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The sun was setting over Noxus, the massive capital of the empire that shared its name. The streets were beginning to quieten down, the people withdrawing to their homes and the guards leaving for their barracks to let the night shift take over.

All was as it should be in the empire’s crown jewel of military, economic and political might, except for one young woman’s presence.

A blonde mage from Demacia, named Luxanna Crownguard, had made her way past the empire’s borders and even into the capital itself, using an intricate disguise and her impressive magical abilities to sneak around unnoticed.

The young woman got so far she even managed to infiltrate one of the city’s largest dungeons, where a powerful and unique artefact had been rumoured to be housed.

Lux was a young girl focusing on supportive magic, but her prodigious abilities had allowed her to already gain tremendous amounts of experience at her tender age. This meant the cute girl had felt confident enough to embark on her quest by herself, desperate to return with a treasure that would do her -and her family- proud.

But despite her skill and experience, the light mage still couldn’t stop her heart from beating wildly in her chest as she snuck down the stairways to the lower levels of the dungeon, a thick black cloak concealing her Demacian armour.

Lux had donned a lightweight set of clothing for this mission, favouring speed over defence. She was wearing a light metal breast plate with Demacian markings over a light long sleeved undershirt, nd arm guards of the same metal for cover of her forearms. The breast plate also had small and almost see-through decorations made of pure satin attached at the shoulders and hips, to hint at her wealthy lineage.

Her slender legs were shrouded in a pair of skin tight leather pants and high heeled boots with thin metal reinforcements. A dark brown headband kept her wavy blonde hair in check underneath the hood of her mantle, making sure it wouldn’t get in her eyes and preventing any of the longer locks from peeking out into the open.

The blonde also had her trusty lightweight baton with her, hidden underneath her robes.

Lux took utmost care not to make the little metal she was wearing clatter as she snuck deeper downward. Eventually, after almost an hour of careful movement, hiding and even keeping her breathing in check, the blonde mage finally reached the lower levels.

She passed several doors as she searched for any signs indicating what could be stored behind. Each and every one was sealed off with intricate locks and bolts. But beyond that the blonde also detected powerful magic emanating from most of them.

This dungeon definitely guards some very treasured items… or prisoners. The young girl thought, shivering a little at the thought of being trapped behind one of those grim, jet black cast-iron gates.

A few minutes into the dungeon, and over a dozen doors later, Lux froze in front of a particularly impressive specimen.

This one had deep red symbols etched all over it, and the magical force surrounding it made the young wizard’ hair stand on end.

Jackpot! She thought as a slight smile curled along her glossy pink lips. But how do I bust it open? I’m certain I can analyse enough of the magic just by touching it, but since I don’t know what kind of spell this is, that alone could be enough to endanger my life…

As the blonde stood in front the door pondering how to proceed, a woman’s voice suddenly echoed throughout the hallways.

"You are not supposed to be here…"

The voice was ice cold, making Lux’ eyes widen as she jumped round startled, peering into the dimly torch-lit hallway.

How did she-?!

Even though Lux was almost 50 feet away from the nearest stairwell, and every drop of water coming from the ceiling reverberated down the perfectly quiet hallway, this woman had managed to approach the blonde without even a single sound…

“Who are you?!” The blonde demanded to know, trying to sound confident even though the surprise shout out had rattled her quite a bit.

“What does it matter?” The voice replied, getting nearer until eventually a young woman with piercing green eyes and scarlet red hair stood in the limelight. She had a scar running over her left eye, proving that despite her own young age she was just as experienced in battle as the blonde mage was, if not more.

She was dressed in black leather from top to bottom, not that her top did much to reveal her impressive bust or beautifully toned stomach. Her sensual hips were tightly gripped by the tight fitting pants and the sleeves of her jacket were rolled up halfway her harms, with thick metal guards covering her lower arms and leather gloves slipped over her fingers.

She was wearing black combat boots, reinforced with steel and two bulky spikes to turn her powerful legs into a deadly weapon in and of themselves. Although the two razor sharp blades currently sheathed behind her back and the long dagger buckled at her right hip had probably seen more blood…

She was Katarina Du Couteau, a Noxian assassin. The red haired woman had spotted and tracked Lux from one of the higher levels of the dungeon, planning to wait for the mage to reveal her plans before… dealing with her.

“You are not supposed to be in Noxus, let alone in this dungeon.” The redhead said with that same cold tone of voice, her fierce eyes locking onto the blonde before her.

"Well that's why it's called 'an infiltration'." Lux retorted quickly, slowly getting her control back now that she realized her opponent was alone.

"Not anymore. It has just become 'an execution'." The red haired assassin replied, drawing her dual blades. “Say your prayers, little girl.”

“I’m not the praying type.” Lux replied, drawing her baton from beneath her robes as she threw those off to move more easily.

“Well I’d start thinking about picking it up if I were you.”

“Think about it? That’s a good one.” The blonde grinned. “I’ll have you know: I never think about losing." She stated confidently.

The redhead licked her left blade. “I had hoped you would be a feisty one. You looked so sweet and innocent when that robe came off I feared the worst… But that look in your eyes proves it: you’re definitely a spy worth taking down. Let's dance!"

The red haired woman closed the distance in the blink of an eye, using her impressive speed and the narrow hallway to her advantage and planning to drive the blonde into a corner.

But Lux had been ready for the athletic woman’s assault, and created a bright flash of light to fill the entire corridor which both blinded her opponent as well as drove her back out of caution. This gave the blonde mage time to prepare a more powerful offensive spell.

But the redhead shrank back into the shadows and snuck up on the cute young mage, preparing for a backstab.

However, as Katarina emerged from behind the blonde and drove her blade into her side, Lux‘ image began to waver.

A mirage?! The redhead realized immediately. She can call forth illusions as well?! Damn it, where is she?!

Lux had already made it halfway up the stairs leading to the next dungeon floor, having decided a safe getaway was her best bet. Even if she could take out that assassin, no doubt the noise and time passed would result in her ending up surrounded by guards.

It’s a shame, but this mission’s a bust. The blonde thought through gritted teeth as she almost jumped up the stairs.

As she raced through the corridors, masking her presence with her cloak and a spell to dampen the noise she made a little, Lux tried to find the stairwell that would take her straight to the surface.

After a few heart pounding minutes, Lux made it to the stairs.

She stood before it, looking up and down the corridor to ensure no one was following her before taking a brief moment to catch her breath.

Now then, once I get up there, which way was it to the exit again? I should’ve drawn a map of my route! She cursed angrily.

Even so, Lux still hurried up the stairs, desperate to get as far away from the Noxian capital before that assassin raised the alarm.

Except that wasn’t at all what Katarina had planned…

When Lux was a third of the way up, out of nowhere a sudden hard hit to the back of her neck rendered the blonde mage unconscious. Her eyes widened as the solid steel handle of Katarina’s blade struck her, not even leaving her enough time to gasp in surprise as she crashed into the floor, out cold before she even landed.

The blonde mage hadn’t managed to outfox the red haired woman with her flash of light and clever mirage as she thought she had. Katarina had only remained at a distance so Lux would let her guard down.

After all, there was no need for the assassin to give chase. These dungeons were her turf...

The stealthy assassin had used one of the many hidden passages to make it to the final stairway far quicker than Lux. After that she'd scouted out the perfect spot to lie in wait for an ambush, and used her assassin's patience to wait for her target to pass by.

However, at the very last moment the red haired bladeswoman managed to stop herself from going for the throat, figuring there might be information to be extracted from this 'sweet & innocent young girl'.

This mage managed to penetrate the deepest levels of a Noxian dungeon. Katarina had told herself as she lied in wait. This girl is guaranteed to be high ranking military personnel, and those types always know something useful…

Katarina stood over her captive, smiling faintly. The only challenge now is to get her to talk…

When Lux woke up again, her head was still pounding a little from the harsh knockout. It took her a few seconds to realize she couldn’t move as she wanted too, and that she was standing.

'Owww. My head. Wha-?'

Immediately she sprang to action, trying to move but finding her arms and legs being held firmly in place, and a clanging noise resulting from her actions.

Her wrists had been locked in thick, sturdy metal shackles pulled up alongside her head and pinned to the wall behind her.

Her ankles had been outfitted with similar restraints, also trapping them close to the cold bricks behind her.

On top of that, she also felt a thick collar locked around her neck, which -after a more vigorous yank on her restraints- closed off her throat thanks to the metal pin in the wall it had been padlocked to in order to keep her head in place as well.

Lux gagged and coughed for a moment as she tried to catch her breath before resuming the rattling of her chains. But to her annoyance, they weren’t budging in the slightest.

Instinctively, when ordinary struggling proved ineffective, Lux turned to the gift she’d had for as long as she could remember: Magic.

But to her dismay, when she tried summoning up her power, there was no response.

“What in the world?” She said confused, closing her eyes to try and concentrate, despite her heart racing at her situation getting worse with the second.

But no matter what she tried, there was no magical force to be detected anywhere in her body.

This has never happened before? What did they do to me?!

"I can't use magic?!" She exclaimed panicked, rattling her chains and making the collar tighten up again.

"No, you cannot." Came from the dark portal that was the only entrance and exit to the dungeon Lux was shackled in. Soon after, Katarina walked into the dimly lit dungeon, a slight smirk on her face as the blonde yanked her chains again.

“How?” Lux glared at the red haired woman with her pale blue eyes.

The assassin’s grin widened. “Noxian magical scientist have made progress by leaps and bounds in the last few years. We’ve found several powerful items, both magical and non-magical on our conquests. The restraints currently pinning you down have been crafted based ‘the banshee's veil’, you might be familiar?”

The young mage’s eyes widened. She knew of that veil! It had the ability to protect its wearer against any shape or form of secondary ability directed at them. It was a coveted defensive item, said to be a huge boon in any fight or duel!

Katarina continued her lecture.

“After months of research, Noxian magical prowess has enabled us to use the veil’s nullifying properties to render even the most dangerous of prisoners absolutely docile.” She boasted confidently.

Lux began rattling her chains again, grunting as she tried to force her magical abilities to surface. But the sturdy shackles kept blocking out her powers completely.

“Give it up. All you’ll do is tire yourself out.” Katarina stated mockingly. “And I need you awake.”

"Good luck trying to get me to talk!” Lux spat angrily. “I've seen my fair share of combat; I can take pain. And I’ll never sell out Demacia!” The young blonde girl shrieked, her voice trembling a little and beads of sweat pearling along her brow as she continued to strain against her shackles.

Katarina grinned and walked right up to the helpless mage. She was slightly taller than the blonde girl and hence looked down in order to stare her straight in the eye. She sniffed briefly. "Is that fear I smell?" She taunted.

“You twisted assassin! I will never bend to your will!” The angry mage stated fiercely, trying to lunge forward and head butt the redhead. But rather than knock heads, she choked herself for a second thanks to the collar giving her too little leeway.

Katarina backed off again and walked across the room to take a whip off one of the hooks. "Let's put that to the test …" She said ominously.

Lux’ eyes widened. “Don’t you dare…” She hissed.

But the redhead unfurled the whip and cracked it on the cute mage’s right thigh.




“Stop it! Stop it now!” Lux demanded.

“Will you talk?”

“Screw you!”


Katarina kept moaning as she asked Lux questions about her mission, who she reported to, if there were any collaborators within Noxus…

But the young mage held her ground, enduring the whipping and stifling her moans of pain.

…But were they from the pain?

