sweet time’-, Agnes finally returned to Cruje’s side

to keep up her end of the deal.

However after several failed attempts, the pinkette sighed heavily. She’s nog going to like this…

“Cruje, I can’t remove these bindings.”


“Bulga created these whilst already wearing the managerial ring. Now that I don’t have it, I can’t

seem to dispel these restraints. I’ve tried everything, but they won’t budge.”

The blue haired girl’s eyes flared up.

“Mmmnfmm nnmm mmrnn!!” She began grunting, yanking her arms so wildly inside of the dark

purple armbinder she had begun swinging around again, almost knocking heads with Agnes.

“Cruje, calm down!” The older girl pleaded. “I can’t take these things off of you, but I can at least

untangle you from the pole, help you sit on your broom again.”

“Hmmmrrr!!” The bluenette shrieked, all the more furious at Agnes’ paltry concession.

But despite her muffled protests and obvious anger, Cruje remained still for a moment to let Agnes

sit her down on her broom the right side up. She had to clench her trusty transport quite tightly with

her thighs, since her arms were still useless. But so long as she didn’t make any abrupt turns, she’d

be able to manage.

“We need to get back the ring!” Agnes said determined and with a look more fierce than Cruje was

used to. “It’s the key to solving both our problems: me getting back the town and you getting out.”

“mmm? (how?)”

“How?” The pinkette repeated, mostly because she wasn’t sure that’s what Cruje had asked in the

first place. “I’m… not sure.”

“mm mmffmn mmm mmrmm mmm mmff mmfnmd (then keep on working on my restraints!)” The

bluenette commanded, though the mere look on Agnes’ face told her she hadn’t understood a single


“We need to work together. If you distract her, maybe I can sneak up on her.”

But Cruje glared at her rival. Use me as bait?! ME?! Not in a million years!

“Mmn mmm!!” She shook her head angrily.

“Then maybe if we both attack her at once?” The pinkette offered.

“mmrrr!!” Like I can do anything in this ridiculous state! Use your head Agnes!

“Okay, so you don’t like that plan either.” The pink haired magical girl sighed. “I don’t know what

other options we have… We could contact Realm and ask her to call back Bulga, I’m sure she’s here

without their permission.”

Now Cruje began grunting and thrashing wilder than ever. She wasn’t about to let any of this

humiliating predicament get to light! No, Realm had to remain out of the loop until this issue was


“You keep shooting down everything I say!” Agnes said offended. “We have to do something!

But Cruje had stopped listening. Nothing she will come up with is likely to outsmart Bulga anyways.

I’ll retreat to my own room and work on a method of getting these infernal bindings off of me!

“Cruje, wait! We need to work together to get through this!” Agnes pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears

as the blue haired captive slowly flew further away.

“Oh no, what do I do now?!” Agnes thought flustered. She wasn’t at all confident she would be able

to overpower Bulga, especially not now that the green haired girl was wearing her managerial ring!

But sitting on her broom moping wouldn’t solve this disaster either. And every second she wasted,

Bulga turned more of her precious town into something unrecognisable!

Driven by her desire to protect the village her mother cherished so much, the pink haired woman

gathered up all her courage, and set out to confront the young witch once again.

Whilst in the middle of transforming a large park into a supermarket complex, Bulga suddenly felt

magic power flying in her direction. She turned to spot who’s it was, and to her surprise she

recognised it to be Agnes. Completely free again.

“You got out? Impressive. You’re more resourceful than I gave you credit for.”

“Give back the ring Bulga!”


“Please! This town is important to me! Let me take care of it for a little while longer.”

“Then try and take it from me why don’t ya?” The greenette taunted, flinging another spell meant to

gag the pinkette.

But Agnes had been prepared, and swiftly dodge the purple surge.

