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It was late at night. Robin was sitting in her room reading a book and enjoying the calm weather on the seas. 

Nearly finished with her chapter, the gorgeous woman with the long black hair was just about ready to go to bed, already dressed for it as well: She was wearing nothing other than par pair of dark purple panties with matching bra and a light grey, nearly see-through XL-size T-shirt that dropped all the way down past her hips.

Thinking that everyone else had gone to sleep already, the raven haired woman put her book to the side and got up to head for bed when she heard a soft knock on her door.

So I’m not the only one still up, then. Robin thought curious at who it could be at her door, and for what reason they had for the late night visit. She quietly walked over to her door and opened it up.

"Hi Robin, I’m not disturbing anything I hope?" Nami started out with the second she and the taller woman were face to face. "I noticed the light was still on so I dropped by for a visit."

The orange haired girl was wearing her usual light blue jeans, a pair of high heels and flashy blue T-shirt which had 'Moody' written in dark blue lettering. It was quite an old T-shirt which she still had left over from her times before the two year training gap and now only used as nightwear. But with the shirt being that old it meant it fitted quite tightly around her chest, which had expanded considerably since then.

"Always welcome to visit," Robin replied, "but to what do I owe the pleasure at this hour?"

"I just thought, with everyone out cold, we could have another one of our 'sessions'.” The navigator suggested, a faint blush on her cheeks as this was her first time asking suggesting one.

Robin gave her crew member a surprised look. "Well, well. To think you would come to me for one of those." She said teasingly.

"Hey, it's your fault for dragging me into this. The least you can do is help satisfy my craving." Nami replied, pulling a lip and feigning a look of desperation.

The raven haired woman chuckled. "Fair enough, come on in then." Robin then stepped aside to let her friend in.

As Nami walked into the room, Robin noticed her having a bag slung over her shoulder, just as the archeologist had done when she'd visited Nami the previous time.

"Looks like you've been shopping. "Robin remarked."

"Of course, during our last stop for supplies. I needed to practice a little before meeting up with you again. That, and I didn't want to have to bother you every time I wanted some fun."

"How often have you tied yourself up already?" Robin asked, instantly understanding her orange haired crewmate's explanation.

"Twice, and apart from my hands I must say I've gotten pretty good at knot tying."

"Hmm, sounds promising." Robin answered with a slight grin. "Let's find out just how good then. Why don't you go ahead and tie me up, then I'll follow up by tying you."

"You want to take turns?" Nami asked confused.

But instead of answering, Robin just summoned her copy.

"Oh… Right, you can do that. So she will be tying me up then?"

"Exactly." The raven haired woman replied as she took off her sweatshirt, leaving her standing in just her lacy, figure hugging lingerie.

"So whenever you're ready, miss navigator." The copy then added.

"Guess I'll follow suit first." Nami replied, dropping the bag on the floor and then taking off her high heels, jeans and the T-shirt to reveal a stunning bright orange lingerie set one tone brighter than the colour of her hair. The tight bra was hugging her large chest, accentuating her breasts beautifully, whilst the panties were made up of rather little cloth, showing quite a lot of her well rounded bum.

“Looks like you bought more than just ropes during our last stop.” Robin remarked. “That is quite a beautiful set of underwear.”

“Thanks.” Nami replied with a bright smile. “I instantly loved the way it looked in the shops, and the fabric feels heavenly on my skin too. But you’re no different Robin, that set you’re wearing really brings out your ‘assets’ too.”

Robin chuckled. “Well, you know by now that I do like to pamper myself every once in a while. I simply couldn’t resist when I saw this piece hanging in the shop window. I’m glad you think it looks good too.”

“Yes, it sure is pretty.” Nami responded. “But a couple of ropes would really give it that extra ‘oomph’, don’t you think?”

“Then by all means feel free to start adding them.” The raven haired woman replied with a naughty grin.

As Nami uncoiled her first rope, Robin had already turned her back towards the navigator and placed her arms behind her.

The orange haired girl started out by placing Robin’s lower arms horizontally on top of one another so that her left palm was pressed on her right elbow and vice versa. Nami then began wrapping the opre rope tightly and cinching it to keep the archaeologist’s arms firmly in place.

Moving on, Nami began wrapping a second rope around her friend’s upper body, first underneath her large breasts and then doing the same above them. After knotting off that rope behind Robin’s back, she brought the rope over the raven haired woman’s left shoulder, down in between her tits to loop it around the lower chest rope and back up and over Robin’s right shoulder. With the last end of the rope back behind Robin, Nami connected it to the archaeologist’s already heavily bound arms, trapping them even more tightly in place and also making sure that every bit of shifting would be felt by the already strict chest harness tightening up even further.