As the ‘torture’ continued, Katarina began suspecting her captive’s wails to have a slightly erotic undertone.

And she was right.


“Oooaaahhmmnnn!” Lux shrieked again as the whip lashed her just below her buttocks. The stinging was truly beginning to burn now, but her body still called for more as her mind was flooded with memories of some of her more ‘adventurous’ nights back in Demacian pubs and hostels.

This isn’t good! I’m getting turned on here! Why, of all the interrogation methods, did she have to walk down the kinky road?!!

“Stop this, please! Anything but- AAAHHMM!!” Lux tried to plead, only to have another well aimed strike to hit her groin of all places!

The assassin holding the whip raised an eyebrow at that last groan. That didn’t sound like pain at all…

She must be bluffing. The redhead thought adamantly, putting down the whip and walking over to remove a panting Lux’ breast plate to reveal her pink bra. To Katarina’s astonishment she immediately spotted the blonde’s nipples were poking into it!

I know interrogation isn't my forte, but I'm pretty sure this isn't at all how it should go… But this makes it irrefutable: That last groan was definitely sexual!

"Maybe I should take this from another angle…" The redhead said, bringing out a riding crop.

“What are you going to do?” The blonde asked nervously as the cold air hit her perky breasts, turning her already excited buds rock hard.

“Testing a theory…” The redhead replied mysteriously as she brought down the crop on the bare part of Lux’ bosom.

“IIAAA!!” The mage shrieked, thrashing about angrily, making her fulsome chest jiggle about. “That hurt!”

“It’s supposed to hurt.”

“Well I don’t like it.”

“That is also how it’s supposed to go…” Katarina replied dryly. “What isn’t supposed to happen however… is this!” She added, pulling down her captive’s bra and exposing her erect buds.

“Noooo!!” Lux wailed, trying to turn away to hide her features. The shackles and collar rattled as a result, but kept her firmly pinned in place with her body on full display to the assassin.

“You’re getting turned on.” Katarina remarked.

The blonde stared at her with wide eyes, betraying a hint of fear for the first time since her captor had begun. “Y-You’re crazy!”

“I thought I was too for thinking it, until I exposed these.” The redhead countered, pinching one of the mage’s nipples and pulling back on it.

“AAAHH! LET GO!” Lux whimpered, leaning forward as best she could to accommodate the intense pulling sensation.

“Talk and I will.”


The assassin let go regardless, allowing Lux’ left breast to bounce back into place as a soft gasp escaped the damsel.

“Please Katarina. Stop this. Just let me go, my mission was a failure anyway.”

“Not before you tell me: What was your mission?”

“I can’t!” The blonde says, tears now springing from her eyes.

“You mean you can’t yet.” The red haired blade user said with an ominous grin. “Because I haven’t done enough persuading. Let’s take this up a notch.”

She then slid her hand into Lux’ tight trousers and past her panties to start fondling her labia.

“WHAT?!” The blonde screamed shocked. “Stay out of there! You pervert!”

“You’re the pervert here, getting wet when grilled for information.” The redhead retorted, drawing back her fingers to reveal there actually was some love juice sticking to them. “If torture doesn’t work, maybe a bribe will.”

Katarina then slid her fingers back inside and started pleasuring Lux, driving the squirming blonde to the brink of an orgasm.

“Stop this! Please don’t do this!” The Demacian mage whimpered, trembling on her knees as her climax bubbled underneath the surface.

But she didn’t have to try and hold it in, because Katarina pulled back each time she got even remotely close.

“The sooner you start giving me answers, the sooner you can cum.”

Having surrendered herself to the situation, Lux decide to make the most of it and put her stubbornness to use in a different manner.

"Climax first, answers after." She said whilst panting heavily, despite her own body cursing her for it.

"Very well, you can remain standing here fully aroused then.” The assassin replied coldly, walking off to let poor Lux stew.

“Aaarhhgg! You filthy, perverted, backstabbing BITCH!” The blonde cursed as she yanked on her chains again. But she barely had the strength to keep standing let alone to actually mount an escape.

Stood there all alone, the cold moist air was making the poor bare chested mage shiver. Although she welcomed the cold too, because it mercifully calmed down her wildly erotic body enough for her to focus on her predicament instead.

Not that it helped her. The blonde scanned her shackles and the room itself, only to concluded she didn’t stand a chance at freeing herself.

Completely exhausted from Katarina’s shenanigans, Lux eventually conceded to a few hours of sleep, planning to wake up and mentally prepare before Katarina would return for round two.

When the blonde mage came to again, she was shocked to find out she was no longer chained up inside that dreary dungeon room.

The room she was now in was a lot larger, and more well-lit. But that wasn’t the biggest change for the young woman.

Katarina had stripped her down to her pink underwear, now even exposing her panties with white heart motif!

“Hm h-HMMRN?! (That b-HMMRN)?!” Lux had started out cursing, only to find a large white rubber ball wedged between her teeth muddling up her speech completely.

Her body had been a lot more thoroughly restrained as well. With her hands trapped in a tight reverse prayer which had also been anchored to a chest harness that ran above and below her fulsome breasts. There was also a rope running from the harness all the way up to the ceiling, both for stability and to keep any important knots well out of reach.

The blonde girl was now no longer standing up, but sitting on top of a bondage horse. Her ankles had been chained to weights which pulled her down into the bulky, ridged rim of the wooden construction digging into her panties and parting her lower lips. The banshee collar had also remained in place, meaning poor Lux was still without magic.

That assassin is nuts! What kind of position is this?! I can barely move to start with, but even if I sit perfectly still this horrible wedge in my pussy is driving my body crazy!

“Hmmmnnn!” She moaned into the rubber ball, which was already shining with the saliva pooling in her mouth and slowly trickling out.

The blonde began fidgeting with her hands, trying to wriggle them loose or reach for the knots keeping her tied. But no matter how much she struggled, the ropes just kept tightening up. And to add insult to injury, even the slightest twitch of her body was sending shocks down her snatch thanks to the weights on her ankles pulling her pussy into the bondage horse.

Lux kept up her valiant efforts for minutes on end, moaning desperately to try and find some relief. But eventually the poor blonde had to concede that her best bet was just to sit perfectly still and obediently wait for someone to arrive and get her off that nefarious wooden contraption.

"Quite a lovely show." Katarina suddenly remarked from the dark doorway. She hadn’t said a word so Lux wouldn’t notice her spectating, but the young mage’s moans and squirms had made the red haired assassin feel a little bit worked up by now. "But I’m afraid I'm more for an interactive performance."

"Hmmrr!" Lux glared at her captor, wriggling again despite the sharp stimulation it brought her. Now that Katarina was nearing her again, she just couldn’t sit still. The Demacian mage hoped beyond hope to find some slack and turn this hopeless situation around, but all she managed to do was once again rub her already moistening slit up against the hard surface of the construction she was perched upon, and groan loudly as a result.

“I take it that means you’ve regained your spunk for the second round of questioning.”

“Huk oo (Fuck you)!”

“No thank you, I’d never go that far.” The redhead replied dryly. “But what I will do is add some nice accessories to this little show.”

The blonde glared at her captor again. “Oh ooh air (don’t you dare).” She hissed, not even waiting for the ‘accessories’ to be revealed.

But as she’d feared, she didn’t like them at all.

What Katarina pulled out were a pair of weighted clamps, so small they could only be meant for one spot: the nipples.

Lux began shrieking and squirming around to prevent the assassin from pinching the clamps on. But she only managed to irritate her pussy further, and in the end all Katarina had to do was grab her by the chest harness to keep her still and pinch on the clamps one at a time.

“HMRRRRRGGG!!” The blonde mage moaned, trying to fling her drool at Katarina as an act of defiance. “Ish ish oh air (This is not fair).” She growled.

The bladeswoman grinned. “I never play fair."

And that was the truth. Because in addition to the bondage horse constantly nudging her labia, the clamps pulling down on the poor blonde’s nipples and the chest harness construction pulling up, Katarina felt there still was room for more as she ran her fingers over Lux’ perfectly smooth skin.

She started at her thighs, only to slowly make her way to Lux’s dripping labia and pressure them a little.

“You know what to do for this to end.” The redhead mused. “I’ll even cut you a deal: if you start talking that gag can come out. No sense capitulating if I can’t understand you after all.”

“HRRR!!” Lux groaned again, stubbornly looking away, but mewling harshly when Katarina flicked one of the weights as punishment.

But her resolve gradually crumbled as the red haired Noxian kept fondling the blonde, keeping her hot and bothered, but never close to a climax.

This is hopeless! I can’t do a thing to resist her, and she’s in full control of my body as well! But I can’t tell her anything! I have to hang in there!

But for how long? Since this wasn’t an official Demacian mission, no one was expecting her back within a pre-defined timeframe. Her only hope would be her family missing her, but that wouldn’t warrant an investigative mission, least of all into the Noxian capital!

Lux tried to banish these thoughts from her mind, but they stubbornly kept lingering, chipping away at her formidable mental strength.

After what felt like days (but was in fact just two hours) of non-stop sexual tension, the poor blonde finally slipped up.

It was because Katarina had pulled her fingers out of her snatch yet again, this time mere seconds before her orgasm would erupt.

“OO ISSHHH!! (YOU BITCH!!)” Lux shrieked, tears from frustration streaming down her cheeks. “Ush oo ae! Eh ai ow ed ak, A-hun ish o-in oo ae ais oo ish i-hee!! (Just you wait! When I don’t get back, Garen is going to lay waste to this city!)” The blonde threatened.

Katarina’s eyes widened, and she immediately pulled out the ball gag. “What was that? Who did you mention just now?!” She hissed, wanting to hear it clearly in case she’d imagined it.

Garen… Did she say Garen?!

“Nothing. I was just threatening you, as desperate captives tend to do.” Lux sneered, though that only earned her another flick to her nipple clamps. “Aiieee!!”

“Don’t mess with me, you mentioned someone just now. Repeat that name!” Katarina commanded, her eyes narrowing as she glared at Lux.

“What for? Don’t tell me you actually know someone in Demacia?”

“I’m an assassin, it’s my job to know stuff about enemy nations. Now spill!”


The redhead slapped Lux’ bum. “Who are you in league with? What was that name? It was Garen, wasn’t it?!”

Lux twitched a little at the mention of her brother’s name, but managed to mask it as the bondage horse rubbing her up the wrong way.

“Get me off this thing, and maybe we can start talking business.”

“You still don’t get the situation you’re in? You don’t get to make demands!” Katarina growled, buckling the gag back in and resuming her sexual torture.

But even though her body kept screaming at her to cum, the brave mage managed to keep herself in check, despite the fact her punishment was slowly driving her insane!

No matter how many times Katarina brought her to the edge, she refused to repeat her threat from before, least of all mention the fact she was related to Garen.

Garen Crownguard was a strapping young man and Demacia’s most celebrated knight, partly due to him saving the life of Jarvan the 4th, prince of Demacia, from noxian hands. He was incidentally also just about the only man in all of the Demacian kingdom that Katarina didn’t abhor (but for whom she in fact had a whole different feeling burning inside!).

But without confirmation, the redhead couldn’t possibly act. This blonde girl might have just garbled a random name which she misinterpreted. Although it hadn’t been lost on the assassin that each time she mentioned the famous knight’s name, the helpless mage’s squirming got a bit more kick to them.

But that alone was of course far from enough to prove her suspicions. And to her frustration the young mage managed to hold her ground exceedingly well.