But that was about all the young woman was able to do. With her ring lost to Bulga, the magical girl

was at an obvious disadvantage. Whatever chant or spell she used, the green haired girl parried it

easily, whilst it took Agnes everything she had just to avoid being struck by all the attacks (real and

illusionary) coming her way. And any really powerful magic took her too much time to chant the

spell, since she was on the move almost all the time.

“I suppose I should tell you I’m still playing around!” Bulga boasted. “I’m just getting used to what I

can do now with this ring on, but I’ve still got you completely outpaced!”

The green haired girl then cast a spell to levitated several grey trashcans, which removed their lids

and flew towards the pinkette with their gaping mouths as if wanting to swallow her whole.

“Bulga! Stop this!” Agnes pleaded as she zoomed around to stay ahead of the metal containers.

But the witch didn’t listen, rather she was laughing so heartily at the comical scene before her, her

sides were aching. However the lack of concentration made the trashcans lose control, and as they

barged into one another they came crashing down into the street below, dented and ripped due to

the force of the impact.

“Tsk. Guess I’ll need to start paying more attention, wouldn’t want to make the same mistake Cruje

did back then…”

“No you wouldn’t!” Suddenly came from behind her. Agnes had used the distraction to sneak up

behind Bulga and prepare a powerful sleep spell, meant to knock out the green haired witch.

The more powerful the magic, the more intricate the chant to summon it. In a really heated duel a

spell like Agnes’ was extremely difficult to perform. But she’d counted on Bulga’s overconfidence for

her to drop the ball, and had patiently waited for her chance. And now it was here!

“…Release!” Was the last word in Agnes’ long magical rite, making something which seemed like a

large pink cloud materialized above Bulga and slowly descended upon her.

“What?! No!” Bulga screamed, immediately diving down as fast as she could to get some distance

and keep the cloud at bay until it dissipated.

However the speed at which she had to keep soaring made her newly donned short skirt flutter

about, and the wind brushing up against her bare chest and legs felt awfully unnerving to the young

witch. She could feel her cheeks reddening and her heart thumping at the mere thought of any of the

residents seeing her.

How do these girls go around in public wearing this?! Soon as I get home I’m working on a costume to

replace this shameless outfit!

But Bulga endured, and though Agnes did her best to slow down her opponent and let her ace in the

hole catch up to her, the greenette managed to hold on long enough for her sleeping spell to lose its


“Good try!” Bulga yelled from high up in the air, hovering calmly again now that she was in the clear.

“But I’m afraid you still fell short. Allow me to show you how it’s done!”

And immediately, almost two dozen purple orbs emanated from her umbrella, charging at Agnes at

full speed.

The pink haired girl’s eyes widened, and she instantly started shooting down all of the spells while

backing away. But in the end there were too many, and the last one struck her hand before she could

take it out. The purple orb engulfed her right hand completely, and the force of its charge pulled the

pinkette along on her broom to slam her into a large tree behind her, clinging to its bark to keep her

hand trapped inside and Agnes herself leashed to the tree.

“No!” She yelled panicked as she yanked with all her might to get her hand out of the sticky feeling

glowing orb, but it held its ground perfectly. This isn’t good! I’m stuck again!

“Hihihihi, that definitely is the best look for you!” Bulga taunted as she gathered her magic, planning

to settle this fight, and do it with style!”

“Since you managed to wriggle your way out of your last detainment, I’m thinking this time I’ll go for

the full-body mummification! Hope you like purple!” The green haired girl chuckled as she

surrounded herself in floating orbs, summoning more and more over time.

“Mmrrrgg! Come off!” Agnes moaned, focusing her own magic and using her wand to start dissolving

the binding orb. But it was taking too long, and she feared hearing the triumphant cry of Bulga

releasing her spell with each passing second. Come on… faster! She begged in her mind.

But luckily for the pink haired magical girl, Bulga’s overconfidence came to her rescue. She wanted to

create as much of an impact as possible, not only settling for the orbs, but adding some snaking

ribbons the likes of which captured Cruje amongst the many orbs, and even a purple cloud similar to

the spell Agnes herself had used.

