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It was just as boisterous and cheerful as always in Fairy Tail’s guild hall. Mirajane was tending the bar whilst Kinana made her way between the tables and benches to serve people their orders.

The demon takeover mage had just finished washing a set of pints when a courier walked up to her.

“Good afternoon sir, what can I get you?” The kind white haired girl asked with her charming smile.

But the man waved the offer away. “No thanks young lady, I need to get back to my rounds straight away. I just stopped by to deliver this: A quest directed at specific Fairy Tail members.”

“Really now? Who might they be?”

The man shrugged. “Don’t know, I just deliver the letter.”

“Fair enough.” The S-class mage said as she took hold of the envelope. “I’ll take a look later and notify them as soon as they check into the guild hall.”

“Please do little lady. Well, I’ve gotta get back on the road.”

Mira gave the middle aged man a bright smile. “Feel free to stop by after your shift is over, your first round’ll be on the house.” She winked at him.

The postman chuckled. “Now how could I pass up an offer like that from a cute girl like you? Have a nice day!”

“Likewise!” The part-time barmaid chimed as the courier headed out the door.

Mira opened up the letter to check out the details of the quests and the people it was addressed to.

Personal quest: Magnolia’s resident mage guild - Fairy Tail.

Mages requested: Erza Scarlet & Mirajane Strauss

“Erza and me?!” The white haired mage exclaimed surprised. “That’s a combination you don’t see very often!”

“With good reason.” Gray suddenly interjected, wearing nothing but his dark blue boxers. “The two of you together are enough to level a large city.”

“Oh please, we hardly get up to that much mischief!” Mira giggled.

“Maybe not anymore, but you two were quite a handful in your younger years.” Makarov countered. “What are you holding, Mira?”

“Oh, Master! It’s a personal quest. Someone is asking for both Erza and myself to assist them.”

The tiny mage’s eyes widened “You and Erza?! That’s a combination you don’t see very often!”

“I know.” The S-class mage replied. “I was just saying the same thing.”

“So what’s it for?” The ice maker mage asked. “If it requires two S-class mages, the client must be pretty desperate. What could require that much power?”

The white haired mage continued reading the rest of the letter.

“Its… a photoshoot.”

“Haaah?!” Both Makarov and Gray exclaimed.

“That’s what they want me and Erza to do. ‘Sense’, a famous magazine very popular with the non-magic community, is planning to make magic and mages more well-known with the normal populace.” Mira explained. “That’s why they turned to Fairy Tail: The winner of the most recent Grand Magic games, who gained fame basically overnight.”

“And since you and Erza are two of the most well-known mages in Fairy Tail, they turned to you.”

“I suppose.” Mira replied. “Though they might be banking on my experience with gravure shoots to work to their advantage as well.”

“So do you know of this ‘Sense’?” Makarov asked.

“I do actually. Since its not directed at magic users I never got an invite for a shoot before, but there’s no denying the magazine has a large reach. In terms of reader count, it could rival the Weekly Sorcerer!”

“That popular huh?” The octogenarian replied. “Well I suppose it’s up to you and Erza if you’ll accept this.”

“Accept what?” Suddenly came from behind. Erza had returned from another S-class quest.

“Welcome back Erza, how did it go?” Mira welcomed her friend and rival.

“The quest was a success. The client ensured me he’d recommend Fairy Tail to many of his business partners. He didn’t even seem too upset about the partial destruction of the nearby forest.”

Makarov’s jaw dropped. “D-De-Destructiooooon.” He said with a faint voice.

“I’m sorry master. The creature proved to be a worthy foe. I had to go all out for a split-second, and that’s when I ended up leaving a crater…”

The old mage sighed. “I suppose I’ll prepare myself for another earful from the council then.” He said before slumping and heading upstairs.

The red haired girl then turned to Mira again. “So what were you talking about just now?”

“Oh, that’s right! A quest just came in, its requesting us two specifically.”

“You and me?! That’s a combination you don’t see very often.”

Mira chuckled. “Tell me about it. So, are you up for it.”

The swordswoman smiled calmly. “How about you tell me what ‘it’ is first?”

As the demon takeover mage explained the nature of the quest, Erza’s smile transformed into a startled gaze.

“A photoshoot?! They want us to pose for the camera?”

“Why not? It’s quite a lot of fun you know.”

“B-But I don’t know the first thing about modelling!”

“You’ll be fine!” Mira said confidently. “For a magazine that size, the cameraman is always very professional. The whole crew is actually. And The quality of the shoot and pictures is pretty much guaranteed as well.”

“I don’t know…” Erza said hesitantly. This wasn’t at all the type of quest she was used to doing.

Her rival noticed, and grinned at the redhead. “Don’t tell me your scared at getting your picture taken?” She teased.

“NO! It’s not that. It’s just-“

“Just what?” The white haired girl pressed on.

Erza frowned. She’s not backing down on this, is she? And if Mira is up for it, then it’ll be my fault if we turn down the quest… That’s not going to happen!

“Nothing, I’ll take the quest.” The redhead said determined.

“Wonderful! Trust me Erza, we’re going to have so much fun!”


The requipping mage then retreated to her room on Fairy Hills and began mentally preparing herself for one of the weirdest assignments she’d ever accepted.

“I can’t believe let myself be talked into this. Those photos are going to appear all over Fiore, aren’t they? What if they don’t turn out well? What about my stature as an S-class mage… What if Jellal sees them?!”

Mira handled the whole thing a lot more stoically, simply returning to work without missing a beat. It’s been a while since I modelled. She thought nostalgically.

[Three days later, in a large resort off the coast of Fiore]

“This place is massive!” Erza said amazed. “Did they really rent the entire premises just for this shoot?”

“Of course! This pictures will appear in a greatly anticipated photo spread after all. The last thing you want as a publisher is for someone else to get your scoop! So naturally they’d ban access to anyone not working for the magazine.”

“That’s exactly right!” A man with thin spectacles said as he walked towards the two mages from the entrance. “Good morning ladies, I’ll be directing this photoshoot for today. My name is Lavarre. Let me start by thanking you for accepting this quest my editor put up.”

“That’s quite all right.” Mira replied cheerfully. “Fairy Tail takes on all challenges, no matter what their nature, right Erza?”

The redhead smirked. “Of course. There isn’t a challenge too big for us.”

“Wonderful! You two are as impressive as they say! Especially you Mirajane, those photos from the weekly sorcerer all those years ago don’t do you justice at all! And you don’t look even a day older!”