Fearful she might go too far and actually harm or scar the blonde, the bladeswoman decided on taking a break in her interrogation. She pulled out a dark blue cloth and held it up against Lux’ nose, rendering the blonde mage unconscious by a mere whiff of the powerful drug soaked inside it. After that she got her captive off the bondage horse and snuck her to another, less visited region of the holding cells without being spotted.

Once there, she restrained the blonde again and instructing her number one subordinate to keep an eye out, also commanding him not communicate this to anyone. The red haired woman then made for her personal quarters.

I think I’d do best to keep this girl’s discovery a secret for now, until I know more about her situation. Bu first I need to freshen up… A shower will do wonders for centring my thoughts as well. The bladeswoman realized.

When Lux woke up, she thankfully found herself completely dressed again -save for the metal breast plate- and in yet another location. This room resembled the dimly lit dungeon she had first woken up in, just a bit larger. Another difference was that there was no Katarina waiting for her to wake up. In fact, she was all alone…

Did I wake up earlier than planned? Or is this her next plan? Letting me sit here all helpless so I can contemplate just how desperate my situation is? Well guess again!

After the brief ‘rest’ her body had received, the blonde mage felt fit enough again to try another escape. Her first move: testing her current restraints for weaknesses.

Her arms had been horizontally pinned behind her back, with thick coarse ropes cinched tightly over the whole length and tied off around her waist to further anchor them down. That waist rope had then been pulled between her legs for a tightly wedged crotchrope.

Her ankles a been crossed, with the remainder of the rope pulled back towards the crotchrope to force her legs to adopt the lotus position.

The rubber ball in her mouth had been replaced by a piece of cloth stuffing her cheeks, combined with a piece of leather functioning as a cleave gag. It kept her almost completely quiet, but on the bright side there was no drooling issue anymore either.

And still Katarina had chosen to keep that dreaded collar securely locked in place, despite Lux pleading with her to leave it off since she wasn’t one for offensive spells anyways.

“Hmmrrgggnn!” The blonde groaned angrily. Tight! All of this is incredibly tight! And I can barely move either… but if I have enough time, getting out should be possible…

The blonde began shifting her arms back and forth feverishly, trying to create some slack in the ropes. The burn of the coarse hemp slowly began hurting the poor blonde’s pale skin over time, but she persevered, desperate to find some leeway in the utterly tight bindings.

When the ropes holding her arms refused to budge, she turned her attention to other parts of her body. She started fidgeting with her ankles and trying to kick her legs to see if the rope keeping her in that lotus position would let up at all.


“HMMRRNNN!!” Lux yelped in surprise. Her kicking was tugging on the rope running between her legs, and pulling a rather chunky knot into her ass.

That sick, perverted, evil, SLUT! The blonde curse, quickly refraining from moving her legs about too much.

What’s left for me then? My arms won’t budge; my ankles are too tightly tied… The upper body?

The young mage began twisting around from the waist up, seeing if she could make some headway by wearing down the rope belt anchoring her arms. Sadly, that manoeuvre also made the crotchrope dig in -both front and back-. However, unless she was imagining things, the blonde damsel could swear the rope wrapped around her waist was leaving her with more room after every 4 or-so turns.

She looked to her side, having spotted a faint gleam in the corner of her eye.

A massive polished shield was resting on the floor there, the shining metal providing a reflection of the bound and gagged blonde. And in that reflection, she did indeed spot her rope work being a bit… untidy.

Finally, something I can exploit! That waist rope is definitely more out of place than when I began! Just you wait Katarina, I’m on my way out of here… And I’ll be sure to snatch you up for the ride!

A fire lit inside the cute mage’s chest, and she began thrashing around wildly with her entire body. Her arms began to burn again, and the knots nudging her ass and pussy were slowly driving her to tears. But she persevered, driven by the prospect of feeling that first rope slip off…

After 20 minutes of rolling around the floor, kicking screaming and moaning, Lux finally shifted the rope around her waist enough for a knot to come in reach of her fingers. Using the shield’s reflection for reference, she slowly began to work it loose, taking care to make small movements so as not to let it slip out of her grasp.

The blonde’s heart was racing, her lungs burning for more air than her nose and gagged mouth could let in. But eventually, the knot came undone!

“Hmmmff!” Lux sighed relieved, fidgeting with her arms to see how much freedom she’d gained.

Barely any, soon turned out.

That’s… disappointing. But it’s a start, on to the second knot.

15 minutes later, Lux had found and loosened as second knot pinning her arms together behind her back. With that one gone, the young Demacian mage could actually pull her forearms apart a little!

Soon… She thought eagerly. I’ll be up and about within the hour!

“HEY!” Came from behind the young girl all of a sudden, nearly giving her a heart attack.

She tried to scoot around, but her legs and ankles were still stuck in their lotus position, and even craning around to see where the noise came from wasn’t enough to spot the guard racing up to her and grabbing her loosened ropes.

“HHMRMRRNNN (NOOOO)!!!” The blonde girl screamed furiously, squirming around like possessed.

But there was still too much left of her restraints for her to make an escape, or put up a fight, as the guard refurnished her bindings.

Infinitely quicker than Lux had needed to get the ropes undone, the leather-clad man -Katarina’s direct subordinate and fellow assassin- had completely restored the lotus tie.

In addition, he had strapped a tight leather harness around Lux’s slender yet feminine body. The leather did a great job outlining her breasts, still clad in her black thin pullover. But the main purpose had been security: Her arm bindings were now anchored to the top of that harness, leaving the knots completely out of reach of Lux’ fluttering fingers.

The guard had also pulled a rope from the front of the harness down to her ankles, forcing the helpless mage to bend over so far her chest was brushing against her knees!

“Hmmrrhh (oowwww)!” She wailed as her back, but and hips began screaming from the uncomfortable position.

But rather than give any attention to the complaint, the guard added a blindfold to the already insurmountable set of bindings.

What? No! Now I can’t even use that shield anymore! The poor blonde realized instantly. Did he block that off by coincidence, or did that jerkoff spy on me the whole freaking time?

Whichever it was, now that that black piece of cloth had been securely tied to cover the young damsel’s eyes, poor Lux was truly out of means to plot an escape.

Frustrated and furious beyond belief, the blonde saw nothing more to do but to scream every insult in her repertoire, hoping her captor was still within earshot.

Too stubborn to give up, Lux also began wriggling and fidgeting again. But after just 5 minutes her body was so exhausted, and since progress was non-existent she simply gave up on trying to move in favour of trying to sleep.

Eventually, the blonde fell into a deep enough sleep to block out the soreness in her muscles, and she spent the rest of the night in her bondage.

When Lux woke up again, it was almost noon. Not that she could tell inside the windowless chamber. They seemed to be someone’s quarters rather than a cell or torture room.

To her relief, she immediately realized that although she was still tied up, it was in a considerably more comfortable position. She’d been spread eagled atop a wooden table, no longer in a dungeon but inside a warm and brightly lit room

The blonde tried to sit up, but immediately found four thick metal clamps pushing her wrists and ankles down. The clamps had been bolted shut, the mechanism impossible to reach.

Equally impossible to grab was the large, bulbous end of the hitachi wand pressed up against her groin. Mercifully it was inactive for now. But Lux had a sinking feeling it wouldn’t be for much longer the moment her red haired captor returned to the scene.

“Good morning.” Katarina mused, walking in some 10 minutes after Lux woke up. “I took the liberty of transporting you to my personal chambers after you passed out. I couldn’t risk someone finding you in that dungeon after all.”

Finding me? Lux thought confused. So she’s kept it a secret that I’m here? Why?

“So, have you changed your mind about not telling me anything yet?” The assassin asked as she loomed over the blonde, her long red hair tickling the pinned down girl’s nose and making her sneeze cutely.

“hmm hmm (nuh-uh).” She said childishly through the panel gag with a bulging interior.

“A shame. Guess we’ll pick up where we left off yesterday then…” The bladeswoman replied, switching the hitachi wand to a rather low setting for starters.

“Hmmrrnnnn!!!” The bound and gagged mage wailed. Her body was still raging from the sexual duress from yesterday! “Hmnff mmpp (please stop)!!” She begs.

“Only if you tell me what your link is to Garen Crownguard.”

Katarina had been up for several hours playing the scene back in her mind. The more she ran it, the more certain she became Lux truly did mention Garen. On top of that, the manner in which the assassin had caught her red handed suggested the young mage had been operating alone, for a personal reason rather than under orders. She probably wanted the artefact for private reasons.

That also meant there was no real information to be gotten out of her… at least nothing relevant for her own superiors. The link with Garen however, that was a stroke of luck for the redhead.

Before turning in for the night, Katarina had made a decision: Come the next day, her interrogation would purely be focused on drawing out more information about Lux’ connection to the Crownguards and Garen.

And step one to that intel: Further breaking down the blonde’s impressive resolve.

The hitachi she’d switched on was programmed to slowly rise in vigour, something Lux had found out by now.

“Let me know when you’re ready to talk, and that wand will come right off.” Katarina remarked casually, sitting herself down on the table beside the blonde and occasionally stroking her pert breasts or pinching her nipples.

Oh God! It’s only morning, but I’m already feeling like I’ll burst! This can’t go on! I’ll go insane! Should I just come clean? The blonde thought, moments before the hitachi between her thighs spiked and shocked her into climaxing.

“HHHHMMMNRRRRR!!!” The young mage shrieked, twisting and turning on top of the table as all her pent up frustration flooded out of her along with her love juice.

But her relief was short lived, because the hitachi picked up its pace yet again and another orgasm began to swell despite the first one having barely started subsiding!

“Anything you want to share?” The assassin asked coldly as she flicked one of Lux’ rock hard nipples.

“Hmmnn!!” The helpless girl whimpered, now sweating all over and shaking like a leaf.

Who am I kidding… I can’t keep this up. I’m going to crack eventually, why keep up the torture? I mean, the information she’s after isn’t even that sensitive! Anyone who pays a visit to Demacia finds out stuff about the Crownguard family!

So finally, Lux nodded. It was a weak gesture, but that was all she was capable of after all those hours of non-stop erotic hammering.

“Marvellous!” Katarina chimed, taking away the hitachi straight away and forcing a long gasp of relief out of the blonde mage, whom immediately slumped in her stocks.

The red haired woman then took out the panel gag. “So… Garen?” She asks, barely managing to contain her excitement.

“Garen is… my older brother.” Lux explains in between her panting. “My name is Lux Crownguard.”

The assassin stared at her with wide eyes. “You and Garen are… related?!”

“Yes we are. Which is why I came all the way here: To make a name for myself and gain fame and honour worthy of our bloodline.”

“By infiltrating the capital of Noxus by yourself? Most would call that foolish.”

“High risk, high return. That was my reasoning.”

“I’m an assassin, I think quite oppositely. And since I’m not the one lying strapped to a table, it would seem my way is the correct one.”

“Whatever.” The blonde mage retorted annoyed. “So, now you know. What’s next? Drilling me for family secrets? Another stream of sexual assaults to get me to spill Demacian tactics?”

“Now, you rest.”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s your reward for finally cooperating.”

“That’s a joke right?”

But the redhead didn’t furnish her with a response, and instead left her chambers.

Well I never… I actually get to rest? As nice as it sounds, I’d rather get the hell out of here!

But Lux didn’t even have to test the bolts pinning her down to realize that wasn’t going to happen. So instead she chose to recharge her batteries, closing her eyes and breathing slowly.


