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It was dark and perfectly quiet outside, already past midnight. 

Erza woke up. Groggy, confused and unsure of what had happened. Her eyelids were still heavy and she had trouble opening her eyes. She tried moving, but found she was being hindered by something coarse wrapped around several points of her body.

The feeling was strangely familiar, but with her head still fuzzy she couldn't recall from where.

When her head finally became a little clearer, she recognized the feeling: these were ropes she had wrapped around her! And quite tight ones too.

Erza's wrists were crossed behind her back with several loops of rope tied around them, leaving them tightly bound with little to no wriggle room.

When the redhead tried moving her arms, she felt something solid, thick and heavy wedged in between her back and arms, something which felt like a large wooden bar.

Her arms had been tied to this large wooden thing, with the ropes wrapped just above her elbows and then attached to the bar. The tie forced her elbows to point away from her body, and her arms were completely pinned in place.

The bar in question was over 0,5m (20 inches) wide, with a diameter of around 10cm (4 inches). It was incredibly sturdy, and impossible to break with mere physical strength, even if it was as great as Erza's. Another reason for Erza's inability to break free was that because her arms were tied in such a position that moving them was damn near impossible, let alone exerting any pressure.

Nonetheless, the requipping mage instinctively started thrashing about the second she realized her predicament. It was then the red haired mage confirmed for herself how impossible it was for her to struggle, her arms stuck as they were.

During her efforts, she discovered the other ropes that were binding her. Whoever had done this to her had been quite thorough

One of the ropes binding her had been wrapped below her sizeable chest, and had also been tied off at the back, wrapped around the massive wooden bar. This kept the red haired mage's entire upper body securely pinned against the sturdy piece of wood.

The S-class mage also noticed there were ropes tied around each of her ankles, but they were pulling in different directions and forcing Erza to stand with her legs spread apart. When she tried kicking her legs, she discovered there had been no slack left at all for her to move her legs. The spread out position she was now standing in was the only one available to her, which made the red haired woman blush, to her annoyance.

By kicking her legs the requipping mage had caught on to yet another rope. That rope was located around her waist, and pulled in between her legs to wedge itself into her groin. The instant Erza had begun thrashing about that already tight crotchrope had dug even further in between her lower lips, arousing the redhead despite how perilous her situation was beginning to seem.

To make matters worse, Erza felt the rope had been pulled up at the back and attached to her bound wrists. Because of this the crotchrope started shaking and digging in even deeper each and every time the redhead so much as attempted to pull with her wrists.

One last rope made itself known when Erza tried to kneel down in an effort to recover more quickly from her struggles. When she tried to do so, she noticed the large wooden bar wedged in between her back and arms kept pulling her up, keeping her from getting down on her knees. When she looked up, she saw a rope tied to what looked like a tree branch hanging down. The redhead couldn't see for herself, but she assumed it was that rope that kept the wooden bar (and her) from dropping to the floor.

Given that whoever had done this to her clearly knew what he was doing, the S-class mage assumed her magic would be sealed as well. But it would be foolish to not even test that out.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Erza thought to herself, and she tried requipping from her light purple Chinese outfit into her Heaven's wheel armor.

As expected, nothing happened… At first.

All of a sudden, Erza became aware of the collar that had been locked around her neck. It felt like leather, study but soft. It wasn't a very wide one, which was probably why she didn't notice before.

But when she tried to summon her magic, she noticed the thing had suddenly become slightly warm. And then it happened: A jolt of electricity was released from the collar, making her entire body tingly for a short moment.

"Aaarghh." Erza grunted as the first sting of the shock subsided.

No doubt that collar was the reason she had no access to her magic, and the shock therapy was probably intended to punish her for even trying to use any.

After confirming every possible chance of escape or relief had been thoroughly erased, Erza began scanning her surroundings. The S-class mage realized she should've done this sooner, but her predicament (most of all the crotchrope) had demanded quite a lot of her attention up till now. The tree had already given an indication, but now Erza was certain she was in the middle of some sort of forest, probably far away from anyone.

All of a sudden she heard a deep male voice coming from the darkness beyond her field of vision: "Finally awake? I had heard you were a very powerful mage, so I used sleep magic of a pretty high caliber, but to think you would be unconscious for this long." The man speaking was too far away for Erza to see with this little light, and his voice sounded muffled, as though he had something in front of his mouth.

She could hear the voice becoming clearer as the owner of it walked towards her, until he was finally visible to the requipping mage. "I finished setting things up long ago, you've made me wait for quite a while."

Erza now looked straight in the direction of the voice, only to see a tall man, covered in dark clothes. His entire face was masked as well, leaving Erza with no clue whatsoever as to who she had before her.

