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It was night on the Going Merry and the seas were calm for once.

Not having any navigating to do for a while, Nami seized the opportunity to withdraw to her room in order to work on her maps.

The orange haired girl had just finished a bundle of maps outlining the fishman island and it's currents when she heard someone knocking on her door.

Who is it that's still up at this hour? She thought to herself. Zoro is at the look-out, but he can just jell over the tannoy if there's something urgent. The rest should've headed for bed by now.

The young navigator walked toward her door and opened it, finding a smiling Nico Robin standing in front of it.

"R-Robin!" Nami shouted, after which she put her hands over her mouth. Darn it, she thought, I'm going to wake everyone up if I keep shouting like that.

The orange haired girl took down her hands and whispered: "Why are you here at this time of night?"

"To have a word with you." Robin said nochalantly. "Can I come in, or are you busy?"

"No, I just finished up drawing my maps so I've got time." Nami replied, stepping aside so Robin could enter her room.

It was then Nami noticed Robin carrying a large, full bag.

"What's in the bag?" Nami asked curiously.

"Ropes and stuff." Robin replied with a gentle smile.

Nami's eyes widened. "Oh no! Please Robin not again, I already told you I was sorry for what I did that night, and you’ve already had your revenge tying me up in the bathroom! Don't you think you scared me enough already, that time?" Nami looked at her older crewmate with pleading eyes.

“What makes you think I’m here to punish you?” Robin asked calmly.

“Well, you just said you brought ropes and God knows what else into my room.” The orange haired navigator replied.

“That’s just for fun, not punishment. Although my reason for coming here has to do with that time in the bathroom as well. What say you if we stop surprising and trapping each other, and come to a mutual understanding instead?” The dark haired girl offered.

Nami looked at her crewmate in confusion. “I’m not sure I understand where you’re going with this, Robin.”

The tall dark haired woman smiled. “It’s simple really, the two of us fighting each other like this is just far too risky. What if one of the other crewmembers discovers us while we’re at it? It’s far safer, and much more fun, if we both step into this willingly. If we partner up, you can swap between being dominating and submissive, something I’ve always wanted to try. Also, if we both work together it’ll be easier to keep this secret from the others.” 

Nami’s eyes widened again, and she still felt weary even though Robin seemingly had no ill intentions towards her. But did the older girl really everything mean she had just said? 

More importantly, the young navigator thought to herself, why was it that Robin’s proposal felt so appealing to her? Last time Robin had caught her by surprise, the orange haired navigator had gotten the fright of her life, thinking she was going to be discovered by Sanji while half nude and fully helpless. 

Then again, Nami also vividly remembered the excitement coursing through her when she thought her modesty was in danger. And even more so the relief and ecstasy that surged when she finally found out she was safe.

Robin remained standing in the middle of Nami’s bedroom, obviously waiting for a response of her fellow crewmate.

“Well, to be honest I'm not sure what to say, Robin. I never expected you to approach me for this.” Nami finally said. “Last time I thought you had gotten you revenge, so we were even. I assumed that after that, if I were to not try and pay you back, you wouldn’t approach me either.”

"How could I not?” Robin replied with a slight frown. “As much fun as it is doing this to myself, it's nothing compared to having a partner in crime. Sadly, none of the guys would ever go for that, except maybe Sanji."

"The only guy you DON'T want near you when you're helpless to resist." Nami replied. "So, that leaves me then? Not that I'm offended or anything, just unsure on whether or not I’ really like… (she pointed toward Robin’s bag) all this or not."

"Well, why not have another go to find out?" Robin suggested plainly.

Even though she was still very much unsure of what it was she wanted, Nami just couldn’t think of a decent reason to refuse the dark haired girl’s offer. If Robin really had visited her in an effort to make up and join forces, then this was the perfect chance for Nami to sort out her feelings.

"Good point." She finally said. “I’ve had this strange two-sided feeling about being tied up ever since you caught me in the bathroom. If you really want the two of us to become partners in this, I should use that opportunity to find out how I truly feel about it all… But if I am going to join you in all of this, we need to lay some ground rules. Otherwise I would probably feel too nervous to truly discover whether or not I’m enjoying myself or not.”