“That’s a long story.” The white haired girl replied cheekily.

“One that’ll have to wait for another time.” Erza pitched in. “Shouldn’t we get started?”

“Right you are! Daylight’s wasting!” The tall, slender man said enthusiastically. “Follow me to the swimming pool.”

“Swimming pool?” Erza repeated confused.

“Oh, didn’t I tell you?” Mira suddenly said. “They’ll be shooting pictures of us in swimwear.”

“They’ll WHAT?!” The swordswoman shrieked. “NO, you didn’t tell me that!”

“Oops.” Mira chuckled.

She’s doing this on purpose, isn’t she? Erza realized as she glared at her fellow S-class mage. I’ll get you back for this Mira, mark my words.

The two young women then followed the director to the changing rooms, where they were told to pick their first swimsuits and report at the make-up stalls that had been set up nearby the swimming pool and sunbathing lawn.

Mirajane almost immediately found her first outfit:

It was a black piece of swimwear consisting out of a black top and pants, but with an added band of fabric running from the right hip to the left breast, connecting both parts of the swimsuit by running diagonally across the belly. A similar streak ran from above the left breast over the left shoulder and down the back to connect to the bra again.

All in all, it still showed quite a bit of skin, and did wonders to outline the wearer’s figure.

“This one looks adorable! I’m going with this for my first few pics.”

“We’ll be wearing multiple swimsuits?” Erza said surprised.

“Of course! A regular shoot takes up more than half a day, and they’ll be taking enough pictures to cover the guild building.”

That many?!”  

“Yes, but lots of duplicates. They then select the top 30-or-so for the short list, out of which about a dozen actually get printed.

“So there’s a lot of work for nothing?”

“Don’t say it like that. This’ll be fun!” The white haired girl said cheerfully. “I’m going to go change, don’t take too long picking out your first swimsuit…”

Erza turned her attention back to the clothes rack.

All of these are so flashy! I like my own bikinis better to be honest.

It took the requipping mage a few minutes, but eventually she settled on an outfit

It was basically a white one-piece swimsuit, except with a V-neck running all the way down to below the breasts, leaving the wearer with considerable cleavage exposing the centre half of their breasts. Along the edge of the cleavage there were also small shiny glass beads embedded, livening up the outfit and drawing even more attention to the wearer’s chest.

“This is still too flashy to be appear in front of a camera with, but at least I’m covered up more than with a bikini…”

After both girls changed and stopped by for a dash of make-up, Erza and Mira headed out to the swimming pool. There had already been lighting rigs set up, and the cameraman was checking his equipment as the two approached. And several other men were walking about with equipment or working security.

“Hi there, I’m Hans. I’ll be your cameraman for today.” The young, muscular man with clean cut brown hair said.

“Hello Hans. I’m Mirajane, you can call me Mira.”

“And my name’s Erza.”

“Mira-san and Erza-san.” He repeated. “Of course I know who you two are. I might not practice magic, but anyone in the magazine trade knows of Fairy Tail, most of all their figureheads.”

“Hihi. I’m flattered.” The demon takeover mage said with a playful wink.

The brown haired cameraman whistled. “I can see why you appeared in all those gravure shoots. You’ll be a real treat to shoot.”

He then turned to Erza. “Though it’s not like your friend has anything less to offer. Both of you are truly stunning beauties.”

The redhead couldn’t help but blush a little. “Thank you.” She said, a lot less confident than she usually was.

The built man noticed. “Oh? Could it be you’re a little nervous?”

“Erza isn’t used to this type of work. Her quests involve more… heavy lifting.”

“I’ve heard.” The tall guy said with a grin. “Both of you are pretty infamous for your strength. Guess I’ll need to make sure I behave today.” He joked.

“Please do. This is such a lovely resort; I’d hate for it to be torn down.” Mira said in her calm as ever tone, with her trademark smile. But somehow it seemed as though she was completely serious.

The cameraman’s eyes widened. These two really are as scary as the rumours say…

Suddenly, the sound of a throat clearing could be heard from behind. “Hrm hrm. How about we get started?” Lavarre said from out of nowhere, adjusting his glasses on his nose. “You’ll have plenty of time to get acquainted during the shoot, Hans.”

“O-Of course Boss.” The muscular cameraman said hastily, grabbing his gear.

“So, who’s up first?” He asked.

“I’ll start things off!” Mirajane immediately replied. She thought it best to give Erza a bit of a demonstration first, to give her something to mimic when her turn came around.

Almost immediately, the experienced swimsuit model began striking pose after pose. Every stance she took seemed to show off her magnificent curves and the swimsuit she was wearing to their full potential.

And Erza just stood there in awe.

I’d never seen Mira at work like this. Given by her popularity, I had always assumed she was good. But this… It’s like it’s second nature to her!

Before the swordswoman had realized, the photographer had already caught over a dozen printable shots.

“Erza! It’s your turn!” Mira yelled cheerfully as she walked away from the spotlights and towards the redhead.

“Huh? What? S-So soon?” She stammered. I’m not ready yet! I can’t do… that!

The white haired girl spotted her friend’s nervousness.

“Relax Erza. Just move around naturally, let the cameraman do his work. Don’t overthink it.” She advised the redhead, before nudging her towards Hans.

“You ready?” The tanned photographer asked cheerfully.

“Y-Yes.” Erza replied as she walked out in front of him.

What was that first stance Mira took. Was something like this?

The swordswoman bent over slightly, thrusting out her butt a little and resting her hands on her knees whilst slightly squeezing her breasts with her upper arms.

When Mira had done it, the pose had accentuated all her features perfectly. But for Erza, the whole image gave her an air of discomfort. Her smile was anything but natural too.

“Hang on, Erza-san.” Hans said calmly. “Don’t force yourself into doing things you don’t like. You don’t have to behave like Mira did, just act natural.”


“Yeah. Stand however you feel like standing. That’ll make for the best pictures. You don’t have to pose to make yourself look good. You’ve got a knockout body to do that for you.”

Erza began blushing as she stood upright again, folding her arms underneath her breasts. K-Knockout body?! No-one’s ever put it quite like that before. She thought as she gazed at the tiled floor for a moment, trying to avoid the lens peering at her.

*Click Click*

The sound of the shutter made the requipping mage wake up from her daze.

“There we go, first shot I take and it’s already a winner!” Hans commended. “You looked insanely cute just now.”

