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"Match, Set!" Brook called out after blowing the whistle.

"I guess it's our loss, huh?" Nami sighed.

"Winner… Team Nami and Chopper!" The skeleton declared at the end of the volleyball match.

"Huh? But Robin just scored the winning point?" Nami replied confused.

"Using Devil fruit abilities is against the rules." Brook explained, referring to the hand that had sprouted from Franky's massive mechanical fist in order to keep the ball from touching their side of the field after he’d missed the save.

"Ara, that's too bad." Robin said calmly. She then slipped her hand down inside her tightly knotted up pink shirt that barely covered her massive cleavage and left pretty much her entire waist exposed to the warm rays of the sun.

"Nami, catch!" She chimed, tossing a single 100 berry coin over the volleyball net. "Your prize for winning, as promised."

The orange haired girl caught it with a wide grin. "Thanks Robin!"

"Would you like your other prize right now too?"

But the navigator shook her head. "We'll do that tonight, of course."

"Alright. I can't wait to see how much you've grown."

"Oh, just you wait!" The bodacious orangette replied confidently.

The historian chuckled as she went to lie down on a deck chair to do some sunbathing.

Nami soon joined her, draping her magnificent body on another deck chair.

Both women were scantily clad to get maximum exposure to the new world sun. It wasn't often the two got to enjoy an afternoon of pure rest and relaxation. Sure, the men were rowdy as ever, but at least the seas were calm enough to grant Nami the time to catch up with her only female crewmember.

Nami's luscious body was barely decent. With nothing but a blue and white thong bikini for cover, the bottom being held in place with two cute bows either side of her hips. The top part of that bikini was nothing but string and two tiny little triangles that only covered a third of her massive knockers.

Robin's outfit was a bit more covering, but did just as great a job at bringing out her magnificent body. Her bikini bottom was black, and also secured by tying strings either side of her body into two bows. Her top wasn't a bikini though, it was a pink shirt with white flower motif. Or rather, half a shirt, it just covered her back and shoulders, and had been knotted off right below her impressive bust in the middle of her waist, exposing everything below as well as providing a cleavage showing over half her chest.

"So, you're not regretting the bet we made earlier today?" The orangette smirked as she took a sip from the cocktail Sanji had just brought her. The poor chef had had to fight off a jet-powered nosebleed through sheer force of will just to stay near the lovely pair.

Robin shook her head as she sat up to take a sip of her own glass. "Not at all, in fact I was delighted you approached me again. It's been so long since our last playdate." She replied as she put down her cocktail again.

The bet the two bombshells were talking about had been quite straightforward: The loser had to spend the coming evening under the winner's thumb. Since the crew had had a day of relaxation planned, both girls had figured a manner of game would crop up soon enough. In the end, it had turned out to be volleyball. After asking Chopper and Franky to tag along, the straw hat women had everything in place for their wager.

Since Robin had been the one to lose the volleyball match, she would be the one to take the role of sub that night. The bodacious historian hadn't thought about throwing the match for a second, but secretly she was delighted with the outcome.

I wonder how much better Nami has gotten. It's been a while since she's gotten to be in charge. Let's hope she hasn't grown rusty…

Evening fell with the traditional boisterous party in which all of the straw hats took part. Quite a lot of alcohol was consumed as well, most of it by Zoro. But even Robin had allowed herself to be seduced to a bit more wine than she'd normally take in, leaving the beautiful historian slightly tipsy when she headed for Nami's room. She was still clear of mind and her body responded as it should, but she was feeling a bit… frisky.

Robin hummed a soft tune as she reached the door to Nami's room, playfully tugging one of the ends to the knot keeping her pink top in place and her massive tits supported. A lovely seductive smile adorned her beautiful face as she entered her friend's room. 

Nami was sitting on her bed, eagerly awaiting her friend's arrival. The navigator had retreated from the party a bit earlier, mainly to prepare for her and Robin's evening of bondage fun. She hadn't even taken the time to change out of her bikini. Not that there was any need to, the weather forecasted a balmy night.

"Good night Robin. You seem quite eager to get started."

"Oh I am, very eager." The dark haired woman replied.

"Well, just come and sit on my bed and I'll get to work." Nami replied, unravelling her first coil of rope.

"Hmm, no." The raven haired woman giggled girlishly.

"Huh? What do you mean?" The navigator asked, both surprised and confused by that odd reaction.

"Change of plans Nami."


"We'll be switching roles."

"WHAT?!" Nami yelled as she jumped off the bed.

By manner of explanation, Robin summoned half a dozen arms to capture her friend.

"Robiiiin!" The orange haired girl moaned as she half-heartedly fought off the hana-hana user’s limbs. Deep down she knew there was no point, but Nami was hoping the resistance would buy her enough time to change Robin’s mind. “This is not fair!”

"I think it is. "I did win the volleyball match, technically."

"You weren't allowed devil fruits, technically." Nami countered angrily.

"But Chopper used his."

"Chopper IS his devil fruit. You can't turn off a zoan!"

"Like I said, technicalities." Robin chuckled as she walked past a frowning Nami and opened up the duffle bag.

“Ooooh! You’ve been shopping it seems!” The tall raven haired woman remarked as she spotted quite a lot more than just the white nylon ropes she’d gifted Nami.

"Mnrggg! Y-yes I have, but I was supposed to be the one to use those things!" Nami grunted as she tried to pry off the many hands and arms holding her down. But Robin was too strong for her and the poor girl could already feel her arms being pulled behind her back.

Nami was helpless to stop Robin as her taller crew mate fed her arms into a leather box armbinder. Once in place, the historian laced the binder up so tightly it rendered poor Nami's arms almost completely immobile!

"Owww!" She moaned.

"You've had worse."

"Not like this! This is completely different from ropes. I can't move my arms at all anymore!" Nami complained.