“Now then, could you sit down for me please?” Nami asked her crewmember as she picked up yet another length of rope.

“Sure.” Robin replied, gently lowering herself onto her knees first, and from there on sitting herself down on bum with her legs stretched out in front of her.

“You sure are flexible.” The beautiful navigator remarked impressed. “And incredibly well balanced, the way you just sat down without use of your arms.”

“I’m quite an experienced woman.” Was all the raven haired devil fruit user replied mysteriously.

“Aren’t you just.” Nami replied. “But I still hope that my work will manage to surprise you at least a little, so let’s keep going.”

Nami then knelt down beside Robin’s legs and crossed her friend’s ankles, tying them tightly like that. The orange haired navigator then pushed Robin’s knees outwards and brought the rest of the ankle rope up to her waist, tying it off there and leaving the archaeologist’s legs pinned in a lotus position.

Finished with her rope tying, the young navigator proceeded by pulling a pair of clamps out of the bag she’d brought. "This isn't strictly necessary to restrain you, but I doubt you mind that." Nami remarked with a smirk.

"Not at all, it's your turn so feel free to do whatever you wish." Robin replied, already looking forward to the feeling of her nipples being stimulated by those pinching pieces of metal.

The orange haired girl then gently pulled down the cups of Robin’s bra, exposing her huge tits. Unable to resist the temptation, Nami put down the clamps for a minute and began rubbing the black haired woman’s breasts and running her thumbs over Robin’s nipples.

“Ooohhh. That feels reaaally good.” Robin moaned. “I thought you were going to let me tie you up after this, did you change your mind?”

“No,” Nami simply replied, “but would you be able to resist a temptation like this?”

The curvy archaeologist giggled. “Fair enough, I’m not complaining anyways.”

“Also, having these stick out makes my work a lot easier.” Nami said as she flicked Robin’s now rock hard nipples.

“AAhh!!” Robin shouted, but any other response was prevented by Nami swiftly pinching the clamps in place, making Robin let out an even louder moan.

“OOOoohhh!! That’s a lot heftier than I anticipated.”

“Having regrets?” Nami smirked.

“Not at all, but remember that you’re up next, so don’t gloat too much, miss navigator.” Robin replied, already back to her trademark cool and reserved demeanour.

“Yeah, yeah. That’s enough out of you for now.” Nami answered, not intimidated in the slightest.

The gorgeous navigator then proceeded to fold up a white handkerchief, stuffed it into Robin’s mouth and tied a piece of cloth in between the raven haired woman’s teeth for a thorough cleave gag.

“There we go. Good luck getting out of that.” Nami replied.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to give you plenty of work as well.” The orange haired girl suddenly heard from behind her.

Whilst Nami had been preoccupied gagging the real Robin, she had summoned her copy. That copy was by now already holding several coils of rope in hand, smirking at her victim to be.

“Huh. Somehow that’s not fair at all.” Nami said slightly sour. “I just shut you up, and you just create another version, ready with a comeback.”

Both the copy and the real Robin chuckled.

“Are you coming over to me or do I have to drag you here?” The copy asked.

“Coming, coming.” Nami replied. “You can’t blame me for wanting to enjoy the look of my own work, now can you?”

“That I can’t, but you also can’t blame me for being eager to get started.” Copy Robin replied.

“True. So without further delay, give me your best shot, Robin.”

The copy Robin first crossed Nami’s wrists behind her back before cinching them together with her first rope. After that the taller of the two women proceeded to loop a rope around Nami’s arms just below her elbows and pulling that rope tight, forcing the orange haired girl’s elbows so close together that they touched before finally tying of that rope as well.

"Ooomph." Nami grunted as her elbows finally came together and were forced to stay there.

"Too tight?" The copy asked in an effort to provoke the beautiful navigator.

"Of course it's tight!" She replied. "Tighter than anything I’ve ever done to myself. I mean, how the hell am I supposed to do something like that to myself?"

"Glad to see there's still things I can surprise you with then." Copy Robin replied, making the real Robin chuckle through her gag.

Nami turned her head to look at the bound and gagged Robin. "Glad to see you're still having fun." The orange haired girl said to the raven haired woman. "How're you finding your ropes?"