“You really did Erza. I’ve never seen you look like that!” Mirajane teased from the sidelines.

Erza’s blush now turned a vivid crimson. “W-Well this is my first time doing a photoshoot!” She defended.

“And you’re doing great.” Hans interjected. “Let’s move on. Like I said: Act natural.”

“So, like this?” Erza asked as she put her hands on her hips, looking right at the camera now.

The dark shiny lens was still a bit off-putting, but Mira helped out a great deal by shouting out helpful comments, giving the redhead had something to distract herself with.

In the end Erza never truly got relaxed in front of the camera, hindering her from acting her usual confident and strong self. But as time went on, the nervousness subsided and she gradually got into it.

The shoot continued, and though Hans had to work a little bit harder this time around, he soon had several publishable pictures of the red haired S-class mage as well.

“Time for a wardrobe change I’d say.” The director suddenly said, having once again showed up seemingly out of nowhere. Mirajane had noticed the man pacing around the set, giving instructions to all of the other crewmembers. He had a rather stern look on his face most of the time, but always greeted Mira’s gaze with a smile. All in all, the white haired girl thought the man was handling his job superbly, given that the shoot was running smooth as silk.

“Good idea. I already had an eye on one for the second part anyways.” Mirajane said cheerfully, finishing her glass of iced tea and taking Erza along to the changing rooms.

The two soon returned to the set again.

Erza showed up in a more daring piece this time. Her bathing suit was a deep dark red, a colour which matched her scarlet hair perfectly.

The top was basically nothing more than a skimpy bra, with small perforations running along the top edge. The bottom was kept in place by knotting off strings either side of her hips, like a side-tie bikini.

But it wasn’t your usual bikini bottom at all. For starters here too there were four rows of small perforations running along the top, showing quite a lot of the wearer’s pelvis but not enough it’d become indecent. Then there was also a piece of fabric running from the panties along the belly all the way up to the bra. It started out the same width as the bottom part of the outfit, but by the time it reached Erza’s belly button it had already tapered down to a mere three inches, and it kept that width until it reached the bikini top.

And to top it off, that band of dark red fabric had been perforated as well, showing just as much skin as it covered up. The band did more to accentuate the wearer’s curves than it did covering up the body, something the designer had no doubt intended.

Mira had chosen a simpler design this time around: A standard thong bikini, although it did have a very busy print: All colours of the rainbow randomly scattered across the fabric, which only brought out her bright white hair all the more.

Hans whistled as the two came back on set. “Those look even better than the first outfits!”

“Thank you Hans.” Mira said happily. “How about we do a few shots together now?”

“You mean the two of us at the same time?” Erza asked.

“Yes. You don’t like the idea?”

“Actually, I think I’d enjoy that more than just standing in front of that guy by myself.” The redhead admitted.

“Deal!” The cameraman yelled. “How about you two take a dip in the pool as well in a minute? It’ll create some amazing effects I’m sure!”

So after a few shots, both S-class mages hopped into the pool. The wet look made their bodies shimmer in front of the camera, combined with the slight shine their now wet hair gave off it made the two look sexier than ever, almost as if not from this world.

Hans whistled. “I love my job.”

As the shoot continued, Mirajane gradually kept moving closer to Erza for each new set of pictures. Until finally the two were touching hips.

“Mira, you’re getting a bit close there.” The swordswoman pointed out.

“That’s the point.” The takeover mage replied, suddenly stepping behind Erza and pulling on her swimsuit to deepen her already impressive cleavage.

“Kya! What are you doing?!”

“Smiiile!” The white haired girl chuckled.

*Click click click*

“Wow, wow, WOW! You girls! We won’t be able to print pictures like these, we’ll get sued for printing publicly indecent material!” The cameraman joked.

“Should we stop?” Mira asked with a playful glint in her eyes, tugging at the strings of Erza’s side-tie swimsuit.

“Aaahh! Mira!” Erza yelped angrily, pulling down on her rival’s top as revenge, so hard as to almost expose her breasts.

The cameraman chuckled. “I didn’t say that….”

“Right then! These’ll next few will be just for the two of us, Erza.”

“What do you mean?” The redhead said flustered, still blushing from her friend’s attacks.

“Exactly what I said: A few pics of just the two of us having fun. We’ll keep the only copies, so you can decide for yourself who gets to see them.”

The demon takeover mage then bent towards her friend to whisper in her ear. “Even if it’s just one, special person.”

That made Erza’s cheeks flush. “That’s not what we’re here for…”

“But we might as well go ahead.” The white haired girl replied, wrapping her arms around her rival’s waist so they pushed up her breasts and enlarged her bust.

*Click Click*

“Hans! Don’t take pictures of this!” Erza protested.

“Don’t mind her Hans, she’ll come around.” Mira immediately cut in.

“Argh! You!” The redhead groaned, wrestling herself free and taking hold of Mira’s arms.

A small struggle ensued, with both girls ending up splashing quite a bit of water around, as well as causing a few very close ‘wardrobe malfunctions’.

And Hans took shots like his life depended on it…

“Okay you two, enough fooling around!” Suddenly came from the entrance. Lavarre had come back. “You too Hans, shame on you!”

The cameraman rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry boss, I got carried away.”

“I noticed. Now get back on track. I’d like to get a few more shots done to ensure we have enough material.” The bespectacled man then turned to both mages. “You girls up for another wardrobe change?”

“Sure. But can we maybe wear our own outfits for this one?” Mira offered.

“If they’re swimsuits, and they’re cute, I’m alright with that.” Lavarre replied.

So both Erza and Mira quickly retreated to put on their personal bathing suits.

Erza’s took only a flash to put on (literally), as she requipped into her gold bikini with black tribal marking on the right breast and pants.

Since Mira didn’t mind dressing like a normal person, she had actually taken along her dark blue bikini with miniskirt bottom, and quickly changed into that before returning before the lens.

The rest of the shoot flew by, with both Mirajane and even Erza strike pose after pose like genuine professionals. By the time Hans decided there was enough material to call it quits, the redhead had become so accustomed to the camera she was rivalling Mira in both the striking of poses and the giving out of sensual looks to the camera.

“Well done, Era! You’ve learned to be a professional model in less than a day! It took me several photoshoots to get that relaxed in front of the lens.”

“Well, what can I say? Given the fights our guild gets in, or rather I get in, I’m quite used to dealing with pressure. This was just a different kind so it took me a moment to get my bearings. But in the end its all about focusing on the job at hand.”

