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"So you know what to do?" A cloaked figure asked the black haired mercenary.

"Of course I do." A woman with a knockout body and jet black hair tied in a practical bob replied. "it's not difficult: Infiltrate that separatist school, capture one of the Valvrave pilots and bring her back to Dorrsia. Easy."

"I wouldn't underestimate this mission; those youngsters have proven to be formidable opponents in the past."

"In their mechs. Without them they are still just school kids. I can handle this no problem." The woman replied confidently.

The cloaked military official grunted. "Well, I suppose your reputation speaks for itself… Kuroei."

Kuroei, real name Suzuka Kageyoshi, was a ruthless mercenary with a spotless mission log and a nose for jobs with big paydays.

Those skills, combined with her lack of alignment to any of the major military factions, made her one of the most valued (and pricy) mercenaries in the business. Lately, only the largest of organizations could afford her fees, but that also meant the missions she was offered were of comparable risk. 

This time was no different: Invading the biggest thorn in Dorssian's side, a title which ARUS recently lost to JIOR… or more specifically: a single academy formerly part of JIOR.

"So any preference on whom I bring back?"

"Akira Renbokoji. Not only is she a Valvrave pilot, she also possesses extraordinary cracker skills." 

"That's that really young, redhead girl, right? That's perfect, she'll be easiest to snatch." Suzuka declared calmly, getting up from her seat. "I expect half of the money in the account I provided you by tomorrow. Once I've confirmed receipt I'll head out. The moment I deliver Akira on your base, I'll be expecting the second half."

"That suits me just fine." The cloaked man replied. "Good luck."

"I don't need luck." The raven haired woman said as her piercing red eyes glared at the mask beneath the cloak.

Rion Nanami was walking down the campus' garden enjoying the nice weather during her time off. She was wearing her usual black high heels and dark blue long skirt, combined with her casual white blouse leaving the top button open, revealing a bit of cleavage and granting her large breasts a bit of sunlight.

"Nanami sensei!" Some of the girls giggled from afar, waving cheerfully at the red haired teacher.

The bodacious interim teacher waved back with a kind smile. "It's nice to see most of my students are still able to relax on calm days like these. We really needed this a breather after all those Dorssian assaults…"

The young woman next turned towards the cafeteria, wanting to get herself a little snack. 

The school's cafeteria was bustling as always, and after queuing up to get herself a couple of sandwiches and a lemon tea, Rion sat herself down at a table in the sun.

However, just as the young teacher wanted to take her first bite, a tremor surged through the JIOR unit floating through the endless regions of space.

"What was-?" The redhead began, only to hear a public announcement saying that nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Just an overly strong solar wave.

"That's strange… Solar waves don't usually create a quake this bad. Could something be up?" The young woman muttered to herself.

The tremor had in fact been the sound of Suzuka's vessel crashing its way into JIOR, after which she quickly made her way through the air ducts in search of a populated area to take a hostage and send the students inhabiting the module into a blind panic. With the defence forces distracted on calming down and gathering up all of the residents, she would have a much easier time moving around to locate Akira.

Having followed the schematics, she procured from the Dorssian intelligence agency which hired her, Suzuka soon found herself staring down at the cafeteria.

“This seems like the perfect place to make a grand entrance.” She said to herself, putting on a white hard plastic mask which perfectly concealed her features. The mask was completely flat, and only left two small openings for the eyes and a single, wide slit where the mouth should be. Its eerie, emotionless stare would give anyone looking at it shivers, granting her presence a more inhuman and intimidating feel for further impact.

After setting up one of her smaller explosives and taking cover to let it destroy one of the air vents, she jumped down and landed smack in between the flocks of students.

The initial explosion had been enough to startle the group of youngsters, but to now see a masked figure dressed from top to bottom in black, tightfitting leather, made quite a few of the girls gasp in shock.

With the group of students stunned at her entrance, Suzuka made a quick glance around. Purely by chance, her eye fell upon Rion Nanami, who was eyeing her with wide, frightful eyes.

