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This just came in the mail.  At Patreon last year, we all wrote notes to our future selves.  I had forgotten about it, to be honest.

I'm feeling kinda mixed on this.... at the time, I swore I'd make comics my day job someday.  A year later, that feels as far away as ever.  

Don't get me wrong, the comic is doing great!  All the artists live full time off the comic earnings, and I'm proud to have branched out into another comic with Monster Girl Academy.  I've just started accepting that making a living off my art just might not be in the cards.




So does this means that you will stop making your comics? I, personally, enjoy them (plot, character definition, artwork, graphics, colouring). You've done a great job so far. Do give up hope...or your dream. Sometimes...it just takes time.


Nonono, not at all! I don't think I'll ever stop making comics.... I don't think I even could stop! I just think I could do even more if it was my main gig.

Stone Quillian III

I hope you do keep up the comics. I love them.


You make it sound as if doing comics is a depressing gig. One that people should never get into.


Eh, he's more saying "It's not necessarily something you can live off of." He does webcomics becaue he likes to.


Sorry it hasn't been enough to sustain you directly, sir... but hey! The fact it's still successful and is helping support yourself and others is AMAZING. Congrats on that level of success, congrats on helping the others part of the comic, and THANK YOU for doing it!