Robin chuckled. "Good, it'll make playing with you a lot easier then."

The historian then gave her friend a peck on the cheek, something rather uncharacteristic. That allowed Nami to spot just a whiff of liquor on her breath.

"Robin… are you drunk?"

"No. But I will admit I am feeling the wine. Just a little." The slender historian giggled, which was also odd for her.

Nami began feeling nervous. She's never behaved like this before. I might be in more trouble than I thought!

"Robin, please let me out!"

"No. You look too adorable." She mused as she brought out a length of rope next.

The orangette briefly thought about making a run for it, to seek out Chopper or Zoro for help. But she quickly realized her chances were close to nill, given that Robin could literally pop up anywhere to trip her up. If she could even make it out of the room at all.

So, the bodacious thief settled down and quit resisting her friend, hoping she’d lose interest if she stopped playing along.

Nami allowed herself to be guided onto the floor, where Robin crossed her ankles and pulled them towards her waist to force her to sit in a lotus position. The remainder of the rope Robin then tied around the navigator’s waist to keep her legs pinned that way.

“What do you think?” She asked after she was finished.

“I’m stuck.” The orange haired girl said dryly. “What else is there to think?”

Robin frowned. “Aren’t you even a little bit curious to see what will happen next?”

“No. I’m still too upset at being cheated.” Nami said surly.

“Then I suppose there is nothing left to talk about.” The historian quipped, catching her captive off guard by wrapping up her lower face with strong grey tape.

“Hmnnr!” Nami groaned in protest.

I should have known I’d end up gagged. Still, a little warning might have been nice!


“Oh? Did you change your mind? Would you rather carry on our conversation?”

“Hmnf!” The orangette huffed, turning away.

I am not going to beg you.

“Hihi, you’re acting particularly adorable tonight. Thank you for that.”

“HMNR!” That’s not what I’m doing! Nami thought annoyed.

But thanks to the tape, she had no way of countering her friend anymore. She squirmed angrily in her armbinder as Robin began fondling her lewd body.

The slender archaeologist sat down behind her friend, pulling her into her lap and wrapping her arms and legs around Nami in a tight hug. “Now, can you honestly say you’re not even a little bit excited about this?” Robin whispered as she gently squeezed Nami’s breasts.

“Hmnn.” The bound and gagged captive let a soft moan escape.

“I thought so.” Robin chuckled, kneading Nami’s rack a bit harder.


Nami began squirming, trying to push the historian off. But to her annoyance, the armbinder prevented her from even nudging her friend, let alone stop her from playing with her body. Her painstaking search for quality gear was coming back to bite her in the ass.

I never expected this armbinder to feel so strict! It wasn’t like this when I tried it on in the shop. Just how tightly did she lace me up?!

Robin slowly upped the pace, slipping her hands underneath Nami’s top to play with her breasts and nipples directly.

“Mnff!” The navigator gasped as her tall captor’s fingers dug into her skin.

She’s good! I think she’s gotten even better than before. Or is it the alcohol that’s spurring her on?

And Robin was only getting started. It didn’t take her long to start tugging on Nami’s skimpy bikini bottom, nudging the near-thong into her pussy.

“HMNN!” Nami yelped, squirming in Robin’s embrace.

“Oh, didn’t like that?”

“HMN (NO)!”

“Well then you’re in for a rough ride.” The archaeologist teased as she nibbled her captive’s earlobe.

“Ahr aih ahay (aren’t I always)?”

Robin chuckled. “Fair point.”

After a few more minutes of playing with her captive, the historian felt the need to turn things up a notch.

“Should I carry you into bed or do you want me to keep going on the floor?”

Nami began blushing. “Ehuh (Bed).”

Robin smirked. “Good choice.”

She undid the rope wrapped around her waist, allowing Nami to stretch her legs before she was picked up and gently carried over to lie her down own the soft mattress.

Robin then anchored her ankles to the foot end of the bed, preventing her from climbing off again.

Nami kicked her legs in protest, but with the armbinder holding her prisoner she had no chance of stopping her captor from tethering her to the bed.

The tall historian then climbed onto the mattress herself, slowly and sensually nearing her bound and gagged captive. Her breasts swayed alluringly in her miniscule pink top, the knot bulging under the weight of her large mammaries.

Annoyed as she was, Nami couldn’t help but grow a little excited at seeing the attractive archaeologist hovering over her, bending down to run her gentle lips along the navigator’s taut belly.

“Hmnff!” She gasped, flinching at the slightly ticklish sensation.

Robin giggled cutely. “You should put on this adorable act more often.”

Nami’s blush returned. “Mhp eehih hee (stop teasing me).”

“No. I’m having too much fun.”

Robin began peppering Nami’s tummy in kisses, slowly moving up until her nose was buried in the chasm that was her cleavage.

And the poor thief could do nothing but moan silently, writhing beneath her friend with her arms completely immobile and her legs tugging at the ropes.

With each passing second, she could feel her body grow needier. It had been so long since the two of them had gotten to play, and her private practice sessions never really passed the mustard. Nami had worked really hard to improve her skills so she could show Robin a proper, fun-filled night.

To think she’d have it snatched away, so close to the finish line!

This isn’t fair! Was all she could think. We agreed that whoever won the bet got to be in charge! You’re not playing fair Robin!

But for all her anger, the cute orange haired girl had to admit this side of the role play was a heck of a lot easier to maintain: No intricate bondage to think up, no master plan,… All she had to do right now was try and hold out as long as she could in an effort to annoy Robin.

Problem was, the raven-haired woman was doing such a good job the will to do that wasn’t exactly strong.

“Looks like you were just as eager for this session as I was.” Robin remarked after she spotted Nami’s nipples poking into her skimpy white and blue bikini top.

“Huh ohf frmm hih haih (But not from this side).” Nami replied stubbornly.