Robin smiled at her orange haired crewmember. "Naturally. Tell you what, as a manner of good faith, you can tie me up first."

Robin’s sudden proposal startled Nami a little. "Really?! you're not afraid I will mistreat you as revenge for trapping me in the bathroom last time?

The dark haired girl shook her head. "You may do as you like with me, that's the point of this whole give and take situation I'm proposing: We take turns in being in control. Oh, but you were right about that need for ground rules. First of all, there will have to be a stopword."

"Stopword?" Nami asked.

"Yes." Robin answered. "A simple, easy to remember but unlikely word that we can use to halt whatever the other is doing, if we feel she’s taking things too far. That way things can never get out of hand. It’ll also help build trust between us, which is useful after getting off on the wrong foot. We're both crewmembers after all, so trusting each other shouldn't be that difficult."

"You're right there." Nami replied. "I do trust you with my life during a battle or a storm on the seas. After a bit of practice, something as simple as bondage fun shouldn't be that much of a leap." Nami smiled, and Robin smiled back.

"So," the orange haired navigator continued. "A stopword was it? Something simple yet unusual so it doesn't come up in conversation. Is that what you meant?"

"Exactly.” The taller girl replied. “For example: Mikan. What do you think?"

Nami grinned. "Suits me. It's random enough, and I think it'll be easy to recognize even when the person saying it has been gagged."

The dark haired archeologist smiled at her crewmember. "Very astute, that was also one of the factors I accounted for in picking this word. Well then, now that we have our stopword, we might as well try it out. Care to tie me up, Nami?"

“R-right now? That’s all a bit sudden don’t you think?” Nami said hesitantly.

“On the contrary.” Robin returned. “Why did you think I came over carrying this bag, as a conversation starter? Besides, if you had approached me sooner, I wouldn’t have felt this impatient.”

So, it’s my fault then, huh? Nami thought to herself. Well, if she really craves it this badly it would be mean of me to refuse. Besides, if I get to bet the one in charge, I see no reason to decline even if it is a bit sudden.

“Very well. I will accept your offer.” Nami said. “Any particular position you had in mind?”

Robin shook her head. “Feel free to do whatever strikes your fancy. Just use whatever you feel most confident with”

Lucky break! Nami thought to herself. Ropework as extensive as Robin’s was those times she tied me up is still far out of my reach. That being said, there must be something I can do that would be effective.

The orange haired navigator looked around her room, then it hit her. The perfect position for a beginner to use!

Nami grabbed her desk chair and placed it in the middle of the room. "Have a seat, Robin." She said.

The tall, darkhaired woman complied and sat down, already placing her arms behind the backrest.

"Wow, eager aren't we?" Nami said.

"Of course. I've been waiting for days for you to approach me after I left you in that bathroom. But when you never showed, I figured I might've scared you a bit too much."

"You hit the nail on the head there." Nami replied whilst rummaging through the bag Robin had brought with her. "After that time, all I wanted was to stay as far away as possible from you and your ropes, even if you sent chopper at the last minute to save me."

"I thought as much. So, I decided to pay you a visit of my own accord to get things rolling."

"And for some reason I'm already very glad you did." Nami said as she finished uncoiling her first rope.

The orange haired navigator then crossed her friend's wrists and began tying them behind the chair, attaching them to the backrest as well so Robin could no longer move her arms around. To make sure the older girl would remain seated, Nami pulled one more rope out of the bag and wrapped it around Robin’s waist, round the chair’s backrest and her arms. Nami finished by knotting the rope off tightly, so that now the beautiful raven haired woman could hardly move her upper body around anymore, a fact which pleased her greatly.

Nami then unraveled another coil of rope, which she used to tie Robin's ankles tightly together after crossing them. The dark haired girl's ankles were then pulled toward the left leg of the chair and secured to it, leaving her completely attached to the chair.

Not yet entirely happy with Robin's position, Nami picked up a third rope to tie her female crewmember's legs just above the knees to keep them even more restricted. After this last rope, Nami took a step back to get a complete view of Robin's predicament.