But because of the witch increasing the scale of her magic to such exuberant proportions, she was

also starting to have difficulty keeping all of it under control. The more binding magic she summoned,

the slower it materialized. And with her not wanting to settle for anything less than an overwhelming

victory, she stubbornly kept on chanting more spells whilst Agnes worked away on her escape.

And those valuable seconds allowed for Agnes to fully destroy the small glowing orb keeping her

pinned to the tree, after which she immediately rose up into the air to reach Bulga’s altitude, and an

area where she could fly as fast and wide as she wanted… Because by the looks of the smorgasbord

of magic surrounding her witch opponent, she was going to need all the room she could get!

As Agnes flew up in the air, Bulga merely shrugged, not at all daunted. “So you got out! Big deal!

There’s no way you’re escaping from this assault anyway! Say goodbye Agnes, this town has a new-

AH!” She began to boast, but then something small but fast approached her from behind.

The origin: a small magic item controlled by none other than a still bound and gagged Cruje!

The blue haired girl might have told Agnes she didn’t need her help, but she was no fool. She knew

she would need to do something to catch Bulga off guard. And what better way than to have her

distracted by the one person she knew would catch the witch’s eye more than herself?

So, while Agnes had been making her way over to Bulga for a direct confrontation, the bluenette had

travelled back to her room and searched it for a small magic item which would activate by simply

releasing some of her own power. The item in question held the shape of a beautiful bright blue

gemstone, and it could be controlled by use of one’s mind alone, making it incredible versatile. The

cost for this was that the little gem boasted extremely low attack power, in fact it wasn’t fit at all for

offense, more to serve as a distraction.

But Cruje didn’t need a whole lot of power for her plan to work, instead she had patiently waited in

the shadows, hiding her presence and carefully watching the fight until Bulga would line up her

finishing move – of which she knew it would be a big one-. Then, when her rival for the ring would

least expect it, she sent out the gem to hit her in the back of her neck. The blue haired magical girl

knew this wouldn’t knock her out, but she had counted on it surprising Bulga enough for her to lose

control of her own spells.

However Cruje’s plan hadn’t exactly turned out as she’d hoped. Because her small magic crystal

seemed to have bounced off almost a foot before even making contact with Bulga. The reason for

that was a mirror barrier the greenette had set up around herself. The young witch had always

expected her rival to try a combined attack with Agnes, and therefore planned ahead by using her

newly developed powers to create an invisible shield to catch any attacks she couldn’t see coming.

And it had served her well!

“Nice try, Cruje! I didn’t think you’d have the courage to take me on again after being so thoroughly

beaten! But perhaps it was my fault for being too lenient!” Bulga mocked.

“Mrrr!” Was all that came back.

“I guess you need a more permanent gag, something to truly make you learn your place! I suppose

one or two more orbs won’t do any ha-mmppffff!!!” The green haired witch tried to threatened,

only to be cut off by one of her many frolicking orbs plastering itself over her face!

What? How did- “MMMMNNNNN??!!!” The young girl began to think, only to have her blood freeze

by what she saw after turning to her armada of binding spells:

All of her orbs had begun buzzing around furiously, completely out of control!

And to make matters worse, a few of them had started coming for her!

“Mmrnss (Release)!” The greenette moaned through her gag, trying to make it come off. When that

didn’t work, she began chanting the counter spell to disintegrate all of her orbs, figuring it was better

to arrive at a stalemate between her two foes and herself than having to fight of both them and her

own magic.

But before she could even wrestle her first word past the gag, a second orb struck her neck,

spreading upwards and fusing with the first whilst a third landed right on top of the first for a tight,

triple layered mask-gag keeping in every sound she tried to utter!

Once the purple material had settled into place, it became so tight it matched the contours of her

face perfectly, and so dense she couldn’t budge her jaw in the slightest anymore!