The demon takeover mage nodded approvingly. “Impressive as always.”

The red haired girl chuckled. “Although this time you outperformed me by miles.”

Whilst the crew cleaned up all of the equipment both mages retreated to freshen up. Lavarre had invited them to stay over for an after work dinner because he was so immensely pleased with their splendid performance. And since the bespectacled director had explained the party would take place right by the pool, and the entire resort complex had been hired for the whole day anyways, Erza and Mira both decided to keep on their swimsuits on.

When the two arrived back at the poolside, the distinct smell of a fire burning was filling the air.

“Hey there you two!” Hans said cheerfully. “You’re just in time, the fire’s finally hot enough to grill the meat and fish.”

“You’re having a barbecue?” Erza asked surprised.

“You bet! The perfect way to relax after a hard day’s work!” Lavarre replied. “Naturally you two will be our guests of honour, so grab a plate. Ricky, the lighting assistant, makes a mean chili sauce!”

A very tall and very burly man with an apron smiled from beside the barbecue. He was had just turned a massive T-bone stake and stirred the charcoal a little. His head was shaved, and he had dark brown skin. Combined with his huge body it made for a rather intimidating presence, but his boyish smile and cheerful wave at the pair of mages made up for a lot of that.

“We’d love to join in!” Mira said cheerfully.

“Indeed, if the food tastes as good as it smells, I can’t think of any reason to decline.” Erza added.

“That’s the spirit you girls!” Hans commended.

So both S-class mages sat down with the crew for dinner, eating their fill -and more- of the huge range of foods.

The two young mages were having so much fun eating and laughing with the crew, that they never really stopped to think the group was slowly getting larger, with quite a few faces not looking like they belonged with a photographer’s crew either.

It wasn’t until there were 8 people present which neither Erza nor Mira had seen even once over the course of the entire day, that the requipping mage turned to her guild member.

“Who are all these guys?” She muttered.

“You don’t know either? By their burly look I figured it must’ve been security. “But this many people would be a bit much even for a terrain this big.”

“I felt the same way.” Erza said before turning to Hans.

“Hey, Hans?”

“mmyee?” The tall brown haired man said as he swallowed his sausage.

“How come the crew’s so much larger now? We’ve only seen about 5 of these people over the course of the day, but there’s almost 15 men here now.”

“Well that’s because capturing two S-class mages with just 5 men would be suicide.”

Mira almost choked on her drink. “Excuse me? What did you just say?”

“I said that we figured over a dozen men should be enough to capture a pair of high class mages. At least after we’d taken away their magical power.” The cameraman said with an ominous smirk.

“Our what?!” Erza said shocked, instinctively trying to summon her basic armour to replace her current bikini. But nothing happened.

“Mira! Can you transform?”

But the white haired girl had already been trying and failing ever since Hans made his remark. “I can’t feel any magic power at all!” She glared at the crew. “What did you do to us?” She hissed.

“We? Nothing. It’s your own fault you no longer have access to your magic. You shouldn’t have eaten so much of the food…” The director said slyly, taking off his thin spectacles and rubbing his cleanly combed jet black hair into wilder do.

“The food and drink have been laced with a fast working poison.”

Erza and Mira shrunk back, their eyes wide.


Lavarre chuckled. “Don’t worry. It won’t kill you, heck it won’t even paralyze you or knock you out. In fact, for a normal human being the stuff isn’t harmful in any way.”

Hans now joined the explanation.

“For mages however, it calls up a temporary state of magic deficiency syndrome: Any mage ingesting enough of this drug, which comes from a rare herb that grows on along the borders of Fiore, will lose his or her magical ability and considerable amounts of their physical strength.”

“In other words, the perfect weapon for normal humans to trick and capture mages.” The spindly director finished, whilst the other burly men rose to their feet and steadily surrounded Erza and Mirajane.

“What is the meaning of all of this? Why call us out on this ‘quest’, for this photoshoot?” Erza demanded fiercely, trying to hide the fact her limbs were starting to shake.

“The quest? Well that was a hoax of course!” Lavarre replied mockingly. “A carefully prepared trap by my guild, the rowdy ravens!”

“Rowdy Ravens?” Mira repeated.

“I think I heard of them before.” Erza said. “They’re a dark guild. A small one, but they were up and coming. They had the potential to become a supporting guild for the Baram Alliance, before it fell apart.”

“Very astute, Erza-san.” Hans commended. “But with no more Alliance to support, we figured we might as well try and fill the void ourselves. And what better way to rise to fame than to capture two of Fairy Tail's figureheads, the very guild responsible for destroying the Baram Alliance!”

“So you invited us under the premise of a personal quest, all so you could draw us away from our Guild Members and trap us in an environment you completely controlled?” Mira reasoned.

“Correct again!” The fake director said calmly. “I see your ranks of S-class are well earned. It’s a good thing we took the precaution of disabling your magic, or this might have turned out pretty bad for us.”

“But I saw you all eat the food as well! You can’t use magic either!” Erza shouted angrily.

“That’s true, I mean we had to join in with the feast if we didn’t want to arouse any suspicion.” Lavarre admitted.

“Which is why we went through the trouble of hiring all these mercenaries for the ‘photoshoot’. They will be doing the heavy lifting here.” Hans explained, after which the large and muscular men began closing in on the red and white haired pair of young women.

Era and Mira immediately stood back to back, but saw no opening in their encirclement.

“You have a plan Erza?” The demon take-over mage asked nervously.

“We only need to take out one of them to break through. Hans and that shady director can’t use magic either, so if we can escape from these mercs and get out of the building, we should be home free.”

“Easier said than done.” The white haired girl said through gritted teeth. “I can’t seem to muster any strength, and these guys don’t look like pushovers either.”

“We take the one at my nine o’ clock.” The redhead said quietly. “Ready?”

Mirajane nodded.

“One. Two. THREE!”

Both young women charged at the same mercenary, managing to push him back enough for the two of them to make a break for it. On their way towards the edge of the lawn Erza grabbed a standing spot to use as a makeshift spear, and the two bolted towards the fence enclosing the open area of the resort.

But the men for hire were quick on their feet, and caught up with the mages before they made it halfway across.

Both Mira and Erza put up a valiant fight, but without their magic the two S-class magic stood no chance in a fight against that many opponents.

