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Nami had just finished her shower, and had wrapped her well endowed body in a soft white towel.

She was heading for the bathroom mirror to dry her hair when 2 arms seemed to appear out of nowhere, grabbing her from behind. Those arms, which seemed to have sprouted from her own back, were now roughly pulling Nami's hands behind her back.

"What the-!" Nami shouted as the arms pulled her wrists together, looping a rope tightly around them. When finished with her wrists, the arms proceeded to pushing Nami's elbows together, tying them up with a second rope and keeping Nami’s elbows securely bound. The orange haired girl groaned under the pressure this created, and her arms instanly started to ache.

Now another arm sprouted from the top of the ceiling, and the arms on her back tossed a third rope into the air for that ceiling arm to catch and loop around one of the beams holding up the ceiling. The rope was then dropped down again, and the two arms attached it to Nami's wrist bonds.

When the ceiling rope had been securely fastened to Nami’s wrists, the arm on the ceiling started pulling on the rope, thereby pulling Nami's wrists toward the ceiling. Nami moaned loudly, as this was increasing the pressure on her wrists and elbows even more. 

She tried to fight it, pulling her arms down again, but this only increased her discomfort. She eventually gave up on fighting back, letting the arm on the ceiling continue its work.

As the ceiling rope was pulled up, slowly but surely Nami was forced to bend over to accommodate the uncomfortable position her arms were being pulled into. Eventually, the arm on the ceiling tied off the rope to keep Nami in her bent over position. Needless to say, that knot was impossible to reach for the poor orange haired damsel.

All of the arms then disappeared, leaving Nami in her uncomfortable strappado position and forcing her to remain very still so as not to unravel her towel. She stood on her tiptoes in order to try and make her situation just a little less painful, but this made keeping her balance even more difficult.

Finally, when Nami had found a 'comfortable' stance, she shouted angrily: "Robin! You can come out now, I know this is your doing!" 

A chuckle could be heard from around the corner, outside the bathroom. "Haha, I was never trying to hide that. I just thought I'd use the element of surprise to increase my chances of successfully restraining you, my dear."

Nami tried looked up to face her crewmate,  strands of her still wet orange hair clinging to the sides her face.
"What's the big idea, tying me in this position. And whilst I'm as good as naked too."

"Please," Robin said, "are you honestly telling me you didn't expect any retaliation after leaving me in my room for an entire night?"

Nami looked up to the dark haired woman with a pained expression. "But that was weeks ago!" I thought you'd forgiven me for that." Nami yelled.

Robin shook her head. "Oh not at all, I was just waiting for the best possible moment to exact my revenge." Robin smiled.
"Speaking of which, I think you still need one more rope to complete your predicament."

And with that, Robin walked over to Nami and bends her left leg into a frogtie position, tying it to remain that way.
Nami now had to try and keep her balance while standing only on her right foot. This was made even more difficult because of the fact that she couldn't afford to make any large movements if she wanted to remain (semi) clothed.

After just 15 seconds of this balancing act, Nami couldn't stand the position anymore. This was incomparably more uncomfortable than her frogtie back at Robin's room!

She looked at Robin with pleading eyes.
"Robin, you've made your point. I regret leaving you in your room, hogtied  and gagged. I'll do anything to make it up to you, anything you wish. Just untie me already please, this is really embarrassing and extremely uncomfortable."

The tall, dark haired woman looked straight at her helpless and embarrassed crewmate.
"I'm sure you regret your actions, and I’m even more sure you want out. but I'm afraid I can't release you, I need this punishment to be severe enough for you to never consider getting back at me again.” Robin smiled at the former cat burglar in her usual, calm fashion. “That's why I chose this as your punishment.”

Nami looked at her crewmate, confused by what Robin had just said.
"By tying me up in the bathroom? That's how you want to make my punishment severe enough? Sure wearing only a towel makes this really embarrasing, and this position is extremely uncomfortable too."
Nami winced as she said those words. The strappado was increasing pressure on her arms, and with her left leg forced into its frogtie position, she could hardly keep herself from falling over.

When she finally found a balanced position again, she looked up at Robin once more. It was obvious the older girl was delighted poor Nami was having such a hard time.
"But on the other hand, I won't be in this position for long, someone will come along soon eno-"
Nami's eyes widened, Robin was right, this had indeed been the perfect timing for acting out her revenge.

Workshifts on the ship varied according to a lot of factors, so it was never certain in which order any of the crewmembers would be free. Today, it just so happened Nami was the first to get to use the bathroom. And today the next person in line was… 

"Sanji will be coming to bathe next!" Nami shouted, "You're telling me you're going to leave me like this for Sanji to find?!"
Nami shuddered to think what the madly in love  cook would do to her if he found her like this, barely dressed and completely helpless to resist.
"R-Robin, you can't possibly be serious about this. You're just trying to scare me right?"