Who is this?! The red haired teacher in training thought nervously.

"You will do." Suzuka said curtly as she grabbed the redhead's arm and dragged her in front of her, gripping her tightly and holding a blade against her neck.

"W-w-what's going on?" The young teacher asked nervously.

"You will be my hostage for the day." The mercenary said dryly, taking her free hand to reach for her stun gun and firing at a few of the nearby students without hesitation.

Rion gasped audibly. MY STUDENTS!

The inexperienced teacher stood there mortified. She wanted to wrest herself free and protect her precious students, but to her despair the cold steel pressed up against her neck froze her limbs in place.

But that terror was nothing compared to the ice cold feeling that overcame the poor teacher when she witnessed three of her young female students dropping unconscious on the spot. Although the girls seemed to be unharmed, showing no signs of bleeding or other wounds, the sight had been enough to make Rion’s heart feel like it stopped.

It didn’t miss its effect with the rest of the crowd either…

All of the young men and women began running and screaming in a wild frenzy, giving Suzuka free roam in dragging a still heavily shocked   Rion towards the hallway and head for an abandoned storage room.

Once inside, she threw the redhead onto the floor and pointed her gun at her. Suzuka then dropped a duffle bag beside her.

"I'm going to tie you up now, if you make a fuss, you're dead." She said strictly, eyeing the red haired bombshell from head to toe.

But suddenly, as the raven haired woman stared at the quivering redhead, Suzuka flinched. It seemed like a lightning bolt had struck her out of nowhere.

This girl! She- she looks like… 

Suzuka been too focused on her mission to realize before now. This woman, her build, her height, … In the limited light of the store room they were standing in, Rion Nanami looked the spit of her deceased lover!

Get it together Suzuka! This woman is not Komoe! She died years ago! Keep your head in the game! She lectured herself. But the memories were too powerful, image after image of her loved one began flooding mind. Komoe’s kind smile, her cute frown whenever Suzuka would argue with her, that magnificent body which had shown her such pleasure…

"W-Why are you here?" Rion asked hesitantly, shifting uncomfortably on the cold floor after her kidnapper had suddenly gone silent and frozen into place.

That made Suzuka shock back to the present. "You don't need to know that.” Suzuka snapped, a little louder than she’d meant to. “The only reason I took you along is to create a bit of a buzz, and because your body is similar to mine."

"W-What does my body have to do with anything?" The young teacher asked as she began blushing. 

"Well I need your clothes."

“M-m-m-my clothes?!” The teacher repeated startled. “W-w-why do you need-“

“This is an infiltration mission. I have to be able to move around unnoticed.” Suzuka explained impatiently. “After all the fuss I made everyone’s out looking for a masked assailant in black. No one will turn their head for someone in a regulated uniform.”

“B-B-but what will I wear?”

“You don’t have to worry about that, because you’ll remain here whilst I search for my target.”

The raven haired mercenary then pointed her gun at Rion. “Now get to it.”



A crackling stun bullet grazed past the red haired teacher. "Don't get too cocky! I can just as easily continue my plan with you dead!" She threatened.

“Hiii!” The teacher yelped, jumping to her feet. “I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” She clasped her hands and bowed her head in apology.

Suzuka tightened the grip on her gun. Komoe used to do that whenever she broke something in the house… That clumsy girl.

“J-Just take off your clothes already!” The mercenary said, slightly flustered as yet another memory forced itself to the surface.

Still shaking all over, Rion started unbuttoning her white blouse first. With each button that came undone, her enormous rack became all the more prominent, supported by a lacy pink bra.

Next up, the redhead slowly zipped open her skirt and let it drop to the floor before stepping out of it to reveal a matching set of panties.

Finally, she took off her high heels to leave her standing half naked in front of her kidnapper, who had never taken her eyes off her (at least she thought so, because the mask was hiding all of the mercenary’s expressions).