Naturally, Katarina hadn’t really abandoned her captive just to let her rest in return for that meagre peace of information. She just needed time to consider her options. Taking Lux back to Demacia was very tempting right about now. No doubt her 'rescue' of the blonde mage from a Noxus dungeon would score points with the dashing knight…

But even if Lux hadn't done anything to threaten Noxus (especially since Katarina prevented the theft from even taking place), the fact remained she had been able to infiltrate the capital… That fact alone warranted a spot on the execution list…

Taking her back would border on treason… Unless nobody found out about it! The cunning assassin had yet to report anything that transpired after all. In fact, only other person up to speed on this whole bizarre situation was her most loyal subordinate, the man dressed in thick leather armour that had been guarding Lux last night.

I need another night to think this over… The red haired woman finally decided after pacing up and down the hallway.

After making sure the coast was clear, she instructed her right hand man to fetch lux and bring her to a cell, whilst she herself took part in a mission briefing to hold up appearances.

20 minutes after Katarina abandoned Lux, the guard that had tied her up last night walked back in. He was treated by a second concerto of swearwords as he calmly checked the magic sealing collar and pulled the blonde off the table.

He threw Lux a set of clothes: a tank top and a pair of shorts, jet black. The blonde glared at him, but put them on since the alternative was being led around in her birth suit.

After she got dressed, the man locked her hands in stocks and shackled her ankles with a heavy chain running in between them. The leather-clad assassin then tied a rope around the collar and led his frustrated captive to a one-person cell.

“Why is Katarina doing this to me? I already told her everything she wanted to know. I don’t know anything else of value.” She whined.

“She doesn’t yet know how to deal with you.” The guard replied with his deep, raspy voice. “You should be grateful you weren’t executed on the spot. I’ve seen her do that more times than I can count, she rarely takes prisoners.”

“Oh great.” Lux said sarcastically. “Gotta love being special…”

The two soon reached Lux’ cell, leaving the man to untie the leash and shove her inside.

The moment the door closed, Lux clanged the wooden stocks against the bars of the window built into the thick wooden door. “And my collar?”

“That’s staying on.”

“Oh COME ON! I know Katarina informed you about my abilities! I’m a support mage. I barely know any offensive magic, definitely not something that can bust down a might Noxian jail cell!”

“It’s procedure.” Was the stubborn reply.

“Procedure, my hiney! My whole incarceration has been outside of ‘procedure’!” The young woman protested.

The burly guard shifted uncomfortably. She had a point there. And the blonde mage had spoken the truth when she explained the nature of her magical abilities, Katarina herself had confirmed it to him.

“Plus.” Lux pressed on. “I can’t even channel my power decently without my wand, which as you know is nowhere near here.”

The cute young girl then pulled a sad lip and summoned her cutest puppy dog eyes. “So how about it? Can you cut me some slack, just this once? In return I’ll be more cooperative when your boss comes along, and I’ll be sure to tell her you are the cause!”

That sealed the deal for the burly man. “Alright, turn around.” He said, taking out the key.

Lux hopped her back to him eagerly, standing on her toes so the guard could reach the keyhole more easily.

*Krrrk* The collar sounded as the lock opened and the seal stone opened up.

Lux turned around with a wide grin as she stepped back a few feet.

"Thanks for cutting me some slack. It’s just what I needed to make my daring escape.”

The tall assassin looked at her with narrow eyes, reaching toward his right hip, where his short sort was sheathed.

“Because you know,” Lux continued, “I might not know spells that can bust down this cell, but I have no trouble using one that teleports me out altogether."

Lux then disappeared into thin air, giving the burly assassin a light heart attack.

He immediately opened the cell and rushed inside to check what had happened, thereby playing right into the clever blonde’s hand.

Lux mastered no form of magic that would allow her to teleport, and even if she did there was little chance of her being able to transport herself all the way to the outskirts of Noxus for guaranteed safety.

But what the Demacian mage could do, was use a magic spell that masked her presence completely!

She stealthily slipped behind the guard and locked the cell behind him, undoing her magic moments after he stared at the locked door in confusion.

“Cool huh? Why don’t you spend the next few hours trying to figure out how things ended up like this?” She snickered. “Meanwhile I’ll be getting rid of these restraints, packing my things for a smooth getaway, and maybe make a stop at- “

But the blonde stalled after feeling a length of cold steel pressed against her throat. He eyes widened in horror, but she was frozen in place and didn’t dare turn around to see if it really was who she feared it was.

She didn’t need to.

“I’m not going to bother asking how you got out, what matters is that you’ve just proven I have been far too lenient on you.” Katarina hissed. “And that my subordinates is deserving of a visit of the headman’s axe.”

The leather-clad man looked at his superior officer, not bothering to make excuses for what was an obvious blunder on his part.

“I’ll work out what to do with you later.” She said annoyed. “As for you.” The assassin continued, pressing the blade into Lux’ neck to make her rise onto her tiptoes. “You will be put on trial after all." The redhead said sternly.

“No! Please let me -oomph!” The young mage tried to plead, but a quick blow into her side silenced the blonde.

Katarina then glared at her subordinate once again. "And you can remain in this cell for the next 5 days, contemplating your failure."

The man simply bowed his head in apology. “I accept this punishment.” He said, after which he went to lie down on the small, ragged bed.

And that concluded the mirage Lux had created for her former guard, to ensure he wouldn’t raise an alarm at her getaway. After confirming he had bought the ruse, she silently snuck into the halls.

The blonde captive already began fiddling with her restraints as she was still running along the corridors in search for cover, making the long chain connecting her ankles rattle and echo as she traversed the empty corridors.

It didn’t take her long to find an empty room, another torture chamber it so happened. But this time that meant a stroke of luck for the blonde, seeing as it was filled with sharp and pointy objects. Lux spotted several thin needles gleaming on top of a large wooden desk, and hurried over to snatch them up and use them for lock picks.

She also noticed a bottle containing a strange blue, powerful smelling substance which instantly made her light-headed at a mere whiff.

So this is how I never woke up during the replacement of my restraints. She realized as she started poking around inside the lock centred at her wooden stocks.

The young mage spent almost 15 minutes tirelessly fiddling around to try and make the lock trapping her hands give way, her heart pounding in her chest as she feared each failed attempt might be her last one.

How long until someone comes in here? This floor is enormous, but I’m still not liking my chances…

The blonde thought nervously, scared to death at being found again, after getting so close to an escape.

But after another 5 nerve-wracking minutes, Lux finally heard that liberating *click* of her stocks coming off, letting out a huge sigh in relief.

“Now, for my legs…”

Upon entering, Lux had immediately spotted similar looking shackles hanging off a hook on the wall. The keys had been hung next to them. She prayed intently for another dose of luck as she took hold of the keychain and fitted the keys one by one.

And sure enough.



Her ankles were liberated as well now.

Now what? Search for my gear? Head straight for the exit?

Her eye then fell on the bottle of sedative, and a mischievous grin formed along her glossy pink lips.

When Katarina woke up from her brief rest after the briefing, wearing the deep red nightie she’d gone to sleep in, she found her eyelids were heavy and her head was throbbing somewhat.

Man, last night must’ve worn me out more than I thought. I’m still not recuperated. She thought as she tried to get up. Except her limbs wouldn’t respond, and this wasn’t because of fatigue, they were being held down… quite effectively.

Her arms had been wrapped along her waist just below her breasts, with her right hand resting by her left elbow and vice versa and kept there by means of a single long rope cinched around both wrists and elbows, and running along her back to make the anchoring more secure. And because her arms had been pinned flat against her body just below her chest, purely by accident Lux's restraints served to puff up the red haired woman's chest a little as well.

The result left the assassin's lightning fast hands and arms securely pinned in place, the rope tied off at four points, all of them out of reach of her already wildly fluttering fingers.

However, they didn’t get much room to flutter, because Lux had also buckled small leather mittens around her hands to trap them into fists, making absolutely sure her former captor wouldn't be able to fiddle with any knots.

Her legs had been frogtied, the ropes cinched so tightly they dug into her skin and pressed her calves flat against her thighs. This left Katarina with barely any leg movement, save from uselessly shaking them back and forth.

“hmmrrnn!!” The redhead groaned as the strain from all her tight ropes began to set in due to her snapping fully awake from the unpleasant surprise. Doing so, she bit into the thick rubber of the ring gag buckled snugly into place.

The black rubber kept her mouth wedged open and completely muddled up her speech, though she was still able to make plenty of noise… not that she felt like drawing any attention to herself right about now.

I’ve got to escape! Her mind and body screamed instantly after her predicament had fully sunk in.

The redhead had already instinctively been trying to flex her muscles as she tested her bonds in an effort to break free. But almost immediately she had to conclude none of her ropes were budging. A quick wriggle also showed there wasn't a single hidden blade left on her person… Not that she had any way of grasping one if there had been.

A pit began developing in her stomach as she rolled along the cold rock floor, grunting and cursing at her own carelessness whilst trying to get a grasp of the situation, and look for a way out of it.

How did that mage even escape her cell, let alone knock me out? And where in the hell did she learn about restraints?! I These ropes won't budge no matter what I try, it's on par with my own skills. No, this might even be better! The redhead realized frustrated.

“Hihihihi!” Suddenly sounded throughout the brightly lit cell, bouncing off the bricked walls and leading Katarina to stop squirming and peer around looking for the origin of that obnoxious sound.

However, the assassin couldn’t spot the source anywhere.

"hmmr hmmr mmmh (where are you)?!" She demanded to know angrily.

"Right here." Lux replied, suddenly appearing with a shimmer.

She giggled heartily once more at seeing her former captor’s now wide eyes. "You’ve gotta admit, this is pretty impressive: Tricked your guard, escaped my restraints, snuck up on an assassin, and turned the tables on her in the midst of enemy territory… I love it when a plan comes together."

The athletic mage then kneeled beside the assassin. “Granted, I had to bide my time and wait for you to be fast asleep before I dared sneak up on you and drug you. But you get the idea.”

“Hmrnggg!! Eh eeh ooh (Let me go)!” Katarina demanded, flaring up in an attempt to lunge at the blonde before her but stumbling and falling onto her chest. “Hmmnn!” She grunted, her cheeks red with embarrassment.

"Get real, Kat." The blonde chuckled, patting the bladeswoman’s head. "Did you really think a glare and a mumbled demand would persuade me into untying you?"


“Or a loud howl for that matter.” Lux added as she got up. "You're being awfully grumpy you know? I haven't seen you smile even once, even though you were clearly having the time of my life using my body as your personal plaything for the past day and a half."

The assassin simply turned away. She wouldn't deny Lux's squealing had felt… gratifying. But she still had treated the interrogations as purely her job… well, except for the last one where she’d been gunning for intel about Garen.

"And now you’re lying here, looking all surly… Let's see if I can turn that frown upside down…" Lux said with a grin that spelled nothing but bad news.

Katarina looked at her captor quizzically as she turned around to reach for something. But her eyes shot wide open as Lux showed her a large red plume.

“Hmn (NO)!” She protested adamantly, trying to back away by making small hops by pushing off with her feet.

But the blonde mage soon grabbed her by the ropes pinning down her arms and held her in place as she ran the fluffy feather along the redhead’s thigh.

“hmmmhnh! Hm-hm-hm-hmn!!” Katarina screamed with laughter, twitching and jerking in response to the soft down brushing her bare skin.

Lux gradually became more invasive with the feather, pushing a jittering Katarina down on the floor so she could run it along her fulsome rack.

“HMMRRR (STOOOP)!!” The redhead tried to command, though not even she felt any weight behind it.