Mirajane was the first to be separated and wrestled to the ground by three of the men, leaving a fourth she recognized to be ‘Ricky the cook’ to easily start tying her up despite the white haired girl’s desperate thrashing and screaming.

Erza tried to get close to liberate her friend, but the swordswoman soon found herself disarmed and also forced onto the ground by no less than five of the bulky mercenaries, after which two immediately began coiling her tightly gripped limbs in rope.

Both mages were soon tied in identical positions: their arms behind their back in a box-tie which was connected to a strict chest harness wrapping their breasts in rope above, below and in between. The men had pulled those ropes so tight they were already cutting into their skin, even if they lied perfectly still. The pressure also served to slightly bulge up both Erza and Mirajane’s already large knockers, constricting the bloodflow ever so slightly and sending a faint throbbing through their tender mammaries.

Their legs had also been thoroughly tied together at the ankles, knees and thighs. And to top it off, the mercenaries had fitted each of the girls with a crotchrope just as tight as the chest harness, just for the fun of it.

One of the men then finished the job by locking a seal stone collar around each of the S-class mage’s necks; ensuring that even if the drug wore of earlier than planned, they would still remain helpless.

“Aargh! You fiends!” Erza grunted.

“Untie us right now!” Mirajane demanded.

“Like hell!” One of the men mocked the red and white haired duo, followed by boisterous laughs of all of his comrades as two men picked up the young mages and carried them off to their employers.


“What are you going to do with us?” Erza demanded to know.

“Nothing much.” The director replied evasively.

“We were thinking about continuing the photoshoot. “Hans teased, holding up his camera to take a few pictures of the now completely helpless mages.

The requipping mage’s eyes widened. “Don’t you dare!”

*Click click*

“Stop it!” Mirajane cried. “Let us go, or you’ll regret this day for the rest of your lives!”

But Lavarre began laughing. “Not a chance babe. This day marks our guild’s rise to power!”

“After we take you two back to our base, we’ll start by spreading this picture around. It’ll tarnish your reputation, and your guild’s.” The dark haired guild leader said.

“Not to mention provide us with the perfect shield against the rest of Fairy Tail.” Hans pointed out. “With you two as our hostages, we can pick of the rest of them one by one.”

NO! Erza thought panicked. That never! I won’t become a liability to the Guild! Not on my life!

The redhead began struggling fiercely, trying to break free from her ropes.

Her fellow S-class mage had begun doing the same, fidgeting around restlessly in an effort to create some slack or find a knot to undo.

But no matter how much they strained themselves or tried to wriggle out of their bindings, nothing worked. In the end all they managed to do was tire themselves out and hurt their bodies, as well as arouse them.

Hans chuckled. “I wish I had a video camera instead. A few minutes of footage like this could earn us thousands of Jewel!”

“B-Bastard.” Erza cursed with what little breath she had left. Both she and Mira had red faces from their exertions by now, and their bodies were bathed in sweat.

“They’re finally a bit more docile. I think it’s time to start preparing them.” The dark guild master suddenly declared.

“Prepare us for what?” The swordswoman glared at the raven haired man.

“The barbecue of course!” Hans replied, holding a long, thick steel rod with a turning handle on one end. “You didn’t think we lit that massive fire just to grill all that meat, did ya?”

Mirajane’s eyes shot open in peril. They couldn’t mean-

“You wouldn’t!” Erza protested, though her voice also betrayed her fear.

But both Hans and Lavarre ignored the two as they took hold of something. At first glance, the two S-class mages thought they were apples. But the shine of their skin betrayed it wasn’t real fruit.

“How do you like these rubber apples?” The guild leader asked with an evil grin, as her rubbed the bright green one in his hand against his vest to give it an even brighter shine.

“We figured you two would need a gag, and since you’ll be roasting pretty soon, these seemed to be the perfect fit.” Hans taunted as he squeezed the red one in his hand.

“Don’t you DARE put those in our mouths!” The requipping mage threatened, bucking up and down in an effort to kick at the cameraman, though he dodged her effortlessly.

“Go ahead and stop us, mighty Titania.” The fake director sneered as he shoved the apple into the redhead’s mouth, forcing her to sink her teeth in the rubber. He then quickly buckled a tiny belt around Erza’s head to pin the apple in place and keep her from spitting it out.

At the same time, Hans fitted the red one into Mirajane’s mouth, silencing the white haired girl as well.

“HMMMRRRRR!” Both young women growled with a nasty stare at their captors, but try as they might, they couldn’t force the apple gags out of their mouths. And even though the rubber had a little give so they could bite down on it, it still muffled the two quite perfectly.

“OO iii ae rr ii (you will pay for this)!” Erza cursed at the two dark guild mages.

But that just made the two men, and the mercs in the background laugh heartily yet again.

“It’s great you two are still so feisty, but I’d stop making such a fuss in a minute if I were you. You’ll regret it if we can’t properly connect you to this thing…” Hans warned as he picked up the long, thick steel rod again.

Despite both the red and white haired mages struggling fiercely, the group of mercs soon had them lined up back to back, so Hans could easily slot the bar in between the two and let his boss and several of the other goons for hire begin connecting their bonds to it.

Before Mira and Erza knew it, they were stuck back to back with the round steel pressing against their spines and parting their butt cheeks. The men had taken care to properly anchor the two mages to their rotisserie, connecting their chest harnesses, wrist bindings, crotchropes and ankle bonds for a full top-to-bottom connection to both each other and the rod.

Mirajane grunted in pain as the ugly goon tightened up her ropes even more, whilst Erza simply tried spitting at the two men taking care of her restraints. But the apples stifled both girls almost completely.

With the two friends secured, no less than four of the men for hire lifted the rotisserie off the grass, hoisting the demon take-over mage and the requipping mage right along with it.

“HMMRRRR!!” Erza groaned as the rod dug into her back and butt, being the one lying on top.

But that was dwarfed by Mirajane’s shriek in pain as gravity suddenly began pulling her full weight into all of her ropes, making them dig in so deep she actually started to struggle breath.

“Hiiiii!!” She yelped as her hands began twisting frantically in a desperate effort to grab the pole above her, hoping to pull herself towards it and lift some of the pressure. But her arms remained securely pinned in place, horizontally on top of one another with her fingers nowhere near the centrally aligned steel rod.

“Don’t worry my dear.” Lavarre said. “This is going to be a roast after all, your friend won’t remain ‘on top’ forever…”

As the two damsels were suspended above the smoldering remains of the barbecue fire, the fiendish mage’s words soon became clear, as the handle at one end was connected to a motor to very slowly spin it around.