"Mine are tight as well." The copy replied, acting as a mouthpiece for her gagged originator."You've come a long way miss navigator, and I don’t mind admitting that I’m quite pleased with that."

The copy then suddenly took hold of Nami’s bound arms and pulled her back closer to her. "But I should continue." Copy Robin then whispered in the navigator’s ear. "I wasn't quite finished yet with your position, after all.

"Of course, go ahead." Nami responded, already getting slightly aroused by the ropes on her.

After helping her crewmate kneel down on the floor, the second Robin tied each of Nami’s long slender legs in a tight frogtie, keeping her kneeled down on the floor. But the raven haired rigger wasn’t happy with that yet, since she walked over to a closet in order to retrieve a spreader bar with buckles on either end of it. Those buckles quickly ended up around either thigh of the orange haired navigator, keeping her legs forced open and limiting her movements even further.

With her body in such an exposed an enticing position, Nami couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. But since she and the two Robin’s were the only people even awake, she got over the feeling quite quickly.

“This’ll be my last rope.” The copy said with one strand in hand. “Care to guess what it’s for?”

“Knowing you, it’ll be my groin. You never tie me up without putting me in an infuriatingly arousing predicament.”

“Spot on my dear. And since I won’t be around to do the arousing, this rope will take my place.”

Whilst the raven haired woman had been saying this, she’d been busy tying a defty knot in the rope. A knot which, after Robin had fitted the crotchrope, pressed right into her snatch to start turning her on straight away.

“Robin, are you sure about that knot? I might wake up the entire crew if that things keeps pressing on me like it’s doing now.” 

“I wouldn’t worry about that, miss navigator… Time to return the favor.” Copy Robin said with a grin as she held up a very large black ball gag.

“I’m pretty sure that won’t fit.” Nami remarked.

“It might not, but it’ll be sure to keep you quiet for the remainder of our evening together.” Robin replied, bending down to push the black rubber ball between Nami’s lips and buckle it tightly into place.

As Nami had feared, the ball gag was wedging her mouth open quite wide, and almost instantly the orange haired girl began salivating uncontrollably, making drool drip pas her lips and down her chin. The ridiculously huge ball gag did however do exactly as Robin had predicted: nearly completely muffling any and all sounds she tried to make.

With her work almost over, Copy Robin headed for her originator’s desk in order to retrieve the sea stone necklace. She then calmly walked over to the real Robin, opening up the necklace and preparing to lock it around real Robin’s neck.

"Ready, set, go." The copy joked with her last words as she locked the necklace around the real Robin's neck, dissipating immediately after.

"Ai en, o wiz us a at-r ov e-in ic or uzz an aek e ose o-ess I ee es oo a af ouz. Il ee-in on-i-nen, Ami? (Right then, now it’s just a matter of seeing which of us can make the most progress in the next 2,5 hours. Still feeling confident, Nami?)" Robin mumbled through her gag.

"El, I on ae I o oo an, ou oo? (Well, I won't say I've got no chance, would you?)"

"Ot a am (Not at all)." The raven haired woman replied. "Ai ite ur-ise oo ine ow ite am o diz izz, oov un a er-ee oot ob. (I'm quite surprised to find how tight all of this is, you've done a very good job)."

"Anx,. Ell, etu et a-te en, I eme-ur oow ick-ee iim en ii u as iim ee ote err ite u, oo ez ake urr oo e-oy er-ee ekon o ou oo an av ouz. (Thanks. Well, better get started then, I remember how quickly time went by the last time we both were tied up, so let’s make sure to enjoy every second of our 2 and a half hours.)"

"Oun’d a-ee orr. Oo in e urz o ai o-ee: Edee, et, ow. (Couldn't agree more. So in the words of my copy: Ready, set, go.)"

Nami and Robin simultaneously began wriggling around, though more in an effort to enjoy their bonds than to genuinely escape them.

Nami for starters tried to move her arms to the front of her body in an effort to get her fingers in reach of the left end of the spreader bar. If she could only untie that bar, she would be able to move her legs properly, which would make wriggling around that much easier. Because even though she was having the time of her life, she still wanted to beat Robin at escaping their predicaments and show her just how much better she'd gotten at working with rope.

But sadly for her, Robin's copy had tied her elbows so tight she could barely get her hands past her side, let alone all the way to her knees. Getting that spreader bar off of her was out of the question, meaning she would probably not be moving about very much for the remainder of the evening.