"Afraid not," The dark haired woman replied, "I thought long and hard that night you left me alone in my room. And I finally decided that this was by far the worst thing I could do to you."

Robin was right on the mark there. Nami started shivering, but she wasn't sure whether that was because her body was still dripping wet or because she was afraid Robin would actually leave her like this.

"Well, I should get out if here now. I wouldn't want Sanji to walk into the both of us here, especially with you looking like this. The poor boy might nosebleed to death." Robin chuckled.

Nami looked up, tears now starting to form in her eyes.
"No! Robin please, I beg of you, don't do this. I've already learnt my lesson. I will never interfere with your affairs again. You can even  tie me up again some other time, whatever you want! Just please don't leave me here like this!"

"Well, by your reaction I'd say my punishment has definitely hit the spot." Robin said.
Nami nodded furiously, with a look of relief on her eyes. If Robin were to untie her now, she would do anything the older girl asked of her, without protest.


"But I'm a pirate, so begging doesn't affect me. Sorry Nami, you'll just have to persuade Sanji to let you go." Nami's look of relief disappeared, replaced by a look of panic and fear.
Paying the orange haired girl's terrified look no heed, Robin left the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Nami wanted to struggle, pull on the ceiling rope, she was even considering yelling for other crew members. Anything that would even vaguely increase her chances of escaping before Sanji entered this room, she considered trying. But in reality hardly any options lay before her.
She couldn't afford to do anything rash, since her still half wet, naked body was covered in nothing more than the one flimsy towel she'd put on after coming out of the shower. 

 With only her right leg touching the floor and her entire body bent over, chance were that even so much as a scream at the top of her lungs could cause her to lose her balance. If that were to happen, the pull of the strappado would increase tenfold. And worse than that, it could make the towel slide of her body, leaving her completely exposed.

Nami cursed Robin for putting her in this predicament, the punishment far outclassed her crime. Robin even liked being tied up, so leaving her in her room overnight wasn't even that mean. In Nami's eyes, nothing called for a punishment as horrible as this.

The orange haired navigator was really becoming desperate now. How long until Sanji would finish his work? Should she risk going for an all out struggle, knocking of her towel and trying to escape before someone walks in? By the feel of the ropes, and from her earlier experience in Robin's room, she figured that plan probably had no chance of success. Robin knew how to tie a knot, so getting out on her own would be virtually impossible.

As she was going over her options, she suddenly heard footsteps coming up the stairs again. Nami froze. Had Sanji already finished his work? No, he couldn't have this quickly.
Is Robin coming back, maybe? Maybe the whole ordeal had been a bluff off hers, Nami thought, to scare me into submission.

Nami listened intently to try and recognize the footsteps. It was then she confirmed the footsteps were too heavy to be Robin's, these were definitely male.
So Sanji did finish up early, and Robin really was planning on having her go through this grueling experience. 

Tears started to roll off of Nami's cheeks, both from fear, pain and frustration. She decided to fix her gaze straight at the door. Maybe if Sanji could see the fear and pain on her tear-filled face, he would pity her so much he'd instantly turn into her white knight, and release her from this horrible position.

The bathroom door opened, and in walked a tall figure which Nami instantly recognized as...
"Chopper!" Nami shouted. "I've never been so glad to see you! Quickly, close the door."

Chopper, in his heavy point, was standing in the doorframe speechless by what he was seeing. He started to blush after hearing Nami shout.
"Complimenting me doesn't make me feel good at all!" He said whilst visibly content with Nami's remark. He then walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him.
"Nami, is this a special training regimen? Do you want me to return when you're finished?" Chopper asked.

Nami answered the reindeer with anger: "Of course not Chopper, what part of this looks like training?!"
"Oh, is it for fun then?" Choppper asked.
"Do I look like I'm having fun?!" Nami grunted loudly. Now that her panic and fear from being found by Sanji had subsided, the ropes were really starting do discomfort her.
"Please Chopper, can you untie me? I can't stand this anymore, it hurts and is embarrassing."

Chopper headed over to Nami to release her from the strappado. He first untied her leg so she could stand on both feet again, then he undid the ropes around her arms.
The second Nami's arms and leg were released, she collapsed onto the floor, tired but satisfied of finally being able to move freely again.

"Not that I'm complaining, but why are you here actually? Isn't it Sanji's turn now?" Nami asked.

"Sanji said something more important had come up. Something about Robin asking for a late-night snack." The reindeer-doctor answered.

"Really? "Nami asks in disbelief. "Imagine that, lucky me."
Guess Robin pitied me after all, she thought. Or was Sanji finding me like this never a part of her plan at all?

Nami started pondering on whether or not to try and get back at Robin.
But she shuddered to think what Robin's revenge would be the next time. Maybe it would be wiser to leave things as they were.


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