“Hmmrrn?” Erza mouthed into her rubber apple as she slowly felt the rod beneath her revolve, making her list over to the right.

“HMMRRRR!!” The swordswoman yelled as it all came together for her.

The two of them were truly going to be spitroasted! Rotating over a low flame and everything!

“Ooo ikk aa-zzrd (You sick bastards)!” The red haired girl cursed.

“ee il aek oo ay orr izz (We will make you pay for this!)” Mirajane swore to their assailants, but most of all to the dark mages in charge.

But the two were utterly ignored as three of the goons approached holding a clay jar and a brush each.

What on earth are they going to do with those? Erza thought to herself, even though part of her rather never found out.

Having more experience with cooking and kitchen affairs, Mirajane was quicker on the uptake this time.

“Hmmmnnn!!” She wailed, shaking her head in protest as she eyed one of the brushes drenched in what she immediately recognised as marinade.

Despite the two S-class mages screaming and bucking wildly in protest, the hired men began basting both of them with that same sweet & spicy sauce Ricky had been so proud of (and had been absolutely delicious), causing their smooth skins to shine all over. The sauce was greasy and gooey, and because it began mixing with the sweat that had already been pearling across their half-naked bodies both young women began feeling deeply uncomfortable as the thick marinade soaked into their pores. But most of all; the two proud mages felt humiliated at being helpless to prevent themselves being coated and prepared for dinner like a pair of prize porkers!

The mercenaries took their sweet time covering every inch of the red and white haired duo’s impeccable bodies, taking extra care to brush their breasts and buns and even resorting to groping the bound and gagged damsels to ‘rub in the sauce’.

“Uuuhhhhmmnnn.” Erza grunted, trying desperately to get her body under control. The chest harness and crotchrope had been bad enough to sensitize her erogenous zones, now that these calice hands were fondling her mounds as well she could barely keep herself from groaning in pleasure.

Mirajane was enduring a similar torment, having closed her eyes to avoid looking the man having his way with her. But that only made her react all the more intensely to the unexpected fondling.

But the worst was yet to come, when two of the men moved towards the girls’ feet to start brushing their bare soles with the tiny hairs.

“IIIIII!!” Erza shrieked in shock, flinching so badly she actually displaced the rod slightly. However, that also made Mirajane moan in discomfort due to the redhead’s yanking only putting more pressure on her own bindings.

But barely a second after the first stroke of the swordswoman’s soles, another goon approached Mirajane’s.

“HII! MMRRRNN (NOOOO)!!!” The white haired girl pleaded. Her feet were terribly sensitive!

The man chuckled. “Looks like I found myself a sweet spot…” He mused before slathering both of the poor girl’s feet with his marinade, taking care to touch every inch with the countless tiny hairs.

“Hihihi! Aaahhh! Hahahahaaaa!!!!” The demon take-over mage laughed and cried hysterically, trying to pull her feet away and thrashing around so wildly that this time Erza was the one having difficulty breathing.

“I-aaa! Aalll oooww (Mira! Calm down!)” She pleaded. Her own body already was on the verge of erupting, the last thing she needed was all of those ropes rubbing her up!

Mercifully, the men soon stopped teasing the two S-class mages and returned to covering the rest of their lower bodies with the sauce. Mirajane was left panting heavily, tears streaming down her cheeks both from the laughing spree and from anger & frustration.

How did it come to this? She lamented. How did both Erza and me get snared into this horrible situation? And what is going to become of us?!

Erza meanwhile had begun formulating a plan of attack, an almost instinctive reaction for the battle-hardened girl. But no matter which angle she used, whatever scenario she played out in her mind, she couldn’t overcome the massive odds stacked against them:

Tied up back to back with her friend, not a single knot in reach or a rope with decent slack. Their magic sealed, and even their physical power considerably drained. Surrounded by highly skilled warriors and even two dark mages who’s magical power would no doubt return any minute…

I can’t think of anything that’s a surefire way out of here. Not with all this muscle around us. We’re just going to have to pray they’ll leave us unattended soon, that’s our only hope…

After what felt like an eternity, the three hired swords put down their brushes and stepped back to let their employers inspect the main dish.

“Hmm. Delicious!” Hans mocked as he bent over the two girls to have a sniff.

Erza glared at the cameraman, the look in her eyes so fierce it actually made the muscular man back off.

His leader chuckled. “They’re still feisty, aren’t they?”

“I would be disappointed if they weren’t, boss.”

“True. It makes all of the effort we put into trapping them that much more meaningful.” The fake director replied as he waited for Mirajane to be the one suspended on top, then let his tongue stroke the take-over mage’s thigh.

The white haired girl shivered at the feel of this fiend’s tongue brushing past her leg, and she instinctively tried to kick at him. But she was caught short by the ropes keeping her ankles firmly connected to the rod, leaving her helpless to fend off this blatant invasion of her privacy.

“Hmmm. You’re right! She is delicious! And the sauce is pretty good too.” The dark haired mage joked.

“MMRRRR!!” Erza growled at the guild leader in defence of her friend, even though that was about all she could do.

“How sweet, you two really are more close than the rumours would suggest.” The fake director taunted.

“Boss, we should be getting ready.” Hans suddenly intervened.

“Right. Take a few more snapshot of this delectable display, then we’ll be off.”

“Hrrm?” Mira and Erza grunted confused.

Be off?! Are they just going to leave us like this? The demon takeover mage thought.

What are they trying to accomplish with all of this? Her red haired friend thought.

The two dark mages spotted their captives’ confusion.

“What? Don’t tell me you’re disappointed at being left behind?”

The swordswoman glared at the guild leader.

“Good. Because we won’t be gone that long anyways. We just need to make a few preparations before we can transport the two of you to our base.”

Hans now stepped in. “Meanwhile, you two can hang here and work on your tan. We’re hoping the two of you will have learned to be docile and behave by the time we return. It’ll make our lives and yours so much easier.”

“Oow ouww oo id (Don’t count on it).” Erza growled defiantly.

Lavarre chuckled. “Looks like we made the right call leaving them in a predicament like this. Just tying them up wouldn’t nearly be enough to break their spirits.”

“It also helps that this is making them look hot as hell!” His right hand man remarked. “Man, our crew is going to worship you for hauling in a pair of toys as great as these.”

“That’s me, always looking out for my underlings!” The raven haired mage laughed. “But we really should be going now.”