No! This can’t be happening, I can’t stop it!!

“mmfnn mmrmn mnffmm!!” The green haired witch screamed loudly, trying in vain to call off her

magic as it began snaking around her body, wrapping up her arms legs and chest before tightly fusing

with her body like it had done to Cruje.

Bulga never stopped thrashing around for the entire time she was being tied up, but no matter how

hard she pulled or how much she strained her limbs, the latex-like material was too strong for her to

tear and the magic conducting it wouldn’t back down for anything other than the releasing chant.

The young witch began crying in anger and frustration as she felt all her efforts were rendered for

naught by that single instant of carelessness, when Cruje struck her from behind to have her own

magic turned against her! The green haired girl had never once stopped to think she too could fall in

the same trap of overconfidence that defeated had the bluenette before her. And having to face that

she’d done exactly that was stinging the most of all.

…That, and having her body put on such an extravagant display in her skin tight leotard and mini-mini


Because the position the bindings had forced her in wasn’t exactly a modest one:

Her wrists had been brought together behind her back and pinned down in between her shoulder

blades for a strict and unforgiving reverse prayer. Her ankles had been crossed and her legs had been

bent double and kept that way by means of thick latex bands forcing them in their frog tie positions.

After her limbs had been restrained, all of the latex had started pulling towards each other as though

magnetic, forcing Bulga’s upper legs flat against her stomach, serving to push up a her chest little

more and putting her medium sized bust on even more of a display.

“mmnnnfff!” The green haired witch wailed as she fluttered her fingers and wriggled her feet, but

failed to move anything else in between as she slowly descended and finally landed on a soft patch of

grass. I can’t… move! God this is so tight! And embarrassing! And FRUSTRATING! UNDO ALL THIS

NOOOW! She screamed internally, looking up at the sky to see both Cruje and Agnes slowly

approaching her.

Desperate to turn things around, Bulga settled for one last massive outburst, trying to summon her

manipulation magic to make these purple bands release her. But for some reason, the latex-like

material didn’t obey her commands.

Is it because I summoned it by using the managerial ring? The combination of magical girl and

witch?... Don’t tell me this stuff is impervious to my witch-based magical powers?!

“Uuumpfff!!” The greenette groaned, trying to make her restraints budge once more. But they

continued to cling tightly to her body, forcing it to remain lying in its compact and helpless positions.

The young witch shrieked as loud as she could – which incidentally wasn’t that loud at all- to vent her

rage, as of now she truly had ran out of options. She glared up at Cruje, who despite her own

predicament was clearly gloating at her.

“Not so fun when you’re on the receiving end, is it?” The blue haired magical girl taunted.

“mmrrr!” Bulga growled back defiantly.

“Go ahead, grunt as much as you want, it won’t help you.” Cruje mocked. Believe me, I know.

“Mmmrnnn!!” The greenette moaned, rolling along the grass to get away from her rival.

“Ah ah aaaah!” The bluenette tutted. “You’re not going anywhere before I’ve had my payback!”

“Mnnnn!!” Bulga wailed, turning to Agnes and hoping the more mature woman would stop Cruje

from getting revenge.

But sadly for her, even if Agnes had intended to intervene, the pinkette was fairly certain that no

matter what she said or did, Cruje wouldn’t be swayed.

“So for starters, how about I hang you upside down like you did to me?” The bluenette gloated,

summoning a bright blue ribbon of her own to snake its way around the witch’s ankles and hoist her

into the air.

“Mmmnnnnn!!” Bulga shrieked as she was hurled off the ground at disorienting speeds, leaving her

heading spinning long after she’s been hung from a nearby tree branch.

“Hihihihi! I’m starting to understand the allure of this! No wonder you seemed so satisfied, I can’t

stop laughing either, you look so silly Bulga!” Cruje taunted.

“MMMMRRNNNNGGG!!” The green haired witch glared, thrashing around wildly and making her

pigtails dance around her head, wanting to whip the bluenette with them.