Suzuka had actually been struggling with her feelings as she witnessed her captive strip. Try as she might, there was no denying this red haired teacher had a gorgeous body. Those luscious thighs, her long and supple legs, that rack that seemed to defy gravity,… All of it reminded her of Komoe, and their many nights together.

For fuck’s sake! Don’t get turned on just because a babe is stripping in front of you! Suzuka cursed at herself as Rion dropped her skirt. What are you, a teenager? The past is the past! Focus on your work! It’s the only thing you’re good for!!

“W-Will this do?” Rion asked timidly, fervently hoping she didn’t have to take off her underwear as well.

“Yes it will. I have no need for your underwear, since it wouldn’t fit me anyways…” The raven haired woman replied dryly, her free hand unconsciously drifting towards her more modest chest and thinner pelvis.

“Oh but I think you look very pretty too!” The young teacher said out of the blue.

That one threw off the masked mercenary. “Sorry?”

“W-well, your outfit is pretty tight, so it kinda reveals you have a beautiful body yourself…” Rion admitted shyly.

This woman… Does she even know the situation she’s in?

“I mean, your face is covered and all, but between the shape and the sound of your voices, it’s quite clear that-“

“Enough talking!” Suzuka suddenly interrupted, making Rion flinch.

“Sit down, I’m going to tie you up now.”

The red haired teacher in training sat down quietly, feeling even more nervous than before.

“Try anything, and you’re dead.” Suzuka hissed, thanking the stars this woman appeared to be a bit of an airhead. If she had been any sharper, she probably would’ve noticed all those times Suzuka hesitated to get rough with her. The experienced mercenary had gone through a lot in her life, and seen her fair share of messy situations… But coming across someone that forcibly reminded her of those days from her past life, that was a new one. And it was unsettling.

Within minutes, Suzuka had Rion tied up beyond any hope of escape.

Both her wrists and ankles had been crossed and taped together tightly. In addition to that, Suzuka had cinched her captive’s thighs and elbows together with rope, also anchoring those last to a chest harness to completely pin down her arms. The chest harness enveloped Rion’s entire rack in rope, both above below and in between her large knockers.

“Owww!” The redhead whimpered each time Suzuka pulled one of the ropes tight. “That hurts!”

“It’s supposed to hurt; loose ropes won’t do anything for keeping you in check.” The raven haired woman said sternly.

“But- but, you could at least have left my breast alone.” Rion said timidly.

“It’s a perfect anchoring point for your arms, it keeps you from moving around too much too.”

You’re right there. Just breathing is uncomfortable right now! The teacher in training complained.

With the bindings in place, Suzuka finished up by wrapping all of the knots she tied in tape, thereby preventing Rion from fidgeting with them. Finally, the mercenary used a few more feet of tape to encircle her captive’s waist as well as trap her lower arms behind it.

The moment Suzuka let go of Rion and backed away, the young teacher failed to keep her balance and dropped on her side, helpless to prevent herself due to her arms and legs being so strictly restrained.

“Kyaaa!” The redhead yelped as she hit the cold tiled floor with her bare skin. “Oww!”

“What the hell was that?” Suzuka asked surprised.

“I can’t move!” Rion complained with a frown. “When you let go, I lost my balance!”

That frown… Suzuka thought was once again transported back to her past. She had to bite her tongue not to start chuckling at the helpless teacher, and quickly turned around.

“Right then.” She said after clearing her throat. “Time to get things underway. I’ll be leaving you here whilst I search the campus using your clothes as a disguise. You’ll be found soon enough I’m sure, so don’t worry too much.”

Don’t worry? Rion thought flustered. I’m almost naked, and completely defenceless to boot! What part of this is not supposed to worry me?!

However, before the young damsel could protest the school alarm suddenly began to sound.

“An alert call?!” Suzuka said surprised.

“Well what did you think?! Your entrance is sure to have made a big impact!” Rion said angrily.

“But this is a school!”

“We’re also being targeted by one of the largest military organizations known to man! We have been forced to set up precautions!”

Even so, from the noise I’m hearing outside, this is far more than just some simple alarm call. These resemble military manoeuvres! Is this really a school? The experienced gun for hire thought to herself.