“Oh please, are you still going on about that? I told you, I was feeling frisky.”

“Hmnf.” The navigator huffed.

Her tall friend sighed defeated. “I suppose there is no point in trying to play with you, if you’re going to be like this.”

“Hmrn?!” Nami yelped in surprise, staring at her friend.

Don’t tell me-

“Hmrn hmm mhnh mmh hff hee ow (Are you going to let me out)?”

“No. I’m going to leave you alone.”

Nami looked at Robin in confusion. She’s going to call off our play date? That’s rather anti-climactic.

Nevertheless, the orangette rolled onto her front to expose the buckles keeping her armbinder in place so Robin could get at them.

“Oh no, I’m not going to release you, I’m just going to leave you alone.”

“HAHN (HUH)?!”

“Maybe tomorrow morning you’ll be more willing to play.” Robin said calmly as she got off the bed.

“OHIN (ROBIN)?!” Nami screamed in dismay, bucking up and down on the mattress.

The bodacious archaeologist turned around. “Yes?” She asked with that complacent smile of hers.


“No.” Was insultingly brief reply, after which Robin boldly walked out the door and locked it to prevent other crew members from discovering Nami.

The helpless navigator sat up on her bed, staring at the door for a full minute.

Did Robin really just leave her alone for the night? After tying her up, gagging her, then playing with her body until she’d gotten so horny her clit had begun throbbing?

She’s coming back. She HAS to come back! I can’t stay like this for an entire night! I’ll go insane!

“OHHIIIHH (ROOBIIIIN)!” Nami screamed at the top of her lungs, expecting her friend to pop back into the room, either as a copy or in the flesh.


“HMMRRRR!” The voluptuous damsel growled. This is ridiculous! I want out, damn it!

Nami began thrashing around on her bed, bucking up and down as she tried to wriggle her arms free from the leather box armbinder Robin had buckled up.

She strained herself with all her might, but the sturdy leather refused to budge. The straps wrapped around her chest to keep the whole contraption in place had been done up too tightly as well. Try as she might, she couldn’t slip them off.

And without her arms, she stood no chance of removing the ropes around her ankles or the tape sealing her mouth.

I’m stuck. Nami had to concede. Not that it came as a surprise, given that Robin had been the one to bind her. But still. It was frustrating!

“HMNNNN!” The helpless navigator howled again, rolling onto her front and squishing her massive knockers beneath her body as she did.

She was burning up. Brief as it had been, Robin’s rundown of her body had still left the poor thief in a right state!

Robin, you’d better come back before morning!

[Two hours later]

Night had fallen, the crew had stopped partying in favour of getting some shut-eye.

The only people still awake were Zoro -inside the lookout-, Robin who was enjoying the gentle breeze on deck, and Nami who was still fuming at having her evening of being in charge snatched away from her.

Thankfully, Robin wasn’t patient enough to wait an entire night to continue their little game.

When the historian walked back into Nami’s room, the orange haired damsel immediately perked up.

“Ohm-ih (Robin)?” She muttered through her tape gag, which was still intact despite countless attempts of rubbing it off on her mattress.

“Of course it’s me.” The tall bombshell replied. “You didn’t think I’d given the key to Sanji or something, did you?”

“Uh-haih hee (Untie me)!” Nami demanded angrily.


That made the orangette blink a couple of times. “HMN (HUH)?!”

“I’ll untie you.”

“Aih (why)?”

“What do you mean why? Didn’t you just ask me to?” Robin replied dryly as she started by removing the tape gag.

“W-well yes, but I didn’t expect you to listen.”

“If you prefer I can toy with you some more first.” Robin offered.

She then began fondling and tickling her crew mate, making her squirm and scream with laughter.

“Sto- stop it! Ahahahah! Stop it Robin!”

It took a few minutes before Robin finally granted her captive’s request, leaving poor Nami to lie on her bed panting heavily. She’d thrashed around so wildly her skimpy bikini had come undone, leaving her completely naked.

“You ready to switch roles now?”

“Haah, haah, haah…” Nami was still panting a little. “What’s your deal? You’ve been acting weird all evening.”

“What do you mean? I’ve only been teasing you a little bit. Now I’m done so it’s your turn to be in charge. You did win our wager after all, fair and square.” Robin answered as she freed Nami.

"I thought you called me out on technicalities." Nami snided, stretching her arms with a soft groan as she got the feeling back.

"I needed an excuse to turn the tables on you." Robin admitted coyly.

"Well then I hope you won't mind me using this chance to pay you back for that." She said whilst she fixed her bikini again. It had gone a bit askew thanks to her thrashing around on the bed.

"Do your best. I'm eager to learn how much you've progressed since our last game."

"Then why did you even spring your stupid trap on me in the first place?!"

"Because I wanted to make sure you'd be motivated." The raven-haired woman said cutely.

Nami grinned. "Oh, don't you worry about that. Right now, I am extremely eager to show you how much I've improved!"

Truth be told, the only thing keeping Nami going for her dozens of struggling fits had been the numerous revenge scenarios she kept thinking up!

Robin chuckled. "I'm certain you'll provide me with a very entertaining challenge." She said as she sat down on the bed, crossing those long slender legs of hers and righting her back to make her amazing chest stand out even more.

"Thank you for the vote of confidence." Nami said calmly as she pulled her duffle bag back out from under the bed. "The compliment won't make me go easy on you, but it's still appreciated."

The raven-haired woman chuckled. "I wouldn't want you to hold back anyways." She says softly as her whole body started tensing up in anticipation for that first rope being coiled into place.

“For starters, you can put this around your neck.” Nami instructed as she handed Robin a thin sea stone collar.

“I suppose that was to be expected.” The tall historian admitted as she locked it and sealed her powers. “My necklace would have been more fashionable though.”

