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Now I want a housewife Spinny ;)




The Hostess has quite the imagination. I wonder if we’ll get through this without a Mad Men reference. :P

Johnny Charneca

Play, this id funny. This has Mad Men written all over it. Keep them coming!


Housewife by day, superhero by night. Hostess is definitely thinking of some wonderful things.

Jason Moon

Is Wholesome Spinny even SEXIER than Normal Spinny? Is she all that Wholesome? ;)


She's missing the wholesone lipstick ;)

Jason Moon

This is a delusional fantasy situation. It's very likely that "fantasy Hostess" does a number of things that the real one doesn't do. That's kind of the point(and BEST PART) of fantasies. :)


Hostess should be the house wife and spinny the hard worker. she has the muscles for it too. Heather should be in the more dominant role in and outside the bedroom. i can't see Sara dominating her when Heather is so muscled. hopefully Heather dominates here :3

Henri Black

Bottom Lefty is awfully well behaved in this strip.


"Can Beaver come out to play?" Wait, did i just...? Nah.


Wait… where would Spinny put a wedding ring? Bottom Lefty?