“Tsk. This makes my life a lot more difficult.” She turned to Rion. “How long until they remove the high alert status?”

“W-Well, I don’t know very much about it.” The red haired woman stammered.

“Tell me!” Suzuka snapped, pointing her stun gun at the teacher.

“Aaah! T-They’ll probably keep searching until nightfall. Their priority lies in protecting the Valvraves, so most of our focus lies on defending the hangars. Since there was only one person sighted, they probably won’t expend too much effort in searching for you.”

That works out fine for me actually. Since I’m not after the mechs, I won’t have to deal with the bulk of their defences…

“Hmm. So basically, if I lay low for a few hours, the worst should have passed and I’ll be free to move around without arousing too much suspicion.”

“Well, if you walk around in my teacher’s outfit, you’ll probably be fine.”

“Good to know. Thanks.”

The red haired captive blinked a few times. “Did you just say, ‘thanks’.”

Suzuka flinched. “W-Well you provided me with intel, so why shouldn’t I?” She said, thankful the mask was hiding her blush.

She then turned her back to Rion again. "Haaah.” She sighed. “Nothing for it, Guess I'll stick around with you for a while longer." After which she slid with her back against the wall until she was as opposite of Rion.

The red haired teacher squirmed uncomfortably, trying to sit herself upright again. But between the ropes and tape, she couldn’t position her arms properly to push herself off the tiles.

Minutes went by with both women just quietly sitting and lying opposite one another.

At first Rion was too busy trying to improve her situation to notice, but after she’d tired herself out and was forced to slump down and rest, she spotted this masked woman gazing in her direction every so often, but quickly turning away whenever she herself would notice.

“Uhmm, is there something wrong with me?” Rion asked timidly, trying to break the silence.

“Hmn? What do you mean?” The masked woman replied.

“W-Well you’ve been staring at me for quite a while. Do I look weird like this?” The teacher in training asked, her cheeks matching the colour of her fiery hair.

“No you don’t. You just… remind me of someone.”

Why am I telling her this?

“Remind you of someone? Of who?”

“That’s none of your business!” Suzuka snapped.

Rion flinched. “Sorry. It’s just, you sounded really calm just now.”


The teacher in training tried to smile, despite the scary white mask staring at her. “Yes. When you talked about that ‘someone’, your voice seemed to soften.

Soft, huh? I guess that’s how you could describe the me of old.

“Haaah.” Suzuka sighed. “Fine then. We’ll be stuck here for a few more hours, so I guess talking could make the time pass faster.”

Rion nodded. She wasn’t exactly comfortable, tied up so strictly and almost completely nude, so anything to keep her mind occupied was welcome. Besides, maybe this woman could be reasoned with, if she could get her to open up…

“To be honest, looking at you is making me feel nostalgic.” Suzuka admitted.

Rion raised an eyebrow. “Do I really look that much like your friend.”

“You do. Discounting the fact she was a blonde, and her eyes were pale blue, the two of you could’ve been sisters.”

“Could’ve been?”

Suzuka stalled. “My friend… isn’t around anymore…”

“Did she leave you?”

“No! She… died from an illness, several years ago.”

The red haired captive gasped audibly. “I’m so sorry!”

“It’s fine. You couldn’t have known after all.”

“So is that why you became a mercenary, to raise money for her treatment?” The teacher in training asked, trying to move the conversation along.

“Actually, it’s quite the opposite…”

“I was a mercenary before I met her. Handling weapons and taking out opponents has been the only skill I had for as long as I can remember. Naturally I enrolled in a military training camp, and I made a name for myself pretty quickly.

“But my inability to respect my superiors, combined with my envious upperclassman picking fights to get me sanctioned soon ended up with me being expelled. With no future as a commissioned officer, I became a gun for hire out of necessity.”

Rion calmly shuffled closer towards a storage rack as she listened to the story, intending to clamber upright by grabbing hold of it so she could sit eye-to-eye with her captor.