“It would also have been fake sea stone.”

“I have a real one too.”

“But chances are you’d try and pawn off the replica. And I’m not taking any chances tonight.”

“Fair point.” Robin conceded as she placed her arms behind her back. “Have fun Nami.”

The straw hat’s navigator didn’t reply anymore, too focused on getting her ropework just right.

Nami started out by cinching a rope around Robin’s wrists, securely knotting it off.

While the navigator uncoiled her second length, Robin gave her bonds a test.

Secure, but there is still a flaw or two. She realized. By shifting the ropes just a little, she felt the knot slip into reach of her fingers. Robin quickly held still again before Nami could spot what she was doing.

The navigator moved on to loop her second length around Robin’s upper arms, just above her elbows. Nami continued to tighten the ropes until her friend’s elbows were touching, thrusting her large rack outward to the point of bulging her cute pink top.

“Careful, I might pop out of my shirt.” Robin joked.

Nami giggled. “If you have time to kid around, then maybe I’m not tying these ropes tightly enough.” She retorted, giving the elbow bonds another yank to pull them extra tight.

“Ah!” Robin gasped in surprise.

“Too much?”

“Not at all, you promised not to hold back after all.”

Nami smirked as she tied off the ropes and began lining up her third length. “Getting worried yet?”

“No.” Robin taunted her.

“Hihi, you’re really enjoying yourself, aren’t you?”

“I could say the same to you.”

“Well, I did go on a shopping spree in the last town solely in the hopes of surprising you at least a little.”

“Really now? Then I suggest you hurry up.”

“Finally getting curious?” Nami smirked as she started wrapping the long rope around Robin’s waist, just below her breasts. She repeated that above her breasts, then cinched the ropes into place behind her back and ran the remaining length along the back of her neck, drawing in her shoulders before anchoring the chest harness to her elbow bonds. When Nami was done, Robin’s arms were almost completely fixed in place. The only way for her to move was by shifting her entire upper body at once, which would pull on her now bulging knockers.

“Very well done.” Robin commended as she gave her restraints a brief test.

"Oooff!” She grunted as the ropes dug into her skin, pressuring her tits. “How did you learn about this?"

"I swiped one of your better hidden books." Nami boasted.

"Haha, naughty girl."

"Well, I am a thief." Nami countered as she moved on to her friend's slender legs.

She used no less than five lengths of rope to completely immobilize Robin: One around her ankles, another for her calves. A piece below her knees and another above. The last one had been tightly wrapped around her thighs and left the buxom historian with the entire length of her legs pressed together.

After lifting her legs off the floor and attempting a kick, she smiled at Nami. “Did you practice this on yourself? About two weeks ago?”

The orangette’s eyes widened. “How did you know that?”

“Because we had great weather around that time, but you never wore anything other than long jeans or thick stockings. This explains it: you were hiding rope marks.”

Nami frowned. “I’d tied the ropes just as tight as I did now and spent about half an hour testing their security.”

“But when you took the ropes off, they were left imprinted on your skin.” Robin finished the story.

The cat burglar began blushing cutely. “I suppose I thrashed around a bit too wildly.”

“You should’ve taken a bath straight after you took off the ropes. The warm water would improve circulation and clear up the marks in half the time.”

“I didn’t know that!” The orange haired girl said surprised.

“Well now you do. Consider it my reward for all your efforts. This really is a huge improvement to your last attempt.”

“Oh, but I’m not done yet.” Nami replied, showing one last rope. “Your legs might be secure, but you could still hop around the room like this. I’m going to take that away as well.”

“Ah, a hogtie then?” Robin replied without missing a beat.

“Y-you knew?”

But the historian just smiled calmly instead of offering a response.

“Well if you were prepared all along, then you know what to do.”

Robin nodded and scooted further up the mattress, gently lifting her legs up again to fully climb onto the bed and – with some aid from her friend- roll onto her chest.

Nami first looped her rope around Robin’s ankles bonds, then brought it up to circle it around her elbow ropes. She used that as a leveraging point to pull Robin’s feet towards her hands.

Slowly but surely, Robin could feel the soles of her feet reaching closer to her hands. The muscles in her legs began bulging ever so slightly under the strain, which only tightened the many ropes wrapping her lower body.

“Hmrrg.” She grunted as the bending of her legs served to remove the minute amounts of slack her bonds had left her.

“Brace yourself.” The orangette suddenly said when Robin’s ankles were just inches removed from her hands. And with a mighty pull, Nami drew Robin’s feet several inches closer still!

“Aahhh!” Robin gasped and groaned in pain as her chest was lifted off the floor, her back now bending slightly to accommodate the meagre 2-inches connecting her wrists to her ankles.

“Owww! Nami, this might be a bit much.” The archaeologist groaned again as her captor backed off, but the pressure remained.

The weather manipulator smirked at her friend. “Does that mean I’m finally rattling you then?”

“Honestly, yes. This is… quite a bit tighter than I’d expected.” Robin admitted.

“Thank God. I don’t know what I would have done if you still wouldn’t be fazed after this!” Nami replied. “I already pulled the hogtie tighter than I planned because you kept acting so composed.”

Guess I should’ve called her out earlier then. My escape just became quite a bit more challenging. The dark haired woman scolded herself.

She grunted as she searched for a comfy position. “To be honest I don’t think there’s any room left for you to add more ropes.”

“Well, you wanted me to go all out.” Nami countered. “This is the best I can manage right now. Impressed?”

“Yes.” Robin replied as she tried to stretch her legs, only to discover she pulled her back even more taut and forced the ropes around her chest to further cling to her bosom. “Very impressed. I’d almost call it perfect.”

But despite her hugely uncomfortable predicament, the historian still felt confident she could escape… Eventually.