Robin in the meantime had come to a similar conclusion: with her legs tied in their lotus position, there wasn't all that much left she could do with them. And since Nami had taken care to firmly pin her arms behind her back, Robin stood no chance of getting her legs free. In fact just trying to move her arms around made the chest harness the navigator had put on her tense up considerably.

This was even more the case for the clamps pinching her nipples, which wobbled slightly every time Robin moved her upper body, and were nearly constantly sending shocks of pain and pleasure throughout her entire body.

Nami sure has come a long way in a short time. Guess she really enjoyed herself with me, given that she's studied up this much.

After around 45 minutes of testing their bindings, the duo exchanged looks to see how the other was doing. Looking each other in the eye, they couldn't help but start giggling at the sight of one another.

There they were, two members of the infamous straw hat pirate crew, completely helpless to do anything other than writhe around on the floor… and loving every second of it.

The two happily continued their wriggling, trying their best to make the ropes rub them up more in order to increase their turn-on as time went on. It almost seemed like the contest had switched from who could get out the fastest to who would reach their climax the fastest, a contest both girls enjoyed immensely more. After just the first hour both women’s panties were soaking wet, and they were slightly regretting not having provided anything to help stimulate them more, given that neither one had their hands free to do that. All of a sudden, that last 1,5 hour seemed like a terribly long time…

Their fun was interrupted however, by a soft but heart-stopping knock on Robin's door.

"Robin-chwan, are you still up? I couldn't sleep so I came out for some fresh air, but then I noticed the light burning in your room. Are you perhaps still reading, Robin-chwan? Do I need to bring you a light midnight snack?"

Sanji?! Both girls thought panicked. He's the very last person we need knocking on that door!

Both girls exchanged looks of terror as they full well realized what would happen if the blond cook entered Robin’s room right now.

"Robin-chwan? You are still awake aren't you?" Sanji said as he Knocked again, slightly louder and more impatient. "I thought I heard some sounds coming from your room, but I couldn't figure out what sort of sounds they were..."

Both Nami and Robin began pulling and wriggling in their bindings, but still to no avail. Neither of the bound and gagged women could move their arms enough to get in reach of any of the knots, and pulling on the ropes only tightened them! Shuffling towards each other would take far more time than they had right now, so if they couldn’t get themselves out, then there was no hope!!

For the first time this evening they were cursing their well tied knots. And to add to their frustration, the gags meant they couldn't respond to send Sanji away. Although those gags were also a life saver in this instance, as they perfectly muffled all of Nami and Robin's groaning as they tried to get themselves out of their bindings.

We have to do something before Sanji gets suspicious! Nami thought after just suppressing an exceptionally loud moan from the crotchrope rubbing her up.

"Robin-chwan?" Sanji now nearly shouted, sounding very worried that his lovely archeologist was not responding to his calls. "I'm coming in, if you can hear me step away from the door."

Nami genuinely panicked now and started exerting all of their strength in a desperate escape attempt. But it was completely useless: Her ropes wouldn't budge, she couldn't possibly get herself or Robin out in time,...

Sanji is going to enter! Nami thought distressed, nearly crying from frustration. God, why did I have to give in to temptation and come knocking on Robin’s door? Why didn’t I stop her from tying us both up? And WHY did I not check more thoroughly that everyone else was asleep! 

But while Nami was almost losing her mind from the fear, Robin was still remarkably calm considering the peril they were in. The raven haired woman had a pretty good reason for that though.

Darn it. She thought frustrated. I didn't want to use it, but I don't have a choice.

In a cloud of flowers, the devil fruit user summoned her copy again (wearing a pair of long dark grey figure hugging trousers and a dark green sweater), and had her walk towards the door.

Obviously, the sight of Robin's copy walking towards the door greatly surprised Nami.

How is that possible? Robin has her necklace on!! Did she learn to suppress sea stone?!

The copy rushed towards the door and opened it up before Sanji could kick it in.

"Sanji, you should be a little less noisy. Everyone else is fast asleep." The copy said angrily.

"B-but Robin-chwan." Sanji now whispered, instantly adhering to the lovely woman's command. "I got worried with you not answering."

"I had nodded off, sorry for that. I only woke up after you last loud knock. And it took me a while to get dressed."

Sanji's cheeks glowed bright red. "You didn't need to bother with dressing yourself, Robin-chwan. You should've just answered the door in you nightwear." 

"You naughty boy." Robin teased. "Maybe next time, if you behave a little more civilized and quiet.