“I took on mission after mission, not really caring what I had to do as long as the pay was good. Infiltration, demolition, kidnapping and even assassination, … I’d handled all of it.”

The masked woman then paused for a moment.

“Until that day, when a small terrorist organization required my skills to procure some high-grade explosives from a nearby military base. I used the same tactic I applied for this school: Enter with a lot of noise and immediately grab a hostage so I could extort the brass into delivering the goods.”

“That hostage… Was Komoe. She was a nurse stationed at that base, and a gorgeous one at that. Naturally I dragged her all the way back to my hideout to ensure my own safety, and yet she never once made a fuss or tried to resist me. When I asked her why, she replied:”

“You must have a reason for doing this type of work. I can spot in your eyes that you’re actually a kind person. It pains me to see you having to go to such lengths just to survive, so I didn’t want to make things any harder on you.”

Suzuka chuckled. “I’d kidnapped her, used her as a bargaining chip, and even threatened her on several occasion, but that kind and sweet nurse simply refused to see anything bad in me.”

The masked mercenary sighed. “The mission had only taken 5 hours, and she and I had only been together during 4 of those, but that had still been enough for that blonde to make me fall head over heels for her.”

“…She was just so understanding and caring, nobody had ever treated me with kindness like that. To be honest I didn’t think a merciless gunslinger like me deserved any, but Komoe didn’t care about my past. She just saw a woman who was living her life the only way she knew how, and was in dire need of saving.”

By now Rion had managed to sit herself on her butt, and had begun listening intently to this surprisingly melancholic mercenary.

“After I collected my pay for that extraction job, I offered Komoe enough money to live out her live without a care in the world, as a way to make amends for my treatment of her… But she turned me down in a second flat. She told me that money wasn’t a very good way of saying sorry. If I wanted to apologize, I had to do it through my own actions.”

“So you quit being a mercenary for her?”

“It’s more like she forced me out of the business.” Suzuka said with a smirk that was lost due to her white plastic mask. “That stubborn little Komoe just wouldn’t take no for an answer. Either I’d quit being a gun for hire, or she would join me just so she could keep me safe.”

Suzuka sighed again. “Komoe was much too kind for such a world. I mean she was a nurse for crying out loud! Her job was to save lives, not take them. And when I told her I would just abandon her and move on to my next job, she calmly replied it was too late for that.”

“What did she mean?” Rion asked quietly.

“I didn’t understand it at first either. But she then told me that my kidnapping her had changed both of our lives, and that neither of us could simply go back to the way things were before. She then got that cute blush on her cheeks as she went on to confess to me that she didn’t want things to turn back either.”

“So she was also in love with you?”

“I don’t think so. Not at first at least. It’s just that she was so damned kind that she couldn’t just leave me be after she realized the kind of life I’d led. And I wasn’t strong enough to force her away.”

The raven haired woman now put her gun to the side. “So in the end the both of us quit our jobs and I used the funds I’d collected over the years to buy us a house on a remote and peaceful space colony.”

“Every day with her was a blessing…” Suzuka sighed before going quiet for a while, reminiscing about the times she and Komoe had spent together.

Rion wanted to hear the rest of this woman’s story, but daren’t speak up and thus remained sitting quietly. However, she fell back with a startled yelp when Suzuka suddenly jumped too her feet.

“I should’ve known something was going to destroy our happiness!” She yelled angrily. “My entire life had been disappointment after disappointment! What was I thinking, pretending I could live out my days with her without a care in the world!” The raven haired merc ranted as she paced up and down the room.

“Her illness?” Rion said timidly.

Suzuka halted. “There was nothing either of us could have done. The disease had no known treatment, and being a nurse Komoe diagnosed herself soon enough… She kept it quiet from me for the first couple of months, to spare me. But soon enough the symptoms became clear to me as well.”

The mercenary clenched her fists. “I visited hospital after hospital, offering them a limitless budget if only they’d cure her for me… But everywhere I went I received the same answer: There’s nothing we can do, returned to your loved one and make the most out of your time together.”