This will take me a while, but her small mistake on tying my hands will be my way out. After those have been loosened, I'm certain I can get most of the important knots in reach by squirming and shifting my body around. The only real problem would probably be the ropes around my chest and elbows. But if everything else is gone, I can budge those just by thrashing around.

Her lips curled into a faint grin. All of that is assuming Nami will even let me concentrate of course, and that she’ll leave me with enough stamina to do all that…

“I see you can still smile.” Nami remarked as she picked up the roll of duct tape Robin had brandished earlier.

"Ah, of course. My gag." Robin remarked calmly.

"Naturally. And I won't be as half-hearted as you were.” Nami replied as she retrieved a large sponge from the duffle bag. From the looks of it, it was brand new.

“Aaahhhn.” Nami said playfully, holding out the massive yellow sponge.

The historian giggled and opened up as far as she could.

When the sponge was only two-thirds of the way in, Robin was already feeling like her mouth had been stuffed to the brim. 

“mgnf!” She tried to convey to her captor.

Nami disagreed however, and kept pressuring the malleable stuffing until all of it had slipped mast Robin’s sensual lips.

“Close your mouth please, so I can rip off some tape and keep the sponge inside.”

“mg gmmn (I can’t).” The historian said dryly. She wasn’t joking either, her gag was so hefty it hindered her from fully closing her mouth!

The orangette shrugged. “Well try your best then.”

Nami worked fast to prevent the sponge from spilling out, first plastering three small rectangles of dark grey tape directly over Robin’s lips to keep her from losing track of the sponge.

But then she really went to town. There had probably been over 4 feet of tape left on the roll, but by the time Nami felt satisfied nearly all of it had gone.

The end result was quite impressive however: the lower half or Robin’s face had been transformed into a smooth, grey surface.

Robin groaned softly as she tried to make the massive stuffing settle into place. Thankfully the new sponge did wonders for containing her saliva, but that was just about the only reprieve it offered.

“Pfew, I’d say this should do the trick. Want to test it for me?” The navigator offered.

Robin nodded.


Even with her screaming at the top of her lungs, Robin herself could barely pick up the noise wrestling past the thick layers of tape.

It was lost due to the gag, but she smiled contently.

Well done, Nami. This is what you call a gag!

The orangette herself seemed quite pleased with the result as well. “Sounds perfect to me.”

The historian nodded, rolling onto her side in preparation of Nami’s next move, which she expected to consist out of paying back all the teasing she’d done earlier, with interest.

To her surprise however, Nami rolled her right back onto her front and slapped her ass. Hard.


“First things first: a little payback.” Nami said as she left Robin to enjoy the smack’s afterburn stinging her perfect rear and began searching her duffle bag.

I should have known. Robin thought as she tried to worm her way towards the edge of the bed to get a peek inside the bag.

But to her surprise, the ropework was a lot more rigid than she’d expected. Her progress was painfully slow, and every inch came at a high price. Whichever way she moved, pressure would always arise at one point or another. Some of it hurt, while at other times it was arousing. But all of it served to drain her stamina.

I might be in more trouble than I thought.

Meanwhile Nami kept rummaging around.

“Ah! Finally, why is it that the stuff you need is always hidden away at the very bottom?” 


The orangette grinned at her bound and gagged friend. “Care to guess?”


“Hihi, I have no idea what you said.”


“This isn’t getting us anywhere. I’ll just show you.” Nami replied as she pulled a long white feather from the bag. “Tadaaa!”

Robin’s eyes shot wide open. “HMRN (NO)!”

“YES!” The cat burglar smirked. “You tickled me just now, so you can bet I’m returning that favour!”

“HMRNNN!” The raven-haired damsel growled angrily, bucking around on Nami’s bed.

But she stood no chance at resisting the navigator as she rolled her onto her side and exposed her smooth and taut belly. “It’s a good thing you kept that summer outfit rather than throwing on a night gown. Lots of exposed skin.” She taunted as the feather began brushing against Robin’s skin.

“mmfnnnfnnhhnnfff!!” The helpless historian began mewling into her gag, flinching and squirming uncontrollably.

But no matter how hard she tried to resist, the ropes kept her completely secure, utterly powerless to stop Nami’s tickle spree.

The naughty cat burglar ran her long feather upwards along Robin’s belly, then brushed the smooth flesh of her breasts and neck. She rolled the buxom captive onto her front and began tickling the soles of her feet, drawing out even louder moans from her squirming victim.

“hmnfn (stop it)!” Robin cried with laughter, breathing greedily through her nose in an effort to keep up with her pained lungs’ need for air.

Nami’s tickling felt like it went on for hours, even though reality was a lot less severe. After just ten minutes, the navigator showed mercy to her exhausted friend.

Robin was trembling on the bed, her entire body completely on edge from the relentless assault on the most sensitive regions of her skin.

“I take it this has been enough to discourage you from backing out from a wager ever again?” Nami asked.

The bound and gagged historian nodded slowly, still taking in large gulps of air.

“Good, then I’ll switch to something nicer.”

Nami gently rolled Robin onto her side, exposing her lovely breasts which were lying bare right now. Thanks to her valiant thrashing, the knot tying her pink shirt in place had come undone.

“Somehow this feels ironic.” The orangette remarked teasingly. “All your wriggling and the only knot you’ve removed is the one you probably wanted to stay intact.”

Robin just rolled her eyes and shook her knockers suggestively.

“You want me to do it back up?”


“Now why would I do that?” Nami replied, reaching out to pinch her damsel’s right nipple.


“Ohh, sensitive aren’t you?”

“Mfn (yes)!”

“Good, that’ll make this even more enjoyable.” Nami replied as she gently squeezed both of Robin’s tits.

The helpless archaeologist wailed into her gag as a shiver ran down her spine.

Nami moved on to caress the rest of her friend’s body, ultimately ending up at her hips where she untied the string either side of her black bikini bottom to take away the only sliver of modesty she still possessed.