At this point, the burliest of the mercenaries stepped forward.

“Ah, yes of course!” The director suddenly exclaimed. “You lot still need your payment. We’ll get right on that, come along.”

And with that, the two mages simply turned their backs on Erza and Mirajane, completely abandoning the pair to their fate as a spitroast.

They’re actually leaving us like this? Completely unguarded? The redhead thought in disbelief. Why haven’t the dark guilds still not learned not to be so arrogant?

Her fellow mage took the development a lot less positively.

What are we going to do now?! We’re without magic, we can barely move or make a sound! Imagine if these flames start building up again, we’d be defenceless! The white haired girl thought nervously, already fidgeting in her bindings.

The second they were alone, both Erza and Mirajane began struggling fiercely. But neither of them felt any progress as a result.  The ropes were simply too tight and there wasn’t a single knot in reach for as far as they could feel. Forced to blindly fumble around with their hands wedged in between their own backs and the thick metal rod, both of the S-class desperately hoped to come across a knot, even if it was one tying the other person. That way, they might be able to help each other escape.

But the swordswoman and demon had to move carefully. Because untying the wrong ropes by accident -like the ones connecting them to one another or to the rod, would mean dropping into the flames with their personal bonds still intact. If they made the wrong move here, they could sentence themselves or their friend to being burned alive!

Slowly revolving on that rotisserie stake, the two damsels felt more like they were disarming a live bomb rather than trying to work loose their ropes. And no matter how loudly or slowly they spoke, the thick rubber apple gags turned even their briefest instructions to one another into nothing but garble.

Time seemed to crawl by, with neither Erza nor Mirajane seeming to be making any progress, and forced to let themselves lie (or hang) limp every minute or so, due to their bodies feeling so exhausted from their contradictory predicament.

With the cold air up top alternating with the hot flames licking their bodies from below, both Mirajane and even Erza felt their strength sap away minute after minute.

One moment they'd be facing the sky with their bodies, bathed in sweat, having to endure the cold breeze blowing over it, instantly hardening their nipples and making the girls shiver uncontrollably.

But as the revolving continued they'd soon have to brace for the worse of the two positions: a heat which relentlessly rose up against their tiring bodies, making them sweat all the more profusely to only worsen their next turn up top.

And to add insult to injury, the downward position meant the S-class mages were essentially suspended in mid-air, supported solely by the fiendishly tight and thin ropes. Every second past the halfway point was one of agonizing pressure all over their bodies, further constricting their already limited freedom as their ropes only cut deeper into their skin. Worst of all were the crotchropes, which irritated their pussies so badly poor Erza and Mira couldn’t help but moan pitiably, desperately trying to press their butts into the steel rod to escape the upward pressure of the knot wedged into their labia.

Their breasts began throbbing and their clits started screaming at them with each new dangling, as the chest harness and crotchrope continued to mercilessly agitate them, sending their minds hazy and draining what little strength they had left!

As fear and panic began to fill their usually calm minds and hearts, their escape attempt descended into mere mindless thrashing and wailing, with the white and red haired duo feeling too angry and helpless to think straight anymore.

Eventually their fear completely got the better of them, and they abandoned their pride in favour of screaming at the top of their lungs.

“MMMMMMFFFF (HEEEEEELP)!!!!” Erza yelled.


But the rubber apples held their ground well. With the smoke slowly filling their lungs the two helpless mages daren’t take any truly deep breaths, rendering them unable to make a lot of noise. And with the shoot having taken place in this massive -abandoned- resort, not a soul came to their aid.

With each and every attempt at getting free having failed miserably, despair now began to truly set it.

But the worst had yet to come…

Wait a second. The requipping mage thought suddenly. Am I imagining things? Or are the flames getting higher? But that can’t be, can it? There no one here to stoke the flames.

Being the one actually facing the charcoal right now, Mirajane had also noticed the rise in temperature.

“MMMNNNN!! (NOOOO!!)” She shrieked panicked as a particularly fierce flame actually licked her left thigh.

How is this possible? The take-over mage thought frustrated. There hasn’t been anyone here to stoke the fire. And there isn’t any fuel for it to-

But then it clicked. There was a fuel source right by the fire!

THE MARINADE! Both girls realized simultaneously.

Those witless goons had coaxed the two S-class mages in so much of the greasy sauce it had literally begun dripping off them because of their fierce sweating and struggling. And the oily base of the flavouring meant it was perfect fuel to kickstart the smouldering flames back to life!

This was a disaster! The barbecue had been bad enough when the flames were just smouldering remnants. The heat distracting them, the smoke making them cough and tear up, all of it has been frustrating and uncomfortable. But this… If the flames rose any higher, they'd be in real danger of being burned alive!!

Suddenly Mira started shrieking. A small chunk of burning charcoal (no bigger than a pin head) had been thrown up by the crackling flames and brushed past her thigh. It wasn't a serious burn, but the scare had been enough to damn near stop her heart, and her panicked shriek had almost frozen Erza's.

The takeover mage began thrashing so wildly she was in danger of knocking loose the rod they'd both been tied to!

“Ee-AA! All oow! (Mira! Calm down!)” Erza moaned loudly, eventually settling on forcefully knocking back her head against the white haired girl’s in an attempt to pacify her rival.

“OWWW!” The demon take-over mage howled in pain. But it had done the trick, and she stopped her thrashing, holding steady again as the singing pain died away from her leg.

But soon after it was Erza who suddenly began wailing in panic. A second, larger piece of charcoal had hit her arm this time. But the battle hardened mage had closed her eyes and managed to bite away the pain, wanting to prevent another near-disaster like when Mira lost control.

However, a soft crackling caused her to open her eyes again, after which she spotted something truly despairing: Her ropes were smoking! 

The charcoal had done more than scorch her, it had left a tiny flame behind which now eating away at the chest harness! But since her legs and wrists were still heavily restrained, so she couldn’t put it out. And when the rope would be entirely burnt through, the redhead would have barely any upper body support to keep her from dropping into the flaming pit below!

The ropes were incredibly tick and sturdy, so it would take several minutes to be destroyed. But that still felt like a very ominous deadline!

“Rrr-aa (Erza)?” Mirajane asked nervously. Her friend had become completely still mere seconds after that startling shriek, and it was unnerving the white haired girl. 

The requipping mage managed to squeeze the explanation past her rubber apple, and Mira moaned back in despair.