The raven haired woman’s throat began closing up. “Komoe never once cried about her fate, not in front of me at least. Even as her body began to weaken, up to the point she could no longer get out of bed anymore, she never once stopped smiling or trying to comfort me.”

Rion herself had to fight back the tears by now, but remained quietly sitting on the floor.

“The only good thing about any of it was that Komoe didn’t have to suffer. Thanks to my wealth she could remain at our house for whatever treatment that could make her comfortable, and she was able to die peacefully in her sleep.”

“…But after she passed away I fell into a black hole.”

Suzuka leaned with her back against the other side of the cupboard Rion was sitting against. “I’d tried my hand at living a normal life, but even that had been ripped away from me. I felt truly cursed, and after spending more than a week drinking my pain away I made a decision: The only life someone like me is fit to lead is one of violence.”

“So, you returned to being a gun for hire?” Rion asked.

Suzuka nodded. “With one major difference: I no longer take on assassination or demolition jobs. Komoe would never forgive me if I took another life, so I avoid any mission which risks hurting civilians, and if I absolutely must, I do them solo so I have control over who gets hurt.”

Her lover was right. This woman really is a kind soul. The teacher in training realized.

Even though she had been captured, stripped and tied up, after that story Rion couldn’t help but pity this mercenary sitting beside her.

She steadily wormed her way towards Suzuka, and tried to lean into her as a form of cuddle.

The raven haired woman flinched. “What the hell are you doing?!” She yelped.

“Giving you something that’s long overdue.”

“What do you mean.”

“You’ve had such a hard life, miss mercenary. I couldn’t help but feel you could use some affection.” The teacher said, a vivid blush on her cheeks.

For a split second, Suzuka swore she was looking at Komoe!

“Hmrm.” She cleared her throat. “Kuroei.”


“Call me Kuroei, not ‘miss mercenary’.”

Rion giggled. “Okay then, Kuroei. How about you let me see your face as well?”


“Well you’ve opened up so much already, I’d like to return the favour. But I’d feel weird telling about myself to a mask.” The redhead explained, trying to scoot a little closer but slipping on the smooth tiles.

“KYAA!” She yelped as she landed smack in the middle of Suzuka’s lap.

“Ooff! HEY!” The mercenary bellowed.

“Sorry.” The teacher in training said, grinning playfully. “I slipped…”

The raven haired woman just sighed. She’s impossible to deal with…

“Okay then, I suppose there’s no harm in showing you my face. You won’t be found until I’m long gone anyways, and I don’t plan on returning here ever again.”

So the dark haired woman slowly pulled off her mask, revealing her to be about the same age as Rion, much to the teacher’s surprise.

Suzuka’s eyes were daunting red colour, but somehow the helpless woman didn’t feel intimidated at all. Her captor’s lips were a fulsome and glossy, only making her pale and smooth skin seem that much more attractive.

The red haired woman couldn’t help but blush. “You’re really pretty.”

“S-Shut up and start telling about yourself.” Suzuka snarled as her cheeks reddened.

And so Rion Nanami told Suzuka how this school was her first ever job as a teacher, and that she had no idea about the insanely powerful mechs stashed underneath the academy. She went on to describe the gruesome battles her students had been propelled into, and the many hardships they had overcome as a group.

Time simply flew by as the two young women got better acquainted, until finally things seemed to quieten down outside.

“Hmm, guess it’s time for me to put on your uniform and move on to the next part of this mission.”  Suzuka suddenly said as she pushed Rion out of her lap.

“Uhmm, do you have to?” Rion suddenly asked.


“Do you have to go through with all this? I know you feel like this life is all you have, but I honestly think Komoe wouldn’t want for you to go on like this!”

Suzuka flinched, but didn’t have the time to respond, Rion wasn’t done talking.

“This place, this academy is filled with people who got swept up in a battle that had nothing to do with them! We’re working hard to earn our place among the star, so we can live in peace. I’m sure everyone would welcome you. You could join forces with us, and when we finally manage to end the fighting you can return to a peaceful life.”