Robin tried to fight her, purely because she didn’t want to make things too easy on Nami. But to her ever growing disgruntlement, nothing she tried seemed to even slow her captor down.

She was forced to limply lie on the bed as Nami began stroking her labia and pinching her clit, gradually turning her on more and more.

But before Robin could even get close to an orgasm, Nami backed away again.

“Mnnn!” Robin protested. Don’t stop now! You have me where you want me, don’t you?!

“Come to think of it, I need a shower.” The orange haired girl said casually. “I’ve been feeling sticky ever since I exhausted myself trying to escape that armbinder.”


You come up with that NOW?! You’re taking advantage of the situation a bit too much here!

Robin glared at Nami, trying to nudge her hips into her.

“My, my. You’re being a bit demanding, don’t you think?” She teased.

“mmrrr!” Robin continued to raise an angry fuss.

“Relax, I will make sure you don’t grow bored.”

“Mf! Mgn mffrn mrnhh nnrm hnn mmhn rmhh mmhh!”

“I’m afraid I don’t understand a word your saying.” Nami giggled.


“I can guess what that was. Alright then, let’s make a deal: if you can reach your climax before I get back from my shower, I’ll let you out.”

“Hmrnhh?!!” Robin grunted into her gag. I have to REACH my climax?

That made no sense at all. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?



“Well it’s not like I am going to leave you like this. You’d have no chance.”

“hmrgg.” Robin rolled her eyes in irritation.

“So, I’ll be supplying you with some aids of course. They just won’t be very effective, meaning you will need to be creative in getting the job done. You love being creative, don’t you?”

“hmrnf!” The dark haired woman growled. You need wriggle room to be creative!

“Hihihi, I’ll take that as a yes.”

The buxom cat burglar then turned her attention the duffle bag, no doubt to search out all of the toys that were to ‘help’ Robin.

The raven-haired damsel took this moment of rest to roll onto her side and feel out her bondage properly for the first time.

As I expected, all of the ropes are still secure. But my thrashing has shifted it a bit, I should be able to exploit the little bit of slack I have now. If Nami stays away for long enough and the toys will be as docile as she suggests, I can free myself enough to mount an escape.

As much fun as playing the damsel was, there was an even greater rush in mounting an escape. Especially now that she was faced with a predicament as daunting as this one!

The lewd historian already felt her labia starting to quiver at the excitement laying ahead of her: shifting the ropes around, picking at the knots to create more slack, shimmying out of the gaps she’d painstakingly created. And -if Nami kept her word- a faint buzz to keep her on edge the entire time!

“What are you smiling about?” Nami interrupted her captive’s erotic brainwave. “I can see it in your eyes, you’re still not worried?”

Robin flinched back to the present and looked at her friend, then at the edge of the bed where Nami had gathered her toys.

Four small vibrating beads, a pair of earplugs, a yet black leather blindfold and a double-headed vibrator.

That’s supposed to be mild?

“None of these will be on full force of course.” Nami assured her captive as she took hold of a roll of thin see-through tape. She used it to tape the vibrating beads into place, two of which ended up pinching each nipple from above and below.

She then gently slipped the vibrator into Robin’s folds, positioning it thusly that the smaller head nudged her ass. A length of rope tied around her waist and looped in between her legs would ensure she couldn’t slip it out again.

“Hmnnn.” The historian groaned as her pussy hungrily accepted the sturdy rubber.

“There you go, these should help you along nicely while I’m gone. My guess is I’ll be out for about an hour.”

Robin nodded calmly, then closed her eyes in preparation for the toys coming to life.


“mmf?” She mouthed surprised as she opened her eyes again to see Nami holding a new roll of grey duct tape.

What the-

“Finishing touches.” Was the only explanation the navigator provided as she rolled Robin onto her front.

“Mnrr!” The raven haired woman frowned confused. What is she-

But before she could even finish her thought, Nami got to work like a whirlwind.

For the next minute or so, the faint sound of tape being rolled off, wrapped and ripped could be heard all over the place.

Robin strained her neck to try and look behind her, but the miles of rope Nami had coiled around her voluptuous body kept her from seeing anything. She felt Nami brush past her whole body, briefly stopping in certain places to work with the tape. Yet the feeling of adhesive touching her skin never followed.

What is she doing?

“There we go!” Nami suddenly declared as she chucked the roll aside. “This should keep you from meddling with the knots.”

The raven-haired woman felt her eyes grow wide.

What?! What did she just-

Robin quickly began searching out the knots she’d felt earlier.

Only she could no longer find them. Or rather, the places she knew them to be now felt smooth and slippery, not something you can work loose by plucking at or even shifting your body around.

Her heart skipped a beat as everything slotted into place:

She’s covered the knots in tape!!!

"Hmnrfff!" The bound and gagged archaeologist roared into her gag, though it came out as a timid whisper.

It was too late to offer any protest anyways. The hogtie reduced even her most violent throes to meek wriggles. Save for nodding her head, the bodacious historian was practically paralyzed. And with the knots now out of reach, she had no way of mending that.

“What do you think?” Nami asked triumphantly. “I knew that even after practicing, my ropework would probably not be as secure as yours. I thought long and hard about the best way to compensate. Chains and cuffs would make things easy of course, but then you’d be on guard from the get go.”

The historian glared at Nami. So, you slowly increased my bondage to keep me docile… Clever. 

She had to admit it, the cunning cat burglar had outwitted her this time. And that stung even more than her ropes!

“I’m happy I chose this option, the look on your face is priceless!”

I’ll have to take your word for it, though I can somewhat imagine the scowl I’m wearing right now. Robin thought annoyed. This little sneak attack had been pure genius, she had no choice but to admit that. However, that didn’t make the sting of defeat any less painful!