“Ah ah aaaahn!” Cruje retorted, grabbing hold of one of the two tails and pulling it hard enough to

make Bulga sway from her spot.

“Mmmnn!!” Bulga whimpered in pain.

“Serves you right.” The bluenette said before releasing the pigtail, giving the bound and gagged witch

a bit of a shove as well to send her spinning a little.

“MMN MM MMMNN (LET ME GOOOO)!!!” She demanded furiously, cursing heavily at both Cruje

and herself for this entire mess she was in.

“What was that? I’m afraid I didn’t understand a single word.” Cruje taunted her captive again.

Seriously, I didn’t understand anything! Was that how I sounded to Agnes, I thought she was pulling

my tail saying she couldn’t understand me. But this stuff really muffles you perfectly! Gosh am I glad

to be out of it!

And what better way to celebrate than to humiliate her now vanquished rival some more?

No matter how hard she begged, Cruje continuously kept poking and tickling the green haired witch

until tears from frustration were running down her cheeks. And she would’ve kept going if Agnes

hadn’t finally taken pity on poor Bulga and called her fellow magical girl off.

“Cruje! That’s enough now, I think she’s learned her lesson.”

“Hmpff. I guess you’re right, I was getting bored anyways.” The blue haired girl admitted. “Let me

just add one last touch of my own to her predicament, and then we’ll send her off to Realm again.”

“HMMRR??!” Bulga grunted shocked. They were going to send her back like this?! She’d never live

that down!



But the bluenette didn’t even try to understand as she summoned one of her own binding orbs,

guiding it to spread out over Bulga’s eyes for a perfectly moulded blindfold.

“MMMMNNN (NOOOO)!!” The witch cried out in despair. This can’t be happening?! They’ll send me

to Realm helpless like this? BLINDFOLDED?! I don’t like the dark!

Her panic taking over, Bulga began kicking and thrashing around as wildly as her tight constraints

allowed, desperate to find a way out of this horrible situation Cruje and Agnes were apparently

planning to force her to endure for hours on a flight back to Realm.

But no matter what she tried, magic or ordinary, nothing seemed to work.

And so the young witch was carefully and cosily hidden in a wooden crate with cushions and velvet

lining, which was then shipped off by plane for a three hour flight to Realm. Cruje had contacted

someone in the capital to retrieve Bulga, saying the green haired witch had failed in what she’d set

out to do, thus proving she was the only person fit to take over the town Agnes was clinging to so


…She had however neglected to mention which state Bulga would be arriving in, figuring the surprise

would only make the story spread faster and wider.

After the pink and blue haired duo exited the airport again, the older of the two young women

turned to her rival.

“So, now what?” Agnes asked Cruje, already preparing herself for a second round of magical combat.

“Nothing.” The bluenette said, reverting to her ordinary form. “I’m going home.”

“You’re… what?!” The pinkette said, utterly surprised.

"I wanted to get back at Bulga for humiliating me. Getting the managerial ring and becoming

caretaker of this village is a whole different matter. I don't want to claim the seat like this, with you

exhausted from the aftermath of a long uphill battle to get the ring back from another rival.” The

bluenette admitted, upset at having needed help from Agnes a second time.

But the pinkette didn’t mind, and welcomed the bluenette’s temporary change of heart heartily. “If

that is what you feel is right, then I’ll respect your wishes… You’ve become more mature as a result

of this ordeal I believe.”

The younger of the two girls blushed bright red. “S-Shut up you hag!” She said, trying to hide she

actually felt a little good about the compliment. “I’m not saying I’ll leave you alone you know!

Tomorrow, tomorrow I'll start again in earnest. So don’t get to attached to that ring again, I will

prove once and for all that I am superior to you. It’s just that that can only be done by beating you at

your top!" The bluenette said with a faint blush before bolting for her own apartment.


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