A peaceful life? Suzuka repeated in her mind.

She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t interested. Ever since Komoe, she had closed off her heart for anything other than fighting and money. But the loss of her lover had continued to haunt her every waking moment. She often wished she could leave all of it behind, but the grave reality was she simply had nothing else to live for.

But this woman, her offer,… somehow it felt appealing to the raven haired mercenary. Assisting in the security of this academy would definitely put her skills to use, and it would allow her to work towards a constructive goal for the first time in her life…

However, a painful truth suddenly shattered that fantasy:

The consequences for backing out on a deal with Dorssia, there wasn’t a doubt in her mind that hulking military power would not let such an affront pass.

Staying on this academy meant that not only would she become a target for Dorssian’s wrath, she’d also summon even more forces towards this small, outnumbered school crawling with young and innocent lives -not to mention Rion herself-!

“I’m sorry, but that’s something I just can’t accept.”

“But why, if you’re worried about how the others will respond, I’ll talk to them! I promise you I -mppfff!!” The redhead tried to keep convincing her captor, but she was cut short by Suzuka slapping several strips of tape over her pretty lips, muffling her almost completely.

The teacher in training’s eyes widened. “MMPPP (NOOO)!” She wailed, as she not only saw her chance of turning this poor woman’s life around slip away, but also realizing this would mean she was going to be left behind in this dark and lonely storeroom, bound and gagged.

But her protests were useless, Suzuka pulled out a large piece of white cloth and tied this over Rion’s already gagged mouth, even covering her nose in the process. The raven haired woman took care however to ensure her captive would still be able to draw breath properly. The cloth was simply meant to prevent Rion from rubbing the tape off her lips so she couldn’t call for help prematurely.

“I really enjoyed your company, Rion. You are a really kind woman, I’m glad it was you whom I snatched up.” Suzuka said as she began changing her bodysuit for Rion’s teacher outfit.

The red haired damsel began struggling furiously now, trying her best to wrest her arms free from the tape and rope, but ultimately failing to make any of it budge.

“Don’t bother. I know my way around a woman’s body. You won’t escape.” Suzuka taunted. “Although I must admit the show you’re putting on is quite entertaining.”

Rion began blushing. She never noticed how wildly her breasts had been dancing during her thrashing, but Suzuka sure had!

Even so, that didn’t daunt the teacher’s effort in the slightest, and she continued to squirm around on the floor trying to break free.

But that brought some unintended consequences along. After getting dressed, Suzuka spent a few moment enjoying Rion’s frantic wriggling. But before she knew it, her mind was transported back to those times she and her lover got up to kinky fun like this. Komoe had always had a preference for some ‘DiD’ roleplaying, and between Rion’s cute mewls and her knockout body, the raven haired mercenary couldn’t help but feel aroused.

Her mind went blank and her body acted solely on desire as she closed in on a frantically squirming Rion, and reached out to pinch her captive’s large yet supple breasts.

“HIIII!” The redhead squealed as an erotic ripple spread throughout her body. She hadn’t realized how tender her breasts had become, writhing around in those tight ropes.

But that yelp only turned Suzuka on further, as she began groping the red haired woman’s impeccable body with both hands. She squeezed her thighs and rolled her pert breasts underneath the palms of her hand, all of it drawing moan after moan from a terribly flustered Rion.

“HHHMMMNN (HEEEELP)!!” The inexperienced teacher suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs, her panic overtaking the erotic feelings brewing inside her.

But the noise did the trick, Suzuka flinched out of her pink haze and immediately let go of the helpless redhead.

“I-I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. I don’t know what came over me.”

Rion was still lying on the floor, panting heavily as her heart had yet to stop racing.

What was that about? Did she imagine Komoe in me or something?

Her gag prevented her from asking the question, but the look of guilt in the mercenary’s eyes told Rion that was probably what had happened.

“I’ll get going now. You just… stay here for the night. I’m sure you’ll be found in the morning.”