“Now I can go and take my shower in peace, without having to worry about you mounting an escape.”


Nami tied the blindfold into place, completely obscuring the raven haired woman’s vision. She then slipped the first earplug in and leant in close to nibble on Robin’s earlobe.

“Good luck Robin, you’ll need it.” She whispered before slotting the second earplug into place, trapping Robin in her own mind without any signals from the outside world.

The sensual navigator then flicked the switch to activate all of the toys on their lowest strength, making Robin yelp in surprise, before calmly heading for the bathroom.

She almost had to bite her tongue not to start screaming out in joy.

YES! Everything went completely according to plan! Not even Robin will be able to escape all that! The orangette thought proudly, humming a soft tune as she bounded over to the shower and enjoyed a lovely stream of warm water raining down on her impeccable body.

Meanwhile, inside Nami’s room, Robin was positively fuming.

Almost immediately, the helpless historian had realized the faint buzz wouldn’t get her off. And with her hands pinned behind her back, there was no helping herself along either. Heck, her body had been so thoroughly pinned down even rubbing into the mattress would be a challenge.

But her original plan of escaping and looking for the key to her collar had become pointless thanks to Nami’s last minute tap additions.

Nevertheless, the sensuous historian had begun struggling and squirming for all she was worth. She’d clamped down hard on the sponge stuffing her mouth to bite away the pain and arousal her bondage was forcing on her.

She had been rolling around on the bed, lying on her chest, her side and even rolling onto her back to push her firm rear off the mattress with her feet. Any position she could think of to try and make her ropes shift.

But none had budged, and the poor historian had to concede she’d wasted completely wasted her first 15-or-so minutes.

Her next move had been to try and pry the tape loose in order to get access to her knots. She knew she could undo them, they were perfectly in range. But as she’d feared, the smooth and slippery tape was impossible to remove with her blindly fluttering fingers.

With each failed attempt her frustration grew, which only led to more mistakes and making life harder on herself by tightening up the ropes in all the wrong places.

When 45 minutes had passed, poor Robin was lying in the middle of Nami’s bed. The sexy archaeologist was bathed in sweat, panting heavily, and completely exhausted. But in the end, she never managed to budge her restraints.

She had tried every trick in the book, but still failed to improve her situation at all.

It’s no use. That stupid tape is blocking me completely. I can’t work on a single knot! And these ropes are never going to budge, no matter how long or hard I writhe around… I– I can’t get out.

“HMHHMRRRGGRGGG!” She growled in frustration as she finally conceded defeat to Nami’s work.

Back to the wager then, I suppose. She conceded with flushed cheeks. But I only have about 10 minutes left, will that even be enough for me to reach an orgasm?

Her escape a hopeless endeavour, she had no choice but to focus on the vibrators messing around with her body. 

But like Nami had foreshadowed, that wasn’t as easy as it sounded. The cunning weather manipulator hadn’t switched them to a high enough setting. Not even close.

No matter how hard Robin tried to enjoy herself, her liberation never came into grasp. Over time her frustration and the bite of the ropes began gnawing away at the faint pleasurable vibe, until finally she lost the thrill altogether.

Left with nothing but an irritating itch continually bothering her lovebox, ass and nipples, Robin rolled onto her side -the most comfy position she could manage- and screamed her lungs out to vent. 

This was her second surrender of the night, and it burned even worse than the first.

I guess this means I’ll have to play by Nami’s rules for a little while longer. I can only imagine how long she’s going to hold this over my head…

Having accepted her fate in remaining the sub for this playdate, Robin tried to find centre her thoughts and calm herself down. Nami had probably planned for her to be defeated, so it made sense to expect the games weren’t over yet.

However, even after her time had run out, Nami remained absent. 

What’s going on? Sure, I can’t hear or see so I might be a little bit off. But by now it HAS to have been more than sixty minutes! Damn it, where is she?!

“Mnhm (Nami)?” The dark haired damsel tried, wondering if her friend might just be sitting beside her and enjoying her squirm.


“Mhnfh, hmn mhr! Mhn hmnn hmmfhh (Nami, come on! This isn’t funny!)”

But Nami wasn’t in the room.

The playful cat burglar had gotten the urge to switch from her shower to a longer, more relaxing bath. By the time her promised hour had passed, she’d barely gotten into the groove and wasn’t going anywhere.

Of course, poor Robin had no way of knowing that. The only thing she knew was that she was growing hornier by the minute, and now had no way of knowing when exactly that was going to stop!

In the end, the poor historian spent over two hours on the verge, fidgeting hopelessly to try and reach a climax since she had nothing else to do.

When Nami finally returned, Robin was on the verge of tears. The hunger in her loins was so great by now it felt like she was boiling from the inside out!

All of her writhing around hadn’t exactly helped keep herself cool either. Her limbs were screaming at her for some relief, most of all for that horrendous hogtie rope to be removed so she could grant her back and legs some rest.


Robin was in such a state it actually startled Nami a little. She rushed over to her captive immediately and removed the earplugs. “I’m here.”

The raven haired woman let out a long sigh in relief.


“Hmn mhh hmm mn mmh (What took you so long)?!”

“I was having a bath.” Nami replied as she took off all of the vibrating toys.


“Well I figured you would appreciate the extra time. Although judging by your mood it doesn’t seem like it helped.” Nami taunted as she removed the blindfold next.

“HMGGRR!” Robin growled, squirming angrily. “MH MMH MMH (UNGAG ME)!”

The navigator briefly entertained the idea of teasing her captive some more. But when she spotted the deathly glare she reconsidered.

“Hold still.”

Nami quickly but carefully removed all of the tape wrapped around Robin’s beautiful face, after which the historian angrily began working the sponge out of her mouth. It was so big and had grown so heavy with moisture Nami ended up having to help just to wrestle the whole thing past her lips again.