The love-struck cook instantly struck a pose to salute for Robin, and nearly inaudibly said: "Roger that, Robin-chwan. Next time I will be as quiet as the seas on a day without wind."

"Admirable." Robin replied. "But I'd like to get to sleep now, you should too. Good night, cook-san."

"Good night, Robin-chwan. May I visit you in your dreams, I know for certain that you will appear in mine."

The blond cook then turned round and headed for his own bedroom again with a spring in his step, delighted at having had the chance to speak with one of the beauties on the ship right before heading off to bed.

Copy Robin closed the door and locked it again, turning around to face her originator and Nami.

No longer in danger of being discovered, Nami took a huge breath of relief, followed by a foul stare first towards the copy and then towards the real Robin.

"At iz u ee-in ov iz? (What is the meaning of this?)" She asked angrily.

"An emergency back-up?" Copy Robin replied cheekily as she walked over to the real Robin and then to Nami to pull out their gags.

"Emergency back-up my ass!" Nami said furious as soon as the gag came out. "What about that supposed sea stone necklace?"

“This necklace is a fake,” Robin explained, “meant as subterfuge so nobody ever suspects the properties of the real one. I keep the real one locked away and keep this one in plain sight.”

"So you were able to get out all along?!" Nami replied, offended at Robin double-crossing her like that.

"Yes. But don't take it too hard, Nami.” Robin responded apologetically. “I never meant to trick you, but planning for contingencies has just become second nature to me. I couldn’t help but feel a little off getting into this situation without properly planning for it, so I made sure I had an escape route. If Sanji hadn't surprised us, I never would've summoned my copy to take control, honestly. "

The raven haired woman smiled kindly at the still surly Nami. "I was enjoying your expert bindings far too much for that." She added.

That last remark thawed Nami a little. "So, you're willing to admit that I've improved then?"

"Oh yes, by quite a wide margin actually. Knowing that you can do stuff like this now will make planning future get-togethers so much easier... and a lot more fun."

"That might be," Nami replied, "but we still have to wrap up this one. Any thoughts on how to do that?" The orange haired navigator asked. “Since you are the one who can get out apparently, it’s up to you to decide.”

"Well, we might as well call it a draw, given that neither of us got out on their own."

"Then are we going to end our fun?" Nami asked, slightly disappointed now at the anti-climactic end.

"We're going to end this fun now." Robin replied mysteriously. "But I've just thought of an entirely new way of having fun…"

Robin than let her copy untie her ropes, which in turn made Nami struggle wildly.

"That's not fair, Robin!" She said. "You got to be in charge during our last game too, when will I get the last word?"

"There will come a time." The buxom archaeologist replied after she got up from the floor again. "But for now I'll be having some fun again. Don't tell me you don't like it when I touch you?"

Nami began blushing at her crewmate's forward remark. "N-no, it's not that. I would just like a chance to prove my dominating capabilities."

"I promise the next night we spend together, you'll get to be all over me." Robin said. "But for this night it'll be me pulling the strings, if only so I can apologize properly for tricking you. Tell you what, I'll give you some real special treatment as compensation..."

By now the tall devil fruit user was kneeling right in front of Nami, who was incidentally still squirming because she didn't want to give in to Robin without a fight. However, the second Robin's palms pressed down on her tits, the young navigator's body ceased to listen to her.

After a few moments letting her hands gently slide over the soft fabric of Nami's bra, Robin unclipped the orange piece of textile, letting Nami's huge yet firm rack flop free.

The older woman then immediately started roughly squeezing her younger crew member's breasts, rolling the palms of her hands over the flesh and pressing down on them hard.

"Aaahhhh!!" Nami grunted in a mix of pain and pleasure. "Robin! If that's what you call a reward you're even weirder than you let on. That hurts."

"If you don't like it, then why can I feel your nipples hardening?" The raven haired woman rebutted, pinching the rock hard buds to prove her point.

"AAAhhh! T-that's just from the entire situation I'm in, I really do want you to be a little more friendly... please?" The orange haired damsel then gave her friend her cutest puppy dog eyes, even though she full well knew the chance of that affecting Robin were slim. Still, she had to try something, because if Robin kept up what she was doing, the helpless navigator feared going crazy from all the conflicts ravaging her body.

"Hmm, I guess I can do my groping a little less vigorously." The devil fruit user admitted ."No harm in taking things slow, we've still got plenty of night ahead of us after all."

The black haired woman then proceeded to very gently fondle Nami's well rounded breasts, letting her thumbs run circles around the beautiful damsel's nipples as well.