After a quick pull on her bindings, the dark haired woman discovered Nami had done her job well. The ropes didn't hurt at all if she kept still, but they were plenty to keep the her in place, despite her extensive experience of struggling.

"How's that for a tie?" Nami asked. She didn't have nearly as much experience as Robin did, so she decided to keep things simple this time around. But the orange haired girl was sure she would pick up a few things along the way, if she and Robin really were going for a long term commitment in this.

"Simple, but very restrictive." Robin said with a smile. "You've compensated for you limited knowledge of knot tying in a brilliant manner. Good job Nami."

Being praised by Robin pleased the young navigator a lot. So much so that she began blushing slightly. The orange haired girl therefore continued her work so as not to draw any attention to her reddening cheeks.

"Glad you like it." Nami said with a bright smile. Now, I noticed a lot more stuff in that bag other than ropes. I'm guessing you won't mind me using them on you?"

“Honestly, there is no need for asking permission for everything, Nami. Just go ahead with everything you want to do.” Robin said with a confident smile. “If I ever feel things are going too far, I'll stop you with the word. That’s what it’s for after all.” 

"Okay then, in that case I'll just go ahead." Nami answered as she pulled a black ball gag out of Robin's bag.

The young navigator proceeded by buckling the gag in place, completely muffling any sounds her crewmate made as well as forcing the older girl to start drooling almost immediately.

While Robin was busy enjoying her newly fitted gag, Nami had already returned to the bag to find some more toys to play with. After a bit of rummaging around the orange haired girl settled upon the following:  A pair of nipple clamps attached to each other by means of a thin chain, a heavy padlock and a long thin vibrator.

"These should be plenty to keep you, and me, entertained for a while, don't you think?" Nami said with a devious smile.

Robin, gagged and drooling, settled for a simple nod instead of uttering a reply. With drool already dripping from her chin onto her sizeable chest, some of it was already making its way to her light purple shirt. The dark haired girl rather liked this shirt, and therefore endeavored to keep it clean for as long as she could.

"Oh yeah," Nami said, "I'd forgotten how that gag forces you to salivate. Guess I should get that shirt off you before it gets wet."

Robin smiled at her orange haired companion, grateful that Nami was in such a helpful mood. "Ak u (thank you)." She muttered, holding up her head so not more drool would make its way down do her bosom.

The young navigator walked up to Robin, placed all of the equipment she was holding beside the chair and began unbuttoning the dark haired girl's blouse. To Nami's surprise, her older crewmate was wearing nothing underneath it: no undershirt, no bra, nothing.

"Are you always this scantily dressed?" Nami asked her bound and gagged friend.

"Ou an o ak (you're one to talk)." Robin replied as she nodded to the flowery bikini top barely covering Nami's well endowed chest and the light blue hotpants hugging her tight round buttocks.

"Fair point." Nami admitted. "But you always seem calm and collected, so I just assumed you'd dress more decently… Then again, here you are asking me to tie you up and have my way with you. Guess you really can' judge a book by its cover, eh?"

Robin chuckled and nodded. The dark haired woman then nudged towards the equipment Nami had placed beside the chair, indicating she wanted her to get a move on.

"My, impatient aren't we?" Nami teased. "Guess you really have been waiting for a long time before approaching me. Well, no sense making you wait even longer then, let's get down to business!"

Nami began by gently rubbing and squeezing the older girl’s large and supple breasts. Robin began moaning softly through her gag, Nami’s gentle touch felt absolutely divine to her! Almost immediately, the dark haired girl’s nipples became rock hard.

After playfully flicking them a couple of times, Nami picked up the clamps and pinched them onto Robin’s nipples.

“Ooomppfff” Robin grunted as the sharp pain shot right through her entire body. The first sting was however quickly overtaken by the arousal the clamps created.

“Looks like even you have things you’re not yet used to it seems, Onee-sama.” Nami said softly. “Guess you were right about two of us being able to have way more fun together than by ourselves.