“Say please.” The blonde taunted.

“HMMRRGGG!!” Was all that came back.

“Fine, more tickling then.”

The redhead resumed her furious thrashing even before the feather stroked her bare soles, hoping to escape or at least resist Lux’ relentless tickle torture.

But her restraints were too well done. She barely had enough room to twitch, let alone actually evade the nimble mage’s feather assault. She was utterly helpless to stop the young mage from stroking every bare inch of her surprisingly ticklish body.

After almost 40 minutes of non-stop tickling, Katarina slumped down onto the cold floor. Her chest was heaving and she’d been crying with laughter for the last 10 minutes. But even so it had taken Lux the full 40 to make her captive buckle and moan a deafening. “EEESSSHHH (PLEEEAAASEEEE)!!!”

The blonde sat back as she watched the assassin twisting around, frantically looking for any knots that might have come undone.

"Calm down you, this isn't nearly as bad as how you treated me." Lux said childingly.

" Az uh a-hur oh o-hi-hiuh (That's a manner of opinion)." Katarina growled into her gag.

"If that's how you feel about it, how about we switch things up?" The blonde mage said before knocking the assassin out again.

When Katarina next woke up, she found herself wearing nothing but a set of black latex underwear: a skimpy strapless bra and thong. She also realized immediately she’d been locked in even more elaborate bondage than before.

The red haired Noxian had been suspended in the air by means of padlocked leather cuffs and very thick coarse ropes. The bladeswoman was spread eagled by the ropes running to the four corners of the room from her wrists, ankles, thighs and forearms.

There was also a chest harness anchored into the suspension, running straight up from her back for extra support, but also resulting in constant upward pressure on her slightly swollen and reddish breasts.

To make her situation even more straining, mischievous Lux had tied a tight crotchrope in place with a large spherical metal hanging from it to pull her body downwards. The result was constant pressure on her arms and legs, which were hoisted in the other direction. Plus, because of the large metal weight the crotchrope itself never stopped bearing down on here either, and the bulky knot that had been tied into it continued to dig into her ass.

Seconds after the drug had worn off, the poor red haired damsel began moaning in discomfort, her legs and arms flailing with what little room she had. But the cuffs were strapped on to tightly, making it impossible to slip out of any of them.

Stuck… again! She realized, groaning into her stuffed tape gag as her wriggles had forced the weight below her to start swaying, yanking the crotchrope deeper than it already was.


“That’s what you get for acting without thinking.” Lux scolded from behind her.


“That’s rude!” The blonde giggled. She had no idea what the assassin had growled, but she was pretty sure it was an insult meant for her.

She walked around to face Katarina, who was hanging so high off the ground the young mage actually had to look up to do so.

Lux reached up, and slapped her hand against her captive’s right breast, making it bounce into the left one before both jiggled back and forth a little.

The initial slap was quite a shock, but the sting was intensified even more by the tight harness keeping the pressure on, impeding the pain from subsiding too quickly.

“HMMRRNNN!!” Katarina wailed as she kicked her legs in anger, which in turn just made the weight pulling at her legs swing and cause another ripple of painful pleasure in her groin to mix with the throbbing of her chest.

She took hold of the rope near her hands to yank them experimentally, making the ropes creak as she pulled them taut for a second. But they were far too sturdy to try and snap, even if she was at full strength. Add to that the fact her body was growing weary from all the painful contortions and Lux’ never-ending teasing, and it was made crystal clear to the bladeswoman she wasn’t going anywhere.

And the slender mage beneath her knew it too, because she kept pinching and slapping the redhead’s fulsome chest to taunt her.

Until finally, Katarina blew her stack again.

“Ff hoo oh eh ee ow ai ow, ai ho-hss he ai e-haep ai hl loo ah orr e-hihe ah! (If you don’t let me out right now, I promise when I escape I’ll kill you and your entire clan!)” The furious Noxian threatened.

“Like you would even make it onto the Crownguard estate.” The cute mage retorted. “Although maybe you should, I’m sure Garen would be delighted to see you.” She added teasingly, to see how Katarina would respond.

And to her amusement, the fierce assassin averted her gaze, trying -but failing- to stop her cheeks from flushing a bright pink.

“Hihihihi!” Lux giggled, raising the hairs on Katarina’s neck.

That girl has the most obnoxious laugh!

“Oh, how ha (So, now what)?” The bound and gagged assassin asked, wanting to change the topic.

“Now I re-tie you to make sure you can’t make a fuss whilst I pick up where I left off: breaking into that room and stealing the artefact.”

“As oh hi mmn (what’s wrong with this)?” Katarina countered, shaking her bonds to demonstrate her helplessness, but regretting it immediately since it made both the ropes wrapped round her chest and groin dig in.

On second thought, go ahead dumb blonde. Things can’t get much worse from here on out…

But a chill ran down Katarina’s spine as she spotted the ominous grin on Lux’ face as the blonde pressed a damp cloth against her face. The last thing to enter her mind was that her last assumption might be utterly wrong.

It took over two hours for the sedative to wear off, plenty of time for Lux to sneak to the nearest empty cell and restrain her former captor in there.

The first thing the blonde did was retrieve a large metal dildo from the leather bag she’d brought in after sneaking Katarina inside the cell. She anchored it into the floor and then turned her attention to the redhead.

Lux carefully got rid of the sleeping assassin’s latex thong and bra, leaving poor Katarina stark naked inside the cold and dark cell. She then slid her onto the firmly mounted dildo and turned to her bag again. Out of it she pulled several shackles, chains, padlocks and even a heavy duty steel collar.

The Demacian mage then proceeded to tightly hogtie the redhead, shackling her wrists together, as well as her elbows and ankles. Next up was the collar, which was wide enough to almost cover the assassin’s entire neck.

After Katarina’s shackles were locked in place, Lux took a long chain and ran it along the redhead's body, first padlocking it to the collar and then moving down her back to connect it to all three of the metal cuffs with two thick padlocks each for an utterly escape proof hogtie.

But the blonde mage wasn’t going to stop at just chaining down her former captive. She next reached for a second, thinner chain and wrapped it around the unconscious assassin’s chest (both above and below her impressive rack).

After pulling it snug, she padlocked some of the chinks together to keep it that way and used another lock to connect it to Katarina’s elbow cuffs, tightly ensnaring her upper body. A side effect was that the thin chain digging into her naked breasts made them even more impressive than even her figure hugging outfits did.

“There we go; this should be enough to keep you from going anywhere whilst I’m away.” The blonde mused as she got up and took a step back to admire her captive, now covered in silver, grey and black steel from the chains, shackles and padlocks

“Just one thing left: where do I leave all of these?” Lux wondered, staring at the keychain keeping all of the keys for the many padlocks she’d used.

It was then the Demacian mage spotted a chain with a hook at the end hanging from a metal peg embedded in the wall.


The blonde the chain and strung it up from the ceiling, leaving the hook to dangle a foot above Katarina’s head. She then hung the keychain on it, leaving all of the tools needed for the blademistress’ escape hanging right in her line of sight.

Lux grinned from the keys to the redhead. She is going to be so pissed off at this… She thought with glee as she buckled a thick panel gag with built-in padding to stuff the wearer’s mouth and almost completely muffle their every noise.

The blonde young woman then made herself scarce before Katarina regained consciousness or the next guard detail would pass by on this floor. Her plan was to first retrieve her gear from Katarina’s chambers, and use her concealing cloak to sneak around the corridors more easily. If things went well, she might return to Demacia with her targeted artefact after all!

Some 10 minutes after Lux had locked the cell, Katarina woke up.

Owww, my head... The assassin thought to herself. No wonder our prisoners are always so docile; this stuff packs a punch!

Her limbs still felt heavy like lead as her body slowly began waking up in tandem with the fog disappearing from her mind. But it didn’t take long for the bladeswoman to realize most of the weight pushing on her body was external.

The more she tried to move, the more metal she found that was stopping her in her tracks.

But what really riled her up was the metal rod shoved up her lovebox. The thick dildo had shocked her awake the moment she tried to shift her hips and felt the cold metal brush against her clitoris.

Since she was already lying on a chilly brick floor completely naked, the cold steel inside of her only made her shiver all the more.

However, as her angry struggles continued the metal soon reached body temperature by the walls of her pussy grinding into it, making her moan loudly with each stroke. Problem was, the warmer that metal cock became, the more pleasant it felt when it rubbed along her folds!

Katarina had only been awake for 10 minutes when she was forced to slump down a first time and try to catch her breath, shaking like a leaf due to the cold air blowing over her transpiration covered skin.

She really did a number on me this time. Katarina cursed, feeling out the padlocks connecting the metal chain lined up along her back to all of her cuffs and shackles, making the metal clang and jingle softly. This stuff isn’t coming off no matter what I do. Even if I had the keys, I’d be in trouble.

The red haired woman then spotted a faint gleam coming from above her head. She craned her neck to look upwards, rubbing it against the large collar as she did. When she spotted the mass of keys, her eyes grew wide in realization.

“hmrrgg!!” Oh, that’s just twisted!

Despite knowing it would probably be useless, Katarina immediately began thrashing around again to try and lift her arms towards the hook. But she could barely achieve any lift at all thanks to the chain running along her back, let alone make it all the way up to the keys.

Try as she might, the poor assassin was utterly helpless to free herself from her intricate bondage, nor the metal dildo intruding upon her most sensitive flesh. Katarina spent over 20 minutes switching between fidgeting around and lying still to try and recover, until she finally got a visitor.

“Well, what do you think?” Lux asked as she opened up the cell door. “Quite inventive, no?”

“HMRNGN!!” Was all she received for a reply.

“Hihihi, I had hoped you would respond like that. It means my efforts weren’t wasted.” The blonde said as she walked inside and closed the cell again. She had made it to Katarina’s chambers unseen, where she retrieved all of her equipment, including the cloak that helped mask her presence.

“I came to check up on you before continuing my mission from before, to make sure I didn’t overlook anything in chaining you down.” The cute mage taunted as she knelt beside the redhead. “But seeing as you’re still lying exactly the way I left you, I guess you’re well and truly stuck.”

“Hmf!” Katarina mouthed into her gag, glaring at her captor. She wasn’t even going to bother demanding her release, or give Lux any other excuse to toy with her for that matter.

The only problem was; Lux didn’t need an excuse.

The blonde calmly reached for her former captor’s left buttock and squeezed it teasingly, rolling the supple flesh beneath her palm like dough.

“Hmn mhhh (let go)!” Katarina gasped. Her body was so on edge due to the chains wrapping her breasts and the dildo filling her up, even the slightest touch was enough to send ripples of pleasure throughout her entire body!

“Oooh, sensitive are we?” Lux grinned, giving the assassin’s ass a light slap.

“HMNN!” The red haired damsel growled again, rattling her many restraints in protest.

“My my, looks like you’re still feisty enough. Guess I left you with too much wriggle room after all…”

Katarina’s eyes narrowed. “oh oo air (don’t you dare)!” She hissed.

But Lux ignored her as she worsened the poor girl’s position even more by shortening the chain running along her back. The blonde mage pulled it so tight that Katarina’s ankles ended up lying on her magnificently firm bum. She made sure to tighten up the chain on the other end as well, to force the assassin to pull her back taut and even keep her head lifted off the ground if she didn't want the collar pushing down on her throat.

“hmmnff!” Katarina howled in pain as her back was forced to arch, soon gagging a little as well when the cold steel of the collar pressured her slender neck.