“I want out.”

“I’ll bet you do. But the terms were: you had to cum on your own.”

“But you didn’t play fair!”

“Neither did you when you tied me up despite it being my turn to be in charge.”

“Are you still angry about that?”

“No, not after seeing the state you’re in right now.” The navigator said triumphantly.

Robin sighed. “I’ll admit that you thoroughly beat me this time. I’ve tried just about everything I could think off, but I can’t get out.”

“Does that mean you feel I've made enough progress as a domme?"

“You can say that again. You still need work when safety is concerned though, like not abandoning your subject for hours on end.”

“You couldn’t move enough to harm yourself.” 

“That might be true, but in case of trouble I’d be helpless as well.”

“Zoro is still awake in the lookout. Which reminds me, I should probably gag you again before I move on.”

“What? Move on to what?”

“What else? Playing with you! I have barely gotten to do anything yet!”

“That’s because spent all your time in a bathtub!” Robin protested.

“And now I’m going to spend my time with you.” The cat burglar chimed as she plastered new strips of tape to shut her friend up.

“uh-haih hee (untie me)!” The historian demanded again.

But to her fury, Nami blatantly ignored her and instead rolled her onto her side to expose her gorgeous body.

“You sound angry, but by the looks of things you’re also quite needy.” She quipped as she leaned in to start nibbling on Robin’s rock hard nipples.

“Uuhhhmm!” The helpless historian wailed. As angry as she was, she couldn’t deny that Nami’s teeth and tongue were really hitting the spot.

Things got even better when she moved down to start lapping at her pussy.

“Ah-hur (faster)!” Robin gasped into her tape gag.

Nami complied, gently massaging her captive’s massive rack whist her tongue delved deep enough to start flicking Robin’s throbbing clit.

The raven haired woman felt her eyes bulge.

Finally! It’s here!

“HHHMMMMNNNNN!!” Robin shrieked as her climax finally erupted, plastering Nami with her love juice. But the eager thief polished it all off, licking and slurping as her tongue swivelled even faster.

“oh hohh (don’t stop)!” Robin begged. She didn’t care about all of the stunts Nami had pulled earlier. The only thing that matter right now was continuing to ride this humongous wave of erotic pleasure for as long as possible.

Nami smirked triumphantly as she began nibbling ever so gently on Robin’s labia.

Sounds like she’s starting to forgive me.


The afterglow of Robin’s first climax had barely subsided when her second came knocking. The massive rush was almost making her entire ordeal worthwhile.

After the historian’s breathing had calmed down again, Nami began fumbling around with the ropes to undo the back-breaking hogtie that had given poor Robin so much grief.

The bound and gagged woman let out a long, relieved groan as her entire body felt like it was coming back to life, almost instantly.

However after the hogtie rope disappeared, Nami stopped what she was doing.

“It’s getting late. I’d say it’s time for bed.”

Robin nodded and rolled her back towards the orangette so she could continue untying her.

But instead of freeing her friend, Nami grabbed the duct tape again and trapped Robin’s hands into fists!

“HMRN?!” The tall, buxom damsel cried in outrage. “OW OHR (NO MORE)!”

“Relax, I’m not going to do anything to you.” Nami assured her. “This is just some extra insurance to prevent you from pulling anything during the night.” She explained as she rolled Robin to one side and crawled into bed beside her.

The sexy cat burglar then wrapped her arms and legs around her tall captive.

“There we go, you’re the best body pillow a girl could wish for.” She giggled.

Robin didn’t appreciate the quip however. “uh-haih he (untie me).”

“Nope. You’re spending the night like this. That way, next time you'll hopefully think twice about flipping around the terms of our agreement…"

"Hmnrrr!" Robin growled angrily, trying to worm her way out of Nami's grasp.

But the voluptuous navigator simply tightened her grip and gave her captive a spank.


"Hush now, it's time for bed." Nami taunted as she pressed her massive knockers against Robin's even larger rack.

And the poor historian was helpless to resist. The ropes had been bad enough, even without the hogtie she stood virtually no chance of getting out of her bondage. Least of all thanks to the tape gloves Nami had fitted.

She glared down at a smirking Nami.

"Good night Robin.” She said. “Better rest well, because with you changing the terms of our bet earlier tonight, I think I'll be changing the time-frame."

"Mnf?!" The historian grunted confused.

"What do you say about two whole days?"

The historian’s eyes grew wide. "HMRNN!!!" She shook her head fiercely, squirming in Nami’s grasp again.

*smack* The weather manipulator had landed another strike to her firm buttocks.


"Hihihi, I thought so. We'll make it three then." The navigator giggled as she cupped Robin’s head in her hands to look her straight in the eye. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to keep things interesting.” She promised before planting her fulsome lips onto Robin’s tape gag for a long, sensual kiss.

“Hmnnnn.” The orange haired girl moaned softly, nudging her hips into Robin’s.

She’d been so focused on getting back at Robin and making sure she’d remain helpless, she had overlooked one major element: her own pleasure.

I can’t believe how aroused I’m feeling from all of this! But I can’t very well start things up all over again, Robin is upset enough as it is.

The needy cat burglar loosened her grip on her helpless pillow so they could both drift off.

Guess I know what Robin will be having for breakfast. She chuckled internally as she closed her eyes, finally leaving her captive alone to try and do the same.

Obviously, Nami was the first to enter a deep sleep. Robin was still feeling antsy from her orgasm and she was having some trouble finding a comfy position with her limbs so securely bound and taped. For that matter her view on the next few days wasn't very encouraging either.

Nami has certainly gotten better at being a domme. A lot better. Maybe even too much. I’ll need to be extremely inventive if I’m going to properly pay her back for all of this…

Those were the last thoughts to enter the archaeologist's mind before finally finding rest. Rest she'd no doubt need to make it through the next few days…


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