If any more of Erza’s tethering ropes get scorched, she’ll fall in! We are out of time. Are we going to have to try… that?

Because several minutes ago, Mirajane had already come up with a desperate solution. It had happened during her own panic attack, which almost caused the two of them to fall in:

If they could shake the rod loose, but do it so aggressively they'd get flung off, the two damsels had a chance of being knocked free from the barbecue entirely!

But the white haired mage had never suggested it to her friend because the plan stood almost no chance of succeeding. And the energy it would expend was something they couldn’t afford to waste at that point.

But now the cards were lying differently. They had to do something!

Mirajane called out to her friend to get her attention, and then painstakingly explained the plan despite her rubber apple garbling up her words. Luckily the two had gotten used to one another’s rather unique pronunciation, and Erza picked enough up of the words to understand Mira’s plan.

But that didn’t mean she was fully on board yet. 

Could this work? Even if they timed their motions exactly right, could they create enough momentum to fly free of the cast iron barbecue, which suddenly seemed like it was the size of an Olympic swimming pool.

But what other choice was there? They couldn't untie themselves, there was nobody around to call out to, and now Erza's time was running out fast as well!

The redhead sighed. “Ow-ay (okay).” She replied. “O ee (on three).”

Mira nudged her buttocks against Erza’s. “On.”

“Oo”. The redhead mouthed back.

Both girl took as deep a breath as possible.

“EEE!” Mirajane yelled, after which she and Erza both lunged themselves upwards with all their might.

But it was hopeless. Both of the normally so powerful and fierce women were just too tired to put any real force into their bucking. In the end, the pair of S-class mage tried a combined jolt three times. But the best they managed was to rattle the stake, not nearly enough to actually knock themselves free from its hold, let alone land on the ground, free from the fiery pit below. And a half-baked effort would only end with the two of them being scorched to death.

Her plan had failed; Mira’s last ditch attempt had also fallen short. And that realization broke the white haired girl’s spirit.

The kind and strong take-over mage began sobbing.

“Ai orr-ee, E-aa (I’m sorry, Erza).” She whimpered.

“hmn? I-aa (Hm? Mira)?” The redhead mumbled back, having trouble understanding her friend’s timid words.

“Ai orr-ee. Iz iz a ai owl. Ai of-izz oo oo aek u ess, ai u-ess-id ae-in owrr o u e-vu-in ees. I id adn inn orrr ee, mmn vv iz ood af am-nn. (I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I convinced you to take the quest, I suggested staying over for the evening feast. If it hadn’t been for me, none of this would’ve happened.)” The white haired girl confessed, struggling to keep breathing with the smoke now really beginning to thicken.

“OO (NO)!” Erza screamed angrily. “Ow ai ad, I-aa. Ai ow aen oo orr an-ee-in! (Don’t say that, Mira. I don’t blame you for anything!)”

Her friend mumbled two more words, completely incomprehensible. But swordswoman hoped they were ‘thank you’.

Still, hearing her rival say such things made a pit develop in Era’s stomach. Mira couldn’t be… giving up, could she?

Then again, could the redhead blame her? After all, what was there left for them to try?

Erza wanted to comfort her guild mate, tell her everything would be alright, that they’d figure a way out of this. But for some reason, she couldn’t quite get the words out.

As Mira continued to sob softly, the requipping mage herself was also fighting back her tears.

Suddenly, both girls were distracted from their impending doom by a noise coming from the distance, beyond the resort’s fences.

Both of the experienced mages quickly recognized it as the sounds of battle, and one getting closer to them at that!

Just seconds after the first few noises had reached the two S-class mages’ ears, the dome covering the inside part of the resort was destroyed with a loud crash.

“LEPRECHAAAUUN!!” Both women heard being shouted, after which countless small glowing spheres knocked around half a dozen of the mercenaries that had been responsible for their capture. The men fell onto the grass, out cold and bruised all over.

An explosion followed, and Hans and his guild master were propelled through the air, landing in the swimming pool behind Erza and Mirajane.

The red and white haired duo tried to turn their heads to look at the dome, and the people responsible for defeating their assailants.

But before they knew it, a massive gush of water washed over them, dousing the flames beneath and saving them from their cruel fate.

“Well well, I never expected to find you two here.” Evergreen said calmly. With the fire completely put out and the opponents out cold, the brunette didn’t seem to have any sense of urgency regarding her friends’ predicament.

“Evergreen! I’ve taken care of the ringleaders!” A voice which was unmistakably Jenny Realight’s said from a distance. “Where are- OH MY GOD!” The blonde suddenly shrieked, after which she briefly summoned her battle armour again and sped over to the Fairy mage.

“Are these-“

Evergreen smirked. “Yes they are. Turns out Erza and Mirajane were these dark mages’ latest victims.”

The machina soul mage whistled. “No wonder they asked for a combined effort from both our guilds to round up this dark guild, if even they were captured.”

“Well, I think Erza and Mira were probably tricked in some way. Given how little trouble we had with the guild leader, I can’t see any other way they ended up in a mess like this.”

“True. And judging from their attire they weren’t exactly dressed for battle when they ended up like this either.” Jenny giggled.

“I don’t know, in outfits like that you can bet any male opponent would be might distracted.” The brunette teased.

“E-off o-win a-owww (enough joking around)!” Erza grumbled.

“Uw-ai uu (untie us)!” Mirajane demanded, moaning in pain as the chest harness dug in again.

With their sense of dread now gone, all of the pressure on their erogenous zones was ones again working like a charm.

…But when Mira and Erza glared at their saviours to spur them into action, all they received in return were a set of devious grins. 

"I think we can wait for a little while longer before taking these ropes off. I mean the two of us only got selected to hunt down the guild master by chance. But finding you two here, it’s making me think this is fate at work." Evergreen said as she squeezed Erza's buttock -making the requipping mage growl-.

“Don’t you think Jenny?” The Fairy mage continued as she winked at the buxom blonde.

"Oh, I agree." She replied, running her tongue along Mira's thigh -making the white haired captive squeak and flinch-. "It's not every day you come across a feast such as this one. It'd be a shame to let it slip through our fingers…"

“MMRRRRRNNN!!” Both the swordswoman and the demon furiously growled into their apples.

Evergreen, I am going to rip you apart! The redhead swore.

Oh, Jenny. You’d better think through everything you’re going to do to me, because I’ll pay you back tenfold! The white haired girl thought, burning with her trademark calm rage.


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