"Hmmm." Nami mused gratefully. "Much better."

"Don't enjoy yourself too much, miss navigator." Robin commented, giving Nami's right tit a playful slap"

"Hmmrgg!!" Nami groaned. "GENTLY I said, they've been through a lot thanks to my thrashing about during Sanji’s interruption, and even moreso due to those ropes you tied around them,."

"You mean these?" Robin replied, pulling down the higher chest rope so it pressed down on the orange haired girl's tits, making them bulge even more.

"OOOAAARRGGHHH!!" Nami screeched, followed by a foul look at Robin. "You f-mmrrppggghh" But her insult was cut off by two hands sprouting from behind her back and refitting the huge ball gag.

"Much better," Robin remarked, "with the noise you were making, we were in danger of luring Sanji back here. And FYI, I am not planning to take things even slower than I am right now."

This is slow? Nami thought, astonished and scared at the same time. I don't know why these things about Robin keep surprising me, but they do.

Not paying her damsel's protests any more heed, Robin lowered her head to the height of Nami's slightly jiggling breasts (caused by the young navigator still putting up a futile fight). But despite the orange haired girl's best intentions, her chest was still well in reach of the older woman's lips. So she took her chance and slightly bit Nami's right nipple, pulling on it by moving her head slightly back again. 

This sensation forced out Nami’s loudest, most passionate groan yet, and the orange haired girl was reluctantly grateful for the gag being back in place.

The moment Robin released Nami's nipple from her teeth, her tit flopped back into place and the gorgeous navigator arched her back in ecstasy, letting out another low growl as well.

Robin chuckled. "Guess you're not that reluctant anymore."

Nami shook her head furiously. "OOORR! (MOOOREE!)"

"Naturally." The archaeologist replied.

Robin's arms now went back to work on the navigator's tits, but she simultaneously sprouted a third one from Nami's right thigh, which made its way past the orange haired damsel's panties to start rubbing her clit and slide her fingers into Nami's dripping wet lovebox.

With three hands working away on both Nami's chest and pussy, the helpless navigator was literally shaking with excitement, her climax building with every passing second of Robin's ministrations. Robin was massaging her breasts, squeezing her nipples, and letting her fingers slide inside the moist inner walls of her snatch, ever faster, ever rougher.

GOD! Robin is a genius, this feels sooo daamnn gooood!! The orange haired girl thought gasping for air as her entire body pulled taut in anticipation of her climax. Nami lolled back her head and screwed her up eyes while her fingers began dancing wildly as though she wanted to take hold of the sexual pleasure coursing through her.

When her orgasm finally arrived, even that huge ball gag wasn't enough to keep in the noise and drool.

"GAAAAHHHH!!!" Nami screamed, sending droplets of spit from her soaking wet gag all over the floor and soaking her panties with her own love juices.

Robin carried on gently rubbing Nami’s breasts for a couple more minutes to prolong the helpless navigator’s enjoyment. It wasn’t until Nami crashed into her, completely exhausted, when the raven haired woman started untying her so her friend could recover properly.

After a few minutes of lying down and letting the feeling return to all of her limbs, Nami crawled back upright. Robin handed a towel to the orange haired girl so she could wipe the sweat of her body, Nami hadn’t noticed during their sexy time, but she was soaking wet all over, not  just around her lady area. And now that the euphoria was subsiding, her nearly naked body started to feel cold again.

“Thanks.” Nami said as she dried herself off with the towel, after which she and Robin got dressed again.

“Satisfied?” Robin asked after sitting down on the side of her bed, beckoning Nami to do the same.

“Oh yes, more than that actually.” The navigator replied as she took place beside her crew mate. “I didn’t want it to end, it felt so good. How do you do that, Robin? I was so angry with you for tricking me, but there’s not a trace of that left now.”

The tall dark haired woman smiled kindly. “I’ve spent quite a lot more time on this world than you have, miss navigator. Both bondage related and not. Experience is the reason I know so well what to do and when. No matter the discipline, you learn best by doing.”

“Learning by doing, huh?” Nami repeated. “Makes sense… All the more reason for us to keep this up. When’s our next night?”

“Like I told you, you’re free to stop by whenever you wish.” The archaeologist replied calmly. “I wouldn’t mind making a habit out of these meetings.”

"Sounds pretty nice to me too. But next time I get to be in charge… And you're letting me check that necklace then too."

Robin chuckled. "You see? you’ve already learned an invaluable lesson for next time."


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