The orange haired girl began tugging on the chain connecting both clamps. This made her captive let out slight yelps as the clamps began pulling her nipples, making for a more painful experience than she had ever expected. She didn’t mind the pain though, as it turned her on ever so much.

The young navigator then picked up the padlock, opened it and locked it around the chain connecting the nipple clamps. As Robin observed Nami’s work, she quickly realized what was about to follow. The second Nami dropped that lock, Robin was going to feel the full weight of it hanging from her nipples. Excited as the darkhaired woman was, she couldn’t help but brace herself for the shock about to come.

Her crewmate noticed the hint of panic flickering in Robin’s eyes as she locked the padlock in place, and for the first time since beginning her ‘treatment’, she felt hesitant. Should I not have done that? Nami thought to herself, this lock is quite heavy, it’ll definitely hurt even someone as tough as Robin and will continue to hurt more as time went on.

It was then Nami noticed something else shining in Robin’s eyes, beside the panic: It was anticipation! As scary the prospect of this heavy padlock pulling on her nipples was to her, the dark haired woman still couldn’t help look forward to the feelings it would evoke.

Guess that settles it then, Nami thought to herself, I don’t have to worry about her. Besides, there’s always ‘mikan’ if it gets too rough for her.

“You ready?” Nami asked while holding up the padlock in front of Robin.

“Uhu” Robin mumbled through her gag.

“Great, then brace yourself!” The young navigator said and she let go of the padlock.

The small but heavy piece of steel instantly dropped down, yanking hard onto the chain and therefore the clamps attached to it.

“Aaaahhhhmmmm” Robin grunted, pained but also slightly euphoric by the sudden jolt that surged through her body, starting from her nipples.

“Wow, that must’ve hurt somewhat. It sure looked like it did.” Nami said with a slightly worried tone of voice. “I was expecting you to scream bloody murder, but you hardly made a peep… Guess I should reward your bravery.”

The young navigator began gently massaging her older crewmate’s now extremely sensitive breasts

Robin groaned softly as the soothing effect of Nami’s gentle hands washed over her. “Oor (More).” She mumbled through her gag, she didn’t want this feeling to ever end.

Nami responded to her dark haired friends desire by beginning to kiss her neck, slowly moving down to the captive’s chest. The orange haired girl occasionally nipped Robin’s skin with her lips as well, just to make her crewmate a little more aware of her efforts.

After a few minutes of soothing Robin’s overly sensitive breats, Nami began to let her right hand wander down to the older girl’s groin, pressing and rubbing to get Robin even more in the mood.

The tall dark haired girl really appreciated the young navigator’s new efforts, groaning louder than ever and begging her to go on.

Nami, motivated by Robin’s enthusiasm and her begging, unzipped her crewmember’s shorts, revealing a pair of gorgeous black lace panties. No longer obstructed by her captive’s shorts, the orange haired girl moved her hand behind the panties and then started to rub Robin’s sweet spot.

“Hmmm” The dark haired woman mused. She was rapidly getting more and more turned on, and Nami could feel Robin becoming moist down under.

“Guess you’re about ready for me to use this then.” Nami said with a grin while dangling the vibrator in her hands.

Robin nodded intensely. “Es ese, I an i (Yes please, I want it!)”

“Awww.” Nami said with an ominous smile. “You look so desperate, but cute at the same time. It just makes me want to hold off using this, just so I can enjoy the look on your face some more.” The orange haired girl then put the vibrator back down on the floor, all the while looking straight at Robin to take in her reaction.

That reaction was a fierce one. The dark haired woman began shaking in her chair, violently pulling on her bonds. This was mainly out of sexual frustration and impatience, as the gorgeous damsel fully realized she wouldn’t get out no matter how long she struggled. After less than a minute, the dark haired woman calmed down, exhausted from her exertions and the pain from shaking the padlock pulling down on her nipples. She glared at her orange haired captor.

Nami chuckled. “So sorry about that. I just couldn’t resist teasing you a bit, what with you looking at me so needy and all. I hope you won’t hold it against me, I’ll get back to pampering you right away.”