"What is the meaning of this?” Erza asked angrily. “Untie me right now! Do you know what my guild members will do to you when they find out about this?"

The man chuckled. "They never will, I guarantee it. You will be far too ashamed of what is going to play out here to ever tell another living soul about it." The masked man replied, a hint of triumph in his voice.

"Speaking of not saying anything." The man said as he was walking towards the bound redhead, folding up a large piece of cloth in the meantime. "It's about time I kept you from making any more noise." The man then stuffed the gag into Erza's mouth, sticking a few strips of tape on top of it to keep the gag in place.

Even while the masked man was still taping her mouth shut, Erza had begun screaming as loud as she could, also restarting her struggling as furiously as she could manage.

But to the red haired girl's despair, both attempts were useless: the gag nearly completely muffled any sound she made and there was still no give in her ropes anywhere. She hated to admit it, but she was completely helpless.

"Y r u o-in is? (Why are you doing this?)" Erza mumbled through her thick gag, glaring at the black mask hiding her captor's face.

"Because it's fun." The man simply replied. "I've had my eye on you for quite a while, and with you returning from that large drinking hall in a slightly intoxicated state last night, I saw my chance and grabbed it."

Upon hearing this, some of Erza's memories of last night began flooding back.

She’d had a great evening talking to Cana, Lucy, Lisanna and Juvia at the guild bar. The conversation had flowed in many different directions, from their hobbies to their quest performances, over to any sight’s on potential boyfriends/lovers and finally into a (coded) conversation about their long weekend spent in bondage some time ago, together with all their other partners in crime.

For the entire evening they'd all been drinking under encouragement of Cana, trying to follow her pace as well. Needless to say none of the girls made it out of the guild hall sober. Erza then recalled saying goodbye to Lisanna and Lucy, who headed for their respective homes.

After seeing her two fellow mage off, Erza had then started walking back to Fairy Hills together with Cana and Juvia… From there on out everything was still a black hole. 

But those memories replaced the anger in her eyes and mind with a feeling of panic: “Er a Ana an U-ia?! (Where are Cana and Juvia?!)”. She screamed (even though it only sounded like a whisper) at the man in front of her.

"Do you mean those two other girls?” The masked man responded. “I have no business with them, if that’s what you’re so afraid of. I followed you three at a distance while I was waiting for a chance. Suddenly the one with the blue hair said something about having left some of her stuff behind at the place you all were drinking at. The brunette then said something about going with her for safety. After all, they were drunk and it was late at night. You never know what you can encounter at the streets." The man said, a hint of irony in his voice.

"I guess they assumed you would be fine, I mean even I know about your reputation. But it turned out even the great Titania is easy prey when you wait for the right opportunity."

Erza didn’t bother with a retort for the man’s snickering. Finding out her fellow guild members were safe was enough for the moment, she would worry about this fiend’s intentions later.

"Now then, that's enough questions out of you," the man suddenly said, "I didn't go through all this trouble just to provide you with an account of your night out with your drinking buddies. It’s time I began what I’ve been wanting to do ever since I finished stringing you up."

The man began roughly groping Erza's breasts and butt, squeezing and kneading them like he was trying mold them into a new shape. Not that they needed molding, every square inch of Erza's perfect body was exactly the way he liked it, leading him to move his groping hands all over Erza's gorgeous corpus.

Erza felt the man's hands and fingers stroll down from her breasts to the sides of her body, moving to the back in order to take a firm grasp of her butt. The man then continued his travels downwards, sliding his hands over the redhead's thighs. He then moved his palms across the young girl's legs, moving to the front and slowly letting them creep up until his right hand made contact with the redhead's groin.

The man gave a sharp tug on the rope wedged into Erza's pussy, forcing the red haired girl to finally respond to his fondling.

"Hmmm!" Erza involuntarily moaned through the gag. Even though she hated what this man, this animal was doing to her, her body couldn't agree with what her mind was telling it to do.

But even after all of the man's abuse, Erza still refused to give him any look other than contempt and hatred. No way was she going to break from something this degrading. Although the redhead silently thanked the stars for the experiences she had undergone some time ago, spending a long weekend in that cottage with several other bondage loving women. If not for those wonderful times, she would've probably found it a lot harder to resist this mysterious man's brutal assault on her womanhood.

The masked man picked up on his red haired damsel not showing any signs of giving in, and halted his efforts for a second to take a step back. Erza’s captor than began chuckling slightly, which slowly turned into a boisterous and rather maniacal laugh: 

"HA HA HA HA HA HAAAH… You're still looking mighty defiant, miss Titania Erza! I can hardly believe even you would have a will this strong… But then again, that's what attracted me in the first place: that spirit of yours!" 

