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 "Not knowing of her true existence, Subject 5 wakes up in a unknown abandoned laboratory. As each day passes, flashes of past memories flood her mind. Subject 5 remembers herself as Heather Brown, but with a few bodily changes. Soon after regaining all of her memory as Heather Brown, she sets out to escape to find answers. As she's making her way through the facility, Subject 5 comes across 4 corpses. These 4 corpse resemble her, except they are more spider like and less human in a deformed manner. Putting together what she has found, Subject 5 quickly realizes that she must be the 5 one. A successful clone of Heather Brown and not the original. Realizing this Subject 5 grows angry and vengeful, feeling abandoned by the original Heather Brown. Escaping the facility, Subject 5 goes with the name "Hayden Brown" knowing she is not Heather. Hayden has all of Heather's memories and abilities, without the need for glasses. She uses her memories to track down Heather in her plot for revenge. But Hayden comes across a Sara Nicole, remembering her from a childhood that is not her own. She remembers Heather's resentment toward Sara, and in doing so decides to take Sara as her very own Girlfriend. Knowing that Heather would be disturbed by the thought of dating Sara, this encourages Hayden to follow through with the act. As a form of payback to Heather, but over time Hayden begins to fall for Sara. Now Hayden sets out to ruin the life that Heather has. The Life that Hayden felt should be her own. " 

I love guest art and I love fan fiction!  I'm lucky to have such great readers!


Spinnerette - Hayden

Not knowing of her true existence, Subject 5 wakes up in a unknown abandoned laboratory. As each day passes, flashes of past memories flood her mind. Subject 5 remembers herself as Heather Brown, but with a few bodily changes. Soon after regaining all of her memory as Heather Brown, she sets out to escape to find answers.



Oooooh...me likey. This also conveniently fills in any plot gaps in that Hayden might want to have a meaningful relationship with Sara. If at all, I fail to understand why she'd want revenge against Heather; quite honestly, how would Heather have abandoned her in the laboratory setting? If at all, I'd blame whatever black op stole Heather to clone her for their nefarious purposes.


Honestly, I've been dabbling with fiction for quite some time. If there are no objections, I could come up with alternative story to the Hayden story. Of course, I'd like to get permission from both you and the author of the story. Might make for an interesting series of twisted plots. Thoughts?


She blames Heather because she's not mentally stable. The black widow genetics are always affecting her behaviour. Which is one of the reasons She took Sara. Black Widows normally turn on their mates, but Hayden fell for Sara. It's the thought of not being the original Heather. She woke up believing that's who she was, then realizes she wasn't. She feels like Mechamaid was stolen from her. Hayden has no memories of how they cloned her from Heather. So with no one around in the abandoned lab, the Heather in her thoughts was to blame.


She's more spider than human in her actions. Heather is more human than Spider. Every Spider like Hero needs their "Venom" ;D Also I'm glad you like it.


That is beautifully twisted. Wanna take this to the next level with a secretive black op organization in hopes of creating an 'Evil Clone Spinnerette' army??? I can see it now...the 'Vexed Spyders'


I've been following Krazy Krow since Day One. I could see your storyline taking some interesting twists. And this may be just the sort of booster shot that they need -- 'new blood'.


Very interesting! I'm all for helping the Spinny team. In my heart I would love for Hayden to be an actual character in the story. I plan on doing more art of her in the future.


Her bottom lefty is terrifying.