The young navigator picked up the vibrator again and switched it on. She then immediately inserted it into Robin’s now very moist vagina, slowly driving it in deeper and deeper so her captive could feel its buzzing more and more.

The moment the little buzzing piece of plastic mate contact with Robin’s sweet spot the dark haired woman began moaning loudly, both in pleasure and in gratitude.

Nami complemented the feeling of the vibrator by restarting her massage of Robin’s breasts. This made the tall dark haired woman moan even louder, and she began quivering in her chair from all of the various stimuli she was now enduring. The beautiful archeologist could feel her climax was nearing, and she welcomed it heartily.

After about another minute of Nami’s gentle rubbing and the vibrator’s continuous buzzing, Robin let out one final groan as she came, afterwards slumping down in the chair and breathing heavily.

“You satisfied?” Nami asked her tired and sweaty crewmember.

Robin nodded weakly, still too tired to do anything else. “Ams o, ese (Clamps off, please).” Was all she could muster to say. The feeling of the clamps pinching her nipples and the chain weighing them down had felt divine at first, but now that she had reached her climax the only thing she still felt coming from them was pain.

“Oh, of course.” Nami replied and she took slowly off the clamps.

“Aaaahhh.” Robin groaned after the liberating feeling of having her nipples unpinched. “Ak u (thank you)” she muttered.

“You’re welcome.” Nami replied with a grin. “Should I take off the rest of the ropes as well? I’m guessing they make it hard to properly catch your breath.”

Another nod from the gorgeous archeologist, and Nami began untying the dark haired woman’s legs, waist and wrists.

“So… How did I do?” Nami asked curiously as she took out Robin’s dripping wet gag. She had a pretty good idea just by the reactions her captive had made, but she still wanted some confirmation from her own mouth.

“Do you even have to ask?” Robin said after her breathing returned to normal. “You were splendid, nothing like a beginner at all.” She said, satisfaction beaming off of her.

“Well, we’re both women after all.” Nami answered. “I just tried pushing the same kind of buttons that do the trick for me, and it all seemed too work.” 

“Very clever of you.” Robin said, still smiling brightly.

The orange haired girl then grinned at her fellow crewmate. “Your instructions here and there helped me too, of course. But honestly, I find it astonishing you never once used the stopword. You really have got some willpower.”

“You did a great job, how could I possibly mind what you were doing?” Robin replied calmly.

“So there was nothing I was doing that you objected too? Not even the added weight to the clamps?” Nami asked hesitantly. She was sure that if their roles had’ve been reversed, she would’ve backed out at the mere sight of the heavy padlock nearing the nipple clamps’ chain.

“Hmm. I suppose I got a little bit cross with you when you made me wait for that vibrator. But calling the whole thing off because of that would’ve been redundant, since it would’ve meant not getting my fun either. So, I decided to put up a show struggling for you, until you decided I had deserved my reward.” The dark haired girl then gave Nami her trademark utterly calm look.

“Seriously, you could still calmly judge the situation to that extent, even in the predicament you were in?!” Nami said impressed. “You really are of a different caliber than me.”

“Just years of experience, both bondage related and not.” Robin replied, still smiling slightly. “Trust me, if you keep progressing at the pace you did tonight, you’ll catch up to me in no time.”

“Speaking of which,” the tall dark haired girl continued, “when do you want your turn?”

Nami now started blushing at the prospect of getting tied up again. All of the nervousness she had felt had disappeared, and had been replaced by excitement and curiosity. 

If it could drive someone as calm and collected like Robin to such a point, imagine what it could to me? She thought to herself.

“Well, to be honest, I’m still wide awake after all of this. So if you’re up for it, we could start right now.” The orange haired girl said.

Robin chuckled. “That’s a good girl. If you really are that enthusiastic, I guess I should reward that. Very well, I’ll just pay a quick visit to the bathroom to freshen myself up. You just stay here and perhaps think of a position of your preference. We’ll start as soon as I get back.”

The taller of the two girls then walked out of Nami’s room, leaving the still excited Nami alone to begin pondering how she would like to spend the rest of what was going to be no doubt one of the best nights of her life.


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