The man now leaned over so his head was right next to Erza's, after which he softly said: "In fact I think I'll even reward you: I'll take your gag back out. But don't be too happy, since it doesn't really make a difference. There's no one around for miles, so calling for help is not an option... But feel free to try, I love the sound of damsels in distress."

The man then took out the gag just like he had said. However, the only thing Erza had to say to him was a rather unrefined swearword. She would be damned if she was going to cry for help. She was far too proud to do something like that. She preferred trying to escape once more. 

She regretted that choice rather fast though, because her exertions caused the crotchrope to tighten up even more. 

"HMMMGRRRGGHH" The redhead moaned as she tried to stifle her loud grunting, since she no longer had the gag to do this for her.

"Aww, is the rope starting to hurt a little?" The masked man teased. "Why don't I take it off then?"

He took out his knife and cut the crotchrope. "This way I'll have easier access too." He smirked.

Erza's eyes widened. "WHAT?!" She shouted in horror.

"Oh come on!" The man said, a hint of disbelief in his voice. "You should've known we were heading in this direction! Did you think I went to all this trouble just to have a look at you?!"

The man then grasped his knife even tighter. "No, I'm going to take my time, going over and enjoying every inch of your body."

After his ominous statement, the man began cutting the Chinese shortdress covering Erza's body. He started by making a small cut at the top so he could tear the rest of the cloth apart and expose the red haired girl's voluptuous and perfectly shaped breasts. As soon as the cloth was torn off, Erza’s nipples instantly hardened at the response of their exposure to the cold air.

He then moved his knife down to make another cut in the middle of the cloth covering Erza's lower regions, tearing that apart as well.

Now the redhead's bare breasts and dark purple panties were on full display, making even the fierce S-class mage flustered and worried at her inability to resist anything this man wanted to do to her. She could no longer uphold her front of anger, and the desperation that was starting to fill her up had started to shine through in her body language and facial expression.

The man began breathing heavily, his desire throbbing through his entire body at the sight of his gorgeous and helpless captive. "I never imagined you could look even better than you did after I restrained you, but the way you are right now, with that look on your face… It's… I don’t know… Even though you are utterly helpless, you still try and hold on to your pride… Truly magnificent! I want you to keep that up, keep looking like that, try and hold on as long as you can, I beg of you!"

Hearing the man say all of that brought even the brave Erza close to tears. She was going to be violated, and there was nothing she could do. This man knew that, undoubtedly that was why he had removed her gag. He knew full well that no matter how much the redhead screamed for help, no one would here and no one would come.

The red haired S-class mage once again started desperately wriggling fiercely in her bonds, she was still too proud to grant that man the pleasure of hearing her call for help, much less beg for mercy. Especially since it would be useless anyway. 

If she wanted to avoid the fate this monster had planned for her, she would have to escape by herself. That way she could also ensure that no one ever would find out about this. And with this knowledge in mind, Erza started what was her most intense and furious struggling burst ever.  The requipping mage pulled on the rope keeping her standing, tried to force the wooden bar behind her out of place or even to snap it in half. She attempted to pull her legs free from whatever they were tethered too, and most of all she tried to slip her hands out of those infernally tight ropes around her wrists.

… However this attempt turned out to be as fruitless as all the others. The beautiful red haired girl remained firmly in place, unable to loosen even a single rope, let alone get away from the masked man's fiendish fingers.

It was then the proud S-class mage made up her mind: I cannot escape this fate, and I should not cling to any faint hopes of being rescued. Instead, I will endure this, I will not give this man the satisfaction of breaking me. I will endure whatever he throws at me, and I will bear the resulting frustrations and sorrow by myself... such is also the weight borne by an S-class mage.

"Still not given up I see." The man said approvingly. "You mages are really a strong breed. Or maybe it's just that you are exceptional. Either way, I'm truly blessed to have caught such wonderful prey."

The masked man then began toying with her once again, this time even more roughly than before.

He started by groping Erza’s beautiful and well formed breasts again, now also pinching and pressing down on her exposed nipples, making the redhead groan and gasp as her body was becoming increasingly aroused.

The masked fiend then briefly took out his knife once more and cut off the dark panties covering Erza's already moist vagina, after which put away his knife again so he had his hand free to move down and play with her pussy.

Whilst the man in the mask was rubbing Erza’s lower lips and clit with one hand and grabbing the redhead’s tight buttocks with the other, he used his mouth to work on her tits. He began licking and sucking her large breasts and erect nipples, biting them slightly as well every now and then to give Erza an extra jolt. He also let his tongue stroll around her large rack, every now and then moving up to her neck.