After accommodating her new, harsher hogtie, the assassin glared at Lux, mouthing into her gag the mage would die a slow and bloody death before the day was up.

But Lux waved the threat away dismissively.

“You wouldn’t get out of this even if I dropped the key chain right in front of you and gave you a week, let alone just the rest of this night.” She mocked before turning her back on the helpless bladeswoman and leaving her to squirm helplessly inside her cell again.

The Demacian noble then began her descent to the lowest levels of the dungeon again, since there was no longer anyone who knew of her presence anymore.

I suppose I was lucky that red haired blade-lover was the one to find me after all. Anyone else, and I would’ve been tried and incarcerated on the spot. Who would’ve thought Garen’s charisma reached all the way into a Noxian dungeon. Lucky him… and me!

Whilst Lux was stealthily moving around the lower regions of the Noxian dungeon, Katarina had resumed making a terrible fuss in her cell.

Despite the dildo shoved inside her kept rubbing her labia with every twitch, the redhead desperately kept up her fight for freedom. However, her own arousal was sapping her strength faster than her rage could supply it!

The furious assassin gave it her utmost to try lunge herself into the air high enough to nudge the keys off the small hook. But thanks to Lux tightening up her hogtie she couldn’t get nearly enough leverage. Despite her considerable strenght, she stood no chance against the solid steel restraints keeping her prisoner.

No matter what approach she used, from slowly trying to lift her butt up to dislodge the dildo, to heaving herself with all her strength in the hope of rolling clear, the bound and gagged assassin failed to even move from her spot.

Despair started to kick in as Katarina came to realize exactly how deep the mess she had gotten into was.

Even if by some miracle those keys drop to the floor, I could never manoeuvre my hands over to grab them. And even if I got that far, there are way too many padlocks and none of them are near my hands!

She had to concede: Lux had trapped her without hope of escape… by herself.

But even if your restraints are top notch, you’ve made your first mistake here, you little magical minx!

“Hmmmnfff!!!” Katarina screamed, trying to alarm some of the guards she knew to be patrolling this floor. But the thick rubber panel buckled tightly into place kept most of her considerable noise contained.

I guess I’ll actually have to wait for a guard to look inside before I’m getting out of here.

stuffing keeps her perfectly quiet and stops her from calling guards. Not that it would do her any good, because Lux had set up a mirage.

After waiting for 20 more agonizing minutes on the cold floor, the metal dick pushing pressuring her folds, Katarina finally heard the liberating noise of heavy trudging boots.

“HMMMRNNNN!! (HEEEEELP)!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, timing it exactly so that the guard would pass by her window whilst she opened her lungs.

The heavily armoured soldier walked past, and halted in front of the door to peer inside and see what the fuss was.

Katarina glared back, mumbling at him to get her out of there.

But to her utter shock and confusion, the man simply swore at her to shut her trap, and walked off!

What in Noxus is going on?! Didn’t her recognise me?! Sure I don’t have my gear, but the red hear and the scar over the eye should’ve been enough of a calling card!

“HMMRRNNNN!!” The assassin shrieked again, trying to get him to come back.

This can’t be! He HAD to know who I was. Did he have mud in his eyes or-

And then the bladeswoman’s own eyes widened.


She had figured out what was going on. Or at least, she had a pretty strong suspicion… One that was correct.

Lux had set up an intricate mirage: Whenever someone other than herself would look inside the cell holding Katarina, all they'd see was a perfectly ordinary prisoner, one they would think had been there for months already.

The chained and gagged woman’s heart sank at the thought of having to lie there and wait for her blonde spy to come back for her to finally get out of those abhorrent chains. Not to mention the fact she might even get into more trouble after Lux found out what the redhead had done whilst she had been transported to her cell.

After spending the first half of the afternoon lying down in her cell, completely unable to rest or relax thanks to the harsh cuffs and chains enveloping her body, poor Katarina was on her last legs. For hours on end she’d been trying in vain to catch the attention of anyone passing by, but in the end the guards didn’t even bother to snarl at her but plainly ignored the helpless young redhead.

Eventually she gave up even trying to catch the attention of guards passing by her cell, since one crushing failure after another had slowly been driving her up the wall with frustration.

So when a pair of hurried footsteps echoed throughout the hall, the redhead didn’t respond but simply tried shifting her body around a little to find another, remotely comfortable position in an attempt to get some much needed rest.

But when the helpless assassin suddenly heard the sound of her door’s lock being fiddled with, her senses immediately returned to their razor sharp form. Her body pulled taut again in an instinctive reaction, though all that did was make the poor girl twitch and moan in discomfort.

As the door slowly opened, Katarina’s heartbeat rose. She’d preferred it if her own subordinate would walk in, but by now she didn’t really care who found her in this pathetic state anymore, but part of her still prayed it wouldn’t be anyone too high up the chain of command…

Her hear sunk when it turned out to be that obnoxious blonde magician again. But her mood somewhat improved after seeing the frown on her still quite cute face.

“You heightened security didn't you?” Lux growled at the redhead lying on the floor as she stamped into the cell. “There’s half a dozen guards patrolling the lowest level that leads to my artefact!"

Katarina just chuckled into her gag. She nodded, throwing her captor a smug look.

“Well, thanks for that. I spent HOURS staking out the stairwell to the lowest levels to make sure I could get down and back up without being spotted. And when I finally got close, I saw the tripled guard detail down there!”

The assassin tried to shrug despite the heavy metal containing her movements. “Ooh oo-hun af in oo hmn-eve (You shouldn’t have been so naive).” She said mockingly.

Lux glared at her captive. "Fine then, if I can't take my targeted prize home I guess I'll have to settle for a runner up…"

The redhead frowned at the mage, not understanding where she was going. None of the Noxian treasures were in the young mage’s reach anymore.

"Thanks to your orders to intensify the guard down there, the rest of this dungeon is relatively easy to move around through. I’ll have no problem slipping out carrying a heavy load.” Lux explained as she dropped a huge leather bag next to the redhead. “You're coming back home with me."

"HMMRN?! HMGNMMHGGGNN!!" Katarina shrieked in protest, rattling her chains as she began thrashing around in a wild panic. But once again, the thick metal enveloped by her vagina put her efforts to a halt in no time flat.

“Hmnnfff!!” The redhead gasped, having forgotten about the dildo in her panic but instantly grinding to a moaning halt as her body jerked in surprise.

"Hmm, all that metal surrounding your body is going to be a problem,” Lux analysed, “not only will those restraints of yours make you way too heavy to carry around, each and every stepp will be accompanied by a concerto of high-pitched jingles”. The clever mage said as she grabbed the keychain off the hook. “I guess I’d do well to settle for something more lightweight, and silent…"

Katarina tried to put up a fight as the Demacian mage removed her shackles and -thankfully- dressed her again before restraining the redhead with ordinary yet strong hemp ropes. But she didn’t stand a chance, her body was so exhausted she barely had the strength to move anymore, let alone wrestle down a relatively well-rested Lux.

Within minutes, the poor redhead had been rendered completely immobile again.

Her wrists had ended up tied behind her back, her hands resting palm to palm. Her ankles had been crossed before Lux cinched them together, and there were also several lengths of rope wrapped around her calves, knees and thighs, resulting in no less than 5 sturdy coils of rope carefully wrapped around Katarina’s powerful legs to render them utterly useless.

To top things off, a single long rope was cinched around her entire body several times, passing behind her knees, past her thighs and finally around her back before to trap the red haired assassin in a tight ball tie that left her so compact she squished her breasts against her own knees. The remainder of that rope was then knotted off at her ankle bonds to make sure Katarina couldn’t kick her lower legs about anymore either.

"There we go, nice and secure again.” The blonde said, having kept the panel gag in place to ensure her captive couldn’t make a fuss during the re-tying.

“Now, I'm going to start scouting for a way out of this place. But don't worry about growing bored, I've brought something to make sure you’ll be entertained.” The young mage said with that smile Katarina had come to hate so much, as it always meant trouble for her.

Lux rolled Katarina onto her side so she could slide a pair of vibrating beads inside the assassin’s bra, aligning them with her still overly sensitive nipples. She also inserted a pair of vibrators, one into her ass and a second, larger one pussy.

“hmn mmmnn (no, don’t)!” The red haired damsel pleaded as the beads slid inside of her, eyeing the blonde for the first time with a hint of fear in her eyes. She was already completely spent from worming around in her chains, that fiendish metal dildo refusing her even a moment’s rest.

If all those toys came together at once now, she’d barely last 5 minutes!

But the young mage coldly ignored the plea as she flicked all the switches.

“HMMRNNN!!” Katarina screamed. “MMHHK MMMNN HMMMM (TAKE THEM OOOUUUT)!!” She shrieked at the top of her lungs, twisting and turning in her ropes to dry and dislodge any of the toys. But without luck, none of them were letting up.

Tears from frustration sprang from the assassin as she was forced lied there yet again, completely helpless do defend herself against the sexual assault, and forced to see the cause of it all casually walking out her cell.

She’s dead! The second I get my hands on a blade, I’m taking her head clean off! The red haired woman swore to herself, trying to use her thirst for vengeance to stave off the climax surging up inside of her.

But to no avail. Her body began trembling in need for the climax it had been denied for all those hours painfully chained up. That dildo had been a huge source of frustration, but even after Katarina had begun rocking it inside her to try and finish, it hadn’t been enough.

These toys however proved to be far more than she needed to get the job done, despite her pride flaring up at not wanting to be forced to cum.

I can’t hold it in- I’m… I’m going to…!

“HMMMMNNNNNN!!!” The bladeswoman howled into her gag, her entire body convulsing as she tried to stave off her climax through sheer willpower, her loins burning so intensely it almost made her black out.


A few hours later, Lux returned to the cell. She had found a safe route through the dungeons, and waited for night to start falling so she could traverse the streets without being spotted.

Katarina had tried her best, but in the end the toys had just been too powerful for her already weakened resolve. She had still managed to hold out for half an hour before finally cumming. But that had opened the floodgates for the poor assassin’s body. Orgasm after orgasm had surged, some not even waiting for the former to simmer down before erupting all over again.

The helpless young woman had been moaning and writhing around, trying to rub her naked body into the cold floor to cool her raging hormones down. But nothing had worked, she’d simply kept on climaxing without end for a full 30 minutes before finally passing out.

When she woke up again, the beads and clamps had mercifully stopped their buzzing. But the restraints were still as tight and escape proof as ever.

The assassin was left lying humiliated and angry, feeling sweaty and dirty all over. Seething with anger, she prayed for nothing else but another chance at fighting that bratty blonde, and make her pay for her cruel torture.

But that wasn't going to happen anytime soon…

With the redhead completely exhausted from her various ordeals, Lux had no trouble removing the ropes, dressing her again and packing her up to prepare for the long travel back to Demacia:

She wrapped up Katarina’s arms in tape, running from the tips of her fingers all the way up to her elbows for a single unyielding sleeve. Lux then moved on to mummify the bladeswoman’s legs with the same sturdy tape to make sure she wouldn’t be able to kick around.

The cute mage next stuffed a large cotton cloth past the redhead's lips and uses a thorough wrap gag to keep her perfectly quiet before stuffing her inside the long leather bag and hoisting her over her shoulder.

"Ooff! You're a lot heavier than you look."

"mmmnn." The assassin groaned, both in pain at the uncomfortable position and anger at the insult.

What came next was a long and humiliating trip to the edge of the Noxian capital, with Katarina bumping into Lux’s back and bum as the blonde snuck through the city, changing up her pace as the need arose.