“Mmn (wait)!” Rion tried, but Suzuka had already gotten up and rushed for the door.

She hesitated as she took hold of the doorknob, but with gritted teeth she eventually forced herself to exit the storeroom and carry on her mission.

This is the right decision. I already had my chance at a peaceful life, and it was made painfully clear I don’t deserve it. I’ll remain a mercenary until the day I die. Please forgive, Rion, Komoe…

Meanwhile, inside the storeroom, Rion was lying on the ground.

The poor red haired damsel felt so confused right now. She was frustrated at having failed to convince Suzuka into turning her life around, but felt scared at the prospect of having to remain helpless in this abandoned room all by herself. Not to mention the fact someone was going to find her, dressed in nothing but her own skimpy lingerie!

But even those thoughts were nothing compared to the swirl of feelings Suzuka’s sudden groping had set loose within her body.

Rion was trembling as she laid there on the floor, once again left to wriggle around helplessly as her near-naked body brushed the cold tiled floor without hope of escape. But between the ropes ensnaring her breasts and the rough love she’d received from Suzuka just moments ago, she wasn’t entirely sure if that trembling came from the cold, or just from having her pleasure cut off so abruptly…

This is horrible. I can’t move at all! Am I really going to have to lie here all night, hoping someone will find me?! W-What will they think of me? What will they do?!

The red haired damsel started getting worked up again as her imagination ran wild: From young male students discovering her and doing all sorts of naughty things to her, to a strapping young janitor whisking her away like a knight in shining armour. At one point the slightly aroused teacher even began imagining the return of Suzuka, who had changed her mind and came to thank -and reward- Rion for making her see the light.

But none of those scenario’s played out. Left with nothing to do but continue her futile escape efforts, the red haired teacher continued to struggle until she didn’t have the strength to move. But it had been utterly useless. The ropes nor the tape were budging an inch. She’d also already looked up and down the storeroom, but spotted nothing that could be of assistance in making her escape.

Judging by how tired her body was feeling, it had already become night by now. Groaning in defeat, Rion crawled her way to a stack of clean sheets and knocked them off their rack. They provided her with a smooth, soft (and most importantly less chilly) surface than the tiled floor. She huddled together for warmth and tried to get some sleep.

At the crack of dawn, Rion was woken up by the noise of someone fiddling with the door to her storage room.

“Hmmn?” The redhead moaned sleepily. Is it time to wake up already?

She tried to break out in her habitual morning stretch, but soon groaned in pain at the tape and ropes still binding her luscious body.

HUH? WHAT?! She thought confused, but soon calmed down again as the previous day came back to her.

I’m going to be found now! I’ll finally be released!

“HMMN!” She wailed at the door, trying to make whoever was entering hurry up. Now that her escape was so near, she couldn’t bear waiting for even a second longer.

Soon enough, the door opened and light from the hallways shone inside.

An elderly janitor walked inside, whistling happily as he searched for a mop and bucket. But the greyish man stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the bound and gagged bombshell looking at him with wide, relieved eyes.

“What in the world?!” The man exclaimed, immediately leaving the room again and calling out to several young female students to go and get security. He then returned to Rion’s side, along with a few of the students to begin untying the red haired woman.

“Nanami-sensei! We’re so relieved you’re okay!” A young girl with brown hair said, almost crying.

“The whole school was left in a panic after you were kidnapped! What happened?”

As soon as her gag came out, Rion began explaining the situation to her students. When security showed up soon after, she told them her captor hadn’t said a word to her about anything, that she had simply been instructed to strip down and had subsequently been tied up.

But what she stressed most of during her account, was how her kidnapper had never once hurt her or anyone else in this school.

Security was baffled by the fact that the kind young teacher hadn’t said a single bad thing about her assailant, despite having been tied up and gagged whilst half naked.

But Rion had ample reason to treat her kidnapper with such kindness, though she never voiced it. Deep down, the red haired woman simply felt Suzuka deserved better…


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