Erza wanted to resist him, she didn't want to enjoy it. But her body wouldn't listen, she could feel herself becoming increasingly horny, slowly but surely she could feel her body begging for an orgasm, even if it came from this monster.

While the masked man kept on driving Erza wild with pleasure, she slowly but surely lost the will to fight him, her body heating up and her moans becoming increasingly louder and longer. 

Eventually, after several agonizing and at the same time heavenly minutes, the redhead could take no more of it . Her body was becoming exhausted from the tantalizing treatment this man was giving her. And by now it had become abundantly clear that no one was going to show up, and she had no chance of escaping on her own.

The S-class mage drew a deep breath as she tried to get her mind focused. 

This man is going to keep violating and taunting me, the red haired damsel thought to herself, he won't stop even if I were to let go of my pride and beg him to release me. There is nothing I can do to stop this, nothing except… 

ECLIPSE! The Erza yelled as loud as she could.

The masked man's hands and mouth instantly stopped their atrocious groping, fondling, squeezing and sucking. Her captor then proceeded to untie the rope attached to the wooden bar that was keeping the red haired girl’s body pulled up, and helped her sit down so she could catch her breath.

After regaining her composure, the redhead looked up at the masked man. "You really played your part well, I actually felt scared a couple of times… Jellal."

The man removed his mask, under which there was indeed the face of Jellal Fernandez, her lifelong friend, who had since recently become her lover and a partner in her bondage adventures. 

The man looked down at the still heavily breathing Erza, after which he let out a deep sigh."I don't agree on that, I was really relieved just now when you finally said the safeword. Honestly, you were the one acting brilliantly. The look on you face and your demeanor made me think I really was a villain, it made me feel that I was actually molesting you for real… And I felt horrible because of it. But because you didn't back down, neither could I, even though I wanted to do so badly."

Jellal looked down at his shoes with a sad look on his face. "I guess I'm just not cut out to be a villain."

Erza chuckled as she saw her blue haired lover stare at the ground.

The blue haired man looked up at his scarlet haired lover again. "What so funny about that?" Jellal asked frowning.

"It's just ironic." Erza replied, with already a slight smile back on her face. "You, branded one of the most dangerous and evil criminals in the country's history, too gentle to even play a villain. But I guess your gentle nature is what I've always liked about you, and I feel glad finally seeing that kindness again, which had been lost for so many years."

Jellal smiled. "Only thanks to you am I able to be myself again, in fact everything I am today I owe to you. It's what kept me going through this whole ordeal. I felt that I had to keep up with this for your sake, despite my own reservations. Although, once again I must admit I was really relieved when you stopped me."

“Although I stopped you a little too soon if I'm honest." Erza said, her face suddenly bright red.

Erza's comment and the look on her face confused the heavenly body mage. "What do you mean?"

"Well… Since I kept resisting your actions in order to adhere to the scene… You never finished me."

This time it was Jellal's turn to get a bright red face. "I see," he said, "…well that means I just have to try harder, right?" A wide smile now appeared on his face. The nervosity he had felt during his and Erza's first private moment at the cottage was nowhere to be found this time. Both he and Erza knew full well what they got into from that day on. There was no need for him to hesitate like he had done that time.

"Would you like me to untie you further first?"

Erza tilted her head whilst looking slightly confused, then cracked a slight smile. "That's not really up to me, now is it?"

"Good point." Jellal said, mentally facepalming himself. "Sorry, I'm getting the hang of dominating, but there's still a few kinks to be worked out as you can see."

"I don't mind.” The scarlet haired mage replied. “You did a wonderful job playing the abductor, but when you broke character just now, you lost your momentum I guess. I suppose your real self is just far too gentle. But as I said, that's what's so endearing about you."

The blue haired man grinned at his lover. "Right then, enough talk! I'm going to shut you up again, since you made a lot more noise than I anticipated. It's a good thing I took you this far away from town."

The heavenly body mage then pulled out a large black ball gag out of his pocket and shoved it into Erza's mouth, buckling it tightly into place.

"Ow as a I al om-ia-in (now that's what I call dominating)." Erza said encouragingly.

Jellal went to sit behind Erza, pulling her still tightly bound arms against his chest. He then moved his arms around the redhead and began fondling her breasts again (much gentler this time) with his right hand, letting his left hand wander down to Erza's pussy to begin rubbing her already very moist clit.

Erza purred through the gag, softly moaning and gasping through her gag in appreciation of Jellal's handiwork.