Naturally the assassin tried to raise an alarm by making a fuss every now and then, twisting and turning whilst screaming for help into her stuffing.

But since she could barely move or make a sound, the poor redhead stood no chance of actually getting het captor busted. Lux was clever enough to avoid crossing paths with other people anyways, making use of alleyways and the cover of darkness to hide herself whenever other people were walking nearby, and not moving until they were well out of range.

After 4 attempts to shake herself free of the bag or call for help, Lux angrily dropped the bag onto the floor.

“HMMNN! (OOWW)!!” The redhead moaned in pain.

“Shut up!” Lux hissed. “If you don’t keep quiet from now on, I am going to abandon you in the most remote corner of the city I can find, leaving you to starve all alone!” She threatened.

That made the assassin calm down instantly. She was fairly sure that statement was a bluff, but after all spending so much time thoroughly restrained, teased and humiliated by the deceptively cute mage, the proud assassin’s spirit had been broken. She didn’t know what this mage was capable of when pushed!

“Much better.” Lux said with a slight grin, hoisting her package over her shoulder again and making a sprint for the edge of the capital through the abandoned streets.

It wasn’t until she had left the capital’s imposing walls behind her that Lux finally felt safe enough to make a sound again.

"I wonder what Garen will say when I bring you back as a souvenir…"

"HMRN?!" The redhead yelped, her face turning just as crimson as her lovely locks at the mere thought of being delivered at the dashing knight's feet in such a vulnerable state. She hadn’t even realized that Lux taking her ‘home’ would mean she’d arrive at Garen’s doorstep!

But aside from bouncing inside the thick leather bag Lux had zipped her into and creaking the tape wrapping her legs, the poor red haired captive was utterly helpless to stop the blonde from doing just that.

After Lux made it to the edge of the forest neighbouring the Noxian Capital, she finally decided to take a brief moment of rest. She carefully dropped the large leather bag containing her 'gift' onto the muddy ground and sat beside it, sighing softly as she rubbed her shoulder which was sore from carrying the bagged assassin.

"Hmmrr." Katarina groaned as she once again sprang into action, struggling to free herself or at least get some fresh air for a change.

Lux giggled as she saw the bag twitch, finally able to enjoy the redhead's futile escape attempt, as the previous four had just been a hassle for her carrying the bag.

But thanks to her lack of focus, she wasn't in time to respond to the swift surprise attack of a large double-bladed battle axe hitting her from behind. Thankfully the axe had been swung sideways rather than with one of the blades aimed at her, but the blunt impact onto her upper back was still so enormous it knocked the air out of her lungs and rendered her unconscious immediately.

"Hmmrn?!" Katarina yelped surprised as she heard the blow and the 'thud' of something hitting the floor.

What happened? An attack?!

Katarina began struggling to get out of her bag again, the commotion outside making her think either Lux had had to leave her behind, OR someone had subdued her. Either way, now was her best chance by far to make an escape and avoid being dragged all the way to Demacia!

But out of nowhere, a strike to her head knocked the red haired woman out as well. Thanks to her own battle experience, she could grasp the nature of the attack in the split second before falling unconscious… The hit had been swift, controlled, decisive, merciless and so powerful it felt like an anvil had been dropped onto her head. Truly a masterful blow. In fact, the red haired assassin only knew of a select few people with physical strength and skill of this monstrous level…

Katarina slowly woke up under the faint light of a full moon, her head still pounding from the smack she had received whilst inside the bag.

As her head slowly cleared up, she tried to flex her muscles and climb to her feet. However once again she found her arms and legs not obeying.

Am I… still restrained? So, Lux ended up getting the upper hand again? Then what was that massive attack? She thought, waiting for the throbbing to clear up before opening her eyes and adjusting them to the limited light.

But to her shock, the scene she witnessed before her was one she wouldn't have expected even in her dreams:

Both she and Lux had been stripped down to their underwear! Katarina’s was a simple set of dark grey bra and panties, with Lux wearing a bright red lacy set -the only pair in Katarina’s closet that fitted her-

Their hands had been tied behind their backs, palms pointing away from each other. Whoever had rigged them had also pulled their elbows so tightly together they touched. After that, an arm binder had been slipped over the rope so as to completely immobilize their arms.

A chest harness had ensnared their breasts from all sides, puffing them up considerably and already making them feel tingly after just the 20 or so minutes it had been cinched into place. There was also a rope running from the harness up into the trees to hoist them upright, one that came back down as well.

There had also been several lengths of tape wrapped around their harnesses, both for support and to make picking at the knots an impossibility.

Their legs had been so strictly frogtied the heels of their feet pressed into their butts. Both women were forced to balance themselves on their knees rather than their legs thanks to the rope work climbing into the treetops.

A crotchrope was present for both young women as well, and here too a long thin rope was running from their groins up into the branches and back down again; creating another anchoring point to force them upright.

Neither of the women had spotted it, but the ropes running from their groins into the treetops were actually one and the same, connecting Lux’s crotch rope to Katarina’s.

Thanks to that construction, whenever one of the helpless warriors fidgeted around a bit too much, the other would receive a dose of heavy pussy stimulation as well!

“Hmmrnn!” Katarina grunted as she tested her bonds. “What’s going on here?” She asked Lux, who was positioned a few feet away from her. The blonde was squirming a lot more frantically than Katarina.

“Lux! I’m talking to you!” The assassin said annoyed. “What happened when I was inside that bag?”

But the young mage was too focused on trying wriggling free, despite the obviously unsurmountable set-up of her bondage. And another downside of her squirming was that she aroused both herself and Katarina thank to the connecting crotch ropes.

“LUX! Calm down! You’re making me go all weak-kneed as well!” The redhead shouted. “What is up with you?!”

I never managed to instil as much fear into her as she’s showing now… Katarina realized, burning with envy. Who in the world did this to us?!

It would seem the bladeswoman was about to find out, judging by the heavy trudging that was nearing them.

“The Demacian mage is no doubt worried about the punishment she’ll receive for infiltrating Noxian territory.” A huge, muscular man clad in a large dark metal armour emerged from the trees. He had jet black, half long hair and was wielding a massive battle axe.

His name was Darius, one of Noxian’s greatest assets. He was the nation's most feared and battle-hardened warrior, his sole purpose being the reshaping of Noxian leadership and unite the nation behind his vision of true Noxian strength.

He stood before both young women, his battle hardened scowl looming over the two.

Now Katarina understood why Lux had been so frightened, the assassin was a bit divided herself on this development.

One the one hand she was relieved it was a fellow Noxian who found her. On the other hand, that fellow Noxian had tied her up rather severely, and had a reputation for not condoning any display of weakness (like getting captured by the enemy).

“You are Katarina, are you not?” The burly man asked his fellow Noxian.

“Yes, master Darius.”

“You’re supposed to be an elite assassin. Pray tell how a Demacian support mage managed to lock you in a bag and carry you out of the capital without so much as a hiccough of protest?” He asked, his deep voice sending shivers down the redhead’s spine.

Katarina bit her tongue. Of course she had tried to fight her fate, it was just that Lux had been to thorough every time in restraining her! But a response like that wouldn’t soothe the man before her, if anything it’d worsen his mood.

The bladeswoman bowed her head. “I make no excuses for my failure. It is my fault and mine alone for letting my guard down after capturing Lux when she was spying inside the dungeons.”

“That it is. At least you are brave enough to admit your shortcomings.”

“Is this why I have been restrained again?” The red haired woman asked, trying to sound respectful rather than spiteful toward one of Noxus’ cornerstones.

“Yes. This... predicament is meant to punish your lax attitude and spur you on to live up to the considerable potential you hold.” Darius replied scoldingly.

It’s not really spurring me on to do anything but moan though… Katarina though frustrated, the rope running between her legs biting into her most sensitive flesh.

Almost as if he’d picked up on the unvoiced complained, Darius added:

“You should be grateful I didn’t bring my axe down on your neck the second I found you inside that leather bag.” He crudely remarked, making the redhead flinch. “Yes master Darius. I understand.”

Darius then turned his attention to Lux. The blonde had been holding absolutely still, almost as if she hoped the massive military man would forget about her altogether.

“I would like to try recruiting you, since you displayed such exemplary stealth and combat abilities for capturing one of our best assassins. But judging by the gear I removed from you, you belong to one of Demacia’s noble families. Not only does that make you incorruptible, it also means you’ll make a fine trophy to bring back to the capital. The only thing I’m still contemplating about is if your head should be attached to your body, or carried in on a long pike lance.”

Tears sprang from Lux’ eyes. “Please don’t!” She pleaded. “I didn’t even find anything of worth inside Noxus, Katarina rumbled me before I made my breakthrough, I was just trying to travel back to my country unnoticed, I swear!”

“Whether you accomplished your mission or not is irrelevant.” The raven haired man replied coldly.

“PLEASE! I promise no one will ever hear of this! Just please let me return home!”

But Darius was adamant. Despite the blonde’s heated lobbying, he had made his decision: Both young women would be dragged back to Noxus, on full display as he took them in tow during his stride through the capital. In a bid to get more of the public on his side, he would let them decide on the women’s fate.

Both women resumed their struggling as Darius picked up his battle axe and prepared to cut down the ropes tethering them to the trees so he could drag them back to the campsite of his squadron, a few hundred yards away.

But just before he brought down his massive cleaver, a piercing sound rung through the air. It was a large raven, one headed straight for the impressive commander.

This clever creature was one of several specially bred birds, trained by grand general Jericho Swain himself, and used to transport urgent messages across vast distances without risk of them being intercepted due to their ability to blend into virtually any battleground.

The Noxian commander scowled at the letter as he read it. Her then rolled it up again and glared at both women. “Change of plans. I need to go prepare for another conquest. I’ll relay to my right hand man to come here and escort you two to the capital in my stead.” He replied curtly.

Being a man of action, Darius didn’t even bother to wait for a response but instead simply turned round and began trudging back to the camp, abandoning both young women in their inescapable predicament.

“That’s it?!” Lux shrieked. “He gets a message that he needs to go, and just goes?! What about us? How long are we supposed to sit here?!”

“Until his second in command shows up.” Katarina sighed defeated.

“How long will that take?!”

“How should I know!”

“But these ropes hurt!” The blonde mage complained.

“I KNOW!” The assassin bit back. “And they’ll keep hurting if you don’t start holding still!”

But the panicked mage wasn’t listening anymore. She had resumed her desperate struggle, hoping beyond hope to find enough slack in her bindings to make a break for it before this supposed ‘right hand man’ showed up.

A safe return to Demacia. I’ll settle for just that. I don’t need a prize; I don’t care about dragging Katarina back. If I could just escape these ropes and travel back home, that’ll be enough! The cute young girl thought frightened.

Since her fellow captive wasn’t panning to sit still, Katarina figured she might as well try and escape herself. If she was going to have to endure endless tugging at her snatch thanks to Lux’ fidgeting, the least she could do was return the favour.

She began twisting her hands inside the leather armbinder, trying to feel around and see if she could at least take a hold of a loose end of rope to pick at the knots tying her wrists. But the binder was slid on far too tightly, leaving her with barely any wriggle room.

The assassin started kicking her legs, trying to dislodge the ropes frogtying her so she could use her legs to properly support herself rather keep up this frustrating balancing act. But once again, Darius’ ropework proved too much for the poor woman to handle. No matter how much she kicked or strained her legs, the ropes wouldn’t budge.

Within minutes, Katarina was leaning into her chest harness, panting heavily as she used its support to give her trembling legs some rest. However, the downside was her chest harness now harshly dug into her slightly swollen breasts, making them tingly and hot. The moment she leaned back again to relieve some of the pressure, her constricted blood flow surged again.

“Owww!” She moaned as pins and needles made her shiver uncontrollably. “This is just insane!” She complained.

Her fellow damsel had fare no better with her escape attempt. Not only were the ropes pressuring her elbows and wrists together completely out of reach of her fluttering fingers, the armbinder protecting them meant she wouldn’t even be able to cut them open over a sharp rock. And that was assuming she’d ever manage to yank her chest harness free from the trees above her, which had been anchored god knows where!

But Lux kept up her efforts nonetheless, gritting her teeth as her crotchrope kept digging into her labia already sore with pleasure. The constant stimulus was messing up her concentration greatly, but the blonde was still not willing to give up.

In the end it took over 30 minutes for the blonde mage to finally calm down, or rather tire herself out to the point of no longer being able to move.

“Haah, haah, haaaah…” She panted, glancing over at Katarina and noticing she hadn’t had any luck either.

“I take it you can’t get out either?” The Demacian mage asked, trying to start conversation.

“Of course not. It should have been obvious the moment you woke up: this bondage is inescapable.”

“Maybe if you work by yourself.” Lux offered. “But we’re standing pretty close. If we lean forward with all our might, those ropes running up into the trees might come in reach. All we need to do is bite through them and we can move freely.”

The redhead snorted at the words ‘move freely’.

“Well you get what I mean!” The blonde said impatiently. “If we work together, we might just have a shot at getting out of this without punishment… So how ‘bout it?”

The young mage gave her fellow captive a charming smile.

But all she got in return was a foul glare and a turned head.

Despite the upcoming humiliation, Katarina’s Noxian pride wouldn’t allow her to fraternize with the enemy. She stubbornly began wriggling on her own again, sending a clear message to the cute mage opposite of her, and dooming the both of them to a night of discomfort and forced pleasure.

“Great. Thanks Kat.” The blonde growled as her crotchrope suddenly began playing up again thanks to the assassin’s movement. Purely to spite the assassin, she began leaning back to create pressure on both their crotchropes, making the red haired woman howl in surprise.

After that the situation degraded into a rather nasty form of tug of war, which kept going until both young women were so aroused they were forced to call a truce, and look for a way to balance themselves without creating pressure on their burning labia.

Whilst the two girls were still recuperating, a deep voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

“Man, when Darius says ‘secure’, he means business.” A man with short brown hair and a scar below his right eye said. He put down the massive greatsword against a nearby tree and set down on a flat boulder near the two captives. “So you two are the failure assassin and the cheeky mage?” He said mockingly.

“Just take these ropes off and get it over with.” Lux snapped annoyed.

“We’re not in the mood for dragging this out any longer.” Katarina joined in.

The muscular man whistled. “That’s quite a mouth on the two of you, despite your positions.” He said, checking a large open pouch embedded in the leather bag Lux had transported Katarina in. “But I’ve just found the perfect tool to tone you two down a bit…”

Lux looked at the man with wide eyes. “Don’t touch that!” She screamed, startling Katarina with her high pitched shriek.”

I wonder what’s in there that’s making her so nervous, after all we’ve been through already.

It turned out to be a rather basic instrument, but given that both girls were already teetering on the brink it would no doubt mean the final straw for both of them.

What Darius’s subordinate pulled out of that bag, was a hitachi wand.

Both girls looked at it with wide eyes as their new guard attached it to the single rope connecting their crotches, inactive for now.

“How’s this for a challenge? Whoever lasts the longest gets to walk free.” He said.

But Lux and Katarina looked at him in disbelief. “Get real! Like you could keep a ludicrous promise like that!” The redhead spat. “Darius would never allow it!”

The burly man frowned. “I may be Darius’s loyal follower; but I am still my own man! Besides, he trusts me to make decisions on my own, otherwise he wouldn’t have tasked me with this.”

He got up from his rock and walked towards them.

“Bringing the both of you in might make for great propaganda, but there’s also the most recent victories to consider. You can only spread around so much news at once, if you want all of it to hit its mark. Sell the people too much good news and they’ll suspect you for embellishing the truth… And bringing in both a foreign spy and a fellow Noxian at the same time might send a duplicitous message, for example that there’s dissension in the ranks.” He explained.

“So you’re going to cut one of us loose based on our efforts in this perverted display? All so your commander will have an easier time spinning the story.” Katarina growled at her fellow warrior.

“That’s the gist of it. HOWEVER, only If one of you two manages to put up a decent fight. I am still a Noxian soldier after all, what counts most for me is results… So will you accept this deal I’m offering?”

Both girls now nodded fiercely.

If I can just hold out long enough, I’ll be home free! Lux thought determined. Katarina has spent all night being teased and aroused, she must be on her last legs by now!

I’m way too tired to even feel pleasure right now. Katarina told herself. Lux on the other hand was moaning awfully loudly just now. A few minutes of gritting my teeth and I can return to Noxus a free woman…

“Okay.” Darius’ man said, putting his hand on the hitachi. “Three. Two. One… Go!”

And with a flick of the switch, he set the hitachi to full blast.

Both women began squirming on the spot like possessed, moaning loudly at the now heavily vibrating rope rubbing against their labia. Within seconds, a massive climax began bubbling beneath the surface for both girls.

How is this possible?! Katarina thought confused. My body is so tired I can barely stay awake! Yet somehow all of these tight ropes and now this buzzing… it’s making me needier than ever!


Opposite of the redhead, Lux was faring no better.

NO! This can’t be! I’m already on the verge of breaking?! I can’t lose this! I have to hang on!


The powerful hitachi was so extreme, both damsels could barely focus their thoughts anymore, let alone keep their raging bodies in check as they twisted and turned in their bindings uncontrollably, making the rope and tape chest harnesses rub them up and only speed up the process!

Just 15 seconds had passed, yet both were at their utmost limits.

“Hmmmnnnn!!” The two groaned, biting their lower lip and squeezing their thighs together as if to somehow stifle the vibrations.

30 Seconds since the hitachi had begun, and Katarina’s body was demanding to cum so badly she was springing tears.

45 Seconds in, and Lux started screaming at their captor to shut off the vibrating toy. But naturally he ignored the command.

Just as the first minute was up, both women climaxed within seconds of each other.

“OOOOAAAAHH!!!” Katarina wailed as her lovebox let loose a torrent of love juice soak her dark grey through.

“HIIII!!” Lux shrieked in chorus with her fellow captive, filling up her own pair of knickers by her bursting dam.

Soon after, the two slumped down in their rope confines, the only thing keeping them from crashing into the soft grass being their mounted chest harnesses and crotchropes.

The tall, brown haired man acted swiftly and removed the hitachi as well as the ropes forcing both girls on their knees, gently letting them land on their sides.

“Well, this can be considered a draw. Meaning you’re both losers.” He declared.

“Hah, hah… Don’t you mean both winners?” The blonde mage panted.

“That is not the logic a Noxian applies, at least not one who follows Darius. There is no such thing as a draw. Anything less than a victory is worthless.”

Both young women shrieked in rage. “This… wasn’t… the deal!” Katarina protested with what little breath she could find.

However, the heavily armoured berserker didn’t care for their excuses, and simply rearranged their restraints.

Both Katarina and Lux were so exhausted they stood absolutely no chance of resisting the man as he untied and re-tied them, putting them in positions more suited for long term.

He tied Katarina standing with her back against a sturdy tree, her arms reaching halfway around the sizeable trunk. Her legs were also wrapped in several coils of rope to completely pin her down and keep her from moving an inch.

She had also been stripped completely naked, but some strategically tied ropes kept her ‘decent’ and relatively protected from the chilly forest breeze. Her fellow Noxian had tied some ropes running along her large rack, lining them up along her nipples so they pinched them from above and below.

Her crotchrope had been tightened even more, and connected to the tree trunk as well so that every twitch of her hips made it dig into her labia, still already swollen with pleasure from the climax(es) she’d been enduring all day.

And as if the restraints weren’t enough of a humiliation, her captor felt she still needed more pleasure forced upon her. At the back of the tree (completely out of Katarina’s reach), he tied the hitachi wand into the chest ropes so the wand could transfer a faint buzzing sensation through the ropes clenched around her nipples.

“I hope you get killed in a gruesome way during your very next battle!” The assassin spat at her comrade as her breasts instantly began heating up again, her crotchrope getting drenched as her still soaking wet pussy began lubricating itself anew.

“Chances are you’ll be right.” Was the stoic reply. “But just for that, I’m using this.” He added, tying a knotted cleave gag into place to stop her from throwing out any more insults (and to keep down her pitiable mewling).

He then moved over to his second subject: the equally foul mouthed Lux.

“I hope you end up in a Demacian jail.” She said whilst glaring at him.

She didn’t receive a response, though the blonde somehow felt her insult led the burly man to be a little less fair in restraining her than he’d been with Katarina.

Lux had ended up completely stripped of everything except her panties. Within seconds her bare breasts had begun perking up, her nipples turning hard thanks to the dropping temperature.

Darius’s subordinate had then tied the blonde using the large flat rock he’d been sitting on earlier. By padlocking sturdy metal shackles to stakes driven into the ground, he spread-eagled the poor young woman so her back arched over the massive boulder. The keys to open those locks had been fitted inside a ball gag that was keeping the blonde quiet, making a jingling noise every time she moved her head.

The metal collar to seal her magic had also been shackled to a stake embedded in the ground, which now forced her to keep her head still if she didn’t want a choking feeling to overcome her.

To finish things off, a large leather belt had been buckled and padlocked around her waist, then padlocked to chains running either side of it and to stakes driven into the boulder itself. This belt kept her waist firmly pinned in place and stopped her from moving sideways.

Bottom line: Save a few meagre twitches, the poor cute mage had been rendered utterly immobile, just like Katarina. And also just like the bladeswoman, she wouldn’t be allowed a decent rest.

A vibrator had been plunged inside her snatch, its humming low enough to prevent an orgasm, but still potent enough to keep her needy.

For both women, the toys were programmed to shut down after half an hour… But they didn’t know that.

The two damsels glared at their captor, but couldn’t help confused at the same time. These restraints were just as fool proof as the last, but they also made it impossible for them to be transported.

After doing a final check on both captives, he rested his huge body against a nearby moss covered tree.

“Right then, now for a quick rest.”

“HMMRRN??!” The two mouthed shocked.

“What?” The man replied. “You thought we were marching for the capital straight away? I haven’t had any sleep in 36 hours! My mind was already with my cot in the barracks when Darius’s raven called out to me. Anyone but him, and I would’ve refused. But well… you don’t say no to Darius… more than once.”

Katarina and Lux glared at their captor as he lazily closed his eyes.

“Don’t worry. Four hours and I’ll be rested enough to get you two back to Noxus.”

The blonde and redhead looked at each other. EVEN Katarina would be willing to work together now if it meant escaping their fate, or rather that nefarious vibrating that was keeping her body so on edge.

But thanks to this fiendish predicament the burly soldier had set up, the two young captives couldn’t even get near enough to assist one each other. And they definitely didn’t stand a chance at wriggling free by themselves.

There was only one lamentable fate left for them: Remain securely pinned down with their respective sex toys driving their mind and bodies crazy, forced to wait for their captor to wake up. And after that: a humiliating return to the Dark capital.


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