It didn't take long for the already extremely aroused Erza to reach a shuddering climax, after which she slumped down to rest against her blue haired lover's strong chest. Jellal continued softly kneading his lover’s breasts as she slowly tried to catch her breath.

The redhead was still breathing heavily as she looked up and muttered the words: "Ak u (Thank you)."

Jellal chuckled. "You are so very welcome."

After Erza had recovered enough to sit upright by herself, Jellal got up and moved to the red haired mage's ankles to start untying them.

While Jellal was busy untying his red haired lover, she decided to ask him some things that still needed clearing up:

"How did you manage to knock me out?"

"I told you: sleep magic." The heavenly body mage replied. "I learned it when copying Mystogan's magic. It's really powerful so I figured it would do the trick, even for you."

By now Erza's ankles were free again, and Jellal moved back behind Erza to start untying the ropes keeping her arms pinned to the wooden bar.

"Also, since you requested this role play to be a kidnapping, with the time not specified for full effect, I figured attacking you head on whilst masked would result in a very destructive battle. So I chose to sneak up on you instead"

"Well you did a great job surprising me. I actually thought I had been caught at a moment of inattention by some sort of sexual predator. It wasn't until you let out that maniacal laugh that I realized you were Jellal, after which I finally was able to begin enjoying this little scene you concocted."

"Why my laugh?" The blue haired man asked confused.

"You might not realize, but that was the exact same laugh as the one that you had at the Tower of Heaven… You know, when you weren't quite yourself."

Jellal froze momentarily as the memories of that horrible period filled his mind. But the blue haired man quickly pulled himself together again, that was a long time ago and he had already gotten to terms with those events. It was for those times that he created Crime Sorcière in the first place, to make amends. Living in the past and not moving forwards wouldn't do anybody any good, especially not his beloved Erza. 

In fact, it just now turned out that having gone through all that was something of a benefit: Since the remnants inside of him from that dark chapter in his life were what made it possible for Erza to recognize the role play as fiction and not a real kidnapping. 

The blue haired man didn’t dare think of the scars he would’ve given Erza if she had never realized he was the abductor, but instead had continued to think she was really being violated by some beast in a mask.

"I see..." The male mage finally said after his thoughts had calmed down. "Well your performance was magnificent in that case. I assumed you were acting from the moment you woke up, I didn't notice you figuring out my identity midway through the role play at all. In fact, you kept your demeanor exactly the same the whole time, responding to the situation and acting accordingly. It’s one of the reasons I tried my best not to break character as well."

By now Erza had been fully freed from her bindings. Lastly, Jellal took off the collar sealing Erza's magic, allowing her to requip a spare of her Chinese outfit. 

The now once again fully dressed mage looked up at Jellal. “Where did you get this collar?”

“Ultear.” Was Jellal’s reply. “Ever since she came back from that weekend with all of you she and Meredy have been… dabbling. Not that I mind, since it allows me to improve as well.”

Jellal’s eyes shot open now, and he hastily added: “I only rarely join though, and even then it’s just for the tying. I don’t join in on any of the more explicit stuff.” The heavenly body mage tried to stress that last part as best he could, fearful he would sound unfaithful otherwise.

“You don’t have to explain yourself, Jellal.” Erza responded calmly. “I trust you, and I know you wouldn’t betray my feelings.”

The blue haired mage smiled at Erza. He then got up from the ground, stretching out his hand to help his red haired lover get up as well.

Erza took hold of the blue haired mage's hand so she could get up more easily, her body still a little shaken from the arduous position and exhausting treatment it had gone through.

The second she was standing however, she suddenly let herself fall forward and wrapped her arms around Jellal's neck in order to hug him tightly.

Jellal instantly returned the hug, and the two then began kissing each other passionately in order to have a romantic conclusion to what had been a very successful first time role play.

When the two finally finished their intense embrace, Erza looked up at Jellal. "Thank you for going along with my selfish desire, even if it made you feel uneasy." The redhead said softly.

"That it did." Jellal replied. "…But looking back on the whole event, I think it's something I can get used to, so don't feel like you can't ever suggest something like this again. On the contrary, it's practice that's going to make me feel more accustomed, so practice is what we should do."

"Great to hear.” Erza replied with a slight grin. “Because despite the initial scare, when I figured out I was in safe and trustworthy hands after all, it started to become one of the best experiences of my life."

"Wow, guess we have our work cut out for us if we want to top it, then." Jellal said with a bright smile.

"Oh, I'm not worried about that at all." Erza said, returning the smile. "I'm 100% certain that we can achieve even greater heights together."


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